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Highland Rogue

Page 9

by Dana D'Angelo

  The older man gave her a sympathetic look. “Come back when ye are finished with your walk,” he said.

  Alisha eased away from the gathering, now wishing that she hadn’t heard about the grisly details of the raid. For the hundredth time, she reminded herself that she didn’t belong with these men. She should never have released Donnell MacKelon from his prison. If she had left things alone, she would likely still be in Newtonburgh, tucked safely in her bed, and far away from the realities of war.

  Chapter 11

  Alisha had walked halfway around the perimeter of the camp when the sound of a voice arrested her. Even though she couldn’t see him clearly, she immediately recognized Donnell’s deep brogue. Another man responded to him, although she couldn’t make out his words. It appeared that the two men had left the gathering to speak privately.

  Holding her breath, she moved to the other side of a tree. She should have made her presence known except she kept quiet. Her mind raced as she tried to figure out what it was that they discussed, and how their decisions might impact Seamus.

  “Och, ye two,” Calum shouted from the gathering, “What serious matter are ye discussing? Come over and join us!”

  “Ye go ahead,” Donnell said. “I think I’ll stay here.”

  “I supposed I should join them in their fun before I tell them the news,” Blane said, getting up. In the dim light, Alisha saw his faint outline move toward the pack of jovial men.

  “Ye can come out now, lass,” Donnell said. “I ken that ye are there.”

  Her heart stilled. She believed she was well hidden but apparently she was wrong.

  “I dinnae mean tae eavesdrop,” she said, stepping out from behind the tree. Her eyes had adjusted to the dim light, and she could see the moon reflected on a part of his face. He was too good-looking by far.

  Alisha had tried her best to ignore the mercenary, but it was an unsuccessful endeavor since he sat behind her for hours on end on his steed. And while she would have preferred to ride in a cart, the more practical side of her appreciated his presence. Despite her misgivings, she found herself leaning back to absorb his body heat. And now that she was face to face with him, she couldn’t deny her attraction to him.

  An awkward silence sprang up between them, and Alisha felt desperate to leave. Laughter erupted behind them. She started to turn away when a drunken man stumbled to a nearby bush to make water. She looked away, embarrassed.

  Taking her hand, Donnell pulled her behind him. “Let’s go find another place tae talk.”

  They found a large boulder a little distance from the gathering.

  “I want tae climb up there,” she said pointing to the boulder. From what she could make out, there was a partial ledge that they could sit and enjoy some privacy away from the group.

  He climbed first and reached for her hand to pull her up. Once on the ledge, she sat down.

  The rock was curved in such a way that it blocked the cold wind. But from their vantage point, she could still see the men around the campfire.

  “Seamus mentioned that your parents are no longer alive. How did they die?” he asked as he settled down next to her.

  “’Twas from the plague,” she said, her voice wavering slightly, and she blinked. Seamus rarely spoke about the passing of their parents, and besides Father Cormac, she had never discussed it with anyone else. Perhaps it was the sympathy in his voice or it was something else that caused her to reveal this to him.

  He reached over and touched her hand. “I’m sorry.”

  “Ye need nae be,” she said. “The plague wasnae your doing. My parents valiantly tried tae stay alive, but the disease killed them. Now I have tae look out for my brother but it helps that ye have kept tae your promise tae assist me.”

  At first she was reluctant to admit it, but there was no denying that he had a positive influence on Seamus. During the last few days Donnell had singled out her brother to teach him more basic training. Since Alisha saw Seamus on a daily basis, she failed to notice that he had grown and stood near the same height as some of the men. He handled his weapon with more confidence, and he was fast becoming a man that her parents would be proud of. And a lot of this was owed to Donnell.

  Then as the days passed, she began to see Donnell in a different light. He was no longer just another mercenary who was only concerned with making profit. Through his actions, she saw that he was kind and generous. And despite herself, she felt herself softening toward him. An inexplicable urge to kiss him filled her and following the impulse, she started to lean toward him. But then her senses returned with full force. What was she thinking? She pulled back quickly and placed her hand behind her to straighten her posture. Unfortunately she set her hand on an area that was weakened, and the foundation crumbled underneath her weight.

