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Billionaire Swirl Bundle (A Box Set of THREE BWWM Romance Novels)

Page 31

by Ward, Vivian

  On our way out of town, we drove through the country, going right past my old house—or what used to be. It had already been torn down and most of the timber had been cleared out to make room for the development. Looking at it made me sad, but as I glanced to my right, I could still see some of the old pecan trees that had existed long before I ever met Thomas.

  “You okay?” Jeff asked as he saw me taking in the absence of what used to be my past.

  “Yeah, I’m good. It’s kind of sad to see everything gone, but I see the old pecan trees still standing tall,” I smiled at him.

  “It’s funny you mention that. The construction crew said they wanted to wait to take them down until fall. Apparently, your pecan grove is the source for local pecans and the guys asked if they could harvest one more season of them before they were wiped out.”

  “Really?” I gloated. That land may have been a poor land, but my memories there were richer than any amount of money in the world. “That makes me feel good.”

  “I’m glad,” he reached over to hold my hand. “Are you ready to get away for the first time ever?”

  “You have no idea how excited I am. We’ve never vacationed anywhere other than the woods, and even then, the last time we did, it was two summers before…the accident.”

  He kissed my hand, “Well, this time it’ll be the exact opposite of what you’re used to. You’ll be waited on hand and foot and we’ll soak our bodies in the warm sunlight in a beautiful pool. Afterward, we’ll enjoy deep tissue massages on the most comfortable tables you could imagine while viewing the white sandy beaches.”

  As he was describing everything, all I could envision was the warm sun hitting my skin as I sank my toes into the sand and watched the water dance in front of me. Excited to go, I asked him if he’d ever been to any of the islands that we were about to visit for our honeymoon.

  “No, not all of them. The only one that I’ve been to is Barbados, and it is beautiful there. I know for a fact that you’ll really like that one. As for the others, we’ll have to rely on your judgment of the pictures, so if it sucks, it’s your fault,” he teased.

  “Oh, we’ll have a great time.”

  “I know. We always have a great time anywhere we go together. You have that effect on me,” he squeezed my hand as he continued to hold it.

  When we got to the airport, we checked our luggage and headed through security. My stomach began to churn as I thought about getting on the plane. As much as I wanted to go on my honeymoon, I didn’t want to fly. I could feel my body temperature rising, yet my hands and face were breaking out in a cold sweat.

  “Are you feeling okay?”

  “No, I’m not. The closer we are to getting on that plane, the sicker I feel.”

  “Haven’t you flown before?”

  “No,” I grabbed my stomach. “Excuse me, I’m going to head into the restroom.”

  After I had vomited in the toilet, I wetted a paper towel with cool water and blotted my face with it. It seemed to help a bit, but I still felt queasy. I recomposed myself and went to the waiting area and took my seat next to my new husband. It still feels strange saying, my new husband. Before I knew it, they were calling our flight to board. I held his hand as we headed toward the terminal.

  “If you need anything, or feel like you’re going to get sick, let me know. But nothing bad is going to happen if that’s what you’re worried about. In fact, you’re less likely to get in a plane accident than a car crash.”

  “Thanks, but it doesn’t help me feel any better,” I said as I held my stomach and tried to occupy my mind with images of the beaches we were about to see.


  When our flight landed in Bali, I was so relieved. We’d made it there in one piece and the sight of everything was breathtaking. I’d never seen water so crystal blue, and so clean. In Nevada, the country was dirty and murky. Everything in sight was old, worn and weathered where I came from, but not here. Everything appeared brand new, sparkled and was unforgettable. We hailed a cab to take us to our resort; I could hardly wait to get there. The main city was filled with numerous shops that offered handmade crafts, island souvenirs, jewelry and other local novelties.

  The hotel was stunning. With 18 floors, it stood tall in the sky in contrast to everything else on the island I’d seen. The white building was complemented with gold trim—all of which seemed to shimmer in the sunlight. When we checked into our room, I was shocked to see such an elegant setting. The sliding glass doors led to a balcony which overlooked an enormous in ground pool that sat next to the ocean. Everything seemed surreal as I took it all in. I must be dreaming.

  Jeff walked behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist as he nuzzled his face into the crook of my neck. “It’s gorgeous, isn’t it?”

  “Oh, this is beautiful!” I spun around and kissed him.

  Even though it was nearly 3 PM when we arrived and we still had the rest of the day ahead of us, it didn’t stop us from consummating our marriage. Before I could unzip the first suit case, he started kissing my neck as he threw me down on the bed. He lifted my skirt and began removing my panties as he sank his teeth onto my neck. Moving to my breasts, he ravaged his way down my body until he reached my sweet spot, which had been heating up since the moment he climbed on top of me.

