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The Nerd Conquest

Page 6

by C. W. Niess

  Mark had never been close with his step-sister, Alicia, who was three years his junior. His father had married Alicia’s mother when he was fifteen, and the two had never bonded like typical siblings. Tina only made Mark’s relationship with his step-sister worse. Tina and he fought every time Tina visited Alicia. Tina acted as though he was socially inferior to Alicia and openly encouraged Mark’s sister to avoid him. In part, Mark blamed Tina for his distant relationship with Alicia.

  After finishing high school, Mark made a point to never be in the same room with Tina. In fact, not having to see Tina or even Alicia was one of the things he liked the most about going to college. He regretted not having a relationship with his step-sister, but it was never going to happen so long as Tina was in the picture.

  Mark worried that Monica would tell Tina about his situation. If Tina found out, she would certainly tell his step-sister, and Alicia would hold it over his head until the day he died. This was yet another in a growing list of problems, but it was a problem he would have to put out of his mind for the time being. He was, after all, standing naked on the girls’ sixth-floor hallway; he didn’t even have his god-damned clipboard.

  After another minute or so, Mark knocked on Alison’s door as hard as he could. He was at the point where he would need to retrieve the signup list or move on without it. Either way, he couldn’t risk waiting any longer.

  As she did the first time, Alison opened the door as far as the latched chain lock would permit. “Who is it?” she said in jest peeking through the door at Mark.

  “Come on,” Mark begged. “Please. I just need my clipboard back.”

  “Oh, I’m sorry,” Alison said. “I almost forgot. I signed up for next Friday. I didn’t want to have you over on a weeknight since it might disrupt your class schedule.”

  “Oh,” Mark said. “Okay. Can I just get the clipboard back, then?”

  “Sure you can,” Alison said. “I just need you to do one thing for me first.”

  “Now? You need me to do something right now?”

  “That’s right,” Alison said. She handed Mark an old MP3 player with a pair of headphones.

  “What are these for?” Mark asked as he grabbed the headphones through the open space between the door and its frame.

  “Well,” Alison said. “You told me you wanted the clipboard, and I’m going to give it to you.”

  “Okay,” Mark replied. “But why do I need the headphones.”

  “That’s easy,” Alison answered. “Before I return your clipboard, I need you to do something for me.”

  “Something for you?” Mark panicked.

  “Don’t worry,” Alison insisted. “This’ll only take a minute. I just need you to put those headphones on. As soon as they’re on, close your eyes, reach down, and grab your ankles.”

  “What? Grab my…”

  “It’s that or move it along,” Alison said. She paused for dramatic effect while smirking at her visitor. “Do you want your clipboard or not?”

  “Yeah, I guess I…”

  “Good. Then put the headphones on and grab those ankles.”

  “But what do I…”

  Alison slammed the door on him. Her instructions were clear. If he wanted his clipboard, he was going to have to put the headphones on and grab his ankles as instructed. He had a good idea what Alison was up to; he just didn’t think it was right. She would get her evening of service from him. Why this? Why now?”

  Mark looked up and down the hallway not sure what to do. If he did as Alison demanded, he wouldn’t be able to see or hear anyone coming. Worse, he would be waiting for some sort of ass whipping. If he didn’t do as Alison requested, he would have to go back to Lucy without all three girls signed up. He didn’t even remember what room number the third girl was in.

  Realizing he didn’t have much of a choice, Mark put the headphones on. All he could hear was some eighties metal band screaming and smashing guitars. As instructed, he bent over and grabbed his ankles, an uncomfortable position for someone not in the best of shape.

  Trying to balance while listening to the blaring music was sensory overload for Mark. He lost his bearings and had no idea who might be watching his spectacle. He imagined a large group of coeds surrounding his naked body and laughing hysterically.

  After a minute or so of waiting, Mark felt someone press her body against his back. The girl was on her knees with his head stuck right under her crotch. She wrapped her arms around his bent-over frame and grabbed the back of his calves with her hands. He felt the girl’s breasts through a knitted sweater and underwire bra pressing against his lower back; her warm breath flowed over his back and down his ass.

