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Darkness Awakens_Chronicles of Hunter

Page 6

by Frank Perez

  The entire universe had been brought to life because she was bored.

  Hanging around with the other Gods was just pure boredom. They carried on and debated things that held no meaning. There were twelve of them in total and she was sick of the lot of them. Sometimes she would throw in a casual remark just to set them off. It was fun to watch God’s losing their shit over nothing. It helped pass the time.

  Recently though, she’d been thinking about the act of creating. In her mind she’d been thinking about kicking off a small experiment, to see if any living organisms could grow. It was just a hunch on her part but she was a Goddess. Hunches and casual thoughts became reality if she wasn’t paying attention. The others would be pissed.

  Of that she had no doubt. It was one thing that they talked about-endlessly.

  Not one of them could see any benefit in it. She knew what they were thinking. It wasn’t about anything other than their own power. If they succeeded in this, what was to stop these new beings growing and one day becoming more powerful than them? That was unthinkable!

  D’HarmaSan however didn’t care. Erroneous thoughts went through her mind now. There was no denying it to herself. She would create life, albeit in a round-about way. The seeds of her new universe already planted. All that was required would be a small touch of her power. With a bang, her new universe would be born.

  Within a couple of million years, life would sprout. A drop in the ocean in the life of an immortal being. She smiled to herself, technically I’m not creating life. Life would create itself. I just need to ensure that the right sequence of events occur. Humming to herself she reached forth her hand and gently placed her index finger on the nothingness in front of her. A slight touch of the power transferred itself.

  She leaned back satisfied, a small smile on her lips and sighed. Creating life was tiring!

  The first million years of her little experiment went by in a flash. She’d immersed herself in it, gently guiding the gases as they expanded and grew. Already she’d created millions of different little planets. Each having its own atmosphere and the potential for life to grow. On some of these, certain little cells had already manifested. She’d underestimated just how much effort would be involved in their creation though. But somehow, it was all rewarding. The Others still didn’t know about her little experiment and she was keen to keep it that way.

  They’d find out about it in due course but her little universe would be evolved enough by then. Her child would need to grow up one day and like all children, they’d have to learn to not rely on her for everything.

  She reached out and gently touched the now solid ground beneath her feet, willing her essence into the planets core. Another one done she thought, maybe it’s time to see how the early ones are getting on. I could use some help here.

  With that thought, she disappeared and transported herself to one of the first planets that she’d created. Life should be abundant there by now if her plan had worked.


  D’HarmaSan looked around her with glee. The first few thousand planets that she had visited were a bust. Some of these were hot, gaseous planets where nothing grew. Others were coated in a layer of ice with continuous snow storms. The rest ranged in their wildness and extremes.

  But now on this planet, she came across a world that was thriving. Life covered every part. Not just a simple form of it either but individuals that shone with a smattering of the power that she herself possessed! True, they were still young in the process but somehow not only had life grown here, but it had evolved to the point of the true self-awareness of enlightenment.

  To say that the Goddess was overjoyed would have put it mildly. If this was any sign of how life went, then it lent weight to her argument that Gods themselves could be created and by extension the question would need to be looked at; had the twelve themselves been an experiment created by some other life-force? The implications would be enormous and worth the effort of her own small experiment.

  She reached out to a few of the more advanced in their power, reading them.

  They actually knew of their own power! She thought, and yet, they don’t go around flaunting it. They care, they heal and they help others. Always humble. The Goddess was pleased.


  Another few thousand planets later and the Goddess still hadn’t come across any other life forms. Only one planet had the beginnings of what may grow into life. She would have to revisit them to see how they’d grown. The planet that she found herself at that point however, was rife with life forms. Life forms that were as powerful as the others that She’d first come across. The world itself was stark, covered completely in red dust that swirled and spread as massive hurricanes dealt death and destruction in their wake. The beings here had just adapted to the environment.

  Everywhere she looked a different type of life came into view.

  Every single one had the power, and they weren’t shy about using it. Fights raged everywhere, and she noticed that whichever life force came out victorious was assimilating the vanquished ones’ power. Making themselves even more powerful.

  This was not what she had expected, ever.

  The thought of what she was witnessing made her uneasy. If The Others ever tumbled across any of these beings, they would completely destroy her little universe without hesitation and she probably would join them in doing so. But there’s also hope, she thought remembering the other planet, there cannot be light without the dark. But the darkness that she saw in these creatures went beyond the balance. If they continued to grow at this rate, the balance would tip well and truly in their favor.

  One of the more powerful creatures was staring her way.

  Strange, she thought he shouldn’t be able to see me. The figure lifted a muscled arm and pointed at her. “Witch “, it screamed in a guttural voice that came out almost like a growl. The circle of creatures that surrounded this powerful one all turned as one and looked to where he pointed. As one, they all lifted off their backsides and ran towards her, intent on taking her down.