  Yearning for his touch, I thrust my hips into the air allowing him full access. His warm, skillful tongue stroked my clit as he began going down on me. Overwhelmed by the sensation, I grabbed fistfuls of the sheets and pulled on them as he plunged his fingers deep inside of me. His animalistic instincts took over as he continued to feast on my slit. I started cumming all over his face and tried to shut my legs but his oversized hands continued to push my thighs apart to relish in my sweet nectar.

  “Please,” I panted. My clit was overly sensitive, causing each lash of his tongue to send tingles jolting through my body.

  He raised himself onto his knees at the edge of the bed as he pulled off his black leather belt and ripped off his pants. It was obvious that he could hardly contain himself, and judging by his hard cock, I could see why. It sprang free as soon as he released it. I watched in delight as he grabbed his member by the base and pushed it inside of me.

  “You feel so good,” he said as he thrust himself into me.

  “Deeper,” I wrapped my legs around his waist.

  His strongly built arms enveloped me as he lunged himself into me. Every last inch of his thick shaft filled me completely. His intense sexual appetite dominated me as he flipped me onto my stomach and took me from behind. Clutching the pillows and using them for leverage, he ravenously shoved himself deeper and harder inside me than he ever had before. I was so turned on that I could feel my moistness on the bed sheets, which also provided him ample lubrication to glide in and out of me with ease. As I was about to cum again, he reached around and pinched my nipples while he pounded into me. The feel of his touch awakened something deep inside me, causing me to cum hard.

  “That’s it baby, cum for me,” he said as he fervently bucked his hips, allowing his cock to stimulate my G-spot repeatedly.

  I could feel myself tightening around his shaft as the sweat beaded on my brow. The euphoric surge of my orgasm left me breathless, but it didn’t slow him down a bit. At that moment, his hands clamped down onto my hips as he forcefully gouged himself into me. Within moments, I could feel his cum spurting inside of me, streaming out in hot molten jets. Satisfied with our afternoon romp, he collapsed on top of me. We laid there, a stack of sweaty bodies until we both recomposed ourselves.

  “Wow! What got into you?” I asked as his seed threatened to trickle out of me.

  “It’s our wedding night,” he gloated.

  “It’s three in the afternoon. We got married yesterday,” I reached for a t-shirt to wipe up with.

  “As far as I’m concerned, we haven’t been to bed yet so it’s still the same day to me,” he smiled.

  “I guess you have a point.”

you hungry yet?”

  “Starving to death! What are we going to eat?”

  “I thought we’d have a nice lunch out by the ocean, unless you want to go for a round two,” he teased.

  The rest of our honeymoon was filled with touring the islands, snorkeling, shopping, dining out on the most delicious food in the world and enjoying alone time together. When it was time to go home, I didn’t want it to end.

  “I miss Nat, but I wish we didn’t have to go home,” I admitted to him.

  “We’ve had a really great time,” he wrapped his arm around me. “And we can do this again. Maybe next time we can bring her so she can see what it’s like.”

  “She’s really going to like the souvenirs I bought for her.”

  “Yeah, I think the bracelet will be her favorite, but she might like those paint brushes you found.”


  Once we were back home, I forgot how much I missed it. Nat was elated with the gifts we brought back for her, and Jeff was right: she loved the bracelet the most. Though, I had a surprise of my own for the two of them. I waited to give it to them until we’d been back home for almost two weeks.

  “What’s the special occasion?” Jeff asked as he came in from work and smelled dinner cooking in the oven.

  “I thought I’d make one of your favorites. Come in the kitchen, I have something for you.”

  Nat was sitting at the table, sketching a picture of one of her teachers when we walked in.

  “Have a seat,” I told him as I got her attention.

  I walked over to the junk drawer in the kitchen and pulled out a sheet of paper.

  “When we were on our honeymoon, I wanted to tell you then, but I thought it’d be better to wait until we were back home.”

  “What is it?” The anticipation was killing him.

  I turned the sheet of paper around so they could see what I was holding up in front of them. Jeff looked it over for a few minutes before his eyes lit up.

  “Wait, is that from Dr. Whitnell? Is that what I think it is?”

  I slowly nodded my head. Natalie was still trying to catch on to what it said.

  “I’m pregnant!” I announced.

  She looked up at me in shock and excitement. Ironically, it matched his expression perfectly.

  “I’m going to have a brother or sister?” she asked.

  “Yes, you are. We’re going to have a mini Pincetti running around the house, and if it’s anything like you,” I pointed to Jeff, “we’ll have a Min Pin on the loose!”

