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Love Ever After: Eleven All-New Romances!

Page 45

by Nina Lane

  Night Shift

  Grizzly Cove #3

  Sheriff’s Deputy Zak is one of the few black bear shifters in a colony of grizzlies. He’s used to taking guff from his comrades, but it’s all in good fun. He’s fought beside these guys for many years and it’s time they all stopped roaming and picked a place to settle. Grizzly Cove seemed as good a place as any when the idea was proposed, and Zak likes the slow-moving police work in the sleepy coastal town.

  When his job takes him into closer proximity to the lovely Tina, though, he finds he can’t resist her. Could it be he’s finally found his mate? And when a bloody vampire washes ashore, will she turn to Zak, or run, screaming, into the night? Zak will do all he can to make sure she chooses him.

  Tango for Two

  (Limelight #2.5)


  Elisabeth Grace

  Tango For Two (Limelight #2.5)

  In this Limelight series short story, makeup artist to the stars, Jasmine, agrees to learn and perform a sexy tango live on television for a charity telethon. The only trouble is the obnoxious celebrity she's partnered with AND the fact that she's falling for her charismatic choreographer, Eduardo.

  Copyright © 2015 Elisabeth Grace

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book or portions thereof in any form whatsoever.

  Line Editor: SGT Editing

  Proof Reader: Behind The Writer



  I placed my hand on the knob of the studio door and inhaled a deep, cleansing breath. Why the hell had I agreed to do this? I wasn’t a dancer.

  It’s for charity, I reminded myself—for the hundredth time.

  When the producers for the televised broadcast called and asked if I’d like to be a part of the telethon to help raise funds for sick children overseas, I couldn’t very well say no. But I’d envisioned being behind the scenes, answering telephones to take pledges or donating my time to do the make-up for the on-air celebrities during the day-long broadcast. After all, that was how I made a living—a make-up artist to the stars.

  I knew a few people running the show, having worked with them on other projects. Somehow one of them found out that I’d taken dance classes until the middle of high school and, for some reason, thought that meant I was qualified to learn a routine and perform it on the show…live…with a celebrity.

  Sweat broke out on my forehead as I turned the handle and pushed the door open.

  In the reflection of the mirrors that ran the length of the long wall, I spotted two people chatting in the far corner. The man’s back was to me, and I wasn’t able to see his face in the mirror. What I could see was that he stood tall over the attractive woman in front of him. There was no missing his muscular back and lean hips either.

  The woman noticed me enter and smiled widely before moving around the man and heading my way, her heels clicking on the wood floor as she approached. Her hair was dyed a bright red color and her blue eyes shone as she held a hand out in front of her.

  “Hi, I’m Marina. Eduardo’s assistant.”

  I reached forward and took the woman’s hand. “Nice to meet you. I’m Jasmine Andrade.”

  I looked behind Marina at the exact moment that Eduardo—I assumed—turned to face us. Everything girly within me clenched and then relaxed to let out a deep sigh at the man before me. His hair was wavy and dark, coming down a little past his ears and curling slightly at the ends. He appeared to be of Latin descent, probably in his early thirties or so, and wore a tight black tank top that showcased each and every muscle in his arms.

  Powerful strides brought him closer, and it was as if a tsunami rode in his wake. Hell, the force of his stare alone was enough to bowl me over. This intense man oozed charisma and sex appeal—and he hadn’t uttered a single syllable.

  He smiled when he reached me, a smile of perfectly shaped white teeth complementing deep brown eyes with tiny flecks of hazel throughout. It made them look almost translucent.

  “Eduardo Flores. I’ll be the choreographer for this piece.” His deep voice was smooth and drenched in sensuality. The little hairs on the back of my neck stood on end as if they’d noticed, too.

  It took me a moment to shake myself loose from the intensity of his gaze so I could answer. “Jasmine. Nice to meet you.”

  He nodded, and Marina placed her hand on his lower back. My gaze instantly darted there before I was able to help myself.

