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The Nerd Conquest

Page 3

by C. W. Niess

  Just as Mark made it a third of the way down the row, he heard the shower room door open behind him. Realizing he had to move quickly, Mark ran to the last shower on his right and started to pull open the curtain. He stopped himself just in time, however, realizing the shower was occupied. Out of options, Mark darted over a bench and into the stall on his left even though he didn’t think it was the correct stall.

  After closing the curtain, Mark pressed himself against the back wall waiting for one of the girls to scream or protest his intrusion. When such a response didn’t follow, Mark assumed he managed to duck behind the curtain without being seen. After waiting another minute to be sure he was undetected, Mark inspected the back wall for peepholes. Nothing. As he suspected, Lucy’s shower was the stall opposite his and was presently occupied. Mark was going to have to wait for the girl to vacate the stall then dart across the center area to her shower.

  Mark made sure his white plastic curtain was closed all the way and turned the shower water on; he wanted to avoid anyone accidently walking in on him. Waiting for the girl in the opposite shower to finish, Mark took account of his surroundings. The shower room had two rows of five shower stalls each. The showers were separated by about six feet of open space and narrow wooden benches. Against the opposite wall by the main entrance, was a counter with five sinks; the sinks separated the showers from a separate area where the restroom stalls were located.

  Mark realized the row of sinks could create a problem when he tried to cross the open area between stalls. Once the girls were done with their showers, they would likely move to a sink to fix their hair and makeup. If any girl at the sink turned around while he was between shower stalls, Mark would be exposed.

  Mark could only hope that any girls at the mirror would be more focused on their makeup and hair; they wouldn’t be expecting a naked dude jumping from one shower to another behind them. At least that’s what Mark had to hope.

  As Mark cowered in the corner of his shower; he peeked through the curtain at the opposite stall every few minutes. What was taking that girl so long? Mark wasn’t sure what time it was exactly, but it had to be almost six o’clock.

  Finally, Mark saw the shower curtain opposite his open up. Behind it, a young girl wearing only a blue towel around her head emerged into the walkway. Seeing the naked girl stunned Mark for a moment, but he was able to regain his bearings and retreat to the corner of his shower. Since the girl didn’t scream or try to cover her exposed body, Mark assumed she hadn’t noticed him watching her through the foggy curtain.

  After a few seconds, Mark risked peeking out from behind his curtain once again. The girl from the opposite shower was standing at the sink area still wearing only the towel around her head. Mark figured about three or four of the other shower stalls were full. He would have to either make a break for it behind the naked girl at the sinks, or he would have to wait for her to leave. If Mark waited, though, someone else might claim his destination stall.

  Realizing this might be his best opportunity, Mark decided he was going to risk switching showers. Mark peeked out of his cube and surveyed the area one final time. The naked girl was in the process of removing the towel from her head and wrapping it around her body. While she was focused on securing the towel around her chest, Mark jumped out of his stall, hurdled the bench, and dove into the opposite shower. Mark realized that he forgot to turn off the water in his first stall, but there was no way he was going back.

  Mark was quite impressed with himself. Considering everything, he was managing better than expected. His challenge was far from over, however.

  Mark immediately surveyed the wall for the peephole. It was well hidden, but, sure enough, there was a small void under the soap cradle. Mark looked through the hole and saw clearly into the study room. Strangely enough, the room was empty. He fully expected to see Janice and Lucy in there waiting for him.

  “So now what?” Mark whispered to himself. “It’s not like I’m ever getting out of here.”

  Again, Mark turned the shower water on in hopes of avoiding an awkward reveal. He had no idea what he was supposed to do, but he figured Janice would have something planned for him. Again remembering the previous day when Janice left him waiting in the study room, Mark considered the possibility that she planned on simply stranding him in the women’s showers.