  He picked me up and spun me around the kitchen. “Oh, Judy, that’s such great news! You knew on our honeymoon?”

  “Yeah, when we were at the airport and I felt jittery and nauseous; it didn’t feel right. And when I threw up out of nowhere at the airport, I had a feeling. I snuck into the pharmacy in Bali and took a home pregnancy test, but I didn’t want to tell you until a doctor confirmed it.”

  “Judy Pincetti, you make me the happiest man alive. I can’t believe we’re going to have a baby!”

  From that day on, all Nat did was draw pictures and sketches of babies—when she wasn’t working on making baby blankets for her new brother or sister. I think she was more excited than we were! And when the time came, I knew she’d make a wonderful big sister. When we told everyone at the church, they held a potluck in our honor as all the members celebrated the new edition.

  “You know, it’s been so long since you had a baby,” Ann told me. “We’re going to have to throw you a baby shower.”

  “Oh, you don’t have to do that.”

  “I insist! As much as you’ve helped us out over the years, it’s the least we can do.”


  The summer before Natalie started high school, we took a much needed family vacation to Disney World. Jeff had been working so much that he’d hardly been able to spend much time with the family. He was busy venturing into new possible developments and exploring his options with corporate building spaces. Nevada’s development was thriving, which was excellent for the community. It brought a multitude of new jobs and gave several business owners the store fronts they needed to set up shop.

  Mayor Goodwin successfully completed his sentencing and was banned from being a city official ever again. When he was released, he was placed on house arrest. With good behavior after six months, his house arrest was suspended upon successful completion of his probation. He was now working as a shoe salesman in the Town Square, and from what I heard he hated every minute of it. My fellow church members were sure to give him an extremely hard time when they went in trying on shoes.

  As for me, I was busy being a stay-at-home mom, taking care of the kids and helping Jeff here and there when needed. Tyler—or as we called him, ‘Lil’ Ty’—doted on his big sister, following her around and imitating her. He loved to draw as much as she did, though his skills weren’t as developed as hers. But to me, those tiny drawings meant everything in the world to me. Only one more year at home with him, and then he’d be starting pre-school before moving onto kindergarten. He was a bright kid, and a joy to be around.

  The week of our family vacation, I spent what seemed like every waking moment packing suit cases and arranging our trip. I wanted the kids to experience the ocean while we were in Florida and see some of the wonders of nature that we didn’t have here in Missouri. The day before we were due to head out, I loaded up the van with most of our luggage so we only had to worry about our last minute bags and pillows.

  “Okay everyone, after breakfast, get dressed, brush your teeth and get ready to head to Disney World!” I announced as I sat breakfast on the table.

  “I can’t wait to go, mom! I’m so excited!” Natalie said as she shoveled her food into her mouth at lightning speed.

  A couple of years after she’d been at the KC School for Deaf, she became so fluent at reading lips that they wondered if she didn’t have a slight ability to read lips. At their recommendation, I took her to a specialist who performed the latest technological testing on her and determined that she might benefit from a cochlear implant. We were reluctant to go through with the surgery at first, but she said she wanted a chance to hear more than anything in the world. After persuading us, we agreed and scheduled the surgery. With the grace of God, it did work and she could hear; though, it wasn’t as good as natural hearing, she could hear noise, music and words. She’d been actively working with a speech pathologist to help her pronounce words since she struggled with producing the sounds since she’d never heard them before.

  “Me too!” Ty shouted as his cereal dribbled off his spoon.

  “Well, after you’re done, do what your mother said. I’ve got a couple of things I want to check on before we go, but as soon as she says it’s okay, we’ll leave.”

  While I chased the kids around the house making sure they were getting ready, Jeff went out to check the oil and tire pressure in the van before we left for Florida. After a long hour, all of us were finally settled in the van, safely buckled and signing songs as we merged onto the highway.

  If you would’ve told me that this would’ve been my life 15 years ago, I would’ve said you were crazy. But the sweet reality is that this is my life now, and I love every minute of it. Natalie and I still visit her daddy’s grave on his birthday and Father’s Day, and there’s not a minute that goes by that we don’t miss him, but we’re happy where we are. Without Jeff, we might not have ever known there was a possibility that she could hear. With the advancements in technology, it wasn’t possible when she was younger. And without my amazing husband, I wouldn’t have our precious son who looked just like his daddy.

  A Very Bad Billionaire

  A Very Bad Billionaire

  By Vivian Ward

  Copyright 2015 Vivian Ward

  All Rights Reserved

  This book is a work of fiction. Any similarity to real people, places, or events is strictly coincidental. This book may not be reproduced or distributed in any format without the expressed
written permission of the author. Exception is made in the case of brief quotations used in published reviews.

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