  They can all see me! She realized before vanishing. How is that even possible?


  She had sat on one of the deserted planets meditating, for the best part of a century. She could destroy the entire planet but was loath to do so. After all, every experiment has the potential to take you on unexpected journey and detours. Were they truly so dark? Were they redeemable? Millions of thoughts had gone through her vast mind over the century.

  Destruction and annihilation were the easy path. That would be the choice of The Others. That wasn’t her though. Every experiment needed a nudge here and there. She did so here.

  She would create her own entity from pure energy. An extension of her power. An incorruptible being created with as much power as her, well-almost, she amended.

  The difference being that she would have to hide his aura to stop the creatures from being able to sense him. To do so, she would ensure that he shone inwards.

  There would be repercussions with doing so but they would have to be borne.

  She pictured the almost perfection that the original people that she’d come across had shown and decided that she would form her new being in their image.

  Holding the picture in her mind, she tuned in to her own power and built it up. Once she felt the correct pitch of her power, she allowed it to flow through her outstretched arm, through her fingertips and into the air before her. A myriad of colors swirled through her as she called forth the power. Bright Jades, blues and orange fissures of raw light, twirled amongst each other, forming a being in front of her. A being that was aware and completely hers. Not only are you a part of me, she thought you’re the best parts of me.

  She strode around him, eyes scanning for any imperfection. Standing erect at six feet of height, his eyes followed her as she walked around him.

  Strong, she thought. Flawless. A God incarnate.

  Her inspection finished, she strode back to face him, head on
. Reaching out a gentle hand, she caressed his cheek “You are the center. You stand as a nexus. The darkness grows in ways that we cannot allow and they see us. Your brilliance is held within, the light shining internally. Forever dark to others, yet my brightest of children - my bringer of light. In fact, that’s what I shall name you. Luxfer: The Light Bringer.”

  The newly name Luxfer stared deep into his mother’s eyes, “as you wish Mother.”

  Luxfer looked at the world around him.

  Even though he’d only been aware for a moment, he knew everything there was to know about the planet. He knew of the reason for his being. He would head off to the planet he saw in his mind, watch and be patient. If there was even a remote possibility of the creatures being redeemed, he would try. If not, the alternative plan would be put in place. He would spend most of his power on creating the barrier. A barrier that would enclose the entire planet where they could self-destruct if that was their purpose or find the path to enlightenment.

  D’HarmaSan smiled to herself.

  Her child, Luxfer would take care of things for her. Now she was free to further research the rest of the planets. But first, she would go back to her precious first children and see how much further along the path to enlightenment they’d gone. At the rate that they had grown they should be well on their way to being able to understand their Goddess.


  The shocked look on D’HarmaSans’ face gave an insight into her thoughts as she walked around the beautiful plaza on Orcuna.

  The last time she’d been here, the planet had been alive, filled with colored auras and a sense of serenity everywhere. Now, no matter where she looked the colors were jaded. She was surrounded by a world of faded, muted color. A world that was jaded.

  Where once there had been a world filled with hope, joy and pure love now there was also misery, tiredness and hopelessness. The world’s history now filled with chapter upon chapter of bloody wars, greed and corruption. What happened to my beautiful planet? She thought to herself. How could it have gone from such a sense of purpose to nothing but misery? This would require some serious inspection and observation on her part. She was determined to understand the cause behind it all. With a thought and a small amount of will, she created herself in the image of one of Orcunas people, immersing herself in the day-to-day life of those around her so that she could understand what lay behind it all.


  D’HarmaSan followed the rest of the congregation as they knelt down on their respective pews. Every head bowed down in respectful submission. She raised her head slightly to get a better view of the self-titled Father Confessor.

  It had only taken her a matter of hours to determine that a great chasm had been formed in this society by of all things religion. Society had gotten to the stage where they were looking for answers. Instinctively knowing that there was more out there.

  Splintered groups had risen thousands of years earlier. Each espousing their own version of what God required of them.

  God she thought, they had to settle on a male! Regardless, do they really think that I’ve nothing better to do than to sit here listening to their chatter all day? The whole point was for them to evolve on their own. What would be the use of it all if I have to do it for them! Easier for me to create a bunch of clones of myself if that’s what I wanted.

  Her mood had declined as she continued to learn what had befallen them. It had all come back down to power and control. Those who were less gifted were always looking for a way to make themselves heard, she thought as she knelt down in a pew amongst a thousand others. All awaiting the words of wisdom about to be imparted by the newly anointed Father Confessor.

  His predecessor had mysteriously died, and he was now the new owner of the mantle. From what she had heard, every time this happened, God would speak to the new leader, informing him of his updated plans for the populace, she couldn’t wait to hear what her new instructions may be.

