Stranded With My Billionaire Stepbrother (Complete Series)

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Stranded With My Billionaire Stepbrother (Complete Series) Page 7

by Kira Ward

  “Alex,” I interrupted. He stopped talking, and his eyes met met mine cautiously. “I’m pregnant.” Better to give it to them boldly, when they least expect it.

  “You’re… pregnant?” His eyes were wide, and I couldn’t tell if he was scared or just shocked. “But… how do you know that you’re pregnant? You’re stomach isn’t any bigger. We’ve only been out here—”

  “I know, Alex,” I interrupted again. “Women know their bodies.”

  “You’re sure?”

  “I’d say about 95% sure, give or take.”

  Alex exhaled loudly and then pressed his lips together before throwing a fist in the air. At first he seemed excited and happy, like he was celebrating a big victory, but then he silently turned around and knelt down at the nearest tree. He pressed the top of his head against the tree, and then started pounding it with his fist. “Stupid… Stupid… Stupid…” he kept muttering.

  My heart sunk. It looked like a sign that he didn’t want the baby. “If you think it’s a mistake—”

  “Mistake!?” Alex whipped his head around and rushed back over to my side. “This isn’t a mistake. I’m just mad at myself for letting that boat go. You can’t be on this island while you’re pregnant.”

  “So you want the child?”

  Alex paused and looked at me with the biggest “Are you crazy?!” eyes I had ever seen. “Of course I want the child! I’m, I’m…” He was dazzled and shaking his head erratically. “I couldn’t be any happier.”

  I smiled as I watch him bouncing around, celebrating the pregnancy. As much as I had been angry at him before, I couldn’t be angry at him now. The air had cleared, and both the boat and the pregnancy was out on the table. We both knew what was going on.

  I pulled myself up to my feet. Thankfully, the fall only netted me a bruise and a little bump on the head in the way of physical damage. But the emotional scar from having spiders crawling all over my skin- That’ll be with me forever. I’ll have nightmares until the day that I die.

  Chapter 7


  I don’t like to lie. Even when I’m doing business, I try not to cross a threshold of deception. But I’m glad that I lied to Kendra and got caught. If I learned one good thing about the experience is that it’s good to get caught in a little white lie early on in a relationship. It can show you how devastating that lies can be. Because of that lie, I know that I’ll never lie to Kendra again.

  I thought that I had lost her for good when she stormed away, and my heart jumped out of my chest when I heard her scream. When she told me that she was pregnant, the rollercoaster of emotions practically sent me into cardiac arrest.

  A baby. When I got on the plane with my family, I had never imagined that a few weeks later I’d have a girl knocked up. And the last person I expected to be carrying my child was Kendra. The word “happy” didn’t do justice for the feelings that I felt. I was ecstatic. But it was hard not to be fearful at the same time.

  Sending the boat away was a major fuck up. I thought it was just me and Kendra out there, but now there was another life on the line as well. If the fisherman were to come back when they said they were, there was a chance that Kendra could be showing by the time we hit land. What would people think, seeing two steps returning from a desert island, the stepsister visibly pregnant? If the tabloids found out, it would be a huge scandal for my company. If my parents noticed before we had the chance to talk to them, that could cause unwanted drama as well.

  Only thing we could do was hope for the best. I promised Kendra that nothing would ruin what we had, and I intended to keep that promise.

  The same day I got caught in a lie turned out to be a pretty bad night as well. We both headed back to the camp, cleaned up the empty coconut shells and other trash, tended to the fire, had a bath, and then curled up inside of our shelter.

  And then it started to rain.

  Our shelter was built pretty well, so even with moderate rain we stayed dry. But then the heavy rain started, our little shelter was simply no match. First it was a trickle of water seeping through the fronds, and then the water was pouring in so fast that we might have well been outside.

