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A Sugar Daddy’s Secret

Page 15

by Kathleen Hill

  "You dare defy me?" Braunis yelled at his commander. "Move or you will die with her."

  "I will die fighting and you will lose half of your army," Kraordis warned, and Layla was shocked at how willing Kraordis was to betray his own kind to keep her safe. He had never said he loved her, but it was that moment that she knew he did. He truly loved her, and she was certain now that she loved him back.

  "You would kill your own men for this criminal?" Braunis asked looking disgusted and baffled.

  "She is no criminal. I love her.She tried to make peace and be respectful to both her crew and to the Arkuns. She does not speak for Orion, and he does not speak for her. He made his own choice. She could do great things for us; negotiate new treaties. And I doubt you will find another commander as skilled as I." Layla almost laughed at his last threat,knowingit was the truth but unsure why he dared to go there. Kraordis was deadly.She had known it from the moment they met.

  "Very well, but keep her out of my sight until I decide what to do with her." Braunis shooed them away with his hands, and Layla felt herself being lifted up into Kraordis' strong arms as he carried her back to their room.

  Laying her on the bed, he kissed her on the forehead. "It’s going to be alright," he soothed. "I won’t let a single soul harm you."

  Chapter 10

  Three months later...

  Layla stood proudly before the high council as well as the Zulas and her own people, watching them come up to place their names on the treaty she had helped to draft.

  It had taken some time to gain the trust of the Arkuns after what had happened, and she had taken time to get overthe loss of not just her crew and Orion, but also of her past life. She had been sure she would be a space pirate until she was old and grey, but she had found a more noble place among the Arkuns, making free intergalactictrade possible. She could still help planets lacking in resources this way, but she could do it with Kraordis by her side; the man she was certain she loved.

  The Zulas clapped as their leader placed his signature on the parchment and then the same with the humans. Clean water and blood would make it to where it was needed most, and it was because of her and the man that believed in her.

  "Braunis," Kraordis spoke up, catching Layla's attention. "before we dismiss, I would like to ask something of your grace," he said, coming forward to the foot of the throne.

  "Speak," Braunis told him, waiting to hear what hehad to say in front of everyone.

  "The woman I love, Layla, is the reason we are gathered here today to embark on this new alliance. I feel it is the perfect time to ask of you, Lord Braunis, to allow, if she will accept me, for us to be married in the ways of the Arkuns; joined forever. I do not ever wish to leave her side." Kraordis bowed low as Layla felt her jaw drop to the ground. He was asking to marry her? A wife was not something she thought she would ever be, but she found that the idea of belonging to Kraordis forever; being linked to him in an unbreakablebond, warmed her heart like nothing else.

  "Layla, do you wish to join with Commander Kraordis inmarriage?" Braunis asked, looking to Layla in curiosity. The answer was clear.

  Layla looked right at Kraordis with tears welling up in her eyes; this time of joy. "I do."


  Bonus 5 of 20

  NBA Super Star


  James had one shot at making it with the NBA Wild Cats. He was excited about having his chance. Though there were quite a few men who were trying out for the same team he wasn’t sure he was going to make it. When his brother comes in right before his name is called he has more faith than ever, hoping to have a big celebration after he makes the team. He doesn’t know what’s in store for him when he leaves it up to Anthony to plan out his celebration. It’s a celebration of a life time!

  Chapter 1

  James was a tall, handsome man with sandy brown hair and light brown eyes. He was twenty-three and trying out for one of the biggest sports in the United States. He was trying out for the NBA, he could imagine it now being on television just knowing that his friends and family would be seeing him. He was going to be a sports star just like he had always dreamed he would since he was little.

  James imagined the fans who would want his autograph and the women that he would be dating. He wasn’t going to settle down, wanting to see what kind of women were out there. He was looking for exciting, exotic women that could fill his satisfaction when it came to pleasing him. He hoped that he would come across some women who wouldn’t mind doing what he wanted when he wanted to.

  “I wanted to wish you luck on tryouts tonight,” A male’s voice said from behind him.

  James smiled, he knew that voice anywhere. It was a step brother from back home, not just any friend but his best friend.

  “Hey, I didn’t think anyone who looked familiar would be around.” James turned around, taking his eyes off the large basketball court.

  His brother, Anthony, was standing there with a smile of his own on his face. James gave him a big hug and was even happier that someone had taken the time to come and see him on the big night. That night was going to make him or break him.

  Anthony was twenty-four with short black hair and dark blue eyes. He was just slightly shorter than James was and more masculine. He had a tanned body from being out in the sun, he was a roofer and that’s how he had stayed in shape for a few years.

  “Everything is going to be great, you’ve got the talent,” Anthony told him as they let go of each other.

  “I’m not going to lie, I’m a little nervous. I mean who wouldn’t be? It’s the NBA,” James said, looking around and seeing a few more guys coming through the double doors.