  Alisha let out a small shriek as her arisaid slipped from her shoulders, and she felt herself falling. The distance to the ground wasn’t much but she realized that the impact on the hard dirt would hurt.

  Fortunately Donnell reached for her, and managed to grab the front of her leine.

  She heard a soft curse as the fabric of her kirtle and chemise ripped. Immediately she felt a cold gust rush across her bared skin.

  “Hold on,” he said, catching her before she dropped. He wrapped his strong arms tightly around her body as he jumped off the boulder. With her head tucked at the side of his neck, he landed on the ground. The force of the impact caused them to topple over. He rolled over a couple of times, but he continued to hold onto her, cushioning her as much as possible.

  Alisha opened her eyes when they were no longer moving and found that he was beneath her.

  “Are ye all right?” he asked, peering up at her.

  She heard the sound of merrymaking in the background. Luckily none of the men at the firepit were aware of the commotion that occurred.

  “I think I’m all right,” she said, her voice shaky. “Although I cannae say the same for my clothing.” She lifted the torn fabric of her leine and grimaced at the rip that ran across one side and bared part of her breast.

  “I’m sorry about that.”

  “Dinnae be,” she said, pulling the damaged fabric to cover her exposed skin. “I’ll need tae find a needle and thread sae I can fix this tear.”

  She started to pull away in order to inspect the damage more closely, but Donnell held her still, imprisoning her with his arms. She gave him a curious look, and started to ask him to release her. But the words died in her throat when his eyes glittered up at her. All at once, her mind recalled the searing kiss they shared earlier. And as if it had happened only minutes before, her lips began to tingle.

  His gaze trailed down to her breast, causing her nipple to pucker. All the while her body felt as if it were on fire. His eyes lifted to meet hers. “On second thought perhaps I’m nae that sorry after all.”

  At his confession, her body thrummed and she became aware of an ache deep within her center.

  Donnell pulled her head down until she felt his breath brush across her lips. “What kind of faery spell have ye placed on me?” he demanded softly.

  “I dinnae ken what ye are talking about.” She stared at his masculine lips. “I possess nay faery magic.”

  He rolled them to the side and flipped her around until he was now positioned on top. Peering down at her, his expression was soft. “Then why cannae I think of anything else but tae kiss ye again?”

  “Then kiss me,” she said boldly. She wanted the contact as much as he did.

  “I would be glad tae,” he said, letting out a grunt of satisfaction.

  Cradling her nape with his large palm, he leaned down and settled his warm masculine lips on hers. All at once the feelings from before rushed to the surface, and she kissed him back. She moaned as she became lost in a cloud of carnal ecstasy. He responded by deepening the contact, greedily sweeping his tongue into her mouth as if he was starved for her.

  Alisha reached up and threaded her fingers through his thick ha
ir, pulling him closer. She forgot where she was. The only thing she was aware of was the blinding, insistent intensity that consumed her. She wanted, needed something that only he could give her. And she wanted it now. Guided by her instincts and the desire that burned deep inside her, she responded to his every tongue stroke with her own.

  Donnell broke away from the contact and rained down small kisses along her cheek, neck and chest. He then impatiently pushed aside the torn fabric.

  “What are ye doing?” she asked, her mind still in a daze.

  But he didn’t answer. Instead, his lips found her aroused nipple. The sensation of his moist, hot mouth and cool temperature on her flesh made her gasp and arch her back. Looking down, she watched him as he sucked on her swollen breast. He seemed lost in the pleasure of it. When he sensed her gaze, he glanced up. When he saw that he had her full attention, he flattened his heated tongue and dragged it across the swollen nub.

  “Nay more,” she groaned, and drew him up to recapture his lips.