  Kendra and I huddled up together trying to stay warm, expecting that the storm would pass shortly. Unfortunately, it only go worse. The clouds started thundering, and the wind started howling. Soon enough, the fronds of our shelter were blown away and then the branches making up the shelter’s skeleton all came tumbling down in a sad mess.

  It was devastating. We had spent hours building that thing, and even the smaller shelter that I had built myself had been annihilated. For a while, we just sat on the beach, allowing the cold rain to pelt us in the face. Our camp fire had been blown out, so we had no light to get around. We could only see during the split seconds of lightning strikes, not that we needed light anyway. The jungle was too dangerous to tread through during a storm, and trying to get into the small cave we went into the first night was too dangerous without being able to see.

  So we sat there through the storm at least a couple hours. Eventually, we grew tired of waiting for it to pass and simply lied down and held on to each other for warmth. I took my board shorts off and held them over our face. While they didn’t keep us dry, we didn’t have the annoying water pouring into our eyes.

  By the time the storm passed, it was morning, and we were both feeling miserable. With the storm had came a high tide, which had washed most of the wood that we used for the shelter away. Everything was soaking wet as well, so it would’ve been impossible to build a fire.

  We sat together on the beach, trying to bask in the sunlight and get dry again. For a while we didn’t say much, and I was feeling even worse then about the fact that I had turned our first chance at rescue away. It was also then that I realized the fantasy that I was living in. While living on the island with nothing but a beautiful girl and nature’s resources had been enlightening, it wasn’t sustainable for us by any means. Perhaps if we had tools to build a better shelter it would be somewhat more viable, but in our current state we were far too vulnerable… Especially Kendra, now that she was pregnant.

  By noon time, our clothes were dry, and we went about collecting what bit of wood we could recover from the destruction. We used the remaining wood and palm fronds we gathered from the jungle to start rebuilding another shelter, similar to the one that we had built before. This time, we moved the shelter further back and closer to the jungle, to prevent another high tide from washing things away. 4 or 5 hours later, the shelter was finished, and we had our first meal of the day.

  I quickly scarfed down some berries and stood up to head for the jungle again, instructing Kendra to stay and rest.

  “Where are you going?” she asked.

  “To gather more wood.”

  “Why? We have enough for a fire already.”

  “Not for a fire. I’m going to build us another shelter. A bigger, stronger shelter with more wood that can withstand storms. We’re probably only going to be a here another two weeks, but I want to make sure we have something more solid. I don’t want you and the baby to live through another night like the last.”

  “Are you sure? I can help you if you want.”

  “No, just rest. You can walk around with me if you want, but I don’t want you straining yourself or carrying wood anymore. You’ve done enough already.”

  I headed off to the woods to begin a project that I wasn’t even sure if I could actually complete.

  Chapter 8


  I watched as Alex broke down trees with his bare hands. They weren’t huge trees, but they were big enough that it took all of his strength to snap them. For days this went on- Alex collecting branches and breaking the smaller ones. He would pull the leaves off of them and then throw the bare pieces in a pile until he had a mass that was nearly as tall as me.

  He refused my help, merely telling me to rest and take care of the baby. It seemed a bit ludicrous to me… I didn’t know how pre
gnant I was, probably only a month or so, but I certainly felt fine enough to work. It also seemed a bit crazy that he was going to all the trouble to build another shelter when he was counting on the fishermen coming back in 2 weeks.

  He cared. He probably cared a bit too much. It was incredibly cute.

  When he finished gathering all the wood, he started working on the base of the shelter. I was surprised to learn that he planned on building this new, larger one on the edge of the jungle, rather than directly on the beach where we had been before. The base began with 4 large stones that held the largest pieces of wood 4-5 inches off the ground, and were also attached to two trees that were spaced the perfect distance apart from each other. He meticulously layered branch after branch together to make a floor, securing each branch tightly with bark that he pulled from trees. If there there was a hole bigger than his pinky finger anywhere between the two branches, he replaced it with another piece.

