Stranded With My Billionaire Stepbrother (Complete Series)

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Stranded With My Billionaire Stepbrother (Complete Series) Page 8

by Kira Ward

  Kendra pulled against the taller man’s weight and the man let go at the same time, causing Kendra to fall in the sand.

  “You uh had to come and make uh things complicated, huh?” the man hissed.

  “What the hell do you think you’re doing with my sister?”

  “Sister? I uh thought uh you said it was your girlfriend?”

  “To be honest, it’s none of your business.”

  The man reached in his pocket and produced a switchblade which he subsequently waved in his hand. “How uh about we make it uh my business?” he asked with an evil grin on his face.

  “Hey…” I tried to rationalize with him. “We don’t want any trouble. You said you only came here once per month. We weren’t expecting you for another week and a half at the earliest.”

  The man gave a half grin, and a golden tooth in the corner of his mouth glistened in the sunlight. “Well, after we saw your uh girlfriend… erm… sister, we uh figured we would come back a little bit uh sooner than scheduled.”

  “You sick fuck…”

  “I’m uh sick? From the sounds of it, you’ve been fucking your family member. Who’s uh the sick one here?”

  Rage rose up in my belly, and I pointed my finger directly at the man. “What we do is none of your concern. Look, just get in your boat and go home. We’ll pretend this never happened.”

  “We’re uh not leaving without the girl.”

  Kendra spoke up. “Fuck you! I’m not going anywhere. Just leave! We’ll stay on this island forever if we have to, you twisted perverts!”

  The man realized that negotiation was out of the question, and he moved towards Kendra. Fear filled my body, and any thought of harm that may come to my body became and afterthought as I thought to protect my woman and child.

  It only took a few strides before I was on the man, but there was nothing I could do to prevent his knife from getting to me. He seemed to have aimed for my chest, but instead it buried deep into my shoulder. I felt the burning, but I didn’t care. My adrenaline was pumping, and I ignored the pain. I pulled my hand back and punched the guy squarely in the jaw once. He seemed dazed at first, but a second punch had him falling backwards and onto the ground.

  Somewhere in there I heard Kendra scream “Alex!” and when the man fell, she ran to my side. “Oh my god. He stabbed you,” she cried as she examined the switchblade, still protruding in my shoulder.

  “It’s okay,” I said.

  “No Alex. It’s in there deep.”

  I sat down and panted as I grabbed the hilt of the blade with my hands. I tried to send my mind to anywhere but the present, and forcefully started to pull on the blade. In one quick, painful jolt the blade slide out and so did a lot of my blood. Kendra grabbed the wound and squeezed, trying to control the flow.

  As Kendra tended to my wound, I could hear the shorter man grunting and starting to awake from his slumber. I pulled away from Kendra and ran to the man, punching him squarely in the jaw again, and immediately he went back to sleep.

  “Fucking assholes!” I screamed.

  Chapter 10

  I pulled the fishermen’s raft all the way onto the beach and used the rope in the raft to tie the two men up to trees. Off in into the distance, we could see their large fishing boat sitting silently on the sea.

  “Is there anyone else on your boat?” I snapped at the men.

  The men held their heads down, looking defeated and ashamed at what they had done. “No, uh. Just us two,” the taller man said.

  “How far are we from mainland?”

  “About uh five hours if the weather is good.”

  The shorter man was now shirtless, and Kendra was wrapping the remnants of the cotton fabric around the wound of my shoulder. “We should try to leave tonight. I don’t want you to get an infection.”

  “I’ve never been on a fishing boat before. I’m not sure if I can pilot that thing myself,” I replied.

  “We’ll take uh you back to the mainland,” the tall man interjected.

  “And how can we trust you after what you just pulled?”

  The man shrugged and looked back down to the ground.

