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Out of the Ashes: Book 2 of the Death Dealer Saga - Deaths Own Daughter

Page 13

by Jessie Wolf

  “So other than a few scrapes and bruises where else did the shrapnel get you lieutenant?” I asked as gently as possible having a sneaky feeling where. It was the way he was favoring his right side as he sat there that was the clue. He mumbles something that I can’t make out. So asked again this time I made it a point for him to speak up.

  “I got one in the ass ok ma’am. You happy now.” He was damned near screaming it at me.

  “No, lieutenant I am not. Any time one of you gets hurt because of those sorry sons-of-a-Horbathainin night porter it pisses me off.” I damn near lose my temper with the man until I realize he still has had yet to have the wound looked at. “Stand up lieutenant. I need to take care of that wound before it gets worse or turns septic.” When he didn’t move I reach down and pulled him to his feet. When he started to protest I just glared at him. He shut up. I take his knife from him and cut away the area around the wound. I get a good look at the field dressing and see that it’s not soaked though with blood. This is a good sign because it can’t be too serious. “I’m going to pull the dressing back so I can get a better look. It might hurt a bit, and I’m sorry about that.” With a quick yank and a mostly stifled scream from the lieutenant I have the dressing off. Once I have the dressing out of the way I get a good look at the wound. While not fatal it will leave a nasty scar. “Looks like you got preferable million credit wound. From what I can tell you’ll have a nasty scar to show the ladies.”

  Laughing he just looks at me. “You sure don’t act like any High Families Lady I ever heard of. You sure you’re related to the Grand Lady? I mean no offense or disrespect, but you two are so different that is scary.”

  “None taken, lieutenant. As for whether or not I and the Grand Lady are related well all I can say to that is my grandmother was her older sister. As for where I get my attitude I blame grandpa. He was after all a Death Dealer.” I start to giggle at this. Because it is a universally known fact that the Death Dealers can’t stand most of the High Families. When he heard this he just laughed. All the while I was cleaning out the wound and redressing it.

  “It’s no wonder then ma’am. Everyone knows how they feel toward the High Families except for maybe a very few. I take it you were raised by your grandfather?” he asked me with some interest.

  “Yup, sure was. I was and still am a bit of a tomboy. But mama is doing her best to make a true lady out of Me.” giggling at this line of conversation I continue. “I don’t know who will give in first, her or me. Most like it’ll be me. That woman is more stubborn than a Toe-Toe pack animal.”

  “Uh ma’am I know it’s most likely way above my pay grade, but myself and as well as a good many of the troops are kind of uh , wondering , uh well, um well..” the poor boy was suck trying to figure out how to ask me just what I am. I think it’s time to put some kind of story out there to explain my ‘up grades’.

  “Lieutenant, it’s ok. I know that I am not your ordinary teenage girl. What I am is an experimental prototype for a new class of Death Dealer.” Looking around at all the destruction one more time before continuing “And from the looks of things grandpa was right in getting the approval for my creation so I could be his backup if something went wrong.”

  “If it’s any consolation ma’am; I’m glad he did what he did. He may have made you one of the scariest people in the known universe, but he also gave you the right tools and training to use that.” With what looked like honest respect in his eyes he gave me a salute which I quickly returned. “I know I screwed up earlier, if you’ll give me a second chance I would greatly appreciate it. I know that you can still send me to that outpost, but I would like to try to prove I can do my job as a professional.”

  “Lieutenant you earned your second chance by getting out there with your men and placing your own ass on the line with them. In your case though you didn’t have to literally get shot in the ass to prove it.” I was tempted to smack him on the ass, but used the better part of discretion.

  With a deep chuckle he said. “Ma’am, that was low, accurate, but low.” Then he walked off to check on the rest of his men. I can’t help but to admire the young man’s spirit. Here he was in pain and still thinking of his men’s care first.

  When I turn around to go help someone else I find mama standing behind me. She has her usual face of serene calm in place, but I can tell she’s upset about something. “What is it mama? What’s wrong? What happened?”

  “Peace child. All is as it should be. The injured are being attended to, our samurai are cleaning and preparing their weapons for the next fight, the innocents are getting help, and finally your sisters are doing what they can to help. It is you that has me worried.” Here she was with her hands covered in blood. She saw one of her youngest bodyguards killed in front of her and two others mortally wounded. Has spent the last hour and more tending to the injured, and she’s worried about me?

  “Mama, please I am fine. You know I have seen this on more worlds than I would like to comment on. Death is an old friend to me, you of all people should know that.” I tell her. However it doesn’t relieve the look of concern in her eyes.

  Her next words prove me right. “Yes that is true, daughter, but now you have more memories that shall haunt you in your sleep and in your times of peace.” Leaning over she warps her arms around me in a hug. Whispering in my ear “Yes, James Matsu told me of your nightmares. I have seen them myself. When this is done I think it is time for you to leave the path of the warrior for a while.”

