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Rock (Dead Souls MC Book 4)

Page 18

by Savannah Rylan

  My body popped and I collapsed to the bed. He came with me, his muscles blanketing me as he emptied the rest of the contents of himself into my body. His hands raced up my arms, threading our fingers together as his sweat drenched my body. His lips kissed my shoulder and my neck. Behind my ear and my cheek. I shivered underneath him as my orgasm barreled over me, and I felt him lurching as his cock dumped streams of cum into my body that filled me until it spilled from between my legs.

  I managed to slide my face over to the side, my hair covering my sweating face as I captured Rock’s lips.

  “I love you too,” he said into my skin. “I’ll never stop, Piper.”

  We laid there for what seemed like an eternity. Two naked people in love, rekindling something they felt they left behind years ago. When Rock finally slid from my back, he took me into his arms. Pulled me close and slid his cock back into my warmth just so he could be close to me. I pulled the covers over our bodies, relegating myself to a shower in the morning.

  All I wanted to do was lie in Rock’s arms.

  “Are you okay?” I asked.

  I felt him tense around me before his face dropped to my neck.

  “I am now,” he said with a mumble.

  “Could I talk to you about something then?”

  I felt him draw in a deep breath before he nodded.

  “I’ve been thinking about telling Gavin who you are.”

  His brow furrowed against my skin before he pulled his cock out from my body and turned me around in his grasp.

  “What?” he asked as he brushed the hair away from my forehead.

  “I’ve been thinking about telling Gavin you’re his father,” I said.

  “You have?”


  “I thought you didn’t--”

  “You killed that man tonight, didn’t you?” I asked.

  His face fell to stone, but I needed the answer.

  “You don’t have to give me details, but I need to know why.”

  “Does that make any difference?”

  “It makes all the difference in the world, Rock.”

  My eyes danced between his as his hand came up to cup my cheek. I turned my lips into his skin and kissed him, memorizing the way he smelled. The way he tasted. The salted goodness of his sweat and the scent of his sex swirling around my head. I needed to commit all of it to memory. Just in case this didn’t work.

  Just in case it couldn't work.

  “He threatened you and Gavin,” Rock said.

  My eyes whipped up to his as his thumb caressed my cheek.

  “He threatened all of our family’s, Piper. That wasn’t his only sin, but in my eyes? It was the biggest one.”

  “Are Gavin and I--?”

  “You’re safe,” he said darkly. “There isn’t a person in this world who will ever touch the two of you, no matter what becomes of us.”

  “What do you want to become of us?”

  His hand slid from my face and made its way to mine before he threaded our fingers together again.

  “I want us to be a family, Piper. But I also understand where you’re coming from. I don’t like it. In fact, I fucking hate it. But you have to do what’s right for yourself and Gavin.”

  “I do,” I said. “It’s my job as a mother.”

  “And I want you to know that no matter what you choose after this, I’ll stick by it. But understand, no one will ever touch you. No matter where you two go and no matter where your lives end up, I will always be there in the shadows making sure the two of you are safe.”

  My jaw quivered as I drew in a deep breath. His words hit me hard and solidified my decision. A decision I’d been agonizing over ever since he woke up on my couch.

  “A boy needs his father,” I said. “And I need the man I love. We should tell Gavin who you are, and then you should take us out for dinner.”

  Even in the darkness of my bedroom, I saw the grand smile that fell across Rock’s cheeks. His lips crashed to mine as he rolled me over, his lips peppering me with kisses. Tears of happiness sprang to my eyes as I parted my legs for him, feeling his cock jumping against my skin. He slid into me effortlessly as our lips collided, and his hands pinned mine above my head as he brought me to heights I could’ve never imagined.

  Over, and over, and over again. Until it was three in the morning and my body ached and I begged him for mercy.

  And all the while, I heard those four little words fall from his lips.

  “I love you, Piper,” Rock said.

  Over, and over, and over again.

  Chapter 31


  “‘Bout damn time you called church,” Knox said as he came through the door.

  “How’s Monroe doing?” I asked.

  “She hates her life right now. Three fuckin’ weeks out and she can hardly do shit. You know, except lay there while I cherish her body,” he said with a grin.

  “You’re one of those guys that has a thing for pregnant women now, aren’t you?” Brewer asked.

  “A thing for my pregnant woman, yes. Let’s just say you can expect us to have at least one more. Though Monroe’s talking about two or three more,” Knox said.

  “Even though she’s hating her pregnancy?” I asked.

  “Trust me, I make it bearable,” Knox said with a wink.

  “Sorry I’m late,” Grave said as he barreled through the lodge door. “Everly’s fucking miserable.”

  “Sounds like a trend,” Brewer said with a grin.

  “You guys need anything?” Diesel asked.

  We all sat down in the lounge living room and prepared ourselves for phase two of this entire process.

  “Do we have any fucking hot sauce in this lodge?” Grave asked. “Everly’s drinking the damn stuff and I can’t keep it stocked long enough before my ass has to run back into town for more.”

  “Fucking hell, Monroe’s was hot sauce, too. Hot sauce on everything. Pizza. Red peppers. Steak. Ice cream, man,” Knox said.

