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Out of the Ashes: Book 2 of the Death Dealer Saga - Deaths Own Daughter

Page 21

by Jessie Wolf

  “Yes, I do.” Walking over to the map board she placed her hand on part of the map I had not thought to hold the battle. The reason was simple. The area she had pointed to was the far northern tundra. Even in the height of summer the day time high averaged no more than thirty-five degrees Fahrenheit. In short a frozen waste land and perfect for what I wanted to do. By forcing them that far north away from the civilian population I don’t have to worry about civilians getting hurt in a cross-fire or worse deliberately targeted. “Meet them here Maiha on the tundra of the far north. Here you will have the advantage in training and equipment setup.”

  “Mama, how do you know all this?”

  The blush that crosses her face tells me everything I need to know. She spent the night with the First Sergeant of the Mountain Wolves. Their pillow talk must have been very interesting last night. “Top gave me some pointers on tactics last night while we were at dinner. If you want to know more than that you have to wait till we are alone.”

  (GIGGLE)”Yes ma’am. I look forward to hearing how he rocks your world last night.”(GIGGLE)

  “Behave yourself.” She fiercely whispered as she smacked me on the arm.

  Meekly I answer with a simple ‘yes ma’am’. At about that time the comm. techs let us know that they have the links established. Walking over to the radios I quickly put together my revised battle plan. Stepping into range of the video pickup I greet all nine of my division commanders. “Gentlemen, allow me intro duce myself. For those of you who don’t know me, I am Maiha Mana Nakatoma Head of House Nakatoma and the first First High Lady of the Death Dealers. Now before any of you raise objections to this please understand I am the only heir to James J. Owens First High Lord of the Death Dealers for the Delta sector who passed away four days ago. General Star can testify to the legitimacy of my claim. So do any of you wish to question me as to my right to be your First High Lady?” I waited for a count of ten before continuing. “Thank you for your support. Now as General Star knows I am an experimental proto-type Death Dealer authorized by the Emperor. My grandfather and I were sent here as a backup for the original Division Group Commander who was killed shortly after he landed. Now that I have introduced myself would you be so kind General Star as to perform the necessities?”

  “Of course, Lady Nakatoma. As you already know I am Michael Star Corps Commander for the third Corps. Underneath me are Lieutenant Generals David Mitchel, Steven Hall, Franklin G. Washington, Major Generals Jacob Daniels, James Bean, Samuel Jameson, David Stark, and Michael St. George.”

  “Gentlemen, I notice that five of you are not from the Delta sector command. Would someone please explain to me why that is?”

  Mike gives the answer, and it’s not the one I would have expected. “The Emperor did not want any one sector command to bear the brunt of this operation alone, my Lady.”

  “In another words he didn’t want the Heads of House for those sectors to punish the Death Dealers their sectors when we bring down their corrupt representatives here on Hades. Very well, I can deal with that. Hell I can even understand it, but that doesn’t mean I have to like it. Gentlemen it is time to bring justice to this system. In two days’ time we are going to flatten this rebellion, and we are going to make sure that the message of zero tolerance for corruption is load and clear to the rest of the Empire. Do I make myself clear on this matter?” I am answered by a round of ‘Yes ma’am’. “Now, gentlemen this is how we are going to crack this nut.” I laid out my plan on how we were going to pull the rebel’s in to a one time battle on the plains of the northern tundra. The more they heard of my plan the more they smiled. What I described to them was right out of the ancient stores of knights and dragons. Only the dragon would be on the side of the knights and rebels were the evil wizard.

  The first one to speak was General Daniels. “My Lady Nakatoma, has anyone ever told you that you have a very strange sense of proportion?”

  Before I can stay a word, mama answers him first. “My daughter does have a slight problem with that.”

  “Oh, I don’t doubt that, Lady Dai Etsu. I knew her grandfather, and he always believed in using a sledge hammer, when a tack hammer would do. If you know what I mean?” Mike put in.

