Darkness Awakens_Chronicles of Hunter

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Darkness Awakens_Chronicles of Hunter Page 15

by Frank Perez

  Naturally I grasped the reasons behind the choice. Without the radiant brilliance, any species like the Brethren would not notice I was around until I resolved to show myself. It was an exceptional solution that could only have developed from the mind of a deity. There would be a price to pay, however, the restraint that kept in the radiance would likewise block any positive vibrations and energy from coming in the other way, unless I was cautious and made sure to it happened.

  The Goddess reached out her perfect palm and tenderly cradled my face, "These Brethren are incredibly powerful my son, and filled with hate. We cannot allow that to continue. Their very nature leeches away the morality and light from this universe - and they've become aware. Seek to discover a means to return them to the light." I looked deep into my mother’s eyes, “as you will Mother.” I responded and willed myself to the place she had shown me.

  The place of the Brethren.


  Crimson dust churned across the sand dunes.

  I alone stood against the storm, untouched. My heightened senses took in the incredible spirit of the earth below my own feet. The very fiber and energy that was emanating out of the ground, dark and corrupt leeching into all that sprouted here. The Brethren had never stood a chance. Their very essences had been created from a malignant seed. They weren’t really evil. The concept itself was foreign to them. The mighty and dominant endured, those less so would either be killed or served more powerful masters to assure their own survival. Choosing a random path, I strode off to locate some of the Brethren. Time would tell if I could discover some minor glow of morality within them. I genuinely believed so.

  After having studied the Brethren for a few years, I formed the opinion that each one of them was utterly indifferent to others who were not part of their own small tribe. Often they lived in smaller groups that ensured serve their survival. Love was a foreign notion to them.

  Most of those that I had crossed paths with were neither joyous nor sad. Doing whatever it took to endure. Animal instincts taking over in most situations. I called these the wild ones. They had the skill to procreate, and they lived apart of the Queen and her disciples, maintaining effectively out of sight so as not to provoke her wrath. Their failure to discover joy and laughter in their hearts made me sad. No one should be compelled to endure this.


  Faint laughter caused me to pause in my steps. I was working my way through the widest forest on the world. Magnificent wide-leafed red trees enclosed a range billions of square acres. The peculiar species of creatures I had crossed path with was immense, usually tinged with the flame red maroon's that I now identified with everything on the planet. Once in a while, I would capture a glimpse of fowl that were a kaleidoscope of colors stretching from a flat pink to a blood red.

  Laughter! Not once in the ten years I had spent roaming and investigating the Brethren had I even heard anything remotely like it. I paused and listened closer, assuring that it wasn't an unusual form of an ambush being used. The laughter went on. Subtle, as if the owner was working to disguise it. I cocked my head, straining to detect the spot from where it came.

  A small grinning face peeped out of from behind a giant bush, topped with berries. I was riveted at the first view of joy. Whatever this was, it was staring over in my direction, as if waiting. I took two silent steps sideways, hoping to get a glimpse of whatever was bringing this creature happiness. The eyes tracked me. I willed myself to dissolve and appear a few meters further out. The creature's eyes grew in disbelief, the entire head searched around.

  It broke out from behind the bush. Standing at around five feet, the creature had a face that was virtually indistinguishable to my own in features. Wide shoulders with a broad neck perched atop a frame full of muscle, covered in small sharp black needles. It took two steps into the clearing I had just been standing in and searched around in bewilderment.

  I remained perfectly still, mesmerized. It had to be a fluke. There was no way I could be seen or noticed. Gently, I pulled in my spirit, not moving a muscle so as not to have any noise show my presence. The tiny creature put a hand on his hip, scratching his head, clearly confused. It glanced around again. When his gaze rounded to the place where I stood, its eyes lit up again and the hilarity came rushing out. It lay back on its butt and went on laughing as if I had just told it the best joke it had ever heard.

  I was about to take a tentative step towards the creature when the laughing abruptly ceased. The figure leaped up off the floor, face scanning the tops of the woods and sky beyond. It took two rapid strides away from me and halted, glancing back. Without warning and with a rush that was astonishing from such a small creature, it hopped across the interval between us and hoisted me over his shoulder, without stopping it went on, going through the woods. I glanced around as the tiny thing body handled me into a small opening in the trunk of an enormous tree. Tossed in without a thought as the creature scuttled in behind me. The interior of the tree was massive once you got past the narrow opening of it. The creature moved hastily to the side of the opening and forced a boulder to mask the entrance, cutting off all light from entering. Turning back it made a few brief gestures, beseeching me to be silent.

  A great fluttering of wings whooshed through the woods beyond our tree. I ambled over to the entrance and stole a glance through a slight gap in the trunk. I couldn't see anything but enormous groups of shadows as they flew in and out amongst the branches, searching for prey. The small creature insistently tugging at my cloak, pulling me further backward into the shadows. I allowed myself to be dragged. This small, grinning creature was seeking to save me from others!