  As nervous as Mark was, he was also excited. This was by far the most adventurous thing he had ever attempted. Being naked in the girls’ shower room and running the risk of getting caught at any time thrilled him more than he could have ever imagined. As the powerful shower blasted into his body, he felt like he was about to blow his load all over the tile floor. Mark was tempted to reach down and, with a few quick strokes, relieve his own pressure. He wasn’t about to risk it, though.

  As Mark leaned down again to peek into the study room, he heard someone enter the shower stall next to his. Mark wondered if it was Janice or Lucy. Maybe it was the young blonde from earlier that morning. Mark figured he could easily boost himself up and look over the dividing wall, but he realized that was a bad idea. Chances were that it was some random girl getting ready for class.

  “Shit,” a voice complained from outside Mark’s shower. “Looks like we have a full house this morning. That’s what I get for sleeping in.”

  “No worries,” another girl responded from a couple showers down. “You can take this one. I’m almost done.”

  “What about me?” another girl said presumably joining the shower queue. “Hurry up, ladies. Some of us have to get to class.”

  “Like you’re the only one with early lectures,” yet another voice joined in the discussion from an occupied shower stall.

  Mark realized the facility was filling up, and it would be at least a couple of hours before the activity died down. Through his curtain, he could see the silhouettes of several girls, each wrapped in a towel, along the center bench. If anyone peeked into his shower, he would have nowhere to hide, and there would be no way he could leave his stall without getting caught.

  As was his best and only option, Mark pressed his back into the shower’s corner waiting and hoping to hear from Janice or Lucy.

  After a few more minutes, Mark once again peaked through the hole under the soap dish looking for any signs of life; the study room was still empty. Just as he lifted his head, however, his shower curtain whipped open. Aluminum rings scraped against the metal rod as cold air from outside the shower swept over Mark’s body. Instinctively, Mark dropped to the tile floor clutching his arms around his bent knees.

  “There you are,” Janice whispered closing the curtain behind herself. Just like the other girls, she was wrapped in a white bath towel; her straight black hair was tied neatly in a ponytail. “Get up, why don’t you?”

  Without a word, Mark stood to his feet cupping his hands over his erect cock. He worried that the other girls would hear Janice talking to him. Janice, after all, wasn’t making even the slightest attempt to whisper.

  Janice looked seductively at Mark as she started to undo her towel. She spread the towel open like wings behind her body. To Mark’s dismay, Janice only revealed that she was wearing a red bikini.

  “Oh, I’m sorry.” Janice joked at Mark’s obvious disappointment. “You don’t like my bikini?”

  Mark didn’t answer; he wanted to avoid drawing any attention to himself, and Janice’s question was of the rhetorical nature anyway. Mark didn’t boast the deepest of voices, but his male voice certainly wouldn’t go unnoticed in the crowded female shower facility.

  “What’s wrong?” Janice joked. “Cat got your tongue?”

  Mark cringed holding his finger over his mouth begging Janice to be quiet.

  “Oh, I get it,” Janice teased. “You want me to shut up.”

  Mark nodded hopefully.

  Janice leaned into Mark’s ear and whispered her demands. “I’m going to sit outside your shower with my phone, and you’re going to give me another show just like you did yesterday

  “What?” Mark whispered emphatically. “I can’t do…”

  “You can do it,” Janice continued. “You will do it. Then I’ll get you a towel and help get you out of here.”

  “But, I can’t…”

  “You can,” Janice said. “You will.” She gave Mark a kiss on the cheek as she wrapped the towel back around her body. She then slid the shower curtain back open and stepped away from Mark. As promised, Janice left Mark’s curtain open and positioned herself on the bench facing his shower. She picked up her phone and pointed the camera at Mark. Janice held the phone casually against her stomach so as to not draw attention to her directorial effort. “Better hurry up,” Janice mouthed to her terrified and excited star.

  Mark surveyed his surroundings. He hoped the shower stall behind Janice was still empty; he assumed it was vacant since he left the curtain closed and the water running. He knew multiple girls were standing around the sink area and at least a couple girls sitting on the benches just down from Janice. Mark didn’t want to whack himself off for Janice’s camera yet again, but she had him in yet another terribly compromising position. He could get caught at any moment.