  His body settled on top of her, pinning her to the ground until she could feel an unmistakable hardness between her legs. She knew what this meant, but she was too far gone to be afraid. Ever since they first kissed, she wondered about making love to him, and now was her chance. Suddenly she wanted to explore more of him, to drown in his male essence. After the recent raid, she realized how fragile life was. Tomorrow the war might arrive and either one of them could die. But tonight might be the only time she could experience this passionate bliss. Ever since the death of her parents, she had tried to fulfill the role of a guardian. But caring for Seamus left no time for anything else. So maybe Will was right, and she needed more enjoyment in her life...

  “Make love tae me, Donnell,” she said, suddenly arriving at a decision. She might regret her impulsive resolve tomorrow, but at this moment she wanted to experience everything he had to offer.

  “Och god, ye are an innocent maiden,” he grounded out. He squeezed his eyes closed as if he wanted to shut out the thick heat between them. “Ye are too innocent tae ken what ye want.”

  He started to roll off her, but she caught his arm, stopping him.

  “Trust me, I ken what I want.” She removed her kirtle, and then pulled off the chemise. Her body was aflame and she barely felt the cool draft brushing across her nakedness.

  Donnell stared, searching her face for any signs of hesitation. When he found none, he pulled her into his corded arms. His gaze locked onto hers. “Ye understand that what happens next cannae be undone.”

  “I understand,” she said.

  “Verra well.”

  He stripped off his great kilt and leine. A moment later, she saw his male form in its full magnificence.

  “Ye are the finest man I’ve ever seen,” she breathed. It was true. She had seen hundreds of warriors at Bracken Ridge but not once did she consider how they appeared naked. Unable to control the urge, she spread her hand over his wide chest. Her other hand skimmed along his broad shoulder, gliding down to explore his taut abdomen, and made contact with something hard. She caught sight of his arousal. Gasping, she pulled her hand quickly away from his body. He was so big. What was she thinking? Perhaps he was right and she was too innocent to know what she wanted.

  “I’m sorry,” she said, now embarrassed at her daring display.

  “What’s there tae be sorry about?”

  He grabbed her hand and placed it over his long shaft. She was momentarily shocked at feeling the velvet steel of his cock. But then curiosity took a hold of her once more and her fingers curled over his member. He groaned as he dipped his head and captured her lips in an erotic kiss filled with dark promise. Her hand was trapped between them, but she instinctively rubbed it up and down along his thick arousal. Deep rumbles formed in his throat as his tongue thrust to the rhythm of her hand. She felt herself getting wet, and an ache began to grow deep from within her core. She desperately wanted to get closer to him, and she began to kiss him with wild abandon.

  Donnell seemed to sense her tortured desire. Taking away her hand, he lifted it over her head. “That’s enough,” he let out a low growl. “’Tis ye that I want tae satisfy.”

  With that declaration, he spread her legs wider with his knees and settled between her thighs. The heat of his large member touched her sensitive area, slowly sliding along her slit. With each pass over her slick passage, she tossed her head uncontrollably to the left and right. All the while she clamped her teeth on her bottom lip, fighting to keep the moans from emerging. But her body seemed to have a mind of its own. She arched her hips, relishing the incredible friction. Gripping his shoulders, she blindly pulled him down to kiss him.

  Donnell bore down, deepening the contact. Then all of a sudden he broke away. He closed his eyes even as his body continued to rock against hers. “I cannae keep this up any longer,” he said through clenched teeth.

  In the next moment, he reached under her, his hands gripping her buttocks. And then rearing back, he thrust his shaft deep into her warmth. She gasped as she felt the unexpected invasion. But she was fully aroused and though she felt a small pain, it was gone in almost an instant. Soon after she met his thrusts, moving with him as the swirl of energy inside of her built up and up. When it reached its apex, it exploded in one tremendous burst. He held still for a moment as she became consumed by wave after wave of pure rapture. She felt as if they merged into one single entity. This was home. This was where she belonged.