  She could have just about anything in the world, and I still wouldn’t have expected that. To know that my wife was still talking to her sister even though she hated what I did floored me. Even more than the knowledge that Dai Etsu; who was a Reverend Mother, has for years called upon the Goddess sent down Her protection for me, a Death Dealer. Now here she is holding me like a small child who is afraid of the dark. Me, the person who was once called Death like a small child. Sure I knew that I would have new nightmares because of what has happened today, but I’ll live with it. I always do. It’s what I do. I am a soldier; it’s part of the job description.

  Leaning back just enough for her to see my face “Mama I have been and always shall be a warrior. The path of peace shall never be my way. When the time comes for me to finally lay down my weapons I will do it knowing I saved someone else from having to carry them.” She can see the determination in my eyes now. She sees that these criminals have finally gone too far. The first few rounds belong to them, now it is my turn to bring the Hounds of Hell. They shall not be given the chance to surrender. In fourteen hours from now all Hell is going to rain down on them in the form of nine pissed off divisions of Death Dealers.

  These people have broken the Holy Trinity of things you don’t screw with. These Three Rules are universal to all races, both alien and human alike. You break one you get a bloody nose at the minimum; you break two get used to eating through a straw. Nobody in their right mind brakes all three. To do so you might as well make out your Last Will and Testament. Right now though I need an update from Hound and Mountain one. “Excuse me, mama. I really need to finish with this problem first. I really need to know how our troops out on the roadway are doing. My work for the day is not over yet.” So giving her a quick kiss on the cheek I walk away. I know she cares and I love her for it, but I’m the one in command here not her. Time to finish up and get the butcher’s bill.

  I head off by myself and key up my c5 to get ahold of the majors.

  “Hound one this is Waver Dancer. Over”

  “Go for Hound one Wave Dancer. Over”

  “Hound what is your current situation? Over”

  “Dancer all’s quiet here. Have eight new volunteers for roadway clean up and seven captured APS’s. Three of them need new cockpits, but the other four we just have to reload and put pilots in them. Over”

  “Hound do you know who those P.O.W.s work for? Over”

  “That’s a big roger there Dancer. All of them are members of the
Stonewall and Blackstone Households. Over”

  “Are you sure about that Hound one? Over” if he is then my enemies are making themselves known.

  “That’s a solid confirmation Dancer. All eight have House unit ids and uniforms. I would say that our old friends are trying to get you out of the way before they get shipped out. Over”

  “I’m afraid you’re right about that. I have confirmation the Kiel Household troops attacked a group of incoming drop ships earlier. This gives us the names of at least three Households involved in this rebellion. Over”

  “How are things on your end there, Dancer? Over”

  “Not good, Hound. We have multiple wounded and dead. Two out of four of our scouts are total write offs. One of the IFVs is going to need a tow, but the other three can still fight. For how long that’s another question. We are in sore need of relief here as well as do the civilians. Over”

  “We’re inbound to your location as we speak. ETA is T minus nine. Over”

  “Sounds good Hound. How bad is the bill on your end? Over”

  “Lost two of our heavies and one assault APS’s. Most of us are going to need some time in the body shop but otherwise we’re all good to go. Over”

  “Our three that we lost; how bad off are they? Over”

  “Dancer, no worries there all three are repairable. However the pilots are all out for the duration. Over”

  “How bad are their injuries? Over”

  “Dancer I think it would best to talk about this when I get there. Over”

  “Copy that Hound one. See you five mikes. Out”

  After I sign off from talking to Major Howard I start to compile the information that I have no my enemies. “Dee De heads up girl I need you to do some digging.”

  What, where, when, who, and how do you need to know kid? (Dee De)

  “I need all the info on what kind of units belongs to the fallowing House’s. Start with Stonewall and Blackstone first. Go from there to Kiel and then the others. I want to know ever last fracking thing about these ass hats.”

  I’ll get right on kiddo. It may take me awhile, but I will get it all. I should have had it before now, but someone has wiped the records for almost all of the House units here on Hades. (Dee De)

  “What do you mean wiped? Those records are stored at the Head Quarters for the P.D.F.”

  I know. This means there is a traitor in the records department of the P.D.F (Dee De).

  “Ok. We’ll deal with that later. Right now find that info.”

  On it boss. Glad to see ‘old hard ass’ Owens is still here when needed. (Dee De)

  “Dee De love, do me a favor will you?”

  Sure boss, anything? (Dee De)


  (Giggles (Dee De))

  I’ve said it before and I’ll probably say it again. Having two of the most powerful AIs known to man inside your head can be a real pain in the ass. Sighing I head back over to where everyone is. When I get there I find mama, my three sisters, and the crews of the IFV’s all gathered around the back end of Blue three.

  “Ladies and gentlemen, we have help on the way. The rest of the Hell Hounds and Mountain Wolves are inbound as we speak.” I thought hearing that they would have been happy to hear it. I was wrong though. Whatever is going on is not good. “Ok flocks, what’s wrong?”

  Sighing the track commander, a young buck sergeant, looks over and tells me. “Ma’am, we sent the infantry out to set up a forward listening post on the south side of the city. They just reported back in ma’am. The news ain’t good. We have a full battalion’s worth of APS’s headed this way.”

