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A Sugar Daddy’s Secret

Page 12

by Kathleen Hill

  “Steven, oh God, Steven. It feels so fucking good to have you inside of me,” she whispered to him as he slammed into her again.

  It was quick but it was something that they both needed. They could wait for the long sexual encounter that they were going to have in his room.

  When they were done, they quickly cleaned themselves up and cleaned up the kitchen like they said that they would. They both had smiles on their faces. They didn’t have to wait for their father to go to bed that night. Steven knew that Mark was sleeping, it didn’t take him long to fall asleep.

  “You think that we can keep this up?” Emma asked as they put the dishes away together.

  “What do you mean?” Steven asked, he was the confused one this time.

  “Do you think that we’re going to make it with all the men that are going to come around. Dad said that it was going to be hard and I don’t want to be with anyone. I don’t want to be with anyone but you,” Emma told him seriously fearing the future.

  “If you only want to be with me Emma, then it’s not going to be hard. You don’t have to date anyone if you don’t want to. You don’t even have to get married if you don’t want to. I guess time will tell if you really want to be with me or if you’re just happy with me for now,” Steven said as he shrugged his shoulders.

  He wasn’t trying to be mean. He was just trying to be truthful with her. That was the only way he wanted it.

  “I promise you right now that nothing is going to change how I feel about you Steven. You’re the only one that I’ve wanted for years,” she told him softly as they headed away from the kitchen.

  “Are you sure?” He didn’t want to trap her, he didn’t want her to think that she couldn’t go on with her life if she truly found someone that she wanted to be with.

  “I don’t know how to make you believe me, Steven. You should know by now that I’m in love with you. This isn’t just a game to me and I know that you want to be with me. Why would I go to someone else when I have you here waiting for me?” Emma asked, placing a hand on her hip.

  “I just want to make sure that this is what you want,” he murmured as he stopped in front of his bedroom door.

  “I know this is what I want for the rest of my life,” Emma whispered to him as he turned the doorknob to his room.

  Emma pushed the door all the way open letting him go into the room first. Before he turned the bedroom light on she shut the door and locked it.

  Turning on his beside lamp he lay down on his bed and stared up at the ceiling. He wasn’t sure how long they were going to be together. A secret like this one was hard to keep and he knew that there would be men looking at her left and right.

  “What are you so worried about?” she whispered, getting on the bed beside him and wrapping an arm around his waist.

  “I don’t want you to change. A lot of people change Emma when they become famous and I don’t want you to be one of them,” he told her, swallowing hard.

  She didn’t know how much he had grown attached to her in the two days that she had been there and he didn’t want her running away and not seeing her for years on end like it had happened the first time.

  “Things have changed Steven. We have changed from the people that we used to be. Now you can’t keep your hands off me. I worked hard to get to where I am with my body and looks. All that time that I was changing there was no other man that had come across my mind. The only one that I kept seeing when I fell asleep at night time was you. I did this for me and I did this for you,” she explained to him, wishing that he would lighten up and believe what he was telling her.

  “We are going to have to take all of this in stride.” He looked at her and watched as she took her bathrobe off for the last time that night.

  “I’m going to be right here for you all the time. When you turn around, I am going to be there. I’m not going to stray.” she told him in a seductive voice.

  Emma slid her body against his and wrapped a leg around him as he took his hands from behind his head and brought an arm around her.

  “I sure hope so Emma, I sure hope so,” he murmured as she slid a hard nipple against his lips and felt the tip of his tongue slowly teasing her hard nipple.

  “You’re going to see that you’re the only man in my life that I want to be with sexually. We are going to have one hell of a life together and I can’t wait for it to begin,” she moaned, bringing a hand down to his pants and sliding her hand down until her palm was pressing against his cock that was already hard for him once again.

  He nodded his head and moaned, opening his mouth wider for her to push her tit in. He latched onto her tit and sucked slowly at first. The louder she moaned for him the faster he sucked.

  He brought a hand down to her pussy and pushed two of his fingers inside of her. She began grinding against him. They were teasing each other, making up for lost time and Emma knew that if she hadn’t left nothing would’ve gone on between them. They had to have that time away from each other to grow, to show each other who they had become and she thought that Steven was perfect in every way. She knew where she wanted to be, right there in his arms. She would do what she had to. She knew that Steven needed the security that everything was going to work out. She was willing to give him all the security that he needed.

  Steven made her roll over on her back, his fingers coming out of her to be replaced by his hard cock. She wrapped her legs around his waist, locking her ankles into place.

  “We don’t have to go fast, we have all night.” Emma whispered to him, as she slowly brought her head up, bringing her lips to his.

  Steven pushed her back down against the pillows and kissed her hard on the mouth, sliding his tongue between her lips to tease hers that was waiting for him.

  Steven slowly made love to her that night on his bed, but he didn’t know where they were headed. He didn’t know what the future held for them but he hoped that they were going to face it together. He had grown up believing that actions spoke louder than words and just like anyone else Emma had to do the same thing. She couldn’t just say that she was going to be there, she had to show it.

