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Billionaire Swirl Bundle (A Box Set of THREE BWWM Romance Novels)

Page 26

by Ward, Vivian

  When I arrived at his house, he already had the table set and was waiting for me.

  “The food should be here soon,” he greeted me with a kiss.

  “Thank God, I’m starving.”

  While eating dinner, we talked about what areas I was interested in and what type of houses. Honestly, I hadn’t put a ton of thought into it.

  “I don’t know. Maybe Kansas City or Springfield.”

  “That’s so far away from here. Are you sure you want to move that far?”

  “If I want to be able to find a job and support us, I don’t really have a choice.”

  Getting logged onto the computer was the easy part. I had no idea how to do searches. Jeff explained the basics and helped me get on a few different websites. As he leaned over me to type, I couldn’t help but smell his cologne. The delicious scent filled my nostrils and sent tingles through my body. He pulled up a page with 20 houses per page, giving me a lot to look at. As I scrolled through the second page of listings, he leaned in and nuzzled his stubbly cheek against my neck, lightly scratching it. I rolled my head over to the side, leaving my neck completely exposed to him. He turned his face and planted kisses along the lobe of my ear, the length of my neck and made his way down to my shoulder.

  It seemed as though it had been ages since I’d been intimate with a man. Almost six months to be exact, and it felt good. I turned to face him. His soft lips found mine as he kissed me passionately. After a few minutes of kissing him, his tongue started to explore my mouth. I was like putty in his hands, which were now wrapped around my waist. While we continued kissing, his hands wandered up the front of my shirt as he squeezed my breasts. I moaned softly in his ear, which set him on fire.

  He pulled me out of the chair and started tearing my clothes off me. His aggressiveness was hypnotizing as I allowed him to strip me down to my bra and panties. Standing before him, he stopped to take in my view.

  “Absolutely incredible,” he growled.

  Moving in to kiss my breasts, his hands reached around my back where he unfastened my bra. The sexual urges within me began to awaken; a deep spark was building within me. I wanted this man, and I wanted him to have me.

  “Take me, Jeff,” I panted as he slid my bra straps off my shoulders.

  In one swift motion, he picked me up and carried me into his bedroom before he threw me down on the bed.

  “Come here,” his tone had changed. I’d never seen him this…driven.

  Before I could move a muscle, he grabbed my hips and pulled me to the edge of the mattress and promptly stripped me of my panties. I watched in magnificent delight as his broad shoulders spread my thighs apart and his head went between my legs. His tongue lashed out at me with animalistic qualities. As he feasted upon my slit, my back arched in sheer pleasure. I gasped as his tongue skillfully and avidly sucked and bit my hot box. His dense hands were fixated on my inner thighs, preventing me from ever closing my legs if I dare tried. As he brought me to orgasm, I could feel myself melting into the mattress. I attempted to squeeze my legs closed as he lapped my over-sensitized clit, but he wouldn’t have any part of it. Begging for mercy, I pleaded with him to stop. For a moment, his head popped up as he grinned at me; his face covered in my juices.

  “Oh, no you don’t. I’ve been waiting for this for a long time,” he said as his head darted between my legs and he took his rightful place.

  His warm breath was intensified against my flesh as my sweet nectar continued coating his face. After a few minutes, he finally came back up and kissed me with my savory juices still on his lips. Turned on more than ever, I greedily reached down and started undoing his pants. Damn belts! He couldn’t get out of them fast enough as we worked together to take them off. Pushing me back onto the bed, he climbed on top of me and used his knee to push my legs apart as he sunk his member into me. Oh, God, did it feel good. Longing for sexual pleasure, I relished at the moment as he impaled me with his thick, insatiable cock. Driving his shaft deeper inside of me with swift momentum, I dug my nails deep into his back. A loud growl escaped his lips as he plunged into me even harder.

  He crammed every bit of his eight-and-a-half inch cock into my dripping slit as his oversized hands dug into my shoulders, burying himself deeper against my womb. His solidly built biceps flexed as he pounded into me. Delivering breathtaking lunges, he brought me to another mind-blowing orgasm. My body convulsed as my womanhood gripped onto his hearty shaft with intense force. As he quickened his pace, his balls steadily slapped into me. Within moments, he was biting my shoulder as his cock swelled and his sac tightened. I could feel his hot, thick cum spurting against my womb as he drained his balls into me.

  Hot, spent and shaky, he collapsed next to me on the bed as he took me into his arms and stroked my hair. Neither of us bothered to move a muscle in any attempt to clean up afterwards. I could feel the wetness of his seed trickling down my thighs as we cuddled.

  “That was incredible,” he said as he kissed my forehead.

  “Yes it was.”

  “Here,” he tossed me one of his shirts. “Let’s get something to drink. I don’t know about you, but my mouth feels like the desert.”

  Sitting at the breakfast bar in his kitchen, he poured each of us a glass of wine. While we were talking, I came to the realization that I’d just slept with another man. Thomas had been my one and only, but it felt so right. Being in his arms reminded me how lucky I truly was. After a few glasses of wine, I was feeling tipsy. It had been at least a year or two since I’d drank any alcohol. Being the lightweight that I was, Jeff carried me upstairs and put me to bed.