  Eduardo didn’t seem to mind since he didn’t move away from her touch. They must be a couple. The disappointment that settled in my chest surprised me. He was attractive, sure, but why did I care? We’d just met.

  “So tell me, Jasmine, do you have any dance experience?” he asked.

  I shook my head. “I danced a bit when I was younger…” I trailed off, embarrassed to admit to a professional dancer—maybe two, based on the body his assistant was rocking—my skill level or lack thereof. I shrugged. “I’m not sure why they asked me to do this. There have to be more qualified people who could do a better job.” My face heated.

  Eduardo chuckled and reached forward, squeezing my upper arm. “Nonsense. You’ll do fine. That’s what we’re here for.” He removed his hand as quickly as he’d placed it on me, but my arm tingled where his fingertips had pressed into my skin.

  “If you say so.” I glanced down to the floor for a second, uncomfortable holding his gaze with Marina watching. I feared everything I was thinking, every physical reaction I was having to this man, would be all over my face.

  “As soon as your partner arrives, we’ll get started,” Marina said as if she knew I’d been thinking of her.

  I wanted to ask who my partner was, but I didn’t want to seem completely ill prepared so I decided not to. The last time I had spoken to the producers a couple of weeks ago, they were still trying to fill the spot.

  We stood in silence for a few beats before Eduardo looked past me to check the clock. “He’s late.” He sounded agitated, but not at all surprised.

  A cellphone rang from the corner where the two of them had been standing earlier, and Eduardo turned and left to go grab it.

  “I understand you’re a make-up artist?” Marina asked. We chatted for a minute about my job, and I couldn’t help myself from stealing quick glances at Eduardo while we talked.

  I’d thought he sounded agitated a minute ago, but now he definitely looked irritated. He pushed a hand through his ebony hair and let out a big breath before putting his cell back on the small table that held a laptop and other equipment.

  Marina turned in his direction. “Who was that?”

  “That was Mr. Hip Hop himself. Seems he’s running behind and won’t be here for another fifteen minutes at least.”

  I shrugged. “You get used to that in this industry.” I’d been forced to hurry up and wait more times than I could count because some celebrity couldn’t find it in themselves to make it to set for their call time.

  Wait…Mr. Hip Hop? Surely it’s not—

  “We have no time to waste. We’re already on a tight schedule, and if we want to get this routine right, we need all the time we can get. Already we’re trying to teach you a dance that would take professionals weeks to perfect, and we only have a few weeks ourselves.”

  That didn’t make me feel any better about pulling this off. Not at all. What had I gotten myself into?

  “Well,” Marina said as she strolled over to the table in the corner. “I’m going out for a smoke if we’re gonna be waiting anyway.” She picked a purse up from underneath the table and smiled at us both before leaving the room. It surprised me that someone whose living depended on being physically fit would smoke. “I’ll be back in a few,” she called out f
rom the hallway.

  Eduardo placed his hands on his hips. Frown lines marred his perfect face as he stood staring down at me.

  “I’m surprised she smokes,” I said, since I wasn’t able to think of anything else to say. Not while his dark eyes were fixated on me.

  “She shouldn’t. She should be treating her body like it’s a temple in our profession.” The indentation between his brows deepened.

  It was clear he treated his own body like a temple, but I kept that thought to myself. He remained silent, so I stood there awkwardly for a moment, not speaking.

  “Did you bring your shoes?” Eduardo finally asked.

  “I have them in my bag.” I patted the gym bag that hung from my shoulder.

  “Might as well get them on. That way when he finally strolls in, you’ll be ready.”

  I nodded and walked over to the wall, placing my bag on the floor and looking through it until I found the heels I’d been instructed to bring. Then I sat down and put them on before standing back up to remove the t-shirt I wore. This left me in only my red sporty bralette, leggings, and the three-inch heels. The ensemble seemed like a good idea when I’d dressed at home, but now that I knew a man like Eduardo would be watching me all day, it felt like too little clothing.