  The girl squeezed her body into Mark’s bending him further in on himself. Mark’s chest pressed against his own knees. The sweater girl was both supporting him and holding him in the bent over position. Mark couldn’t move, not even if he wanted to.

  Curious about what was going on, Mark opened his eyes and tried to look up between his legs. Just as he saw Alison looking down on him, he felt a squirt of water blast into his eyes. The message was clear. His eyes were to remain closed as instructed.

  Not knowing who was watching him or what was coming next, Mark could only wait. His legs burned as the girl holding him stretched his muscles well beyond their comfort zone. His eyes stung from the blast of water, and his ears hurt from the loud music.

  “Whack,” Mark felt the first blow as the clipboard smacked against his ass.

  “Ahhh,” he squealed with the second blow, a sound he made again and again as the pressboard crashed into his ass repeatedly.

  After about ten smacks, the spanking ended. Even so, Mark didn’t dare open his eyes.

  Mark felt Alison remove the headphones from his ears even though he still heard the blaring music’s aftereffects reverberating in his head.

  “Count to thirty before you open your eyes,” Alison said to Mark.

  “One,” Mark counted out loud. “Two…Three…Four…”

  As he continued counting, the girl holding onto Mark’s knees let go and retreated to Alison’s room.

  “Ten…Eleven…Twelve…,” Mark continued counting out loud until he hit thirty. When he stood up, Alison’s door was closed. Down the hallway, he saw a couple other girls retreating to different rooms. Mark had no idea how many people shared the painful and humiliating experience with him. Frankly, he didn’t want to know.

  After picking the clipboard up from the floor, Mark saw that Alison did, in fact, sign up for Friday night. Mark couldn’t think of a worse way to end his week of subjugation. If she was fucking with him already, he couldn’t imagine what games she would have in store for him in seven days.

  Mark realized he needed to keep moving; he had one more girl to sign up, then he could go back to the study room. As much as his ass along with the rest of his body hurt, he had to find the next room.

  “Oh shit,” Mark said aloud looking at his clipboard. He never connected the dots until now. Monica was the third girl! Not only did he have to worry about his former classmate telling Tina about seeing him naked in the hallway. He would have to spend a full evening with Monica that next week. How could he not have figured this out before now?

  Mark staggered nervously to the end of the hallway. Along the way, he passed another girl who chuckled at the naked guy with the clipboard but didn’t offer any substantive conversation.

  Mark stood quietly in front of Monica’s door unable to lift his hand against the entrance. He didn’t have to knock; Monica opened the door of her own volition and invited him inside. By this time, her pitch black hair was almost dry; she was wearing a tight red dress with a black belt, netted stockings, and high heels. Her room smelled of vanilla scented candles.

  “You have any time left for me?” Monica asked as she checked herself in the mirror.

  “Yeah,” Mark said nervously. “Next Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday night.”

  “I used to hear about you all the time,”
Monica continued. “Tina really didn’t like you for some reason. I don’t think your sister cared much for you either.”

  “I don’t know,” Mark responded wanting to get the conversation over with. “You gonna sign up?”

  “Slow down there,” Monica snapped back. “You don’t have to be rude. My god.”

  “Sorry. I...I really didn’t mean to be.”

  Monica scanned over the clipboard. “Tina was right. You really are an asshole. Aren’t you?”

  Mark looked down at his feet as they shuffled his exposed body back and forth uncomfortably.

  “What do you know?” Monica said. “Wednesday’s still open.” She scribbled on Mark’s clipboard as he started to hyperventilate. She made sure to dot the “I” in her name with a tiny heart. “Looks like we’ll have a little high school reunion.”

  “Monica?” Mark asked timidly.


  “Please don’t say anything to Tina. I really don’t…”

  “Don’t worry about Tina,” Monica replied. “I promise. I won't say a word.”

