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Rock (Dead Souls MC Book 4)

Page 9

by Savannah Rylan

  But I knew he wasn’t done with me.

  I knew the second he peeled me from the couch and grabbed my ass cheeks that he was nowhere near done.

  Chapter 15


  The smell of her rose up an animal within me I’d kept caged for years. An animal I could no longer keep chained out back. I picked her up effortlessly from the couch and strode across the room, barreling her into the porch door. I kissed her neck. Sucked at her shoulder. Slid her robe from her body and pulled her shirt over her head. My knee pressed against her pussy as she coated my jeans in her scent. I felt the damp material growing warm against my body as I pinned her to the wall with my own. My cock leaked against my boxers. Grew to sizes only Piper could ever stroke from me. My lips crashed against hers as her hands fell to my jeans, working desperately to pull my cock out.

  I stripped myself of my clothes as I held her against the wall, suspended off the ground with nowhere to go. My cock pulsed with an aching need I couldn't wait to fucking fulfill within her plump body. I threaded our fingers together as she wrapped her legs around me, pinning her wrists above her head.

  Then I looked deep into her emerald green eyes as I slid my cock into her body.

  “Oh, shit yes,” she said.

  “So… tight…”

  She’d always been vocal in bed, and I fucking loved it. All of those dirty words flowing from her plump, innocent lips. But Piper was anything but innocent. She was crass to her core and covered in tattoos I would kiss and suckle on before our moment was done for. She had intricate tattoos of flowers that cascaded over the whole of her outer thighs. Two beautifully-colored works of art I’d fisted to keep her hips connected with my mouth.

  But it was the last tattoo she donned that sent my hips pounding into her. The smallest of her tattoos I didn’t even see until I pressed my lips against the crook of her neck.

  Underneath her hair, right there at the base of her hairline, was a word I recognized instantly.


  She had my fucking nickname tattooed on her precious, beautiful body.

  “Harder, Rock. Please. It’s been so long. Don’t… don’t hold back.”

  Her voice ripped me from my trance and I slammed into her, listening as she wailed out into her home. My cock throbbed against her walls. I swiveled my hips and felt her legs grow weak. Her nails curled into my skin, leaving crescent marks behind I knew would be bruised that night. I bit into her beautiful tits, marking that small tattoo she had on her jiggling breast. She rolled her hips into mine. Her heels dug into my body. Her juices dripped down my balls and leaked down the inside of my thighs, coating me in her own version of a mark.

  It was a feeling I never wanted to fucking let go.

  I pulled her from the wall and dropped her to her kitchen table. I threw her legs over my shoulders and bent over, trapping her underneath me. Her pussy clamped down around me as I sank further. Her jaw opened with salacious delight as her hands wrapped around my forearms, and soon her eyes rolled into the back of her head. Her body locked up. My balls pulled into my body. I planted my hands next to her body and fucked her deeply, rolling and thrusting as the kitchen table moved to meet the wall.

  “Piper. Jesus fucking--... shit, you feel so good. So damn good, Piper.”

  “Don’t stop,” she said breathlessly. “Damn it, Rock. Don’t you stop.”

  But even if I wanted to, I couldn't.

  Feeling her again ripped me back into a world I’d never truly let go of. Feeling her warmth and wetness cradle me and ripple around me pulled growls from my chest no other woman had heard. The kitchen table hit the back wall and stilled. Her body jolted and shook for me as her legs locked up. Her pussy massaged my cock, exploding around me as she sprayed me with her juices. My skin was soaked in her as it dripped down my legs, and soon my cock unloaded itself into her.

  “Rock. Rock. Yes. Shit. Oh, I feel you. I feel you again. Oh, yes. Oh, fucking hell yes, Rock.”

  I clenched my jaw and muffled my groans as thread after thread poured into her body. She felt exactly how I remembered her feeling. Her curves had multiplied from carrying my son and they beckoned to me as my body grew weak. I collapsed on top of her, feeling her kitchen table groan underneath the weight of my muscles. Her arms wrapped around me and pulled me closer as her pussy cradled my dick.