  Leaning over, I gathered all my thick brown hair into a ponytail and then rose again so I could wrap the elastic around it. It was only once I’d finished that I noticed Eduardo observing me.

  He cleared his throat. “I’m going to show you some stretches. Every time we meet, I want you to do these before you dance. It will help to prevent injuries. If you happen to beat me to the studio, do these until I arrive.” His voice was gruff and all business.

  I nodded and walked over to meet him in the center of the room. For the next five minutes, he showed me how to do the stretching exercises while watching me like I was a jewel thief in a jewelry store. I’d never felt more self-conscious in my life—not even when I’d worn the same dress to my eighth-grade Spring Fling dance as Kelly ‘Double-D’ Davis. At the time, there was no comparison, but at this point in my life, I think I’d give her a run for her money.

  I stood, bent at the waist with my hands on one of my feet, when he stalked up behind me. “That’s good,” he said, placing his hands on each of my hip bones. “Try not to overextend your hips though. See how this one is turned over the top of your knee?” He adjusted me slightly so my back was in a more comfortable position, then he removed his hands from me. “Just like that.”

  I’d never had a man affect me the way Eduardo did. The unsettling nature of my desire was only amped up by the fact that his assistant was going to be around to bear witness to all the lewd thoughts I was having about her boyfriend.

  As I finished up my final stretch, I heard Marina’s laughter coming from the hallway, accompanied by a deep, somewhat familiar voice.

  “We’re in here,” she called cheerfully from outside the door to the studio.

  I rose to see who was going to be my partner.

  When I spotted him, my muscles instantly tensed and all the oxygen left my lungs.

  Little Mac.



  I’d worked with the rapper many times, so I knew how hot and cold he tended to be, charming one minute and callous the next. Secretly, I couldn’t stand the guy. I knew what he was capable of, based on what he’d done to my friend Mason Nash and his girlfriend, Ellie. But I liked my job and I didn’t need to be tarred and feathered by L.A.’s elite, so I’d almost always kept my mouth shut.

  “Shortie, no way!” Little Mac ran into the room and picked me up in a giant hug, lifting me off the ground. He spun me around until I started to get dizzy, then blessedly set me down. “At least I’m not stuck with some dog.” He laughed and I managed to give him a small smile.

  “How are you?” I asked. “I haven’t seen you in so long.” Thankfully.

  Little Mac cocked his chin up, just enough to appear more smug than usual. “More in demand than ever.” He put his arms out to the side as if giving me the opportunity to take all of him in.

  “That’s great,” I responded, with as much sincerity as I could muster.

  Eduardo walked up to the two of us. “Good to meet you,” he said, though his tone implied anything but that. “Try to be on time for our rehearsals.”

  “Hey, man, I do my best, but what can I say?” Little Mac grinned widely. “That ho from last night wanted to go another round before I sent her packin’ this morning. Seems once with me wasn’t enough for her.”

  I swear to God I almost threw up a little in my mouth.

  Eduardo didn’t look impressed in the least. “That may be so, but unless you want to look like a moron on TV in a few weeks, you need to be on time to rehearsals.”

  I pressed my lips together to prevent myself from giggling. Little Mac’s eyes widened. I guess he wasn’t used to people not falling at his feet.

  “Now,” Eduardo said, clapping his hands together. “Would you like to see the dance you’ll be doing?”

  “Let’s do this,” Little Mac said with a nervous grin.

  Eduardo walked over to the laptop in the corner, his movements so fluid it was hard not to watch him.

  He hit a button and then moved to where Marina waited in the middle of the studio. A moment later the first notes of the music sounded from the speakers, and Marina hoisted her right leg so far up the side of Eduardo I thought her kneecap might reach his armpit. He placed his large hand on her thigh and slid her across the floor, dragging her other leg behind. When he stopped, that same leg came up so she straddled his waist and then he dipped her to the floor.

