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Out of the Ashes: Book 2 of the Death Dealer Saga - Deaths Own Daughter

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by Jessie Wolf

  When they acknowledged my command I continued. “Alright folks now comes the down and dirty part. As of this moment I believe there to be a force of five full regiments out there with this House as its target. What that means is we are not out of the woods yet. I want all those who aren’t one hundred percent loyal to this Family to understand that treason has only one punishment. It is a death sentence! Do I make myself clear? They will not be told again.” Taking a deep breath to calm myself. “I want these traitors flushed out and brought to justice. Col. Fujiyama if you can I would like for you to send two of the assault class A.P.S. lances to the P.D.F. along with one fire support lance. The Lord High Marshal has asked for our support in putting down this rebellion. Maj. Howard I understand that Lady Dai Etsu has arranged for us to make a trip in to town this afternoon will your team be ready?”

  “My Lady, they will be ready to go. I have assigned the second Infantry platoon with the scout lance as support to be your escort for this afternoon.”

  “Thank you Maj. I appreciate that. It seems that I pissed off the people sent to kill me last night.” I couldn’t help it, but I giggled at this. “They decided to shoot up my room for some reason. I guess it was my refusal to just roll over and die that upset them.”

  The entire room started to laugh at my comment. It was a good sign. These people had not lost their ability to laugh. They still trusted in me to do the right thing. “Now if you all will excuse me. Please stay and finish your meals. For those of you with people in hospital please let them know they will be in my prayers. Also let everyone know that there will be a memorial service in two days for those who died last night. Until tomorrow morning then. Oh do not be afraid to come to me if you have a problem.” And with that I left them to discuss among themselves how to solve their problems. Right now I needed the peace and quiet of the courtyard. I had to settle my racing mind and find a way to cool the burning cold rage inside of me. The people who brought all this death and destruction to what has become my home shall pay for each and every drop of blood that was spilled. I will find those responsible. I was willing to use the legal system to bring these corrupt palliations to justice, but they not I were the ones to use force first.

  Maiha I have the total for wounded and killed during last night’s fight. Do you want me to hold on to it or give it to you now? (Dee De)

  “I would love for you to lose it, but seeing as how you can’t do that go ahead and give it to me.”

  There are twenty two in hospital seven of which are in critical condition that includes the fourteen that I told you about earlier. Of those three are children, the rest are all adults. That’s the good news. The number of deaths is not going to make you happy at all because all of them were non-combatants. They killed eleven children, seven nuns and eight priests, all of whom were members of the Temple. They also killed three maids, two cooks, and six grounds keepers. In total they killed thirty-eight people. I’m sorry Maiha I know you wanted to do this in a nonviolent manner. (Dee De)

  “Not your fault, Dee De I should have just thrown that idea out at the start. I know that when the rats feel cornered they will turn and fight. It’s time to end this farce. Charley get me an uplink with those Death Dealer divisions now.”

  At once Lady Nakatoma. (Charley)

  As I waited for Charley to get me in touch with the Death Dealers I wandered the courtyard. I knew it would take him some time. I just wandered aimlessly until I came to the center of the courtyard. I had expected to see the family shrine in pieces so I was surprised to find it untouched. It stood there like a beacon of hope in the cold blackness of space. Walking inside I am surprised to see not even one portrait out of place. As I stand there I feel that peaceful calm descend upon me once again. I must have lost track of time because when Charley tells me he has the uplink its startles me. Stepping outside this place of peace I set things in motion.

  “This is First High Lady of the Death Dealers Nakatoma Maiha Mana who am I speaking with please?”

  “This is a secured net. How did you get on it little girl? And what do you mean by First High Lady there are no women in the Death Dealers.”

  Yup just like I thought it would go. Why does this always happen to me?

  Chapter 2

  Old Friends, New Family

  Ok let’s see how long it takes before he figures out I’m a second configuration. “I will ask you again who I am talking to.”