  Her excess spilled into the crevices of my muscles, filling me in ways I never thought I’d feel again.

  I had no idea how long we laid there, but the second I found my strength again I picked her up and carried her back over to the couch.

  “Have you been back to jail since that summer?” Piper asked.

  I looked down at her and watched as she traced faceless pictures onto my chest.

  “One other time, yes,” I said.

  “What happened?”

  “There was some dumbass kid in a convenience store doing something a dumbass would do. I took the fall for him and went back to jail for a few weeks.”

  “You took the fall for a kid you didn’t even know?” she asked. “Why?”

  She tilted her gaze to look up at me and I found myself swimming in those green pools of hers.

  “He was just a kid,” I said. “Couldn’t have been more than fourteen. He was doing something stupid to impress some friends and you know how the police around here are. They don’t fucking play with juveniles.”

  “No,” she said. “They don’t.”

  “I told the cashier to play along or he’d regret it. Not my finest moment, but it worked.”

  “How long were you in jail again?”

  “Four weeks. Wasn’t anything compared to seven months.”

  “Do you know where that kid is now?” she asked.

  “Nope. No clue. Haven’t seen him around. But hopefully he’s doing okay.”

  I watched something pass in her eyes before she laid her head back down onto my shoulder. I reached my lips down and kissed the tangled mess of blonde hair on top of her head. I cradled her close. Memorized the feel of her naked body against mine. I closed my eyes and drew in a deep breath, taking in the smell of our sex-tainted escapades that still swirled around us.

  “You almost broke my kitchen table,” Piper said.

  “I would’ve gotten you a new one,” I said with a grin.

  “But I’m kind of partial to that one.”

  “Then it’s a good thing I didn’t break it.”

  We sat there in silence until I felt her relax against me. Collapse into me, the way she used to all those years ago. I shifted my arms to wrap all the way around her body. She loved it when I did that.

  At least, she used to.

  “I’m sorry for what happened that summer,” I said.

  “After knowing what happened, I can’t honestly say I blame you,” Piper said. “If I had a best friend and they were in trouble like that, I’d probably do the same thing.”

  “I want to work things out with us. I want to be a part of Gavin’s life.”

  “I know you do,” she said. “And we’ll work it out. I don’t know what kind of relationship you and I will have, but I do agree on the fact that Gavin should know his father.”

  “You do?”

  “I did a lot of thinking yesterday. You know, before you woke me up from my nap.”

  “When would be a good time to come spend some time with you guys?” I asked.

  “I’m off Saturday until the evening. Why don’t you come over and we can hang out for the afternoon?”

  I kissed the top of her head one last time as hope filled my chest.

  “I’ll see you Saturday, then.”

  Chapter 16


  The days leading up to Saturday seemed to fly by. As much as I didn’t want to fully admit to myself, deep down, I knew I was excited for Rock to come by.

  The moment he walked in the door, Gavin’s eyes lit up, and it completely warmed my heart. Within seconds they were running around the living room playing tag. I
watched from the couch and smiled at how much fun they were having.

  “You can’t catch me, Rock!” Gavin exclaimed.

  “We’ll see about that,” Rock said as he quickly chased him out of the room. I was about to follow them to watch their antics, when my cell phone rang.

  “Hello?” I asked as I picked up my phone.

  “Hi, Miss Piper.”

  I heard my babysitter sniffle before a round of three sneezes left her lips.

  “Don’t tell me you’re sick,” I said.

  “I’m sorry, Miss Piper. I thought if I slept through the day I could fight it off, but now I’m running a fever. I can’t watch Gavin tonight. I’m so sorry.”

  “Don’t apologize. What are your symptoms?” I asked.

  “Runny nose. Aching eyes. My shoulders hurt. My fever just tipped over one hundred and one.”

  “Does your neck hurt as well?”

  “Only when I move it side to side.”