  Janice rolled her hand in front of her body encouraging Mark to get on with his show.

  Mark knew what he was about to do would only give Janice more leverage. He also knew, she wouldn’t hesitate to strand him there or, worse, call campus police on him.

  Mark closed his eyes and grabbed his right hand around his dick. This was nowhere near the first time Mark initiated such activity in the shower. During other such occasions, however, Mark had a significantly greater expectation of privacy. Mark began stroking himself and immediately felt blood rushing to his penis. The risk of getting caught both enhanced Mark’s excitement and distracted him from his task. He wanted to get the process over quickly, something that wasn’t normally an issue, but his body wasn’t cooperating.

  Finally, after almost rubbing himself raw, Mark’s body recoiled and shot cum all over the shower floor in front of him.

  Janice broke into uproarious laughter likely grabbing the attention of any surrounding girls.

  Mark was humiliated, perhaps even more so than he was the day before. He immediately grabbed the curtain and pulled it closed between Janice and himself. He assumed Janice would yank it back open, but Mark couldn’t remain in her sight any longer at least not voluntarily. Mark watched Janice through the foggy curtain; he had no idea what she would do next.

  Janice stepped out of Mark’s view for just a few seconds then returned to his shower. Thankfully, she closed the curtain behind herself. She handed Mark a white towel.

  “Please don’t share that video,” Mark whispered. “I did what you wanted. Please, Janice.”

  “Don’t worry,” Janice promised. “The two of us are square.”

  “Really,” Mark answered suspiciously. “We are?”

  “The two of us are even,” Janice clarified. “But you still need to make things right with Lucy.”

  “Lucy?” Mark asked. “How so?”

  “Meet us in the cafeteria for supper tonight,” Janice demanded. “Seven sharp.”

  “Seven,” Mark agreed. “Okay.”

  Janice threw the spare towel at Mark and shut the curtain between them. Mark watched as her shadow moved out of view. He could only hope Janice would somehow follow through with her promise to clear the room even though fulfilling such vow would be an ambitious undertaking.

  Not wanting to waste any more time naked, Mark turned off his water and wrapped the towel around his waist. He leaned back against the wall cradling his face in his hands. Mark couldn’t believe he’d let himself get into this situation.

  Mark started thinking through possible exit strategies. How could he explain being in the women’s shower room? He could say it was an accident, but that would be a tough sell considering how crowded the room was. Maybe he should just wait it out. Eventually, the girls had to leave and go to class. Wouldn’t they?

  “What the fuck,” the girl in the shower next to Mark shouted. “Who turned off the water?”

  “Mine’s not working either,” another girl yelled from across the room.

  “Sorry girls,” Mark heard Janice yell from the front door. “The maintenance guy had to shut off the water. The showers across the way are still working.”

  Janice came through. Mark could hardly believe that, after everything, Janice was actually helping him get out of the shower room. Her plan was solid too. He never would have considered turning off the water; Mark wasn’t even sure how one would accomplish such a feat.

  Even if only a glimmer of hope, Janice’s assistance allowed Mark to believe that she might remain faithful to her word about the videos. If Mark followed through with the plan, Janice might actually keep the evidence against him private. This wasn’t the time to think about next steps, though. Even with the water turned off, Mark had to be careful making his way out of there.

  Mark held his ground as the girls begrudgingly shuttled out of the steam-filled room. Within a few minutes, Mark found himself alone in the girls’ sixth-floor showers. He felt a strange peace as he stepped out into the empty walkway. Only a few abandoned towels remained between Mark and the exit.

  Mark waited a few minutes before making his way back to the seventh floor. Several girls saw him leaving the sixth-floor hallway but seeing some guy in a towel was hardly an unusual sight in the coed dorm. At least for the time being, Mark was safe; he had made it into and out of the showers undetected.