  Oh shit! This ain’t good. If we have a full battalion headed this way we are in some real deep shit. “Give me your radio sergeant.” As he reaches in for the mike I know what I need to ask that forward outpost. “What’s the outposts’ call sign Sergeant?”

  “They’re a two man sniper team ma’am. Call sign is Raven and Nevermore.”

  Either these two were very good or they had a twisted since of humor. Most likely both. “Wave Dancer to Raven over”

  I hear a very soft almost a whisper come over the radio. “Go for Raven. Over”

  “Raven how many Alpha Papa Sarai’s do you count. Over”

  “Dancer I have posted three companies worth working on four at this time. With more coming. Over”

  “Raven do you see any unit markings on those bad boys. Over”

  “Hold one Dancer and I’ll send you a vid-pic up load. Over”

  As we wait I realize even with the House APS heavy and assault classes here we are going to have hands full. Making some fast calculations I realize we are outnumbered by three to one. Not good odds under even the best of circumstances.

  “Dancer vid-pic uploading now. Over”

  “Roger that, Raven. Now bug out before you’re found. Over”

  “Roger that Wave Dancer. Good hunting and good luck. Out”

  “Thanks Raven. Same to you. Out”

  I along with everyone one else held our breaths as the vid-pic uploaded on the monitor.

  Chapter 7


  As I stand there waiting for that damned vid-pic to open up holding my breath, I was so intent on watching the monitor I almost came out of my skin when the radio came to life. I wasn’t the only one to jump. Mama let out a rather unladylike stream of words that were so blue a sailor would’ve blushed. Now I’m no expert on ancient Japanese swear words, but I’m pretty sure what she just said was something along the lines of shoving someone head up a part of their anatomy in a very improbable way. “Mama!” I say in total shock. To hear this woman use that type of langue was a real eye opener.

  Looking a little ashamed she turns to me. “Please forgive me girls. I am just not used to this kind of stress. I should not have used that langue in front of you.”

  Giggling I just say “Mama, I would be surprised if you were. I am used to this level and kind of stress and I still get jumpy at times like this. Now let’s find out who is trying to get a hold of us.” I reach over and pick up the radio’s hand mike. “This is Wave Dancer to the last unit on this net. Over”

  “Wave… this… Bla….ght…or. Over”

  “Say again you are broken and distorted. Over”

  A few seconds later. “Waver Dancer this is Black Knight four. Over”

  Holy shit it’s a Death Dealer unit trying to make contact. “Black Knight four this is Wave Dancer we have you five-by-five. Over”

  “Wave Dancer good to hear your voice ma’am. We are inbound to your location. We are ten minutes out coming in from the south on the shore roadway. Over”

  At about this time the monitor finishes uploading the vid-pic. Looking closely at it I see something I haven’t seen in over thirty years. The paint skein for the 1st/72 armored power suit battalion. Their solid black paint job with gold trim has always made those AP suits stand out on any battle field. Called the Black Knights, they had a well-earned reputation and unit name.

  “Black Knight four you have no idea how happy I am to hear that. You jokers had us getting ready to give you a very unfriendly welcome. Can you verify who you are? Over” I know that was totally against all Opsec protocols, but I need to know if we will have a fight on our hands or not.

  “Wave Dancer I was told the code word for today is ‘Slappy made me do it’. Over”

  When I hear that I can’t help it. I bust out laughing. Only Mike would use that for a code phrase. I know everyone here will get a laugh out of the response. “Good copy Knight. The reply is ‘Danger stupid, fire for effect’. Over” when the crew and infantry of Blue three hear this they burst out laughing. My family all look on in confusion. I know I’ll be spending a few hours explaining this conversation.

  “Roger that, Wave Dancer everything checks out five-by-five. Do you need anything at this time? Over”

  “Roger that Black Knight. I have both civilian and military casualties at this location. We sure could use medi
cal and engineering help here. Over”

  “I have both with me, Dancer. See you soon. Out”

  “Roger that, Knight. Out”

  Turning around I grab mama and pull her into a hug. At this point in time the arrival of the Black Knights may not seem all that important, but it’s a sign that things are starting to turn around for us. I don’t know how the 91st Death Dealers Division got down faster than everyone else or got deployed this fast, but I just don’t care. If they are here; that means the rest are both down and deploying, or almost to that point. Finally I get the break I’ve needed.

  “I take it child that this is a good thing?” mama asks me while I hug her.

  Like I said earlier; straight man to every comedian out there. Leaning back I smile at her. Nodding my head “Oh yes mama. We now have the friends we need to put an end to this war those money grabbing backstabbing sorry excuses of Lord Lings have started. Those Power Suits belong to the first of the seventy-second Armored Power Suit Battalion with the ninety-first Death Dealer Division. If they’re here that means very soon every one of these criminals will either be brought to justice or dead.” I can tell she isn’t happy about that last comment. “Mama they have violated the three Great Universal Truths. If it were not for this I would show them mercy and do my level best to take them prisoner.”


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