  Then came two walls. Each branch of the wall was rammed into the soft dirt of the jungle floor and then tied together with bark. When two walls were finished, he began building the roof, climbing the trees and tying each end the same as he had the walls. The roof took the longest as there were many trials and errors, Alex losing grip of the wood or choosing branches of the wrong length before he got it functional. It had a slight slope to it, allowing rain to trickle off the top and to the ground. Then came the final two walls, only a small area left open for a door.

  It took nearly 5 days of Alex working non-stop to complete the project. The only time he took a break was when he was gathering food for us or it was too late for him to work. By the time he finished, he looked like shit. The wood had scratched him up pretty bad, and his beard was getting long.

  The last day that he had been working on the new shelter, I found a flat sea shell on the beach and got a bright idea. I scraped both sides of the shell against a rock until it had a razor sharp edge and decided to bring it with me when Alex and I had a bath.

  We walked back to the falls and both of us got undressed per our usual routine. Alex wasn’t the only one who had gotten used to the island life. I had also became pretty good at foraging for plants, specifically the kind that produced the soapy liquid that we used.

  Alex groaned when he entered the water and immediately walked over to the waterfall to let the water cascade over his exhausted body. His muscles were pumped from the building of the shelter, and he had a pretty deep tan around his neck and upper body from being directly in the sun virtually all day.

  I sneaked up behind him and put my hand on his shoulders, mocking the method he used on me the first time that we had a sexual encounter. He immediately turned around and gave me a big smile, water from the falls still rolling down his face.

  “Are you okay big fella?”

  “Yeah, I’m just a little sore, but it was worth it. Now we have someplace to hunker down if there’s another storm. Thank god it stayed sunny while I was building it.”

  I smiled back and him and gave him a wink. “Come here. I have a surprise for you.”

  Alex tilted his head in a questioning manner, and I grabbed his hand to lead him to the side of the little oasis. Sitting there was the sea shell and several of the soapy plants that we used.

  “That’s a whole lot of soap. I’m not that dirty am I?”

  “No silly. I just want to see my brother’s face again.” I picked up the sea shell and rubbed my finger across it’s razor sharp edge. “I grinded this thing down for about an hour today. Now it’s shaper than a Gillette Fusion.

  Alex Laughed and rubbed his fingers through his beard. “You really think it’s going to work?”

  “Doesn’t hurt to try does it? Now stay still, and let me do my thing.”

  I cracked open several of the plant stems and used the milky liquid to form a thick lather that I applied all through Alex’s tangly beard. Slowly and careful I began to use the sea shell to shave away the fur that had grown on his face over the past few weeks. The sea shell turned out to be the perfect replacement for a razor, and after about 15 minutes of deliberate strokes, I could see Alex’s beautiful face again. I admit, I began to miss his sexy beard right away, but kissing him would be a lot more comfortable without all the bush.

  Alex pooled water in his hands and splashed his face. “Thank you Kendra,” he gleamed. “I feel so refreshed now without all the hair. How do I look?”

  “Sexy as ever,” I replied.

  He smiled and pulled me into a kiss. It was the first time I had felt his lips right after a clean shave, and it felt so soft and wonderful. “Not as sexy as you,” he said between my lips. He kissed me deeper and reached his hands around to grab my ass, pulling me in closer. His tongue darted in and out of my mouth, and I immediately could feel myself getting turned on. His other hand reached around to grab my other ass cheek, and I exhaled a moan of pleasure from his touch.

  It was amazing what Alex could do to me. No man had ever been able to bring me such pleasure by simply touching me with his hands. He wasn’t even trying, but could still send shockwaves coursing through my body with the slightest contact. When he pulled away, I still had my eyes closed and I was panting.

  “I have a surprise for you too,” he said coyly.

  “A surprise?” I muttered. I was pretty disappointed that he pulled away so quickly, but I was trying not to show. “Ok. What is it?”