  “And I want to know what you are doing on a secure net, little girl?”

  That did it I’m pissed. “Command authority overrides, First Lady Nakatoma Delta nine seven Romeo eight code word Hell Fire.”

  “Just what the hell do you mean by………Oh Shit! Huh… hum…. Huh…”

  “I hope however you are that you are capable of more intelligent conversation than that. Now once again. Who in the nine hells of Tao Citi six am I talking TO?!” I had lost my patience at this point.

  “Deck Officer Oran Walls, ma’am.”

  “Ok, Walls, I need to speak with whoever is the division commander on board that drop ship.”

  “Wait one while I make the transfer, ma’am.”

  A few seconds later I heard. “Tenth Death Dealer Division Commander General Star speaking.”

  Hot damn one of my old Division commanders. “Mike it’s me J.J. so don’t shut me down.”

  “The only J.J. I know is dead and he was a ninety-seven year old man. Not a little girl. So young lady you better start explaining to me how you got his codes and authorizations.”

  “I didn’t die, Mike. I went through a secondary reconfiguration when I hit this system. It’s me, damn it. What do you want, proof?” I whined.

  “That would go a long way to proving who you are.”

  Thinking back to the last time we were on leave together. “Alright if I remember right the last time we went on leave you decided to try nude sunbathing. You got third degree sunburn on your...” I never got to finish.

  “God damn it J.J. you swore you would never……. It is you isn’t it? They said you died.”

  “No just went through the secondary reconfiguration and became the spitting image of a granddaughter I never had.”

  “Are you the First Lord we are here to back up?”

  “I am now. It was supposed to be someone else, but I arrived before whoever was supposed to be in charge here. From what I can piece together the reactivation signal was setup on an automated system that would broadcast to every drop ship that came in system.” I told my old friend.

  “Ok I’ll buy the accidental reactivation, but what is this secondary reconfiguration stuff?”

  “It is a last ditch program that releases a hoard of nanites that swarm the Death Dealer that transforms them into a living weapon that is a perfect balance of man and machine. One of the priorities of the secondary configuration is to blend in with the populace. Unfortunately for me over sixty percent of the populace of Hades is teenage girls.” I informed him. “So when I went through the reconfigure that’s what I turned into. Except my AI had access to my memories of Matsu and Ohmei for use as a template.” I was close to tears telling my old friend this. I didn’t want him to know, but I had to tell him.

  “Why haven’t we heard about this before?”

  “Because most secondary’s had to be killed by their own people.” I take a deep breath and fill him in on all the gruesome details. Ten minutes later when I finish. “So you see why for the last twenty years that program was discontinued.”

  “No shit. So you must be the only successful secondary configuration ever. So, Lady Nakatoma, what are your orders?”

  Thank the stars he believes me. Time to get to work. “General Star the first orders of business you are not to reveal my true identity to anyone; understand?”

  “It will be exactly as you say ma’am. I’ll enter you into the logs as First High Lady of the Death Dealers Maiha Mana Nakatoma granddaughter of First high Lord James J. Owens. Oh by the way I have to ask is the new last name b
y chance having anything to do with Matsu’s family?”

  “You could say that. It seems that I am now the Head of House for the Nakatoma Family.” I waited for a few seconds just lessening to silence before saying something. “Hey you there, Mike?”

  I was answered at first by chuckling then a light laughter until finally it reached a full blown rolling laugh. Talk about getting hit in the face with a fish.

  Once Mike had things under control. “Oh this is just too good to be true. The once feared and respected Death has been stuck as the prim and proper Head of House and High Families Lady. This is just too good.”

  “You know there are times when I could just pound your ass into the ground.” I was not happy with my old friend. However I can see his point about the whole thing. “But you’re right. It is hilarious. Now I need you to do me a favor and keep this under your hat, buddy. If word gets out who I really am it could destroy the Nakatoma Family and its House. Not to mention put this whole operation in jeopardy. Do you understand?” I put all the conviction I could into that transmission.

