Darkness Awakens_Chronicles of Hunter

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Darkness Awakens_Chronicles of Hunter Page 17

by Frank Perez


  Gabriel took the steps from his chair to the bloody floor where the bodies of the dead watchers and that of his own apprentice lay. He peered at Hunter, speaking in a quiet voice. “Bravo, my brother. Well done. This little scene you’ve given me ranks right up there with the battles my other brothers and I had with the Brethren, so many centuries ago.” Cocking his head at a slight angle, he added, “Tell me you don’t love the rush of adrenalin and the pure sense of joy that this brings you. Not to mention the fun!”

  Hunter bent to the fallen figure of the Jackal, wiping away the blood gathered on his black blade, taking his time.

  This treatment wasn’t required as it had the ability to clean itself with merely a thought from him. The only purpose being to give Gabriel pause. “The death of others is never fun Gabriel. Adrenalin is a natural thing but taking joy in it is pure madness.” Standing up, he let the black blade vanish before adding, “I honestly hoped that you’d have better sense than that by now.”

  Gabriels body shook as he laughed at Hunter’s words. “Sense?” he replied through the laughter “There’s no sense in what we’re doing brother.” Stretching his arms out wide he turned a full circle as he spoke, “Our mother created this place out of pure boredom! The only reason for any of this is what we decide needs doing!”

  “It may have started out that way Gabe but it no longer holds true. Every single living being has the possibility to become one with The Goddess. The outcome is up to them and the ability to do so lives within every one of them. We were created to help them find their way! Not to place ourselves above them and make ourselves pseudo-Gods.”

  Gabriel shook his head “I once thought the same way Hunter. D’HarmaSan was very persuasive. It took a long time for me to see through the web of lies she crafted. She chose the most powerful beings she could find. Each one of us touched by The Goddess herself and raised above the weak-willed ones who haven’t been able to rise any further. Look at the surrounding history! The laws governing every one of us dictate that the most powerful will always take charge over the rest.”

  “Luxfer tried to do it through love. He failed! He was crafted by our Mother from darkness but didn't use it as he should have. If that was truly the way to go, D’HarmaSan would have had no use for him! She was more than capable of doing it herself!” Gabriel paused for a moment before adding, “As much as I loved her brother, she was weak and lazy. Her death cleared the path for those of us willing to do what is necessary. The dark place that we call Hell has been created specifically for you, with J’ova overseeing the judgement of every soul that comes before him. Soon, even that will stop. Every single soul will go there first with only the powerful moving further. Think on it brother, there won’t be any further need for certain Gods!”

  “What you mean Gabriel is that there won’t be a need for other Gods. Just yourself.”

  “Not just myself, Hunter. There will be plenty of room for all my brothers. Join with us and we’ll be unstoppable! Together, we can show them the true way! D’HarmaSan is gone and J’ova will follow soon. The others are even weaker and will be swept aside. We are the next generation of Gods, and you my dark One, will sit at my right hand.”

  Hunter shook his head as he listened to Gabriel's words. Words that ironically mimicked the same arrangement that J’ova had used when trying to lure him. Both of them convinced that their plan for the universe was the only way. “I’m sorry Gabe but I cannot agree with this. Darkness and violence will never be the answer to achieving a higher state of being. I’ve visited Hell and there’s no need for it. Violence breeds more violence. The darkness is never the true path to the light. Take a look at your own actions. Our Mother, gone and all your brother’s dead, at your own hands. This can’t be the answer!”

  Hunter spun, an astonished look on his face as the sound of Michaels’ voice joined in the conversation from behind, “Not entirely correct, Hunter. I’m still here.”

  For a fleeting moment Hunter felt elated at seeing Michael, safe and unharmed, until he uttered, “Gabe’s right though. We need to change the way we do things.”


  Hunter stood there, unable to comprehend what he was hearing or do anything as he watched Michael stroll across the chamber floor and up the stairs to hug Gabriel in the most casual of ways. Gone was the thrill that had gone through his body on hearing Michaels’ voice, replaced with a sense of disbelief.

  “Our Mother made some serious mistakes in this mess of an experiment, Hunter. She believed everyone would love as completely as she did. The truth has shown us otherwise. Only one person in billions has shown the capacity to do so. This cannot continue. The consequences of so many souls going down the dark path with no hope of redemption will overwhelm us before we know what’s happening.” He placed an arm around Gabriels’ shoulder, “Far better for them to start there and move towards the light, no matter how long they take to get there.”

  “That you will never convince me of, Michael. It’s far too easy for you to sit here and condemn every one of them without seeing the actual torture they are putting themselves through, for no reason. They’re being sent to Hell on the basis of breaking an arbitrary set of rules they don’t even know exist. No my brother, I cannot allow that to happen. Too much has been sacrificed already.”

  Michael looked back towards Gabriel, “Nothing left for us to do then. We appear to be at an impasse. There were only two options available. Join us”, Jumping over the two steps that led to the ground on which Hunter stood, he added “or die.”