  I lay back and waited, a small smile appeared on my face. Maybe, just maybe I had finally discovered something worth saving on the planet.


  For the rest of my time on the world, I made that tiny area of the jungle my base.

  The tiny creatures accepted me as one of their own, never troubling me about any of my lengthy absences. Their capability for wonder and amusement brought light into the otherwise dull and dreary existence I was going through on the planet. I happened across an occasional handful of these kinds of tribes throughout the planet. Frequently in the most secluded isolated parts. If joy can survive and develop through even these types of circumstances, then all would not be wasted. They could be redeemed, and the balance brought back!

  Sadly, it wasn’t to be.

  The bad nature that enveloped everything here slowly drove its way through even these fragments of joy. I watched a gradual deterioration in contentment and joy with each new generation of the creatures. Their lifespans only measured two decades and with each new birth, a little less amusement and laughs came.

  The last time I visited my little friends, they had changed into just another species of Brethren on the planet. Fighting for survival with no joy or laughter. I think I had witnessed what had taken place to all of them from the start. It had just taken more time to work its way through the entire planet.

  My soul ached as once more I found myself alone on a world crowded with nothing but feral beasts. Animals with the capability to judge and even control their own internal force.

  For fifty years now I had roamed and searched. For one brief, shining moment I thought I might succeed. That light, I fear, has now faded completely. I will call on Mother and let her know there is no atonement to be had here. Not how we had foreseen. We will seek another way.


  Part of the plans I had created with Mother involved this absolute obstacle. In my mind, I had the knowledge and scope of the entire world. In my travels throughout the decades, I had been placing certain gemstones at some specific points.

  Each of these gems was approximately the size of my fist, round and weathered. In each of them, I had permeated some of my own particular essence and love. To power up the barrier that would influence the Brethren I had simply to lay the final one. The story I showed you previously details what took place. That my own
brother Gabriel could be so twisted by one of the Brethren was something unexpected by us all. I have every confidence in Michael to lead him back into harmony. Either way, that is out of my control.

  To let you know the power of the barrier I will just mention this - evil cannot prevail over evil. Dark cannot force back the darkness. The light is the only thing that will fight off the darkness. Good is the only thing capable of defeating evil. Love can fight the indifference - and that's what the barrier is all about. My Purest Love for every single Brethren, based on the love I hold in my soul for those tiny little, spiked creatures that brought me wonder and bliss on this world, prepared to put themselves in jeopardy to care for me.

  There is only one other point I must pass on to you so you understand. I am not 100% certain of how long I have lived in the extraordinary fabric of the environment I find myself in.

  Somewhere along the way though, I was contacted in my mind by a being who called himself J'ova. A powerful being such as our very own Mother. He told me a story about my own Mother asking him to intercept and judge the spirits of those who found their way to him. Mother must have referred the dark one in their discussion.

  He made it very clear he believed that those who he would not anoint, would be turned over to my supervision. Somehow, I guess he thinks that Mother made me to reclaim every unredeemable in the Universe. I sought to make him understand that this wasn't the situation that the task that my Mother placed upon me would never allow me to take up that charge. I can only express that he is not anywhere near as kindly as he looks, his temper is a frightful thing to see. Without having Mother to support me I was helpless to pacify him and I suspect that having invested so much of my spirit on the Brethren, perhaps a hint of that energy came to the fore.

  I don't say this as an excuse but it is, however, a reason. I would never renounce my own Mother, not even for another God and I told him so. He left in a rage and the ferocity of a God, my friend is not something I would wish on anybody.

  I do not know if anything will become of this. Perhaps nothing will, but it was significant enough that I felt you should know, just in case.

  And so finally, this is where I find myself now. The story I have recounted above is what took place with the Brethren. I composed myself into the barrier that has retained them now for generations and I find myself at the end of my time. I have hoarded some of my strength recognizing that this day was occurring. My story needed to be circulated to those of you who blessed by Mother with the sight. I know that you will take notice of it all. Amongst you, there should be someone that requires this knowledge. I know not who or where. But know this, whoever you are and whatever you are called - you are in reality my child, a dark one like myself. Do not fear it. I have done all I can to strengthen you. I have sent you visions and dreams of the dark that lives within every living thing in the universe, but more importantly I have shown you how redemption is possible.

  The entire universe will soon be in your hands and I know Mother well enough to know she will have chosen carefully, even if you yourself do not see it. Fear not my child and move forth. I have nothing but love and faith in you.


  The Dark One.


  Hunter remained at the coffee shop, his breakfast untouched before him, struggling to digest the contents of the notebook that the padre had left him. He had already surmised the mechanics of how the barrier was working but had not realized the degree of Luxfers' sacrifice. And now he calls for me of all people to take up his plan.

  He sat back in thought, it still gave no further certainty on why Bonnie had been captured by the Brethren. There were still parts missing. Until I figure that out, all else can keep. Even Michael at this time is secondary. He turned all the choices he had left in his mind.