  “I could try to wing it alone on their boat. They probably have supplies and a compass. Probably even have a navigation system I can figure out. If we go alone, we’ll have to leave these guys here, which means we’ll have to untie them. They’ll die if we leave them tied up for days. We’ll be sailing in with a technically stolen boat, and someone will have to come back to get them.”

  “Or?” Kendra asked.

  “Or we can take them with us and hope that we can keep them under control until we get back to the mainland.”

  The shorter man started saying something in Italian to his taller friend.

  “Shutup! No talking!” I demanded.

  Both men fell silent, and the shorter man bowed his head as low as possible.

  “Here’s the plan. We stay here tonight, and you two can enjoy what it’s like sleeping while tied up to a tree. If you guys can behave for the rest of the night, we will leave first thing in the morning and you’ll be coming with us. We’ll release you when we’re at the mainland. And if there’s no more funny business, we won’t go to the police. Understood?”

  The taller man nodded. “Can I uh translate to my friend what you said?”

  “Go ahead, but make it quick.”

  The man started speaking to his friend in Italian, and Kendra finished tying off the makeshift bandage on my arm. “You think the ropes will hold them all night?”

  “Oh, trust me. They will. I tied those fuckers up hard. They won’t be going anywhere tonight.”

  Kendra nodded. “So, looks like we’re finally going to be going home.”

  “If all goes according to plan,” I smiled.

  Night time quickly approached, and Kendra and I made our way back to the new shelter that I built. The bottom of the shelter was cushioned with soft leaves and palm fronds. It wasn’t quite as soft as the sand that we had in our beach shelter, but it definitely felt a lot safer.

  “So I guess you put in all that work to build this thing for nothing?” Kendra mused.

  “I wouldn’t say it was for nothing. I didn’t want to take any chances, and at least we get to use it for one night.”

  Kendra snuggled in close and kissed me on the lips. “Thank you for saving me from those guys today. I’m sorry that you got stabbed.”

  I chuckled. “It’s not your fault, Sis’. I’m just glad you didn’t get hurt.”

  Kendra bit on my ear and sniffed against my neck as we laid there looking up at the roof. Her hand slowly caressed my chest and then slowly creeped it’s way lower until it had made it’s way into my shorts. The feeling of her small hand grabbing on to my tool immediately made me hard.

  “Oh, Sis’, I can’t do anything tonight. My shoulder is far too sore.”

  Kendra giggled and kissed me again. “I don’t expect you to do anything, silly. Let me take care of you for once.”

  My eyebrows rose as she continued to stroke me. Her fingers moved from my tool and she began to undo the button and zipper of my shorts, forcing them down to my ankles.

  She leaned over and took my swollen tip into her mouth, and I let out a moan as she twirled her tongue in circles. Simultaneously, she jerked at the base, and my cock felt like it was going to burst.

  I grunted a little too loud, and Kendra looked up and stuck her finger to her lips. “Shhhh,” she said. “I don’t want those perverts outside to hear us.”

  I nodded, and she climbed on top of me into a straddling position. Again she put her finger to her lips and made a “Shhh” motion before pulling her bikini bottoms to the side and navigating my cock right below her entrance. Slowly she descended, and I sunk deep inside of her warmth. I let out a low, approving sigh and placed my hands on her thighs.

  Kendra rode me softly and slow at first, rocking back and forth, her clit rubbing firmly against the top of my pelvic bone, and then she moved into
a squatting position with both feet planted firmly on the ground, so she could move up and down in a bouncing motion.

  Her hands were pressing down into my abs and I could feel her tensing up as her speed increased, careful not to slap down on me to hard and make rude sex noises that would travel outside of the shelter. My cock was swelling inside of her, the tip so hard that it felt like I was about to explode. Finally, she let out a quiet gasp and slammed down on me hard and then rocked back and forth violently. I could feel her heat growing and her pussy clenching up as she came, which virtually sucked the load right out of me.

  I gasped as I orgasmed but was careful not to be too loud.

  Kendra leaned down and kissed me again. “At least we got to christen our little house before we leave.”