  “Ice cream?” Brewer asked.

  “That’s disgusting,” I said.

  “Don’t ever turn down what a pregnant woman wants,” Diesel said.

  “Trust and believe. I learned that shit the hard way. Apparently, not getting up at three in the damn morning to make a full steak dinner isn’t a good thing,” Grave said. “She practically made me sleep outside.”

  “Well, your backyard isn’t the worst,” Knox said.

  “Don’t tell Everly that,” Grave said. “Damn.”

  All of us shared a chuckle before Diesel took over church.

  “So, we’ve all taken a week to breathe,” he said. “But now, we have to take another vote. Rex is still out there, and he’s running free with those bastards. He hasn’t come after us yet because he’s too chicken shit, but it’s only a matter of time before he does.”

  “Saw his dumbass in town the other day,” Brewer said. “I was ready to put a bullet between his eyes then and there.”

  “I say we take a vote on taking Rex out,” Diesel said. “All in favor?”

  I looked around the room as all the guys raised their hands. But even after killing Mick and sitting on that shit for a damn week, I still wasn’t convinced killing Rex was the way to go.

  “Rock?” Brewer asked. “You good?”

  “Look, maybe the new family’s softening me or whatever, but this rat shit got serious real quick. It took us no time to vote to kill one of our own,” I said.

  I watched all of the guys look around the room before they put their hands back down.

  “Got any suggestions?” Diesel asked.

  “Right now, the foundation of the trust we all stand on has been rattled. And we don’t fucking know who to trust,” I said. “The Black Saddles are compromised beyond belief, and who fucking knows what else is going on. I think we’ve dug this hole as deep as we can safely dig it. But now, we have to start taking into account all of the outsiders that stand to lose if we take the risk of taking someone else

  I eyed each of the guys, making sure they were paying attention.

  “We’ve got babies on the way and school-age kids running around in Redding. Women we love. Easy fucking targets. Taking out one of our own doesn’t piss The Black Saddles off too much, but taking out one of theirs? After Grave and Everly hooked up and stayed that way? We’re practically asking for them to take out our fucking family. Especially after all the shit Mick fed them,” I said.

  “He’s got a point,” Grave said.

  “Fuck,” Knox said.

  “I made a promise to Piper and Gavin, as I’m sure all the rest of these guys have,” I said. “I promised them I’d do whatever it took to keep them safe.”

  “So, what is your suggestion, Rock?” Diesel asked.

  “I think we should reach out to the only other club we can trust,” I said.

  “Oh, shit. You think they would help us?” Brewer asked. All eyes turned toward Diesel.

  “I could reach out to The Black Hornets. See what they’re up to,” Diesel said.

  “It’s a good idea. If we’re going to end this shit once and for all, we need muscle and the brotherhood of people we trust with our shit,” Grave said.

  “Okay,” Diesel said. “All in favor of reaching out to The Black Hornets, raise your hands.”

  And every single hand slipped quickly into the air.


  Want to get your hands on the next book, Diesel? It releases on October 31st! Turn the page for a sneak peak!

  No one tells me what to do.

  Except for maybe Dean,

  The President of The Black Hornets.

  I need their help in order to defeat the Black Saddles once and for all.

  But I know that their help is going to come at a cost.

  I don’t expect the price to be a pretty little thing, named Brynn.

  His daughter.

  Being in one MC is bad enough.

  But being a son in law to another MC’s president is going to be hell on earth.

  That is if she will agree to it.

  And so far, I can’t even get her to be in the same room with me.

  She’s feisty, and her good looks are no secret.

  I love a confident woman,

  But this one might be too hot to handle.

  I’m fire and she’s gasoline.

  Let’s light this sh*t up.

  Chapter 1


  I didn’t want to admit it to any of their faces, but having families of their own did make them soft. I sat there with my phone in my hand as all the guys left the lodge, my mind spinning wildly. I knew what each of them were thinking, even though they didn’t come out and say it. Knox was on edge with all of this because he wanted it wrapped up before Monroe went into labor. Grave was on edge because Everly was probably giving him a hard time about being scared for her life because her brother was out on bail. Brewer was still recovering and wasn’t at full strength, which made him feel incapable of taking care of the woman and the little girl he promised to take care of.

  And Rock? Well, he was simply trying to keep his newfound family together.

  I closed my eyes and blocked them from my mind. It never shut off. It never shut down. My mind never stopped analyzing people in front of me. The way they talked. The way they sat. The way they jiggled their leg and the way their hands were callused. It told me so many things about that person. The dog hairs on their leather jackets or the hickies on their necks. The way someone drummed their fingers or the cheek they decided to chew on. Hell, even the way their eyes darted whenever they recalled a story to tell me.

  It all served a purpose, and it all served to paint an accurate picture of the person standing in front of me.

  That was why this thing with Mick hit me as hard as it did. I personally groomed Mick for our club. I personally introduced him to the guys. I vouched for him. My entire reputation had been slaughtered by this weasley, greedy little asshole. So, I had something to prove to my club. As their President, as their friend, and as the guy that brought Mick aboard, I had a fucking mess to clean up.

