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Billionaire Single Dad

Page 2

by Claire Adams

  “I understand,” I said again. “I can handle it.”

  “You’ll have to be around the kid,” she said as she sat back in her chair. “That something you can do?”

  “Of course,” I said with a shrug. “It’s not a problem.”

  “Alright,” Veronica said. “Get out of here.”

  I stood up without a word and hurried out of the room. I was still irritated that Veronica had called me into the office for that. She could have explained things about the new client just as well over the phone. My patience was running thin. When I burst back outside, I jumped into the first cab I saw and yelled out the address.

  My foot tapped nervously against the floorboards as the cab driver sped through town. If I was late, George might not hire me on for another night. He was my most loyal client — I couldn’t afford to lose him.

  Still, as the minutes ticked by, I found myself thinking about the man Veronica had described. It wasn’t unusual for me to accompany a father out for the night, but most men didn’t bring their dates around their kids. Veronica had said I would meet the child: a three-year-old little girl. That was enough to catch my interest and keep me thinking all the way across town.

  “Here we are,” the cab driver said as he screeched to a halt outside the museum. I paid him quickly and ran up the front steps. I slowed down just in time to see George standing just inside the entrance. He smiled brightly when our eyes met.

  “Marissa,” he said kindly. He kissed my cheek gently and squeezed my hands. “You look lovely, as always.”

  “Thank you, George.” I smiled. “I’m so sorry I’m a little late tonight.”

  “Nonsense,” he said. “I hardly noticed.”

  He took my arm and led me further inside. We made our rounds, saying hello to his friends and colleagues. I was beginning to recognize most of them from other events, but I still had trouble remembering everyone’s names. George, always the gentleman, made sure to cover for me whenever possible. He would slip someone’s name into the conversation in such a subtle way that no one noticed. He was poised. My favorite kind of client.

  And yet, my heart wasn’t in it that night. As we mingled and smiled, schmoozed and conversed, I could think of only one thing: the new client Veronica promised me. My interest was more than piqued.

  As George led me over to a tray of hors d'oeuvres, I wondered what the man would look like. Veronica said he was older than she expected, old enough to be a father, but that didn’t tell me anything. Most of my clients were older than me. George was well into his forties, whereas I was still awaiting my twenty-sixth birthday. It would be nothing for the new client to be forty or fifty.

  When I remembered that Veronica said his daughter was only three, I couldn’t help but think he might be young. She said he had been nervous when he called, as if he’d never hired an escort before. That suggested naiveté, innocence.

  “Are you alright?” George asked quietly. “You usually love the shrimp crackers.”

  “What?” I frowned and turned to face him. He was staring at me with a look of concern, two shrimp crackers in his hands. He’d been holding them out for me, but I was too preoccupied to notice.

  “Are you feeling okay?” he asked.

  “Oh,” I said. “Yes, I’m fine. Just a bit flushed this evening. It’s warm in here.”

  He nodded, but didn’t say anything. It wasn’t at all warm in the museum. If anything, it was a few degrees too cold, but it didn’t matter. My head was too full to focus on George.

  It was strange how curious I was about this new client. I couldn’t remember the last time anyone had intrigued me so much. Many of my clients were well-off businessmen. That wasn’t a surprise. But, Veronica made sure to tell me how much gossip might surround this new client. It had been a while since I’d dealt with any sort of paparazzi.

  Part of me worried I would be subject to public ridicule. I wasn’t sure I wanted to put myself in that position, but when I thought of the little girl, I immediately reconsidered. Veronica was right. I was the best escort she had when it came to delicate clients. While it annoyed some men, my refusal to become physical usually benefited both parties. When sex became a factor, everything became more complicated.

  “Champagne?” George asked. I nodded and accepted the glass. After a few sips, I let him lead me through the waiting exhibits. I couldn’t remember what this party was for, but I knew it was incredibly important to the socialites of New York City.