  They coasted around the studio, almost never breaking one another’s gaze and appearing to be one osmotic body rather than two separate individuals. Marina’s gauze-like skirt trailed behind her as she twisted and turned around the floor.

  The connection between the two of them as they danced was palpable. They must be a couple. Had to be. There was no way that much sexual tension could roll off of two people who weren’t banging.

  They finished the dance and Marina stood in Eduardo’s embrace, the two of them breathing a little harder than when they’d started. Straightening up, they turned to face Little Mac and me.

  “You will be dancing the Argentine tango,” Eduardo said. My stomach plummeted to the bowels of the earth. I didn’t know a lot about Latin dancing, but everyone knew the tango was not easy, and the difficult steps notwithstanding, it was one that needed to be done with intensity and passion to pull it off.

  I spared a glance at my partner. There was nothing about him that inspired any passion in me. At all. I felt my shoulders droop.

  Little Mac whistled, long and low. “Seriously, dawg? You think you’re gonna get a hood rat like me to do that?”

  I barely contained my eye roll. Everyone knew full well he grew up in Orange County, no matter how hard he tried to play at being a hardcore gangbanger.

  Eduardo gestured to him with his hand. “You are a performer. That’s what you’ll do when the time comes.” His penetrating gaze swooped over to me. “What did you think?”

  Taking a deep breath, I responded, “I think we’d better start practicing.”

  Eduardo laughed, and it brought a smile to my face because I was the one who’d put the twinkle in his eyes.

  Girlfriend, Jas. Don’t forget the girlfriend.

  I glanced over at Marina who seemed nonplussed. Guess she wasn’t the jealous type.

  Eduardo clapped his hands together again. “Alright, let’s get started. You’re going to need to change your footwear,” he said to Little Mac.

  Mac glanced down at his high-tops and raised a brow. “What’s wrong with these?”

  Marina saved Eduardo the trouble of answering. “You need to wear a ballroom dance shoe with a slight heel. It will help with your posture.”

  Little Mac’s face distorted into a disgusted expression. “Not a chance in hell this homeboy
is wearing a heel.”

  Eduardo fisted his hands at his side. The reason I noticed this was because it forced all the muscles in his arms to flex, which was impossible not to notice.

  “It’ll be fine for today, but I’ll bring you some tomorrow,” he ground out.

  I got the impression that Eduardo was already starting to lose patience with my partner.

  It’s going to be a long few weeks.

  “Starting off, Marina and I will work with the two of you separately to break down the steps. Then we’ll have you dance together to see how the first part of the routine is coming together.” He set his hands on his lean hips. “Any questions?”

  Was I really going to do this? My heart sped up in my chest as I tried to picture myself looking as sexy and sophisticated as those two had on the dance floor. The vision in my head of Little Mac and me made me want to cringe. Yeah, not happening.

  “You and I will work on this side of the studio.” Eduardo placed his warm hand on my lower back, leading me across the room, and I supressed a full body shiver. When we reached our designated spot, I stood in front of him, waiting anxiously for instruction.

  “Now, your partner will start away from you like this.” He stepped back a few paces until he was about five feet away from me. Slowly, like a predator on the prowl, he moved forward until our chests were touching.

  We were close enough that his scent wafted into my nostrils. He smelled good—too good. Like a mixture of a spicy men’s cologne and sweat. My breathing picked up, and I hoped to hell he didn’t notice the effect he had on me…or if he did, that he would figure I was just that out of shape.

  “Point your left leg out behind you,” he said in a low voice. He was so close that the breath from his mouth traced across my face. I did as he asked. “That’s it… perfect.” I wanted to smile at his praise.

  Without preamble or warning, he placed his large hand on the side of my waist and spread his fingers. I sucked in a breath. “We’ll worry more about the placement of your hands as we move on and get the basic steps down. For now, do whatever feels natural.”


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