  “Okay, the first thing you need to do is get to a doctor. Go to the hospital’s emergency room. I’ll see you when I get into work. It sounds like strep, so you’ll need a culture and a quick round of antibiotics to help. Is your mucus any specific color?” I asked.

  “It’s really green.”

  “That’s not good. That could also indicate a sinus infection. Either way, you shouldn’t let it go overnight.”

  “Is everything okay?”

  I turned at the sound of Rock’s voice before I held up my finger.

  “I’m really sorry, Miss Piper.”

  “Don’t be sorry. I’ll find someone to watch Gavin. But I want your butt in the emergency room by the time I get there,” I said. “I’ll make sure you’re seen promptly so we can get you the medicine you need.”


  “No problem. See you in an hour.”

  I hung up the phone and sighed as I closed my eyes. I hated the fact that my babysitter was sick, but that meant I didn’t have anyone to watch Gavin for the shift I’d been called in on. I was supposed to have Saturday off, but the other E.R. doctor called and asked for a favor. So, I switched shifts with him. Which meant I needed someone who would stay the night with Gavin.

  Someone I trusted.

  “Who was that?” Rock asked as he walked back into the living room.

  “My babysitter,” I said. “I found one I really liked, but she’s sick. I think she’s got strep, but it could also be a sinus infection. Either way, she can’t watch Gavin tonight while I work.”

  “Couldn't find anyone to take over your shift?”

  “The doctor who would have taken over my shift was the one that threw this shift at me,” I said.

  “Rock, you coming!?” Gavin exclaimed.

  “Hold on a second, buddy. Let me talk to your mother for a second,” he said.

  “I don’t know what I’m going to do. I guess I could take Gavin and he could sleep in one of the bunk beds the hospital has,” I said.

  “Or I could watch him.”

  I turned my gaze over to Rock as he stood there in the middle of my living room.

  “No. You can’t do that. Supervised visits, remember?” I asked.

  “But the other option is taking Gavin to a place where you can’t watch him all the time. Look, it’s almost dinner time. Then it’ll be bedtime. He’ll go down around, what, eight? Nine? Then it’s just me hanging out on your couch and sleeping until you get back,” Rock said.

  “I don’t know about that,” I said. “I don’t feel comfortable with that.”

  “Why not?” Rock asked. “We’ve been playing all afternoon. You’ve seen how good I am with him.”

  “It’s not that,” I said as I shot him a look.

  He came over to me and rubbed his hands up and down my arms.

  “Nothing’s gonna happen to that boy overnight,” he said. “I’ll make sure of it.”

  “He’s got a group playdate in the morning I promised him he could go to,” Piper said.

  “Then I’ll take him. That’s not an issue. Where is it?”

  “Redding Park. It starts at nine.”

  “Are you not going to be home by then?” I asked.

  “Anything can happen in an emergency room, Rock. My shift is from nine to nine, but if I get caught up in something, there’s a good chance I could work until lunch the next damn day.”

  “Rock!” Gavin exclaimed.

  “Just a few more minutes, buddy. Promise!” Rock called back.

  “I’ll take him to the playdate and we’ll have a ton of fun. I’ll even take him out for lunch so you can come home and crash without him running underneath your feet. I’ll entertain him tomorrow so you can sleep, then once you wake up, I’m gone.”

  “So now you’re bartering for more than just the night,” I said.

  “Piper, you need help. And I’m sorry, but no babysitter’s gonna give you that kind of secondary support. You’re tired now, but you’ll be exhausted tomorrow. Let me do this for you. Give me the fucking chance to prove to you I can be this for you.”

  “Rock, come on!” Gavin said.

  “Boy, if you don’t get outside and play by yourself until I’m done talking with your--”

  I clamped down onto my jaw before anything else flew out of my mouth. My son’s eyes widened as tears filled them and guilt rattled my bones. I sighed and closed my eyes as exhaustion hunched my shoulders, and soon I heard Rock talking lowly to my son.

  “What did I do?” Gavin asked.