  “Thank you very much for pointing out one of my short comings, mother.” I said with some heat. “And General Star, if I remember correctly grandpa told me that your own personal motto is ‘Over kill is under rated.’”

  With a slight smile mama tells me. “To know you is to love you, Maiha.”

  Ok that’s just playing dirty. She had to go say that in front of everyone. Talk about embarrassing. “Thanks mom.” I tell her sarcastically. “Ok folks I’ll admit that hitting these rebels in the manner I have laid out is a little unusual, but it will end the fight in a hurry.”

  “Lady Maiha, using your plan of attack is more than unusual. It is out of left field and off the scale.” General Stark said.

  “I have to agree with General Stark on that. I have been a Death Dealer for almost thirty-eight years, and I have never heard of a more unorthodox battle plan.” Chimed in General Beam.

  “You have a way with understatement General. I believe the closest thing to this plan in history is something out of legend. However it’s so crazy that it just has to work.” Commented General Jameson.

  “If it will save lives then I’m all for it. I don’t care if it is crazy.” Was all General St. George said.

  When no one else spoke up I asked. “So I take it that the four divisions from Delta have no complaints?” when they still didn’t speak up I push for an answer. “Look! I asked for your opinions. I don’t want or need a bunch of yes men. Now do any of you have a problem with my plan?”

  It was Mike who supplied the answer I was waiting for. It just wasn’t one that I expected to hear. “Lady Maiha Nakatoma, the last time I checked, you are the one with the title of First High Lord or I should say Lady. Those of us from the Delta Sector know the chain of command. We just need to know one thing.”

  “Just what would that be General Star?”

  “How many body bags you want filled by the rebels.” Was the very straight forward answer that came from General Hall. “We followed your grandfather; he was our First High Lord and a legend among us, now we follow you. His heir and granddaughter. Your plan sounds like something he would come up with on the fly when everything else went to shit or he just wanted to end the fight in a dramatic way. Just the way you are, only you are also sending a message. One the High Families need to hear.”

  “A message that is long overdue my old friend, and one we will be happy to deliver for you Lady Nakatoma. For too long certain Families have begun to think they are above the Law. It is time they learn they are not.” Came General Washington’s heated words.

  “For once we will no longer wait till things have gotten so far out of hand it takes everything in our arsenals to put an end to the problem. For once we are the hunters and not the hunted.” From General Mitchel.

  I could tell by their responses that I would have to hold them back once the battle was joined. These men were tired of the High Families getting away with whatever they wanted. They all wanted revenge for past crimes and slights. There was no love lost for most of the High Families amongst the Death Dealers. This was common knowledge. All too often they’re the ones called in to bail some overbearing High Families ass clown who pushed his luck with the locals. Then have to stand back and watch as the ass clown got off on some technicality. Here they have a chance to put more than a few of the worst offenders down for good. Not that I blame them, after all I had been in their shoes more than once. The fact that they are even dealing with me was to be blunt amazing.

  “Thank you, Generals for your vote of confidence. I know that my being the Head of House for the Nakatoma Family must rub some of you the wrong way.” Before I can finish I am interrupted by General Mitchel.

  “Excuse me, my Lady, but the Nakatoma family has always been a friend to the Death Dealers. Your
family has never in all its long history called for the Death Dealers to handle something like this. I don’t know about the others, but for me it’s time for the Death Dealers to repay our biggest supporter in the Halls of Power. For too long your family has tried to keep these corrupt individuals in check on your own. Let us do what should have been done and return your family to its rightful place as the true High Family of this system.”

  Once again mama steps in and speaks for me. “That is not our goal here gentlemen. The goal is to restore law and order. The Nakatoma’s do not rule, we are teachers, advisors, and when pushed defenders. That is who we are, and why the Emperor has placed the care of his heir into our hands. The houses that are in rebellion have broken the trust of the people they were supposed to protect. I was the one to ask for you to be sent here. We need to return that trust by bringing down those who have used the law against the rest of us. If your only reason for fighting this battle is revenge then I must ask that you leave.”