  He led me through the halls, pointing out various paintings and artifacts he thought I would find interesting. I nodded and smiled, waving my polite hellos to the people we encountered. I was the picture of grace and poise: exactly what George always needed me to be.

  As the night drug on, though, I found myself drifting further away from George. I stayed permanently attached to his arm, but that didn’t matter. It didn’t stop my mind from racing across the city, back to Veronica’s office. I spent the rest of the night wondering what this new man would be like.

  Chapter Three


  The escort would be arriving any minute. I hated myself for thinking of her that way. As an escort. But, the woman I spoke with hadn’t given me a name. She only promised to provide a beautiful, young, graceful woman to play the part. She assured me satisfaction, swearing that this girl would be everything I needed her to be.

  As I sat at my desk, I felt my palms begin to sweat. It had only been a couple days since I called the number on the back of that gold card. I had felt ridiculous as I dialed the phone, and with each ring, my heart raced a little faster. When the woman finally answered, I thought it was going to burst from my chest.

  “I’m Veronica,” she told me. “And, you can relax, Mr. Mathis. We’re going to take great care of you.”

  It was strange and uncomfortable, but I knew my options were limited. It wasn’t as if I had time to go out and meet a woman the old-fashioned way. The clock was ticking, and if I didn’t find someone soon, Stan would never let me hear the end of it.

  Veronica said the girl she was providing would be exactly what I needed. This woman had a strict no sex policy, which sounded perfect to me. The idea of paying for sex was something I’d never entertained. Even before I met my wife, I never imagined hiring someone to fulfill my needs.

  With Josie in tow, the last thing I needed was a woman taking up residence in my bed, as well as my public life.

  From everything Veronica had told me, I knew this was the right decision. The woman, whoever she was, was due to arrive at my office in the next five minutes. I stared nervously at the clock and tapped my foot on the floor. Despite my confidence in every other area of my life, I wasn’t sure how to act now.

  “Mr. Mathis,” Irene said, poking her head into my office. “Your three o’clock is here.”

  I swallowed hard. With a nod, I silently told my secretary to let the girl inside. I squeezed my eyes closed and waited with baited breath as Irene stepped aside and a young woman slowly walked forward.

  “Hi,” she said. “I’m Marissa Gonzalez. You must be Dirk.”

  I froze. My eyes roamed over Marissa’s face, taking in her stunning beauty. I shouldn’t have been surprised — she was a professional escort, after all. Beauty came with the territory. But I never imagined someone so breathtaking.

  Her dark hair was tied back elegantly in a low ponytail that curled at the edges. Pulled back from her face, her hair highlighted her tan skin and dark eyes. She wore a light layer of makeup, subtle and much less than I had expected, but it did wonders to enhance her already stunning appearance. She was gorgeous in a way that was natural and effortless. My heart was racing inside my chest as I quickly averted my eyes.

  “Um,” I said, clearing my throat. “Yes. Hi. I’m Dirk.”

  “It’s nice to meet you,” Marissa said kindly. She took a step forward and held out her hand. I shook it, horribly aware of the fact that my palms were still sweating. Marissa didn’t flinch. Her eyes never left my f

  I found myself lowering my gaze in an effort not to stare at her. My eyes fell on her body, and I forgot how to breathe. She had curves that were almost as captivating as her dark brown eyes. Her breasts were hidden beneath a fitted blouse that was somehow both modest and teasing. Her hips were alluring in a way that caught my eye and made me blush.

  I cleared my throat again and shook my head.

  “Please have a seat,” I said. I gestured toward the chair across from my desk. Marissa nodded politely and sat down. “Can I offer you something to drink? Water? Or coffee?”

  “Water would be great,” she said.

  I pressed a button on my intercom and buzzed Irene.

  “Yes, Mr. Mathis?”

  “Can you bring Miss Gonzalez a water, please?” I asked.

  “Right away,” Irene replied.