  The song that the choir had been singing came to an end. The lights dimmed and spotlights lit up the pulpit. The great hall itself completely in shadows now as all eyes turned forwards towards the front. A lone figure wandered in from the left and strode across the stage. The lighting followed him casting a halo around him. It’s almost like they’re trying to reproduce the aural light that they had once had, she thought to herself. A pale imitation of what once came naturally to them. The figure crossed the stage and came to a halt in front of a lectern that had been placed on a pedestal. Small steps lead up to it. I guess we need to make sure everyone can see us; she smiled to herself.

  All around her the faithful waited. No one stirred.

  “Remember brethren,” the figure began in a booming voice “our labor - that we might not be a burden to any of you. Each of you are a witness, as is the almighty God on just how devoutly, justly and blamelessly we behave in our daily lives. As God Himself told the illustrious Prophet-every one of you are my child and as any father requires, you will walk in a manner worthy of me that you may come to know me in eternal glory at my gates. The one and only God has spoken to me, my children. As I took our dearly departed previous Confessor’s hands in mine when he lay dying. God was calling him back home to be rewarded for his efforts.” He paused, taking in all the people before him “and with a final sigh my predecessor’s soul went forth. Heed me now my children, for the words of our God are immutable. He has shone his light of everlasting hope on my very soul and silently communed with me. A new era is dawning and we shall have an accounting! All those brave souls that have travelled forth to be one with God have raised their voices. I hear them as clearly as I see each of you before me. The ways of the Church of Confession is the only way that you will be able to reach glorious commune with God. All others will be tossed into the eternal fires of the Abyss!”

  D’HarmaSan looked at the faces of the surrounding faithful.

  Most of the faces around her were wet with tears. She assumed that they were of joy. Deep inside, she wept, unlike those around her, her tears were of sadness. Once again she wondered how an entire race could fall so far from enlightenment, especially when they had been so close to it at the start! She closed her eyes for the rest of the service and sat through tales of hope, joy and of the eventual bliss that would be theirs in the next life, so long as they adhered to the will of The Father Confessor in this one.

  When the sermon came to an end, she moved outside with the throng. Most of them were milling around hoping to be touched by the new Father Confessor and she had to move through obstacles at every turn. She thought back to the line in service where the Father Confessor had spoken about those who had travelled forth to be with God.

  Was this only a metaphor? Another fact to keep the others in line? Or was there more to it? Could they have evolved to the point of having incorporeal assets without enlightenment? She would need to find out. It didn't seem possible!


  D’HarmaSan sat invisible at one of the revered hospices of the Church of the Confessor, waiting for one of the faithful to go towards God. The moment would come soon, she could read it in their aura.

  She sat there watching for the moment, eager to see what would happen. She had sat through a sermon from the leader of the Church of the True Redeemer, filled with fire, death and eventually the same melding with God that the Confessor had proclaimed.

  The same madness using different terminology. Where one church knelt on their left in obedience, the other used their right. One felt that the union with God would only happen if you confessed, the other only if you followed a strict code of commandments.

  Ridiculous, she thought again the power of enlightenment is within each of you. You don’t get anointed with it by anyone else! And you were so damn close to it the last time I was here!

  A subtle shift in the aura of the patient alerted her that the moment of death had come. She watched, waiting to see what would happen. A look of surprise flitted across her features for a moment as she witnessed the p
ersons aura come forth from the body. Somehow it retained a distinct impression of the person and floated off through the air. She waited a heartbeat and followed at a distance, keeping it in her view, eager to see where it went. It floated through the multi-colored vibrant ether, its own color still a muted gray. She wondered whether it could see the wonders around it or if it was oblivious to it all. More questions!

  She followed along as the journey continued beyond the ether heading to a small patch on the outer fringes. There was no color coming from it. The soul slowed down and settled down upon a platform which was filled with millions of others, all a dull gray. She stared around her, confused. Ignoring the queue that was waiting in line, she transported herself to the where it began.

  A huge set of gates loomed before her, closed. She stretched forth her power searching beyond the gates to determine what awaited all these souls. Nothing! There’s nothing there. Their very essence has created this place of judgement and they’re sitting here waiting patiently for their God to show up! To judge them. Each of them individually?

  She sat down to think. It’s part of the experiment. I can’t interfere with this, can I? Ain’t no damn way I will be sitting on my arse for eternity judging this lot, she thought the whole point was for them to become enlightened without my intervention! AGH!

  She watched and counted as new souls continued to pour into this plane. Damn. There’s tens of thousands coming through at all times. What would happen if something didn’t change here? What would this concentration of raw, dirty power do if it got to a tipping point? Would it burst forth into her own plane? What would The Others do? Would they feel like they were being attacked? Would they fight back, against whom? Her? Retribution of some sort would occur if she wasn't careful.


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