  “See, it wasn’t a waste after all…”

  Kendra giggled and rolled off of me, pulling my pants back up on my waist before returning to my side.

  “We’ve got a big day ahead of us tomorrow. Are you sure you’re ready for the challenge that lies ahead?”

  “I’m ready,” Kendra said. “It’s going to be hard, but with you I feel like I can do anything.”

  “I love you,” I whispered.

  “I love you too.”

  Stranded With My Billionaire Stepbrother

  (Book 3)

  By Kira Ward

  Chapter 1


  My nerves were high when we pushed the raft into the ocean and walked the fishermen out into the shallow water. Alex had tied there hands behind their backs, so they flopped into the seating area in a comical manner.

  It was time to go home. It had been nearly two months since we had been on the island, and I was ready to finally make it back to civilization. Something felt wrong though. It was almost as if I was leaving the house and had a feeling that I forgot to lock the door. There wasn’t anything for us to take from the island as we arrived in nothing but our swimsuits, but it really felt like I was forgetting something.

  I looked back to the round spot in the sand where we burned our campfire each night and to the shelters we had built. Alex’s fishing spear was leaning against a tree, and a few of our coconut shells and soap plants were sitting right below it. Alex and I had shared our best moments together on the island, and the place was going to seriously be missed in some strange way.

  Once the Italians were on the raft, I hopped on, followed by Alex. He looked especially distraught about leaving the island as we pushed off and started heading for the fishing boat. Even as we coasted towards our rescue, he looked back with wide eyes and let out a big sigh.

  “Gonna miss that waterfall…” Alex said.

  “Me too.”

  There was one big thing that I knew both of us had in the back of our minds: our parents. My stomach wasn’t showing enough that they would notice that I was pregnant, but revealing our love affair and the fact that I was with child was going to be rough. There’s no way that they would be prepared for the news, and I wasn’t sure how we were going to break it to them. I missed the rents a lot, but I wasn’t looking forward to eventual reveal.

  It only took a few minutes for us to reach the boat, and we immediately encountered our first problem of the day. The boat had a rope ladder, but there was no way that the men would be able to climb it with their hands tied behind their back. Alex readjusted them both, one at a time, so that their hands were in front of their bodies, giving they would have the most basic climbing ability. I was worried that they might try to knock us off the boat and escape, but they both remained calm and on their best behavior.

  Once we were all aboard the fishing boat, Alex once again affixed their hands behind their backs and then tied both of them to the boat’s mast.

  A preliminary inspection revealed little surprises on the boat. It was relatively plain ship with nowhere near the amenities that Alex had on his yacht. There was a single room with two bunkbeds and all other areas of the boat were either for fish storage or boat operation related.

  Alex quickly figured out how the boat worked and started the engine. There were a few clanks and clunks, but it fired right up for the most part. He pressed a couple buttons and pulled a lever on the navigation panel. I could feel the boat pulling us into motion.

  I smiled and placed my hand on Alex’s shoulder. “Well, that was easy for you.”

  “Yeah, this boat is much simpler than the yacht. We wouldn’t have needed the fishermen after all, but I guess it’s better to get them back to the mainland with their boat.”

  “So we really aren’t going to the police about them? I mean… they stabbed you. They tried to kidnap me.”

  “I told them I wouldn’t go to the police if they are well-behaved. I keep my word… I told you that I’m not a liar.”

  “Except when you’re passing up free rides off of deserted islands…”

  “Hey, it was one time. I’ll never lie to you again.” Alex put his arm around me and pulled me close. He held the metal steering wheel in one hand and set our course for the mainland. “They said it should take 5 hours– As long as we don’t hit another storm.”

  “Please don’t hit another storm,” I begged.

  Alex laughed. “No matter what breaks down this time, I’ll not leave the wheel without stopping the boat.”


  The fisherman said little throughout the trip, but when I walked by them once, trying to enjoy the various views of the ocean, the taller man called out for me. When I turned he said, “I am uh sorry… Sorry for what we did to you. It was uh uncalled for.”