  I released the intercom button and turned back to Marissa. She was sitting gracefully in the chair, her legs crossed easily and her hands resting lightly on her knees. She was completely relaxed, perfectly at ease. The sight threw me off my game even more. I was so nervous that my entire body felt odd and out of place. How was it possible that she was completely unfazed by the awkwardness of this situation?

  “Here you are,” Irene said, as she stepped inside. She handed Marissa a bottle of water and then quickly left, pulling the door shut behind her.

  In an instant, we were alone. I slowly sat down in my chair and cleared my throat. I wasn’t sure where to begin. Marissa sat calmly across from me, smiling kindly. I could tell she was trying to put me at ease, and I appreciated her all the more for it.

  “I guess we should just jump right in,” I said.

  “Sure,” Marissa said. “Veronica told me a little bit about what you need, but why don’t you fill me in?”

  “Okay.” I nodded. “Basically, I need a girlfriend for a month. Someone to accompany me to a resort in Laguna Beach and be on my arm during all the social events that will take place.”

  She nodded, “Sounds perfectly doable.”

  “Does it?” I laughed. “I’m not so sure.”

  “No?” she asked with a frown.

  “I’m nervous,” I admitted. “More nervous than I thought I would be.”

  Marissa laughed softly, “I would be concerned if you weren’t nervous.”

  “Are all your clients a little jittery?”

  “At first,” she nodded. “But, it’ll fade. You and I will be spending a lot of time together. It will become more comfortable naturally.”

  “I can see why Veronica recommended you,” I said. “You’re obviously good under pressure.”

  “This isn’t pressure,” she said, with a wave of her hand. “This is the easy part.”

  “It is?” I asked.

  She nodded again. I sighed and stood up slowly, adjusting my suit coat as I did. I walked around the front of my desk and leaned back against it. Suddenly, nothing was separating me from Marissa. She was sitting right in front of me.

  “It’s my fault,” I said. “I put myself in this position.”

  “How so?” Her eyes found mine and held on. Her calm demeanor was even more pronounced. It was like nothing could shake this girl.

  “I lied to my friends,” I said simply. “After my wife died, everyone was worried about me. They were afraid I wasn’t moving on fast enough, that I was letting life pass me by. They pushed me, encouraged me. But, I just wasn’t ready. Honestly, I’m still not.”

  “When did she pass?”

  “It’s been a little over two years now,” I said. “I know what you’re thinking. That it’s been long enough. That it’s time to just let go already.”

  “No,” Marissa said, shaking her head. “I would never think that.”

  “Well, most people do,” I said. “My friends especially. It was just easier to lie and say I was dating again. They believed me, even though they never met the women I pretended to date. It made them feel better to think I was happy. It gave them peace of mind. I never imagined it would come back to bite me in the ass like this.”

  “It doesn’t have to,” she said confidently. “That’s what I’m here for.”

  I smiled and studied her face. She was staring at me with those dark eyes, and I could barely remember my own name. I was prepared to keep things casual between us, cold even. I didn’t want her to get too close. This was a business deal, after all. Nothing more. Yet, with every passing second, I felt something more brewing beneath the surface.

  Marissa was kind and understanding in a way that no one had ever been. She didn’t question my inability to move past Amelia’s death. She didn’t scoff at my nerves or judge my lies. She just listened and accepted. It was rare to meet someone like that. I found myself wondering if we could become friends when all this was over.

  “So,” I said. “That’s pretty much it. I need a fake girlfriend for the month.”

  “You’re in luck,” Marissa said with a grin. “That happens to be my specialty.”

  “It won’t be all bad,” I said quickly. “The resort in California is amazing, and you’ll have access to all the amenities. You’ll basically get to spoil yourself the entire time.”

  “You don’t have to convince me,” she said with confidence.

  I nodded, and silence fell between us. I knew I couldn’t spend the rest of our meeting staring at her, but I also couldn’t tear my eyes away from her face. There was something about her eyes that drew me in. It wasn’t sexual or even intimate; it was just nice. Natural. Her personality was one that put everyone around her in a great mood. She was infectious without even trying. She held my gaze and waited for me to continue.