  Closing his eyes tighter he wanted to remember the feeling. He wanted to remember the moment that he was in.

  “We’re going to make it Steven, you just wait and see. I’m going to prove it to you,” Emma whispered to him.

  She knew his worries and fears and there was no place she’d rather be at that moment then in his arms like she was right that second.

  “I’m making you this promise right now that I’m not going to leave you Steven. I’m sure you’ve heard that before from different girls but I’m not like them. I know that I have a good thing and I’m not going to ruin it. Your heart is safe with me, trust me,” she whispered to him.


  Bonus 4 of 20

  Layla and Her Aliens


  Layla is a space pirate. She is a tough chick who makes a living by landing on a resource-rich planet, stealing the resources and selling it to someone who needs it the most. She has never cared about anyone but herself and doesn't plan to change that. But when she and her current crew of misfits get captured by an alien race she has stolen from in the past, she turns on the seductive charm to get out of there. She finds herself in the arms of the second in command who she will make fall in love for her in order to protect her so she can eventually escape. But she soon butts heads over this idea with a crew member, her own second in command, who is also an alien and apparently has been in love with her for a long time. This twisted love triangle eventually ends in someone's tragic death which teaches Layla to take nothing and no one for granted.

  Chapter 1

  Layla Riker stood before the leader of the Zulas, trying not to be disgusted by the smell they emitted. She had just began doing dealings with the Zulas, as soon as she got a glimpse of what their everyday people were up against. Other than select places back on Earth, she had never seen poverty quite sostriking a
s that of the Zulas and they needed her help. Even the leader, Ranjay, was going bankrupt.Though,he still found ways to pay herwith resources that would bring a pretty penny back on Earth. Specifically, the Zulashad clean water in abundance; water that was better than the filthy stuff left back on Earth. She knew there would be a bidding war over it, so she let her crew believe this was her only motivation for working with the Zulas. A pirate captain could never reveal her heart or she would lose her followers. She had learned that the hard way in the past.

  "What I am asking for you to get us is blood," Ranjay explained, looking up at her with his set of desperate green eyes. The Zulas resembled very large and slimy bugs that slid around on their tails like snails. They smelled similar to that too, and it didn’thelp that they were plagued with disease. It made perfect sense that they would want blood, which wasn't the red substance that flowed from Layla's veins. Blood was the slang term for an item that was precious to the entire universe; providing both fuel and medicine to more than half of the known galaxies. But a few unlucky planets had none of this naturally and had to either trade, or trust pirates to illegally grab the stuff for them. That was where Layla came in.

  "Blood could change our lives for the better if we could get our hands on it. We could get more things done and we could heal our diseases." Layla nodded, knowing Ranjay was correct in that statement. But she also knew the danger she would be putting herself and her crew in to get ahold of it. The large quantities the Zulas would demand would mean travelingto a planet which was rich in blood; a planet she had already robbed from twice.

  "I understand that, Lord Ranjay, but you know the danger that lies ahead for us to steal blood. Many civilizations guard the stuff with their lives. There is only one that does not," she spoke, keeping her head down in respect.

  "Ah, I know of what you speak, my dear friend. The Arkuns have blood in abundance, but they are a strong people. This is why in return, I will offer you water to take back to Earth, as much as you ask me for. We have so many rains here, I will not even miss it. But your people, they need it dearly, do they not?" He drove a hard bargain, one that Layla wasn’t about to turn down. Though, she couldn’t help but see the shake of Orion’s head to her left as he stood with the rest of the crew. He had been her second in command for over a year now and had always erred on the side of caution. That just wasn’t her nature and he should have known better than to give her any sign to not do it. It just served as a challenge.

  "I am happy to make this deal with you, Ranjay, and I will do everything within my power to get you what you need. I have not failed yet."

  "I should say not," he joked with a sickening, phlegmy chuckle. "Otherwise, you'd be in chains by now."

  Layla laughed politely at the joke, feeling the pressure on her. But she would never let it show as she made the official deal and headed back to her ship with Orion and the others in tow. She didn’t wait to get their opinion or even to acknowledge the look on their faces. She was their captain and they would do what she said or be dropped off at the next planet to fend for themselves. Those were the rules.

  "Alright, it looks like we are headed on our next adventure," Layla said with a smile, her British accent slipping out strong at the moment. "I'm assuming you know where to steer this ship, so let's get within orbit, and then we'll think of a plan. On the fly is the only way with these guys. They're too damn organized."

  Layla stood there in the captain’s position, plugging in the coordinates as her leather bodysuit and armor squeaked with her excited movements. A piece of her amber waves fell over one eye and she imagined with a chucklethat she had a patch there. Sometimes, being a space pirate was a great way to fulfill the little girl inside of her that never really grew up.

  "Don't you think you're taking things a little far this time?" Arsinia asked, limping her way over to Layla. Arsinia was the oldest inthe crew and had hurt her leg during a battle in the intergalactic army. They wanted nothing to dowith her after that, which left her pissed and ready to join the crew. But that streak of authority was still there sometimes.