  I could not believe what I just heard. After all I went through to get to this point and mama was about to throw it all away. I have to get this turned around and fast. However what I hear next stops me cold. “Lady Dai Etsu, we will do as you have requested. There will be no seeking of revenge. We will restore the trust of the people. Listen up gentlemen, if there is even one break in protocol I will personally send you to Freeza Major on a one way ticket. Do you understand me? We are here by the orders of His Empyreal Majesty we will not let you or him down.” The one who speak up was not who I expected to do so. I have known Michael Star for over forty years he may have been a General, but he was never one of those people who used flowery words or speeches. He always believes that actions speak louder than words.

  “Ok folks we’ll all meet up on the Greater Tundra Plains. Now remember these people like to use mass attacks on single targets. They also prefer surprise attacks. So keep your heads on a swivel and be ready for anything.” I tell them all. After signing off I turn to mama. “I know that you would like to be there along with the girls, but I think that you should all stay at home.”

  “No.” that was all she said.

  “What do you mean no? You promised me that you would not get in the way. That you would let me handle this. What’s going on here mama?”

  “I mean just that. No. I will not stay home while you go off to war. Not when I have a life partner who has given me the power to protect my family. So my daughter you maybe Deaths own Daughter, but now you have the Storm Dancers at your back and are no longer alone on the battle field.”

  “Have you lost your mind?! There is no way that you or my little sisters will be anywhere near ready to pilot those AP Suits in combat.”

  “That is where you are wrong Lady Maiha.” Looking over at Col. Fujiyama like he had lost his good senses. “I have talked to all four of their trainers. I know that I promised to train your family in the ways of piloting an APS, but they do not need training in how to pilot their suits.”

  “Care to explain that to me. I know for a fact it takes months in harness to understand just the basics.”

  “That is not the case here, my Lady. For some reason your family has somehow become one with their Suits on a level that is beyond anything I have ever seen. For whatever reason they move with a grace I have never seen. It’s as if they’re alive, and have just stepped out of the Temple. I know it makes no sense but they move like they’re thirty and forty foot tall priestesses. Priestess’ of war to be accurate. I tell you, my Lady, if I saw them coming across the battle field toward me, well I would run because they would look like the Hand Maidens of Death himself. As far as their ability to use their weapons, I believe that the AIs can handle that.”

  “Are you sure of that, Col. Fujiyama?”

  It was Maj. Howard who gave me the answer, and again I was surprised. “Lady Maiha, I believe that if you were to ask them yourself, the way that I did last night, you’ll find that not only can they handle it, they can do it faster than any human can do it. That includes your own Victory Maiden, she told me that with her upgrades she can target up to six different enemies at one time. While engaging up to two at the same time.”

  My God! If Vicky can do that what the hell can the Patton’s and Highlander do? All three of the Patton’s are heavy Suits all capable of targeting and engaging six targets at a time. The Highlander being an assault class can track and destroy three heavy class AP Suits all with an average pilot. With an above average pilot four or more. If the AIs can do better than that, then with my family, as their pilots, they are a true force of nature.

  “Dee De give me an up link with Vicky please?”

  Sure thing honey. You going to ask her like about that targeting capability of hers? (Dee De)

  “Well yes. I mean if she can do that, why does she need me in the cockpit?”

  Here you go kiddo. (Dee De)

  You have a question for me Maiha? (Vicky)

  “Yes, I do, Vicky. How many targets can you track at any one time? And how many can you engage at the same time?”

  Oh is that all? I can track up to six and engage two more all at the same time. (Vicky)

  “Ok if you can do all that why do you need a pilot?”

  I need a pilot to control when and where I go. I don’t have control over those systems. Without a pilot I’m nothing more than a thirty foot statue. (Vicky) she sounded like a little girl who was being scolded. I need to get her to feel better about herself.