  Hunter backed up a few steps as Michael launched himself onto the floor in front of him. With the initial shock of seeing him passed, Hunter had used the interval to look over Michaels’ essence. He’d sensed the Brethren that had attached itself to Michael and intuited its intentions. The same darkness that enveloped Gabriel now poured off him. There was still hope for them if Hunter could only figure a way to remove the influence of the creature. It would not happen instantaneously though. Removing the darkness would take time and that was something he had little of at this point.

  Gabriel had kept quiet through the whole exchange between the two. Michael stood a greater chance of convincing Hunter on the reality of the situation than he. I honestly believed Michael would have tried harder though, he thought to himself, descending the steps to circle Hunter on the opposite side form Michael. Both of them bringing their swords to the ready, watching Hunter move into a position that would allow him to see them at the same time. He swung his sword in a high overhead move, forcing Hunter to turn to block the attack. A laugh escaping his lips as Michael took the opportunity presented to kick Hunter hard in the kidneys.

  Hunter felt the force of Michaels’ kick as he turned to block the frontal attack of Gabriel. These two had trained and fought alongside each other for a long time as every thrust made by one was followed with a counter-strike by the other. One always on defense while the other attacked. It allowed both of them a chance to regain their balance and not overexert themselves. Hunter, however, never had a chance to recover. Within minutes, dozens of small cuts across his body and face had flowed with blood and breathing hard. Facing these two was equivalent to taking on two Gods at the same time.

  Too much! He reasoned, as the relentless attack continued. At this pace, I won’t even survive let alone have any chance of winning. Removing himself from this confrontation would be his only solution. I need to go somewhere that neither one of these will be able to guess at. Hunter felt the flow of the fight shift into a small pattern. Both brothers obviously just toying with him now. A high attack from one side would unleash a lower attack from the other as he blocked the first. Each block was getting that much harder to achieve. Taking a gamble, he let Gabriel swing high again and brought his own sword up to block. Twisting his entire body, he sensed Michaels’ blade slice through his side before he even felt it. Dropping his sword, he stumbled back a few steps to give the impression that he’d been mortally wounded, la
nding hard on his backside.

  Both brothers lowered their swords as he’d correctly guessed they would. With a quick wave of his hand, he vanished, leaving no trace of his presence.

  Chapter 13

  Cheers thundered through the arena from the crowd watching the two warriors on the blood soaked sand below. Claymore, one of the greatest in the arena outclassing his opponent with a sweeping move that had taken the legs out from under him, weapon flying into the distance. He crossed the distance in two quick strides to stand behind the fallen man, sword poised at the back of his neck and looked towards the podium, waiting for the final kill command.

  Max swept his gaze across the chanting crowd, gauging their mood. The lives of the combatants his to decide as patron of the arena. He swept his arm in a giant arc that took in all those assembled; and brought it to a halt, pointing at the two contestants, pausing for a moment for show. His eyes locked with Claymore as he swung his fist downwards.

  Death. No mercy given.

  Claymores’ grip on the sword tightened as he thrust straight down, the dead man’s body smashing into the ground. Another victory for him.

  The twins looked on the spectacle from the gated waiting area that allowed them a limited view of the contest. Being undisputed champions had its perks.

  Raphael turned from the gate, flexing the gauntlet on his hand, “Another win for the big man, brother. Even though his skills are somewhat mediocre.”

  Uriel’s hands tightened on the grill of the gate in front of him, “He gives the crowd a show, nothing else matters in this place. It’s the only thing that’s kept him alive… and us. Where do you think we would be without all this glory?”

  They had been over this ground countless times with no answer. Neither of them knew anything other than the life they led, having awoken one day in a cell with nothing but their clothes, a sword and a bracelet. Talking about it and asking questions had earned them nothing but further hardship, “One day Uriel, we will put all of this senseless killing behind us. Slaughter for the entertainment of the crowd is not who we are. One day…”

  Uriel placed a hand on his brothers’ shoulder, gripping, “It will happen brother. Have faith. The time is coming, but not today. Today, we go out into the arena and destroy whoever they put in our way. We kill, we survive and we live to reach that one day. Come.”


  The team cleaning the aftermath of the battle was taking too long for Gabriels taste. Michael and he sat on the steps watching them work as they discussed recent events. Hunter's decision to up and go without having the decency of staying dead in front of them was an issue. Neither one would acknowledge victory until that happened. They would have to fall back on logic to find him, unable to track him using their powers.

  Stretching his legs before him, he eased back on his elbows. “Once again the dark one irritates me Michael. He hunts us at every turn for no other reason than his inability to understand the truth. The same as Lux before him. Why can’t they understand that this is why they were created? Why must they continue to push beyond that?”

  “Them not radiating any energy like us should be enough for them to see they’re not natural. Abominations created for one particular purpose. Nothing more! Mother didn’t choose them as she did us, she created them, like little test-tube experiments,” He sat forward, unable to contain the rage “and if they won’t settle for what they should do, then they won’t exist for long.”

  “Is that what happened to Raf and Uriel, Gabe? Were they not living up to expectations either? Is that why they had to die?”