  "Last I checked, you were not the commander here," Layla barked, making it clear that her word was final. They were her crew and completelyreplaceable. All except Orion, but she doubted he would ever leave. He had no family or anything to go back to.

  Orion glared at her now and pulled Arsinia back, recognizing the rage on Layla's face. He was always doing that; saving the others like some good cop, bad cop scenario. She secretly liked it, but she’d never let on.

  "All she was trying to say is that she was worried. She's worried about all of us. It will be our third big heist on that planet. There will be no mercy if they catch us." Orion’svelvety voice reached Layla's ears and it made her feel calmer. It was one of the special things about his kind. They had this thing with diffusing fights; sometimes even war.Politicians on Earth had employed his kind many times.

  Layla looked over at him, with his dirty blonde hair and hard muscular build which attempted to contradictthe fact that he was not human. The only sign of that were the black lines that looked like they had been burned into the skin across the right side of his face and down his neck and collar bone. Layla had always wondered how far down the markings went but not enough to ask him. He was always so calm, but she didn’t want to find out what made him explode.

  "Last time I checked I had never gotten caught. And even if I did, I wouldn’t take the whole crew down with me. I run a tight ship, but I am your captain," she mused, looking around the ship at all of them. "Now, can we get this show on the road, please. I'd like to get a hold of some cold hard cash."

  Chapter 2

  It didn’t take long for them to reach the Arkuns' planet. Layla looked out the glass window of her spaceship; the one she had stolen when she was only 17 years old, and found herself face to face with a green and blue planet that wasn't terribly unlike what Earth used to look like. Though, the atmosphere was slightly different and the technology had made it much farther than Earth before its major collapse. If it weren’tfor the jerks that inhabited the planet, Layla would actually consider settling down there one day, when she was older and not as useful.

  The ship came to orbit along with the two moons that belonged to the planet.She turned on the invisibility shield, knowing the Arkuns would have the technology to figure out they were there otherwise.

  "Alright, captain, what’s the plan?" Orion asked, crossing his arms over his chest like he was challenging a small child. He was only a yearolder than her but acted like he was the wise old man on the ship. It made her want to throw something at him sometimes.

  "The plan is this. We take it down into the jungle, close to the beach. Three of us will go out to find the closest blood tower and the rest will stay with the ship. We'll stay in communication so that if something happens, I can tell you to get out of Dodge. Got it?"

  Layla looked into each one of her crew members' eyes, staring them down to be sure they were going to follow her orders. It was the reason she switched crews as often as possible. There was a fine line between loyalty and fear. She knew some of the crew she had now would have to be retired soon because they were becoming too observant and too loyal to each other instead of just her. Layla didn’t usually get attached, but there was something about this group that was hard to let go.

  They nodded in unison, though she saw a hesitance in Orion she didn’t like. He would be the hardest to let go. He was the only crew member she'd ever had that had gotten to know anything about her personally and he was loyal to a fault. He would follow her and the crew into a blazing inferno if that's what she ordered. Though, he would be yelling at her the whole time about it.

  "Alright, then I need four to stay with the ship and two to come with me," Layla announced as she began buckling her weapons to her body suit. With all the knives and ammo, as well as, the sword she hung from her back, she would be a force to be reckoned with. Intimidation was always her first defense. As a woman in the pirating wor
ld, it had to be.

  "I'll be going, and we can take Nella." Layla shook her head at Orion.

  "You're my second for a reason. I need you to stay to command this ship if something happens," she told him sternly, ready to pick someone else. "Nella can go, but why don’t I take..."

  "Absolutely not!" Orion cut her off, making her look like a fool. She backhanded a nice, loud slap across the side of his face without markings. He knew better than to question her authority in front of everyone like that. It was the only power she had and it was critical for their survival and success.

  Orion gave her a look of desperation that she had never seen, and it was the only time Layla had ever considered letting a crew member have their way. But damn it, it would mean she would have to let Orion go after this. There was no keeping him that way. "Fine, but you better damn well follow every order I give out there."

  Orion nodded with gritted teeth, his cheek still red from the slap. Deep down, Layla felt guilty about it. Being a hard ass all the time wasn't always fun for her. It was lonely.

  The three of them loaded up with weapons and their communicators as the ship came down as gently as a feather. It had never failed Layla before, and it wasn’t going to fail her now.

  As they came down the ramp and looked back, they could not tell where the ship had landed beyond some disturbance in the brush. Unless someone walked directly into it, no one was going to know it was there. The hard part was going to be for the three on the ground, trying to find their way to the nearest blood tower undetected.

  Blood towers were large dark spires that pulled the blood from the ground and they were usually surrounded by refineries and workers at all times. And the Arkuns were excellent fighters; bred as a 75 percent male population for the purpose of being strong, fast and intelligent. Layla had never even met a female Arkun before. Though, the population growth suggested they existed somewhere.


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