  “Thanks, Monica. Really.”

  "Don't thank me yet," Monica laughed as she ushered him out of her room. “We’ll see you Wednesday night.”

  Mark started back down the hallway before being interrupted again by his former classmate.

  “Hey, Mark,” Monica yelled down the hall.

  “Huh?” Mark answered begrudgingly.

  “Your ass looks a little red,” Monica said with a laugh. “I hope you’re okay.”

  “Fuck you,” Mark mumbled under his breath as he turned back away from her. He tried putting his former classmate out of his mind as he rushed passed another group of girls toward the study room. He longed for his clothes and some time alone.

  “What took you so long?” Lucy joked as he burst back into the study room.

  Mark was glad that Lucy was alone in the all-too-familiar room. He didn’t know what happened to Janice and Brooke, and, frankly, he didn’t care.

  Mark handed Lucy the clipboard and grabbed his pile of clothes; without asking permission, he immediately started getting dressed. Fortunately for Mark, Lucy didn’t object to his presumptive modesty. Perhaps the redhead saw Mark’s equally red ass and took pity on her ex-boyfriend. He had been through a lot since five o’clock that morning.

  Once Mark was dressed, Lucy walked him back through the next week’s plan. He was going to spend Monday night with Emily, Wednesday with Monica, and Friday with Alison. “Looks like you have a fun week planned,” Lucy joked. “You go through with this as we discussed, and we’re even. That video will never see the light of day.”

  “Really?” Mark asked hoping for confirmation. “You’ll get rid of those videos?”

  “You don’t trust me,” Lucy responded with an evil look.

  “I do,” Mark said. “I promise I do.”

  “Good enough,” Lucy said. “I guess you’re done here. We’ll see you Monday night at six forty-five. You’re going to have so much fun with Emily.”

  Mark was indeed worried about his evening with Emily. She was the least of his concerns, however; Mark was more nervous about what Alison and Monica might have planned for him. Of his three hosts, Emily figured to be the lesser of evils.

  There was a silver lining to his long humiliating day. As of midnight next Friday he would be free. His ordeal with Janice, Lucy, and Brooke would be over with. He had to believe that. It was the only thing keeping him going at this point.

  Chapter Six

  After an angst-filled weekend of pacing his dorm room and imagining worst-case scenarios, it was finally Monday. As much as Mark wasn’t looking forward to what this new week had in store for him, he was one step closer to having his life back. After his ex-girlfriend and her roommate had caught him spying on the girls’ shower, they were holding the video of said offense against him.

  To pay for his perversion, Mark agreed to give three girls who were in the shower that morning an evening of service. Mark would have to do whatever each of the girls asked of him; he had no idea what they would expect, but he assumed their demands would be humiliating. First up was Emily followed by Monica, his former schoolmate, on Wednesday, and Alison on Friday. Each girl could be as kind or as cruel as she wanted. She just wasn’t allowed to get him arrested, injured, or kicked out of school.

  After this week was over, Lucy promised they would let Mark live his life. The damning videos would never see the light of day.

  Mark’s evening with Emily was to begin at six forty-five; he was expected to report to the study room and prepare himself according to Emily’s instructions. He wasn’t sure how the required preparation would be communicated to him, but he assumed Lucy had everything plotted out. Hoping for some extra time to collect his thoughts, Mark reported to the study space about ten minutes early.

  When Mark entered the designated room, he found a couple of girls working on a computer. Since he didn’t recognize them, he assumed they had no connection to Lucy or Janice. The strangers were most likely using the study room for its appointed purpose and had no idea why he had walked in on them.

  “Can we help you?” one of the girls, a skinny brunette, asked him. She was clearly annoyed by his presence.

  “Sorry,” Mark replied. “I’m just…I’m just supposed to meet someone here.”

  “Awesome,” the brunette responded sarcastically. She rolled her eyes at her friend, a full-figured girl with darker skin and auburn hair. The two turned their backs to him and continued with their work.