  But I knew it would come at a price.

  I hadn’t spoken with the President of The Black Hornets in a few years. Since before all this shit started in the first place. Dean and I were on good terms, but they were a rough group. Loyal to their core, but tough as fucking nails. Even for my standards, they rode a line I never dreamed of toeing. And I knew if I called him for a favor of this magnitude, there would be a price to pay I’d have to shoulder.

  Because I sure as hell wasn’t saddling that price on the men in my club who now all had families.

  But we needed the muscle. We needed the brotherhood. And a family reunion was in order anyway. What better way to bring about two one-percenter clubs, than a decent shot at killing someone?

  I opened my contacts and scrolled through my phone until I reached his number.

  I stood there, staring at the screen of my phone. And my mind flew back to Brynn. That beautiful young girl with so much life ahead of her. My heart stopped in my chest as my finger hovered over Dean’s number. She had been vibrant. Beautiful. Full of life and laughter and a light I could never get to shine in my own life. I wondered if she’d still be poking her head in shit that didn’t concern her if she were still alive.

  I wondered if her and I would still be together if she hadn’t died.

  Back in high school, we hadn’t been much. Just a couple of teenage kids stealing away quick fucks in the stairwell to relieve stress during exam weeks. But that young girl had been beautiful. Long, flowing red hair and dazzling hazel eyes. A broad smile that knocked me off my feet and petite little lips that unleashed and filled any room with the incredible sound of her laughter. I had been taken by Brynn. By Dean’s daughter.

  Until she died.

  I still couldn’t think about it without getting angry.

  Contacting Dean would open up all those old wounds. I knew it would. But that was the downfall of my character. A father was always supposed to protect his family, and he failed Brynn. His daughter died because of his own fucking negligence with his own fucking club, and we all paid the price for it. Dean. His club. Me.

  The entire damn town paid for his negligence.

  I couldn't think about Brynn without getting sick to my stomach. Even though she was a warm place to seat my cock, I would’ve given that woman anything. All she had to do was bat those fucking eyelashes of hers and I would’ve caved. Her death was the reason I studied what I did. Became who I was. Her death triggered within me a want to know everything racing through the minds of everyone around me. I studied human behavior and devoured books on body language. I told myself that whoever was under my care--no matter where I ended up--would always be safe with me. They’d be safe from harm before it ever fucking began because I’d know it was coming.

  I’d see it in the eyes of my enemy.

  A fucking shootout.

  How the hell had Dean not seen a fucking shootout coming for his lodge?

  And why the hell had Brynn--a fucking teenage girl--been there in the first place?

  So many questions I’d never have answers to. So many questions I didn’t have the balls to ask. My finger touched down onto Dean’s number and I stomached my memories. Stomached the sound of cellos playing at Brynn’s funeral. Stomached the snapshot pictures of her casket being lowered into her grave. Stomached the pictures and the flowers and the useless comments and condolences tossed my way haphazardly from those who knew I had been fucking around with her.

  What I wouldn’t have given to trade places with her.


  “Hey there, Dean.”

  “The hell you doing calling my phone?” he asked.

  “If you don’t know, then I’ve done a damn good job of covering my tracks,” I said.

  “The fuck you gotten into now, boy?”

  “I was hoping you’d set up a meeting with me so we could discuss
all of that,” I said. “The Dead Souls have been put into a spot where we need muscle.”

  “Well, we got plenty of that,” he said.

  “We also need brotherhood.”

  The silence on the other end of the line told me Dean picked up what I threw down.

  “Fucking hell, that’s a nightmare no President wants to field. I’m glad you called, Diesel It’s been a while.”

  “It’s been a hell of a past few years,” I said.

  “You don’t gotta tell me that shit,” Dean said. “When and where do you wanna meet?”

  “This meeting’s off the books. You familiar with Tunnel Canyon?”

  “Hell yeah, I am,” he said. “Middle of the road?”

  “Just past sunset,” I said. “I’ll see you then.”

  “It’ll be good to see you again, Diesel”

  I wish I could tell that man the same sentiment.

  “See you then, Dean,” I said.

  Then I hung up the phone and prepared myself for the meeting ahead. It would be the first time I looked that man square in his face since Brynn’s funeral. And my only hope was that I could control my tongue long enough to set this shit up for my club.

  Because the safety of them and their families was paramount to any residual anger I held over the death of the woman I’d loved.

  Well, loved as much as I could as a damn seventeen-year old.

  Want more of Diesel? You can pre-order Diesel now!

  More Books by Savannah Rylan


  Girth (Marked Skulls MC #1)

  Rodeo (Marked Skulls MC #2)

  Abe (Marked Skulls MC #3)

  Oz (Marked Skulls MC #4)

  Dash (Marked Sulls MC #5)

  Hawk (The Road Rebels MC #1)

  Talon (The Road Rebels MC #2)

  Snake (The Road Rebels MC #3)

  Fox (The Road Rebels MC #4)

  The Road Rebels MC Box Set

  Gunner (The Bad Disciples MC #1)

  Hunter (The Bad Disciples MC #2)


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