  “Got it First Lady as far as anybody will know you are the granddaughter of First Lord James Owens. You inherited his rank and title when he passed away from a heart attack during his reactivation. How we explain you as a Death Dealer though?”

  Thinking quickly I came up with the perfect cover. It was already in place thanks to the order of the Emperor. “That’s simple. I’m the back up for my ‘grandfather’ and the prototype for a new configuration for the Death Dealers. As for me being a teen age girl the High Command allowed my ‘grandfather’ who was the owner of a research and development company to do the procedures to make me the first ever female as well as the next generation Death Dealer.”

  “Ok, that works. Everything about this whole operation is so classified that I don’t even know why we’re here. So what do you need for us to do now?”

  “For starters how many divisions are out there?” I really needed to know what I had to work with.

  “I have with me the third corps. That’s two light divisions and two heavy divisions of Death Dealers.”

  Holy shit with that many Death Dealers I won’t have to rely on the P.D.F. for back up. “Who is the corps commander?”

  “Me why?”

  “Good this is what you are going to do split up the corps into two and two. Send them to the two primary spaceports. I want one heavy and one light at each. Got that? Oh when you make your entry come in on an assault burn and be ready for a pirate attack craft.” I almost forget to warn them about that nasty little surprise.

  “We haven’t heard anything about pirates operating in the system.” Mike told me. That was another piece of the puzzle. If the old High Lord Marshal wasn’t reporting the pirate attacks that means the mission might be compromised, but I doubt that. Knowing Stonewall it was just his incompetence. Believing that no one would dare to operate a pirate base in his system. It also tells me that the yakuza were the ones raiding the drop ships. If Nia was successful with her mission then they should have problems on their run in.

  I decide to let it drop for now. Right then I needed them on planet. “General, I don’t know what to say about that. I do know that my drop ship was attacked on our way in. It was the stress of that attack that caused J.J. Owens to have a heart attack and die in route to Hades. So keep an eye out and get down here as fast as you can.”

  “Roger that Lady Nakatoma. General Star out.” And with that he signed off breaking the connection.

  With the Death Dealers now inbound, I headed back into the main house. If my calculations are correct they should be planet side in twelve hours. I have plenty of time for a quick trip to town to replace my wardrobe. For some reason I’m actually excited about that. AHAAAA! SHIT! DAMN IT! That no good piece of garbage, back alley, sideways written, backdoor, over rated pile of dog shit behavioral program did it to me again.

  “Dee De, Charley please tell me that I am not starting to act like a school-girl?”

  …………. (Dee De)

  ………… (Charley)

  “Are you two going to answer me or not?”

  I have never lied to you Maiha. Not even back when you were James. So I won’t start now. If you aren’t in combat mode you will become more and more like the stereotypical teenage girly-girl. (Dee De)

  I am afraid that Dee De is correct commander. (Charley)

  “Noooo!!!!! I’m Doomed!”

  The laughter coming from the both of them doesn’t help my mood. I mean here I am trying my best to stay away from the girly-girl, and I just keep sliding further and further down the slippery slope to becoming the biggest girly-girl ever. Who cares if she is also without morals when it comes to killing, torture, or doing whatever it takes to get the job done?

  As I entered the main house Gin and Kina were waiting for me. As they bow to me, Gin speaks up. “My Lady may we ask why you had retreated to the courtyard?”

  Looking at them I can tell they are worried about me. “I needed to be alone for a short while. I hope I didn’t worry you two too much?”

  “Not terribly Lady Maiha, but when you left before finishing your meal it was out of character for you. Your aunt Lady Dai Etsu sent us to find you.” Kina had the air of a mother hen looking for a lost chick about her. “I fear that your sudden departure has a good many worried about you. We all know you can take care of yourself, but that won’t stop us from worrying about you. After all you are still rather young to have to deal with all that is going on.”