  Mark was glad to find his room unlocked and his folded clothes awaiting him. Even if his adventure was far from over, Mark realized his trip to the women’s shower could have gone worse, much worse.

  Mark dressed quickly. He found the clothes empowering somehow, as though he controlled his own destiny. The computer science senior thought about blowing off the day’s classes, but he couldn’t risk falling behind. Besides, Mark needed something else to occupy his mind. Otherwise, he would spend the day pacing around his room worrying what Lucy might have in store for him at dinner.

  Since he had some extra time before his first class, Mark figured he would walk over to the library and catch up on some studying. If nothing else, it would get him out of the dormitory.

  Mark enjoyed the crisp morning air as he hiked across campus. Even though he was worried about his dinner with Lucy, the exercise helped him clear his mind. Mark enjoyed his anonymity along the busy college street. He was content being lost in the crowd.

  “Hey, there,” a voice called out from behind Mark. “Wait up.”

  “So much for alone time,” Mark mumbled under his breath. He looked back to see the young blonde girl from the study room waving her arms frantically; she was making chase. Why could she possibly be following him? Mark thought about trying to lose her but didn’t want to tempt fate any more than necessary.

  “Hold on,” the girl yelled again. “I need to talk with you.”

  “What is it?” Mark asked. He didn’t mean to sound so irritated.

  “Hey now,” the girl said. “Where you headed?”

  “Class,” Mark returned. “I mean the library. I’m going to the library then class.”

  “Okay, then,” the girl said. “I’ll walk with you.”

  “Is there something you wanted?” Mark asked.

  “Really?” the girl returned with some attitude. “Calm down. I’m trying to help you. Oh well.”

  “Help me?” Mark asked sarcastically. “You’ve got to be kidding. How are you helping me?”

  “Really?” the girl snapped again grabbing Mark’s arm and spinning him around. “Don’t blame me for all this shit. I’m not the one spying on girls in the shower.”

  “I wasn’t…”

  “Like hell, you weren’t,” the girl interrupted. “Not that it matters anyway.”

  “Not that it matters?” Mark lamented.

  “No. It doesn’t,” she returned. “What matters is that Janice has you w
here she wants you.”

  “She does?” Mark protested. “Maybe so. Maybe not.”

  “Maybe so?” the girl returned with a sarcastic laugh. She let go of Mark’s arm and rested her hands on her hips. “More like bet your ass so. You don’t know what kind of sadistic bitch you’re dealing with.”

  “I know Janice just fine,” Mark responded. He turned away from the girl and continued walking toward the library. Mark was pissed at her presumption but also still embarrassed about their earlier encounter. Either way, he wanted the meeting over with.

  “Look,” the girl said running after Mark. “We’re getting off on the wrong foot here. Believe it or not, I really am trying to help you.”

  “Help me? Mark queried once again. “You’re helping me? Pardon me if I don’t send you a thank you card or anything. Honestly, I don’t know why you’re even involved in all this.”

  The girl ran in front of Mark blocking his path. She put both hands on his chest forcing him to hear her out. “Please. Let’s just start again. My name’s Brooke by the way.” She extended a hand to Mark.

  “Fine,” Mark replied reluctantly shaking Brooke’s hand. “Why do you care what happens to me anyway?”

  “Because Janice is out of control,” Brook returned. “You need to know exactly who you’re dealing with.”

  “So what?” Mark conceded. “So what if she’s out of control. It’s not like I have much choice in the matter.”

  “That’s right,” Brooke said. “You don’t have ANY choice in the matter. If you don’t do exactly what Janice says, she’ll make sure those videos get out to everyone you know. I’m not trying to scare you or anything. You just need to understand that.”

  “So is that why you followed me?” Mark asked. “You want to make sure I listen to Janice?”

  Brook brushed her hand against Mark’s shoulder reassuringly. “If I get a chance to help you, I will. In the meantime, don’t press your luck. Go along with Janice and Lucy. Let them have their fun. If you don’t fight back, they’ll get bored and move on. All you have to do is ride it out.”


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