  I ignored him and didn’t say a word.

  “So what are we going to do exactly after we dock? We don’t have any money, no passports… nothing.”

  “First thing we need to do is find a phone. Once we find a phone, I’m going to call my assistant, and she will arrange something.”

  “You have her number memorized?”

  “No, but she’s logged on to Skype twenty-four seven. We need to find someone who specifically has a smartphone or find any place where we can access the internet.” As long as I have access to Skype, I can get in contact with her for sure.”

  “Do you think Mom and Dad have went back to the states yet?”

  “No idea… It’s been 2 months already, and our trip was only planned for a month. Unless they are still out here looking for us, then they’ve most likely went home.”

  “So then the real adventure starts once we get off the boat…”

  “Yep. It’s going to be chaos, Sis’. I’ll try my best to keep the media off or tails, but I don’t know how well I’ll do.”

  “That’s not promising, considering the number of times I’ve seen you on the National Inquirer. “

  “Ugh…” Alex groaned. “Well, as far as they know, this is just a rescue story. No one knows about us… yet.”

  Chapter 2


  Our trip back to the mainland was relatively uneventful. The fishermen sat silently tied to the mast, and 5 hours later I could see the main of Italy in sight. I was unfamiliar with the navigation mechanism of the boat, so it took an extra 30 minutes for me to steer us into port.

  When we finally docked our boat, Kendra squealed and jumped up and down before throwing her arms around my holders. “We’re home…” she said. “Well, not actually home. But we are back to … something.”

  “Yeah…” I sighed. I was happy to be back to the mainland, but at the same time I was not looking forward to going back to my normal life. I was going to miss the island and all it’s simplicity. There were no worries other than our food, shelter, and the general fun that we would have for the day. I was going to miss being free with Kendra.

  “I’m going to untie you one at a time,” I said to the men. “I’m going to untie you first,” I said, specifically pointing towards the taller man. “When you’re untied, climb off of the boat, and then I’ll untie your friend. Do not give me any trouble.”

  The tall man nodded

  I untied the taller man, and he did as he was told and navigated off of the boat. Kendra watched carefully, and stood back a bit in fear that they might make a last minute effort to do something crazy. They did not, thankfully, and I was able to untie the smaller man as well before he exited the boat and waited for us both down at the pier.

  We climbed down to the side of the boat where there were other sailors manning their crafts and going about the day’s business without any idea of the tense situation going on at the recently landed fishing rig. When we walked past the two fishermen, the taller man muttered “Thanks,” but I just gave him a quick nod and moved forward, holding Kendra’s hand. I was all-too aware of the throbbing sensation that was still emanating off of my shoulder thanks to them. They were lucky that they got off with little repercussions, and I wasn’t looking forward to seeing them again.

  We looked like a pair of fish out of water, walking around the docks, me in my board shorts, and Kendra in her bikini, broken and tied again in the front. People were stealing glances left and right, wondering why two random beach kids were walking around the docks.

  We needed to find a phone, and the first place that looked interesting was a boat rental shop near the beginning of the pier. I walked in hand-in-hand with Kendra, and the single man who was manning the counter seemed wide-eyed and confused when we walked in. He greeted us with a few words in Italian.

  “Do you speak English?”

  “Hmm…” He eyed us even more suspiciously. “Yes, I can speak English.”

  “Is there any way we can use your phone?”

  His brow crinkled as if the request was too far beyond the scope of his business and then he reached for a landline phone that was sitting behind the counter. He picked it up and placed it on top. “Go head…”

  “Sorry… What I really need is a smartphone. I need the internet or Skype.”

  The man’s face furrowed and he looked even more confused than before. He paused for a moment as if going through all the possible reasons we had such a strange request, and then eventually waved his hand as if dismissing us. “No, sorry… No have smartphone. No have internet.”


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