  “Don’t worry about it, they have nothing on you. The scouts wanted you for a reason, they see a lot of potential in you and they know that you have talent. They’ve seen it at numerous games and that’s why they put you on the list. This is going to be great for you,” Anthony assured him, seeing the worried look in his brother’s eyes.

  He didn’t have to ask if he was worried, after the years of knowing each other he just knew. He saw the tension in his brother’s body and the way he stood but he also saw that James kept his head held high.

  “There are ten men here for tryouts and they’re only going to pick two. I’m sure whoever doesn’t make it they will be picked up by someone else. I mean that’s how it goes. One team doesn’t take you another team will. Either way I’m going to make it.” James gave him the look that he could do anything he set his mind to.

  “You really want to play for this team?” Anthony asked him.

  “The Wild Cats have always been a dream of mine, they are my favorite team. If they don’t pick me up I will be grateful to play for any team,” James replied as he nodded his head firmly.

  He wasn’t going to be upset or picky when it came to what team he played on. This was the team they had chosen him for and he couldn’t believe it when one of the scouts had come up to him after a college game and told him who they were and what they wanted.

  That night had been a big deal for him, he had gone out to dinner with his family and then went out partying with his friends. Celebrating to have the chance to tryout, everyone that he knew was proud of him. Girls that never noticed him in college were asking for his number that night at the bar and he just waved them off. If he wasn’t good enough before everyone found out about his shot at the NBA, then he was going to make them feel as if they weren’t good enough now that they knew his name.

  “After you make the team, we are going to go out and party hard. We’re going to party so hard that you’re going to forget what we did and I’m going to have to remind you.” Anthony laughed, thinking about the celebration that was going to take place after making the team.

  “I don’t want to party that hard, you really want to do something awesome for me?” James raised his eyebrows at him.

  “Sure.” Anthony would do anything for him if he could.

  “Find a woman that w
ouldn’t mind sharing her time and body with us.” James winked at him.

  Anthony couldn’t tell if James was kidding around or not. He saw a grin on his face but there was no laughter behind it to let him know that he was just teasing him.

  “I already have someone in mind,” Anthony told him, smirking at him. He knew that if James was kidding around he would’ve made a comment about his statement but he made none.

  “James Matthews, is there a James Matthews here?” A man with a clipboard was walking towards the men that were already taking the court to practice.

  “Here, I’m here!” James called out, going down the bleachers and making his way to the court.

  “Fantastic.” The man looked up at him and gave him an encouraging smile.

  Anthony looked at the clock it was only two in the afternoon, tryouts didn’t start until eight that evening. He had plenty of time to take off and come back before the tryouts even started.

  “I wouldn’t miss it for the world. Are we going to be able to come back in if we leave for a few hours?” James asked, knowing he wasn’t going to stay for eight hours before the tryouts began.

  “Yes, you all may leave whenever you want to. Just be here an hour before tryouts. I want all of you to know that this is a closed tryout session. In the past, we’ve had open tryouts but we’ve come to find out that it just takes more attention away from the players. Again, this is a closed tryout session,” the man told the men that were already there.

  Anthony and James made eye contact with each other. Anthony was glad that James could take a few hours and hang out, in California there was plenty to do.

  Anthony got off the bleachers and waited for James, they walked out together and Anthony grinned at him. By the next day, James’s life was going to change even if he didn’t make the team, James was soon to become a popular man all over the world when it came to basketball fanatics.

  Chapter 2

  “What are we going to do for a few hours?” James asked when they got into Anthony’s car, wondering how they were going to spend their day.

  “I have a friend who we’re going to visit and go from there. I haven’t seen her in a long time. She’d be mad if I showed up and didn’t visit her,” Anthony told him, starting up the car and pulling out of the parking lot.

  Anthony had grown up in California that’s where his and James’ parents met when they were younger. When James was fifteen years old his family wanted to move away to Texas and he had decided to stay behind. He had moved in with Anthony’s aunt when she realized how hard it was for James to leave with his family. He didn’t want to leave and it had caused a big fight until Anthony’s aunt stepped in and gave them the option of letting James stay with her. It had been a hard decision for James’ parents but James had won.

  Anthony had moved to Florida when he had hit eighteen but once he had heard the good news he knew that he had to be here for James. Their parents couldn’t make it and that was a big disappointment to James. He knew that so there was no way that he was going to let James down when he called and told him that no one was going to be there for him. Everyone knew but no one wanted to take the time out of their own busy life to watch basketball tryouts when they thought it was an open session.

  Anthony pulled up to a white house that was so big it looked like a mansion. He shut his car off and felt a smile come across his face. He hadn’t seen his friend Carrie since he had moved. He hardly kept in touch with her so she was going to be surprised. The only things he knew about her now was that she was single and a model for dirty magazines that were all over the state of California. The reason she could afford such a big house and the expensive cars that she had bragged about over social media.

  “I thought we were getting out? We’re wasting time,” James groaned seeing that Anthony was finally getting out of the car and he followed suite. Glad that he could spend time with Anthony himself. He didn’t get to see Anthony that much.