  Gabriel stood and followed the members of the cleaning crew who had finished up and were walking out. Slamming the door behind as the last one exited, he turned back to Michael, squatting on his heels to be eye-to-eye with him, “Die? You think your brothers are dead? Oh my… those fake memories the dark one inserted in you are even worse than I feared. They’re not dead Michael. Raphael and Uriel are alive! They’ve put themselves in a world where they can train harder than ever-without the use of their powers.”

  “How can they be alive when I remember you destroying them, Gabe? After the fight with the Brethren you slashed at Lux then killed our brothers? The only reason I still live is because Mother sacrificed herself for me! I wouldn’t be here otherwise!”

  Gabriel shook his head as he sat back on the steps, “Poor Michael. They’ve really done a number on you, haven’t they brother? None of what you remember actually happened! We were so busy putting up the barrier for the Brethren that none of us actually noticed Lux coming back here. By the time we realized, it was too late.

  He’d mortally wounded our Mother and merged his essence within the barrier so we couldn’t catch him. Mother died at his hands, Michael, and now he’s pushed his essence into Hunter! We can only assume that this time, he’s after us. No other explanation fits! And even so I was still willing to give him a chance and take charge of those damned souls as Mother wanted him to. That option no longer exists. The time is here for the four of us to be back together. An entire species like the Brethren wasn't able to break us and now, it's time to show the rest. But first, Hunter will need to be taken care of, and we will need all of us for that." Reaching out a hand to Michael, he willed them both to where Uriel and Raphael were.


  Max stood within the podium where the famous mixed with their political sponsors and raised his hands over his head, signaling the crowd for silence, "Ladies and gentlemen. Once again Claymore has stunned his opponent with a stunning victory! But we all know why we’re here-The Finale!"

  The silent crowd erupted with cheers as the patron of the games mentioned their favorite heroes of the arena, making him wait a full minute before the chanting got to a manageable state, “Today's effort may bring about the end of their reign, for I bring to you-the might of the Sharyum army, six warriors who together brought down an entire squadron of their enemies, with no casualties - S-SIX!”

  Roars of approval mixed with shouts of ‘boo’ assailed the warriors as they strode to the middle of the arena. Max let the crowd go for a little, waiting for the exact moment to introduce the twins, “They come today with a promise given; that they will be the ones that finally take out… The Twins!”

  The brothers strode straight to the middle of the sands and stopped, facing the six. All six warriors’ bodies were bare except for a loin-cloth, showcasing the rippling muscles that held weaponry; in formation across from the two brothers. As one, all brought the pommel of their swords up to their face, blades pointing downward and bowed low. A sign of respect for the prowess in battle of the twins.

  Gabe took a step out of the shadows behind Max, having materialized moments before with a stunned Michael. "Those six will barely make the twins break a sweat. I think they need a greater challenge. Why don't you get a little bit more creative Max? Send whatever you have out to face them. I think the time has arrived to let the crowd see the true potential of our brothers. Those bracelets that they are wearing act like an inhibitor, not allowing them to use their powers. Time to let them loose!"

  Hearing the voice of the twins' owner behind him, Max turned; in time to see Gabriels outstretched hand pointing to the middle arena. With a loud click, the bracelets on the wrist of each twin opened; to fall to the sand below them. Gabe locked eyes with Michael, smiling "Shall we show the damage that all four of us can do together?"

  Michaels' sword appeared in his hand, "Let's!” both brothers appearing in unison next to Uriel and Raphael on the sand.

  The crowd paused in stunned amazement as the figures of Michael and Gabriel appeared next to their beloved twins. Each of the brothers attired in a simple white sleeveless robe showcasing the muscles underneath. Uriel and Raphael had realized their own power as the bracelets on their wrists ripped apart and fell. Looking over at the forms of Michael and Gabriel as snippets of forgotten memories filtered into their consciousness.

  For the first time in centuries the four brothers stood u
nited, ready to battle.

  Max moved quickly through the maze of corridors leading down to the chambers below the arena to gather every single one of his fighters who were capable of holding a weapon. He was under no illusion that this could cause him complete ruin, having witnessed first-hand the damage that the twins were capable of. With four of them in the arena the results would be devastating. His entire stable of fighters would fall bringing down the fighting empire that he'd spent a lifetime creating, and with his main financial sponsor taking to the sands, payment was not assured. No, far better to throw everything he had at the situation and hope to win.

  Calculating mentally, he figured he would be able to field another twelve-odd fighters-no guarantee that it would be enough to be victorious, but all he had on hand. He would try to talk his rivals into throwing something into the mix but doubted his chances. They would be smug knowing that not only would he be losing his fabled twins today but his entire operation with it.

  Motioning the guard stationed outside the cell to open the gate, "Move! All of you, on the sands-NOW! Take whatever weapons you can get your hands on and kill them all."

  Gazing to each face, his head stopped as he came to Claymore, "Some of you have been waiting for this chance for a long time. The twins are your opponents. Show me that you've got what it takes to be part of my horde! GO!"

  The approval of the crowd became evident the moment the gates rolled open and they saw a host of extra fighters move to stand alongside S-Six. The show unfolding beyond all expectation.


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