  He gave a slick smile. “Just a minute,” he said before turning around and diving under the water.

  I was confused. Why did he leave me to dive under the water? Did he hide something under the falls? I wondered.

  Suddenly, I felt Alex’s head slide between my legs, and he was rising out of the water, raising me up with him.

  That trickster.

  He lifted me up completely out of the water, and my legs were dangling over his shoulders, my crotch immediately in his face. I squealed, fearful that I was going to fall. “Alex, what are you doing?!”

  He didn’t respond. He simply started walking, holding on to me while I grabbed on to his head, trying to maintain my balance. Soon we were under the falls, and he rested my back against the smooth rock, the water falling over both of us

  The water coursed over my shoulders, giving me a strong massage as Alex used his hands to part my legs and bury his mouth in my pussy. The sensation was intense. I loved the feeling of bathing under the falls with the water tumbling under me, but having the water falling over our bodies while Alex held and devoured me was on a totally different level.

  I squeezed on the back of Alex’s head and pulled him forward, silently begging him for more. He didn’t disappoint, licking and slurping up everything I had on offer, and alternating between twirling his tongue around my clit. For a brief moment, I wondered how he could breathe down there. There was a lot of water after all and he he had two thighs squeezing against his head as well. But he never complained or let up; he just kept eating like a trooper.

  Usually, I wouldn’t allow Alex to continue, not wanting to orgasm without feeling him inside me, but this was too incredible. There’s not many people who could say that they climax while being caressed by mother nature. When I felt my insides twisting, I didn’t hold back.

  My body stiffened for a moment, and Alex increased the speed and pressure of his twirling and sucked my pussy into his mouth. “Oh God!” I screamed under the water, and then my legs locked hard against Alex’s ears. I squeezed me eyes as tight as possible and grabbed on to Alex’s head so that I didn’t fall off of him while I came directly on his mouth.

  I moaned and panted in ecstasy, but Alex seemed to enjoy it even more than I had. He hummed “Mmmmmmm” in delight as he plunged his tongue inside and slurped and licked my pussy from top to bottom.

  In a matter of minutes, Alex had made me even more exhausted than he seemed from building the shelter.

  Good boy.

  Chapter 9


  “So what’s for dinner?” Kendra asked as we were pu
tting our clothes back on after a nice bath in the falls.

  “I don’t know. Maybe spaghetti parmesan.”

  “How about meatball primavera?” she countered.

  “Or… I’ve got a better idea.”

  “Are you thinking what I’m thinking?”

  “Fish, bananas, and coconut water?”

  “My favorite.”

  We both burst out laughing. You would think that lack of food variety would make people miserable, but for the most part Kendra and I did well. We had a variety of different types of fish. Basically, whatever I could catch for the day, and the fruit pretty much never got old. Still, we both had a weakness for Italian food and talked about it daily.

  “You wanna head back to the shelter and make sure the fire isn’t out?” I asked. “I’ll go fetch some food and catch up with you in a little bit.”

  “Okay, sounds good.” Kendra tied her bikini in place and headed back towards the beach.

  I walked towards an area that I knew had bananas as a first stop and was in the middle of pulling down a banana tree when I heard Kendra scream. It was a faint screech, similar to the time when she ran into a spider’s web, and I figured the same thing had probably happened. Still, I bolted in her direction to make sure she was okay.

  When I arrived to the shelter, I was shocked to see the two fishermen that had came to the island earlier, both with a tight grip on either of Kendra’s arms. She was fighting with all of her might, but they were dragging her closer and closer to the raft that was parked in the water.

  My mind swam with emotion… fear that they would harm Kendra, and fear that we would lose the baby, and suddenly I was in a frenzy. My body had a mind of it’s own as I sprinted at superhuman speed towards the two men.

  I went for the smaller one first. My speed was so fast that they there had been no time for his reaction. My fist wailed out and made a loud cracking sound when it landed against his face. The man fell down and was out cold.


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