  They both walked up the stairs to the big house and James stood behind Anthony he didn’t know anyone there. He saw that Anthony knew what he was doing and kept his mouth shut.

  Anthony knocked three times before he saw the doorbell on the side and he pushed his finger down on it.

  He stood there for a few minutes and thought that she wasn’t home. He was hoping that he hadn’t missed her because it was the only time that he’d be able to talk with her in person and try to help James out.

  Just as he was about to turn away from the door someone opened it. It was a short, dark, woman and she had a maid’s uniform on that’s when he knew that Carrie had maids and butlers that worked for her.

  “Does Carrie Oliver live here?” Anthony asked, making sure that it was the right place to begin with.

  “Carrie!” the woman hollered, making Anthony jump. For such a short lady, she had a loud mouth on her.

  Anthony heard footsteps coming from upstairs and when he saw her she took his breath away. The way she looked at him, the way she was dressed and the smile when she realized who it was at the door. It was as if he was staring into the face of a famous woman. In a way, he supposed she was because of the magazines she was on, almost all of them up and down the streets had her face on the front page.

  “Anthony!” Carrie cried out as she took him by his hand and pulled him into the house.

  Anthony had noticed that the maid had disappeared when Carrie came to the door, where she had taken off to he didn’t know.

  Carrie looked at the young man behind Anthony and her smile grew wider. She enjoyed company and Anthony’s was the best kind of company in the past couple of months.

  “Come on in,” Carrie replied, seeing that James was just standing there.

  Carrie had long, blonde hair and light blue eyes. She had a touch of makeup on and looking at the jewelry she was wearing he could tell that she was doing good for herself. Looking at her fingers he noticed that she didn’t have a wedding band on her ring finger, her ring fingers had no rings on them, it made him feel at ease asking her knowing that she wasn’t attached.

  Anthony remembered Carrie having large tits but seeing them pushed against each other tightly in the pink dress that she was wearing made them stand out even more.

  “What are you doing here? God I’ve missed you.” Carrie hugged him tightly to her and he could feel her tits pressing against his hard chest. He bit back a moan as he wrapped his arms around her and held her tightly to him.

  “I actually came to town to watch James try out for The Wild Cats basketball team. We just found out that it’s going to be a closed basketball session so I thought I’d come and see you. I gambled hoping that you weren’t at work.” Anthony grinned nodding his head toward James as he closed the door, letting her lead him into the living room that had a mini-bar.

  “I’m on vacation, two weeks,” Carrie stated, going to the bar and pouring three shots of whiskey.

  “That’s great, so you’ve been spoiling yourself I see,” Anthony chuckled, shaking his head.

  “Damn right I have. Now James, I think I’ve heard of you before.” Carrie tried remembering who James was as she looked at him, checking him out.

  She knew that he was handsome and he definitely caught her eye standing behind Anthony.

  “He’s my step-brother, he was living at my aunt’s, he was actually the reason we got to stay here while our parents moved to Texas.” Anthony couldn’t believe he had to refresh her memory.

  “Oh yeah, you were the kid that was always playing basketball in the driveway when we were teenagers. Every time I came over to get you there he was. Even if it was pouring outside he would be soaked through and through but he always had a smile on his face. Good for you, if anyone deserves it he does.” Carrie’s eyes lit up when she could match a face to the name.

  “Thank you.” James nodded his head and smiled at her, his face growing red.

  James felt his heart racing, beating hard against his chest. Carrie was beautiful and he could see that she
had grown up. He remembered who she was, he couldn’t forget who she was. Everyone back home had a crush on her when they were younger.

  “What do you do for fun?” Anthony asked her, hoping to get out of the house. He wanted to go out and see the town while he was there, he wanted to have a good time not knowing when he would be back.

  Chapter 3

  Carrie put her drink down and got off the stool. She grabbed her purse and headed out of the living room without saying a word to Anthony. Anthony followed her out of the living room and out of the house.

  “Well, nothing much has changed. I still do the crazy things we used to do,” Carrie explained to him.

  “You still go around knocking on people’s doors before running?” Anthony laughed at her, shaking his head as they got into her limo.

  “I do sometimes, only when I’m bored enough.” She laughed with him, tapping the glass window for her driver to start the car as the window rolled down so that they could see the front.

  “Where are we going?” Anthony asked her.

  “Take use to Holland Boulevard,” Carrie told her driver and sat back so she could relax.

  Her driver didn’t say anything as he closed the window, he had heard her and started driving in the direction that she wanted.

  “Why are we going there?” Anthony asked.

  “Have you seriously forgotten? This is the time of year for the festivals around here,” Carrie reminded him.

  Anthony had forgotten all about the festivals in town. The sun was shining and the sky was blue. The weather was warm and he couldn’t wait to get out of the limo so that they could walk around and check out the people doing different things at the Freedom Festival that they had.


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