  “I’m going tae come,” he said, his voice hoarse. And then with that warning, he gave a final thrust with his hips and spilled his seed inside of her. His strength depleted, his large body collapsed on top of hers.

  Alisha blinked up at the bare tree branches overhead. She felt as if she floated above the trees and she never wanted to come back down. But after a while she became aware of the murmur of conversation that continued a short distance away. Although she was a little disappointed that the lovemaking was over, she had no regrets. She ran her palms down along Donnell’s muscular back, reconnecting to the closeness she felt with him. The beating of his heart against hers made her feel safe, and the lingering joy of their lovemaking continued to spread over her like a warm blanket. She had sought pleasure with Donnell, and while she found it, she also felt something else, something that was indefinable and sweet. Was this love? Her arms tightened around his waist, and she breathed in his masculine scent. Because if this was love, then she wanted more of it.

  Chapter 12

  “Ye dinnae seem like ye are in a celebratory mood like the rest,” Donnell said, coming to sit next to Blane. He would have liked to stay entangled with Alisha, but he knew that there was a danger that they would be discovered. He had reluctantly dressed and helped her find a needle and thread in order to fix her damaged clothing. Luckily there was enough moonlight for her to quickly finish her repair, and then return to her brother.

  “There’s really nothing tae celebrate,” Blane said. “Ye ken as well as I do that this victory of ours hardly makes a dent in the scheme of things.” He grimaced. “For once they’re happy, and I dinnae want tae be responsible for throwing reality on their heads just yet.”

  By now, the men were drunk but that didn’t stop them from continuing their celebration. Several of the men threw their heads back, laughing as someone made a jest.

  “I understand,” Donnell said. “But in order tae hurt the enemy, we need tae hit their food stores. The fact that they’re sending out a troop tae raid nearby villages demonstrates that they’re getting desperate.”

  “The bastards,” Blane said, anger in his voice. “They cause destruction wherever they go. Damn them for harming people who cannae protect themselves.”

  “The English murdered my parents,” he said quietly. Though he repeated this many times in his head, it sounded different, even more painful when spoken aloud.

  “They murdered mine along with my sister,” Blane said, burying his fingers in his hair. “They burned them alive, and there wasnae
a thing I could do tae help them.” He jerked his head up and stared up into the night sky. “Did ye ken that the English had approached me about hiring The Black Targe Company?”

  Donnell shook his head slowly. “Sae ye refused them.”

  “Obviously,” he let out a bitter laugh. “After they burned my family without mercy, do ye think that I would work for them?”

  “I dinnae blame ye,” Donnell said. “’Twas Eadwig Gorbidshire that eliminated my family, and I would never fight on his side.”

  As he revealed that piece of information, the painful memory forced itself to the surface, and the pain that he had long endured cut through him as if the incident had happened yesterday.

  “’Twas the commander of the English army,” Blane said, his voice showing no surprise. “I’ll be satisfied when this war is over, and men like him are sent tae their graves.”

  “Aye, it would be a great satisfaction indeed,” Donnell said.


  Erik returned during midday and told them about the layout of the enemy camp. They relocated their campsite to a spot closer to the English site. Then they waited until night to make their move.

  When they reached the enemy camp, Donnell discovered that everything was how the scout described. From Donnell’s vantage point, he could see where they contained their main supply of foodstuffs. His blood stirred and he sensed that Eadwig Gorbidshire was nearby. All the years of training and preparation had culminated up to this point.

  If they destroyed the supply, the English would be crippled because they would be unable to hunt. And even if they did find game and knew how to forage for food, it was impossible for them to sustain a large military force for any length of time.

  Donnell gestured for the men to stay down until the time was right. Each group had an appointed leader, and on his signal, they would get in and do their damage. For now, they had to stay put.

  The temperature had plummeted, and darkness was closing in on them. However the din of activity continued just as everyone began to settle in for the night. But when they finally went to sleep, his men would strike.


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