  “Oh,” I said, suddenly remember the most important part. “My daughter. Josie.”

  “Right,” Marissa said, her eyes lighting up. “Veronica mentioned your daughter would play a part in this. She’s three, right?”

  “Yes,” I said with a nod. “She’s three, and she’ll be joining us in California. I don’t go very many places without her, so it’s important that she come with us.”

  “That won’t be a problem,” Marissa said easily. “I love kids.”

  I smiled and sighed, leaning back further against my desk. Everything Marissa said made me want to keep talking to her. I wasn’t ready for the conversation to end. We’d only just met, but already the comfort she promised was beginning to form. I knew spending a month with her by my side would be easy. No one would question her presence. Just like me, they would all welcome her instantly.

  “I feel ridiculous for all of this,” I said, shaking my head. “I should have been honest with everyone from the very beginning, but I wasn’t. And now, here I am, in need of a fake girlfriend to get me out of a lie.”

  “It’s never easy to tell people the truth,” she said. “Especially when the truth is the last thing they want to hear. You did what you had to do to get through the days after your wife died. That’s all anyone can ask of you.”

  “You’re smart for your age,” I said.

  “My age?” she asked, raising her eyebrows.

  “I assume you’re young,” I said simply. “Early twenties?”

  “Twenty-five,” she nodded. “But, I wouldn’t say that’s young.”

  “See?” I said. “I told you I was nervous. It hasn’t even been twenty minutes, and I’ve already put my foot in my mouth.”

  “You’re doing fine,” Marissa assured me. “This isn’t a test. It’s just a simple conversation to get to know one another.”

  “Sounds simple, but it definitely doesn’t feel that way,” I said.

  She sighed and moved forward in the chair. She leaned around me to place her water bottle on my desk. As our eyes met again, she extended her hand toward my knee. When she rested it lightly, just so, I felt my stomach flip nervously.

  She smiled gently and held my gaze. It was just for a few seconds. Her hand was barely on my knee for any time at all, and yet, it felt like several days passed as we sat in my office. Her s
mile never faltered and quickly, my nerves disappeared. As we sat there together, her calm nature floated through the air between us and settled inside my chest, filling me with a confidence I thought I had lost years ago.

  Chapter Four


  Dirk’s blue eyes filled with something new as I placed my hand on his knee. He was so nervous, so unsure of himself that I just wanted to help him through this process. The first time a man like this hired an escort was never easy. He felt strange and uncomfortable, even when sex wasn’t involved. I understood exactly how Dirk felt and wanted nothing more than to hold his hand through it all. He was sweet. Kind and gentle, it seemed. Not at all like my usual clients, who — while gentlemen — were much more experienced when it came to this sort of arrangement.

  I cleared my throat and moved my hand away, holding Dirk’s gaze. His brown hair caught the light from the ceiling as he shook his head slightly and let out a soft chuckle.

  “I guess I’m not very good at this,” he said.

  “You don’t have to be,” I said. “I know it’s uncomfortable, but this is just like every other deal you’ve ever made. You’re a businessman, right?”

  “Yes,” he nodded.

  “So, just think of it like that,” I said, with a shrug. “We’re just two business associates, working out a contract.”

  “Most of my business associates are burly old men,” he said. “It might be hard to pretend you’re one of them.”

  I laughed and shook my head. Dirk was easy to talk to. Despite his obvious discomfort, the conversation stayed easy throughout the entire meeting. There were no awkward silences or unsure glances. He was scared and worried about our new situation, but I knew that would pass. He was a nice man who just needed a little bit of help.

  “I looked over your file a little bit,” I said softly, “and saw that your wife died not that long after Josie was born.”

  “About a year after,” he said with a nod. I wasn’t sure if he would want to talk about his late wife, but I hoped it might bridge the gap between us. If Dirk could become comfortable with me immediately, then everything would be much easier at the resort.


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