  “Hey, hey, no pouting now that is not your fault. I think I know why. Do you want to hear the reason?”

  Yes please. (Vicky)

  “It’s simple. You need a pilot because we need you.”

  You mean to say that without you as pilots you don’t have a purpose? (Vicky)

  “No. What I’m saying is it takes us both to be an effective team. We provide direction and you provide the muscle power. Get now Vicky?”

  After a few seconds I hear a giggle. I get now. (Vicky)

  “Ok baby girl I need to get back to dealing with the adults”

  OK bye-bye. (Vicky)

  And she was gone. I swear there are times that I think I’m dealing with a six year old little girl. Not an eighty ton war machine. Then again she just might be just that. When you stop and think about it she has only been self-ware for no more than a few hours at most. At the rate that an AI learns she would only be about the same age as a six year old child. If she continues to learn and grow at her current rate I figure I’ll be dealing with a teenager by the time we hit the Greater Tundra Plains in two days. Just great that’s all I need. A rebellious teenager in the middle of a fire fight. Goddess! Why me? Why is it always me? Who did I piss off in a past life to have to deal with all this crap?

  Looking over at mama I see that she has a look of wonder on her face. Taking a quick check of my internal clock I realize that her new AI must have come on-line. I have seen that look on hundreds, if not thousands, of new Death Dealers. To see that look on the face of one of my loved ones is both frightening and amazing at the same time. Frightening in the fact that she must now deal with the fact that she is no longer wholly human. Amazing for the simple reason that she realizes she will no longer be alone in facing the world. “Mama, are you alright?”

  Coming quickly out of that first and most important of conversations she looks at me. “Oh…um… yes. I sorry I was distracted by a very unusual source of information, and daughter dear you and I need to talk privately.”

  “Of course mama. Once we have left here we will head over to Snow Mountain Guardian.” I bow to her to show that I understand just how important this talk will be. “Now gentlemen, how soon do you plan on for us to move out?”

  With a slight bow Maj. Howard tells me. “Once the sun is over the horizon we will begin our return to the estate, my Lady.”

  “So in about two to two and a half hours.” Thinking about it, it made perfect sense. It would allow for all of the troops to eat, wash up, and preform basic hygiene.
All the little things that make the life of a soldier bearable. “Sounds good. I think I’ll introduce my family to the life of a soldier. Gentlemen, until later.” Turning to mama. “Come on, mama. Let’s go get some breakfast and a shower. While doing that we can have our talk.”

  “Yes, that sounds like a lovely idea, Maiha.” Oh shit! I think I’m in trouble here. “I believe we need to invite your sisters as well. Especially as this concerns them as well.” Yup, I’m in trouble, no doubt about that.

  As we walk across the town square to our APSs’ she asks me “So when were you going to tell me about the AIs in our heads?”

  “To be honest, I was hoping that they wouldn’t have gone active, mama.” When she looks over at me I realize I need to explain. “Only one in every five ever becomes fully self-aware. The rest usually only gain enough power to help control the psychical upgrades for most Death Dealers. While they do ‘talk’ to their host, they lack something that allows for the full integration. That is why there is so few Omega/Assault class Death Dealers.”

  “But the reports from the factory, and the training grounds all say that they have full integration of all AIs. How and why is this piece of information being withheld from us?” I could tell that this little bit of info has her upset.

  “Mama, it was done for a reason. Please hear me out. Now what I’m about to tell you must never be released to anyone outside of the family.” I began only to have her interrupt.

  “If it must be kept inside the family then we shall wait for your sisters to hear it as well. No need for you to repeat it a second time.”

  At about that time Fuyuko, Nanase, and Nanami come running up to us. I can tell by the excited way their acting that their AIs are just as active and self-aware as my own. “Calm down little sisters. We need to talk and we need to do it privately.”


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