  I stop dead in my tracks. I’m over ninety-seven years old. I have faced death on more battle fields on more planets than ninety-nine percent of the people in the universe. I have sent men and women to their deaths and never thought twice about it. I have seen men, women, and children dead or dying on the battle field or in hospital. I have been up close and personal with the horrors of war and terrorism. How dare these people consider me, a First High Lord of the Death Dealers, too young!

  Hang on there kiddo! Have you looked in the mirror lately? (Dee De)

  “Just what the frack do you mean by that Dee De?”

  Just this. Take a good look at yourself. Do you see a ninety-seven year old man or a teenage girl? (Dee De)

  “I see what I always do anymore, a teenage girl. What does that have to do with anything?”

  If you see a teenage girl what do you think they see? (Dee De)

  It hit me like a drop ship on full burn in a high-g dive. Except for Dai Etsu, Maj. Howard, and a select few others no one knows the truth about me being someone other than what they see. All any one sees is a very young teenage girl who has had first the duties of Head of House for a High Family that is in trouble land on her head. Then an assassination attempt led by her House troops. Then had that followed by a full blown revolutionary shooting war with half of the Parliamentary Members and eight of the current representatives for the High Families in this system. Even two of my most trusted advisers only see that young girl. They don’t see the cranky old man behind the mask of a beautiful young lady who happens to be the Head of House for a High Family.

  By George I think she’s got it. (Dee De)

  “Ok already. It’s not like I was trying to find the answer to the ultimate question.”

  The answer to that is forty-two. (Charley)

  “Charley did you just tell me the answer to life, the universe, and everything is forty-two?”

  Well yes you did ask me to find the answer for you. (Charley)

  “That doesn’t make sense. The answer can’t just be forty-two.”

  Hey don’t ask me I only have the answer not the question. (Charley)


  There are times when having one of the most powerful AIs in your head can be a real pain in the ass. “Lady Maiha are you alright? You look as if you just swallowed a bug.” Kina asked of me.

  “Yes I’m fine. I just had something pointed out to me by my AIs. It kind of caught me off guard is all.” It was
the best lie I could come up with. I couldn’t very well tell them that the answer to life, the universe, and everything was forty-two. I doubt even they, with all their years here and at the Temple, could understand that answer. Hell I have over ninety years of life experience and I don’t understand it. I swear the first thing I do when I have the time I’m going to set down with mother Dai Etsu to see if she can figure it out.

  “I take it mother Dai Etsu sent you to find me.” When they nodded their heads yes. “I take it that she is ready to leave the compound for our shopping trip?”

  “Yes, my Lady. She said to meet her out front in fifteen minutes. She did have to remind us that you should wear the pumps that go with your uniform though.” Said Gina.

  “Very well ladies, shall we go?” waving my arm for them to go in front of me.

  “After you Lady Maiha.” Comes their quick reply.

  “Will I ever win an argument with you two?” I asked with some heat.

  They look at each other, then back at me and answer in unison. “No.” Then they had the nerve to giggle.

  “AAAHHHGGGAAA! That’s not fair! It’s two against one! I demand a recount!” I swear the universe is out to get me. “You two are going to pay for that.”

  “We know, but until then Lady Maiha you’re down by two.” Was all Gin had to say, but it was backed up by Kina sticking her tongue out at me with her eyes crossed. I can’t help it I start to giggle then laugh at their antics. It was just the shot in the arm I needed. Gathering up my ladies’ maids I head off to the guest rooms I am using until mine can be repaired. Once there I quickly find the pumps that go with my uniforms and refresh my make up before heading towards the front of the house.

  When we arrive I get a little shock. Mother Dai Etsu is there with three very young girls. The oldest couldn’t be more than thirteen while the other two were no more than eleven at the most. All three were wearing the robes of novice candidates. “Reverend Mother who are your companions?” I really hope that they are not who I think they are.


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