  Mark sat in the same chair Janice caught him in the week prior. He wasn’t sure how to proceed considering the two random girls. What if Lucy or Janice showed up while the strangers were still studying? This evening would be difficult enough as it was. Mark didn’t want to involve anyone who wasn’t already part of his ongoing humiliation. Even so, he didn’t feel comfortable asking the girls to leave.

  Just ahead of the designated rendezvous time, Brooke walked into the room with a shopping bag. Evidenced by a wide grin, the young blonde clearly enjoyed surprising Mark with her presence. “Oh, you’re here already,” she said to him seemingly not noticing the two other girls. “You’re early.”

  “Uh, hi,” Mark responded. “Is Lucy coming?”

  “No,” Brooke responded. “She sent me to get you ready.”

  “Would you two mind keeping it down?” the skinny brunette girl petitioned angrily. “We have to finish our paper sometime this week. Can’t you discuss this somewhere else?”

  “So sorry,” Brooke said with a curtsy and more than a hint of attitude. “We won’t be very long.”

  “Whatever,” the girl responded. “Just try to keep it down. Okay?”

  “That’s fine,” Brooke returned with an evil grin. “It’s just that my friend here lost a bet.”

  “So,” the auburn-haired girl responded. “How’s that our problem, anyway?”

  “It’s not your problem at all,” Brooke said. “It’s just that…well, he has to change his clothes.”

  The brunette slid the computer back on the desk and stood up. “Right now? In here? He has to get changed in here? Can’t he go to the bathroom or something?”

  “Sorry,” Brooke said pulling a plaid skirt from her bag. “He lost a bet, and now he has to pay up.”

  Mark squirmed in his chair realizing Brooke was about to have him change into a classic school-girl skirt. He tried to protest but couldn’t force even the first word from his throat.

  “That?” the auburn-haired girl laughed pointing at the skirt. “He has to wear that?”

  “You got it,” Brooke returned with a smile. “He has to put this on, and he has to do it right here.”

  The brunette turned her chair toward Mark sitting down deliberately with her arms crossed. “I guess he can get dressed in here if he wants, but we were here first; we’re not leaving.”

  The other girl moved her chair next to the brunette. “Go ahead.” She circled her finger at the ski
rt still displayed by Brooke. “We could use a study break anyway.”

  Mark stood up and tried to grab the skirt from Brooke. “I’ll just go to my room and change,” he suggested. “I…I don’t want to bother anyone.”

  Brooke snatched the garment back and stood between Mark and his exit. “You know better than that; don’t you, Mark?”

  “Please,” Mark whispered to Brooke; he positioned himself between Brooke and the other girls hoping for a private exchange. “Haven’t I been through…you know...enough already?”

  “I’m sorry,” Brooke insisted with enough volume foor the other girls to hear. “Now step back.”

  Nervously, Mark moved back to the center of the room. “Can I…Can I have the skirt?”

  Leaning back against the door, Brooke put the skirt back in the bag. “I’ll give you the skirt in a minute.” Brooke paused moving her pointed finger up and down his body. “I need those first.”

  “Now we’re talking,” the brunette stranger said as her friend whistled at him. “Take it off. Take it all off,” the duo chanted.

  Mark realized he would have to get over his shyness. As much as he didn’t want to strip naked in front of Brooke and two strangers, he knew this was just the beginning. Whatever Emily had in store for him over the next few hours, one thing was sure; modesty was not going to be an option.

  The two studying girls cheered as Mark pulled his shirt up his soft abdomen and over his head. He did his best to ignore the catcalls even though there was little he could do to conceal his embarrassment. After everything that had happened the previous week, removing his shirt couldn’t be this difficult.

  A lump formed in his throat as he set his shirt on the chair and slowly slipped out of his shoes. He knew his pants were next. Leaning against the door, Brooke glared at him. She had already seen everything he had to offer, but she still wasn’t about to give him any privacy. Apparently unimpressed, the studying girls whispered back and forth giggling at Mark’s expense.


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