  Getting Gabriel to talk would bring about an encounter he was not looking forward to and even if he came out triumphant, there would be no guarantee that Gabriel would let him know anything.

  Padre Toby was a clear choice but with the old man having gone into a coma the chances of getting anything helpful out of him were next to nothing. Luxfer & D’HarmaSan. Even if they still lived would be in no state to inform him of anything.

  He reflected on the words recorded in the notebook before him.

  J’ova. Apparently another God.

  He’d been with D’HarmaSan at some stage of the journey and had even spoken to Luxfer. Perhaps he could provide some information on the situation. Failing that, he added calmly to himself, I must locate Gabriel and force him to talk.

  Chapter 11

  Michael roused, his head and body filled with pain. Lifting his throbbing head from his chest, he opened his eyes gradually taking in his surroundings, finding himself in a dim cavern of some sort. Drops of water fell down the irregular rock face along the walls. His arms had been bound over his head, his feet scarcely reaching the ground. He peered closer at the chains detaining him. Not only was he shackled by his arms, a heavy link of the chain had been forced through each of his palms, thickened blood visible all down his arms. Every slight movement of his arms producing a vigorous wave of pain straight through his entire naked body.

  He closed his eyes and centered himself. The essence of his pain forced into the background. Sighing, he opened his eyes once more and got a closer look at his surroundings.

  It didn’t take him long to make out the other two figures similarly chained and naked along one of the other walls, both unconscious. Julian and Jonah, he thought to himself. I guess failure and disappointment aren't tolerated too well! His old mentor's body was covered in wounds, some of them still bleeding freely. His face a mass of bruising and swelling that gave a small insight into what must have been some very sick torture.

  A deep sonorous voice cut into his thoughts, "It truly is a shame to have to waste such an incredible talent as your old teacher, brother - but traitorous behavior such as he has shown cannot be tolerated." Michael turned his head slightly to the left taking in the powerful figure of Gabriel, casually leaning against the other wall as he turned his face towards him, "His tortured and extremely painful death will be a lesson to all others on what they can expect if they don't follow my rules. And I have you, my brother, to thank for it."

  Gabriel strode forwards slowly towards Julian, who had stirred into awareness. He knelt down on one knee before him and lightly grasped him by the chin with one hand, raising his head. Julian opened his eyes somewhat, every breath he was drawing clearly painful. Gabriel grinned and let Julian's head fall. Rising, he shifted his face backward towards Michael, an evil smirk on his face "This other one has followed faithfully but not as successfully as I would have preferred. My apprentice asked that I give him over for some entertainment, so I have."

  "He requested you as well dear brother, but I have some different ideas in mind for you." Gabriel stepped closer to Michael moving his face to within inches, he continued "And before I'm satisfied, the details of your death will make Julian's look like a fun day out. Enjoy your stay here brother and take in the excitement of getting a front-row view of the festivities."

  Michael watched as Gabriel spun and strode out of the cavern. He closed his eyes once more seeking to gather himself, his body still aching, with a lot more apparently on the way.


  Faithful to his pledge, Julian's death was only painful to see.

  The continued abuse of Jonah, however, was something else. Cries of pain had assailed Michael as he had been obliged to watch Jonah endure hour after hour of abuse at the hands of the Jackal, all focused at the beginnings of mental torment towards himself. Everything had been adopted against the old man from violation and asphyxiation to much simpler beatings. That he had survived everything so long astounded Michael. The sheer pain he must have gone through astonished the mind. Now he lay there coming to the end of his limits, his body covered in visible wounds. The sheer amount of blood on the floor beneath him a testimonial to how much he’d had to endure.

  The cries that had marked the preceding hours were no longer present.

  The Jackal had only been capable of raising tiny whimpers from the exhausted body before him. Now and again he would shift his gaze to Michael and smirk, making certain he knew what his old mentor was going through was all because of him.

  Michael didn’t allow himself to reveal any emotion during Jonah’s struggles. It was precisely what they were after and he would not give them the gratification. Instead, he turned inwards.

  The shackles that gripped him had established a hurdle that didn’t allow him to use his own energies. The metal itself seemed to be absorbing them. He filed away that knowledge for later on, it may become handy sometime in the future. Assuming I can get myself out of this somehow! The background noises had come to a close. Complete quiet. Michael opened his eyes and peered over towards Jonah. The Jackal had freed the bracelets that had been keeping him up and without that support, his body had settled to the floor. Michael looked closer.

  Jonah's body was no longer producing any traces of an aura. The abuse had come to an end. He drew a deep breath and considered the form of the Jackal standing over the motionless form of his mentor. Not once in the whole time he tortured Jonah had he even articulated a lone sound. The glances he had given Michael throughout, the only form of communication he desired.

  The Jackal grinned one last time as he stared at Michael. Pure satisfaction beaming from him. Without a word he spun and sauntered nonchalantly out of the chamber leaving Michael alone with the lifeless body of Jonah for company.


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