  The sun was beaming through the sheer curtains of his bedroom windows. I rolled over and saw he was already out of bed.

  “Jeff?” I called out to him.

  “In here,” he walked out of the bathroom while brushing his teeth.

  “I was wondering where you went. What time is it?”

  He looked at his watch, “Almost eight.”

  “Guess I better get a move on, then. You’ve got to get to work and I need to go check on Rocky.”

  “How’s everything going with the new dog?” he asked after he rinsed out his mouth.

  “Pretty good. I’m still working on learning the German commands. The sheet that man gave us is really coming in handy. There’s no way I’d be able to communicate with the dog if it weren’t for that.”

  “That’s good. If you want, we can meet back up for dinner tonight…unless you like sitting at home by yourself,” he teased.

  “Actually, I have some things to do around the house.”

  “I’ll call you tonight,” he put on his suit jacket. “And we’ll see what you’re up to. Maybe I’ll come stay the night at your house and protect you.”

  “Right,” I made a face at him. “Yeah, call me later on but I probably won’t be able to have dinner with you. I promised Ann from the church that I’d go through some of Nat’s old clothes. Her daughter’s a year younger than Natalie so I go through her clothes once or twice a year and give her what Nat can’t wear anymore.”

  “All right. I’ll call you this evening.”


  After running errands and stopping for lunch, I headed home to feed Rocky and get started on Natalie’s closet. Rocky was super excited to get fresh food and water. I must admit, he seems like a good dog. The man who trained him did an excellent job. I spent a little time out in the yard working with him on the German commands; the simple ones like sit, stay and fetch. Spending more time than I should have with the dog, I realized it was beginning to get late. I head inside to Nat’s room to finally get started on her closet. As much as I loved getting rid of stuff, I hated going through everything and making a big mess as I dragged it all out.

  It was nearly 7:30 before my back felt like it was going to break from bending over in her closet while I went through boxes. Taking a much needed break from work, I thought it would be nice to take the dog for a walk. The man who’d trained him said that Ro
cky liked to go for walks, and it would also allow us more bonding time. I grabbed his leash and went into the backyard. As soon as he spotted it, his tail started wagging out of control while he went into a sitting position. It was evident that he was trained to do that since most dogs run around in excitement when they see their leash.

  “Komm,” I tried in my best German accent.

  Rocky trotted up to me as he patiently waited for me to hook his leash to his collar. Pleased with his behavior, I gave him a gentle tug as I ordered him to come again. We made our way out of the gate and headed down the dimly lit country road. The fresh air filled my lungs as I drew in a deep breath. I’m sure going to miss walking around here. All the beautiful trees and small creeks would be scarce in a bigger city. I hated leaving it all behind but there was no turning back. I’d already accepted the offer from Jeff on the house and even if I hadn’t, the city was going to force me to move due to the development. And if that weren't enough, the amount of vandalism would be sufficient to make anyone want to run.

  Rocky was busy exploring his new surroundings as we walked down the gravel road. As we were walking around a curve in the road, I heard movement coming from the woods. Rocky must’ve heard it too judging by the way his ears shot up and he looked in the same direction as I was. I pulled on his leash to slow him figuring it was a deer in the woods and didn’t want him to try to take off after it. Slowly, I saw someone emerging from the woods; it was a man. A heavy-set man, about medium height but I couldn’t tell who it was.

  “Hello?” I called into the woods.

  When I didn’t receive an answer, I tried calling out again. Spooked by the man’s creepy movements, I tugged on Rocky’s leash once again to turn him around to head back home. Right as I was trying to get him to turn around, the man jumped out of the heavily forested woods. Rocky’s size and strength was too much for me to control. His leash slipped through my hands as I was knocked to the ground from the resistance of pulling on him. The man wasted no time ambushing me. I laid on the ground, weighted down by him, as he struck me in the face. Trying to fight back, I called out to Rocky, but he’d taken off running into the woods. Scratching and kicking, the man continued delivering painful blows to my face.

  “Stop! Stop it!” I spat out blood with each word. “Who are you?”

  The sick thuds of flesh hitting flesh seemed to echo in my ears as he continued punching me in the face. He delivered a shot to my nose that broke it as I heard the bone break in my face. I put my hands in front of my face in an attempt to block anymore strikes from the attacker, but he was too powerful. All I could do was lay there and take the beating. Going in and out of consciousness, I tried to get a good look at him. He was wearing a black morph suit that covered his face. I attempted to study his hands and the parts of his arms that were visible beneath the suit. Looking for a scar, mark or jewelry—anything that might help identify him later, I noticed that his nails were thick, yellow and apparently chewed on. He had no jewelry, scars or tattoos that I could see. I could tell that he was white, but other than that, I couldn’t tell much of anything else. He remained silent during the attack as I pleaded with him to stop. With one final blow, he punched me in the ribs, knocking the wind out of me. I laid on the ground in a fetal position, breathless and bloody as I passed out.