  “You’re not listening, buddy. I told you I’d be out here in a second, and the more you interrupt the longer it takes me to talk with your mom,” Rock said.

  “But I want to play.”

  “We’ve been playing all afternoon. You can give me a few minutes with your mom to talk about some things. And if you play your cards right, we might have more time to play tonight and tomorrow as well.”

  “Really!?” Gavin asked.

  “But you have to listen,” Rock said. “Which means you have to play until I’m done talking with Momma.”

  I put my face in my hands and I knew I had no other choice. I needed to take a nap before this shift and I needed someone to stay with my child. I had no one else but Rock. I knew I would worry myself sick during my entire shift, but I had no other choice. Taking Gavin to the hospital would be a disaster waiting to unfold. The daycare there is usually closed in the evening, so he would be stuck hanging out by himself. He’d pick up something or run up and down the hallways or lose himself in the corridors of the facility.

  I sighed as I lifted my face up from my hands and came face to face with Rock.

  “I’m a terrible mother,” I said.

  “You’re a tired mother, there’s a difference. Just let me help, Piper.”

  “Okay,” I said.

  I watched Rock’s eyebrows shoot up as I drew in a deep breath.

  “You can watch Gavin. But you do it here. No taking rides anywhere else. If I’m not back here by eight thirty to take him to Redding Park, he’s supposed to be there at nine for a group playdate with some kids his age. I’m trying to help facilitate him making friends.”

  “If we go to Redding Park, I’m taking him to lunch after, okay?” he asked.

  “Fine. That’s fine. I need to go lay down. My body feels so heavy I can hardly move.”

  “Then come on, Momma. Let’s get you some sleep.”

  I felt Rock’s hands fall to my shoulders before he turned me around. He guided me down the hallway and up the steps before he reached down and opened my bedroom door. The darkness was comforting, and I fell into bed as Rock’s hands tried to make me comfortable. He took off my shoes and socks and slid my pants off, then tucked the comforter all the way up to my chin before kissing my forehead.

  “If you aren’t awake already, I’ll come jostle you around eight,” he said into my ear.

  And the last thing I remembered was him closing my door and taking off down the hallway.

  Chapter 17

nbsp; Rock

  “Come get me, Rock!”

  “One last time,” I said. “Then we need to get ready for bed.”

  “Awww, can I stay up later?” he asked.

  “Nope. Bedtime’s at eight. But tomorrow, we might be going to the park together,” I said.

  “Can we swing!? Will you swing with me!?”

  “Of course, I will, buddy,” I said as he barreled into my arms. “Whatever you want.”

  I picked Gavin up and put him on my shoulders, then we traipsed around the backyard like a massive dinosaur. It had become his favorite game with me, and I adored it. He held his arms out and made growling sounds while I stalked around on my long legs and held onto his. We walked around the backyard and the front yard. Up and down the block. People sitting on their porches waved at us and giggled at the sight of Gavin roaring at them. I felt whole. Complete, with my son on my shoulders. I ducked us into the house before he slid off my body, dropping into my arms in a fit of giggles.

  “All right. Time for bed,” I said. “Let’s get you cleaned up.”

  I ran him a bath and sat in the doorway while he cleaned himself down. I wasn’t sure if he wanted me to help, but he looked as if he knew what he was doing. He asked for a washcloth and his soap. He scrubbed himself down and even tried washing his own hair. I grinned from the doorway as I leaned my head back, resting it on the wood and taking in the moment.

  My first bath with my son.

  “Can you read me a story?” Gavin asked.

  “I can make you up a story. How about that?” I asked.

  “My own story? That’s awesome. Do that. Mommy doesn’t do that.”

  “Because Mommy has to deal with everything else that comes with you. So, I’ll do the story,” I said.

  I watched Gavin hunker down as I ran my fingers through his wet hair.

  “Once upon a time, in a forest far, far away--”

  “A forest?” Gavin asked.

  “Are you going to listen or not?” I asked.


  “Yes, in a forest. Off in this forest there was a massive castle. With wooden walls and large steps and a moat.”


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