  When I came to, I had no clue how long I’d been blacked out. It was still dark out and the moon was high in the sky. I tried to get up, but I couldn’t. My ribs hurt beyond belief and my face was in excruciating pain. Thick clots of blood clumped in my nose, making it near impossible to breathe through my nose, forcing me to breathe through my mouth. Each time I swallowed, I tasted blood. The metallic iron taste nauseated me, causing me to throw up as I remained in a ball on the side of the road. About a half hour after I’d woke up, I finally managed to get on my feet and start walking home. I had no clue where Rocky was, but he was nowhere in sight. Maybe he ran off into the woods, or maybe whoever did this took him.

  Our short 15 minute walk to where I was attacked took me almost 45 minutes to walk back home from in my broken condition. Holding my ribs as I walked down the dark road, I kept looking around to make sure I wasn’t being watched. I was terrified that my attacker was still out there, waiting to strike again. Approaching my house, I saw lights in my driveway. Two sets of lights to be exact. I narrowed my swollen eyes as I strained trying to see who was at my house. Oh God, what if it’s him? What if he’s got someone at my house waiting for me to come home? I felt my pocket hoping that I had my keys with me so I could get away without them knowing I was there. Oh, thank you, Jesus. My keys were in my pocket. I was going to jump in the car and go as soon as I got to the driveway.

  Chapter 10

  “Judy!” Jeff yelled as he saw me hobbling up to the house. He rushed down the driveway coming to my aid.

  I was so happy when I saw him; I knew I was safe. He ran by my side as he wrapped his arm around me and helped me up to the house. As we walked up the driveway, I saw the other car was a police car.

  “What are they doing here?” I whispered.

  “What happened to you?” he cupped my chin with his hand to get a better look at my face.

  “Some guy attacked me,” I muttered. I could feel some of my teeth were broken as my tongue scraped their rough, jagged edges.

  “Who did this to you, Judy? Tell me who it was!” I could see the rage building within him.

  “Where’s the officer?”

  “In the house. Judy! You have to tell me who did this to you. Now,” he demanded.

  “I don’t know. And I don’t want the police involved. Everything around here gets published in the paper. I want to go inside and be left alone. Make him leave.”

  “You have to tell them what happened to you. What if Natalie would’ve been home? What if this would’ve happened to both of you?”

  “Please, Jeff, make him leave.”

  “No, we’re telling what happened. Someone’s going to pay for this. We’re going to figure this out together.”

  “But the city council is supposed to vote on the eminent domain tomorrow. I don’t want this being brought up when they announce it to the town. We both know this only happened because of it,” I eyeballed him.

  “I know it’s my fault. I caused all of this. I’m so sorry, Judy, but we have to let the authorities know. Someone needs to do time for what they did to you.”

  “All right,” I sighed. “But I don’t want to do this.”

  “Officer Fitzgerald!” Jeff called to the officer inside the house. “I found her, she’s out here.”

  A cop in his mid-twenties walked out of my house as he radioed in to let them know I’d been found. As he walked outside and took a glimpse at me, his jaw dropped.

  “Ms. Clay? Do you need me to call an ambulance?” the concerned officer asked me.

  “No, that won’t be necessary.”

  “Yes, she would like an ambulance,” Jeff insisted.

  “I don’t have insurance,” I whispered to him.

  “Then I’ll pay the bill. Judy, we have to get you looked at. Your face is swollen three times its normal size and your eyes are nearly shut. You’ve got globs of blood dried on your face and your nose looks like it’s broken.”

  The officer called in for an ambulance. “Ms. Clay, can you tell me what happened to you tonight?”

  “I’m sorry, may I have a drink of water first? I’d like to rinse this metallic taste out of my mouth. It’s making me sick to my stomach.”

  “Of course. Why don’t we go inside, get you a drink and take a report?” he suggested.

  Jeff helped me into the house as the officer started bombarding me with questions. After rinsing my mouth, I took a seat at the table while in agonizing pain. Maybe that ambulance will do me some good. My memory was fuzzy as I tried to recall what I remembered from the attack. Before I could explain what happened, the ambulance was pulling into the driveway. I recognized the paramedics as soon as I saw them; they were the s
ame men who came the day Thomas was killed.

  “Mrs. Clay,” one of the EMS responders nodded at me. “Can you tell me what happened tonight?” he asked as he prepared the gurney for me.

  “She was severely beaten by a man who’d been hiding in the woods,” Jeff intervened as he stood by my side.

  “Do you know who did this?” the paramedic asked, firmly directing his question to only me as he slipped on a pair of gloves.

  “No, I don’t.”


  It was apparent that Judy was distraught from her attack. When I tried calling her numerous times and she didn’t answer, I became worried about her. After arriving at her house and seeing her car there, but no response after knocking, I decided to let myself in. The fact that she and the dog were both gone is what alarmed me the most. I waited inside the house for over an hour with no signs that she was returning, and that’s when I called the police.


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