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Risk (Gentry Boys #2)

Page 8

by Cora Brent

  Chase smacked the girl lightly on the ass and she squealed. I could tell from the way she glanced back that she liked him enormously. Chase had already turned away though. He walked over to the wall a few dozen feet away from where I stood and looked down over the railing at the ramps below.

  A pasty dude with orange hair approached him and Chase said something to him in a low voice. Then he withdrew something from his pocket and handed it over. It looked like money. The orange-haired man slipped an object into Chase’s palm in return. He slapped Chase on the shoulder and slinked away.

  Whatever I’d just seen didn’t look good. But I also figured it was none of my business so I turned my head. The line to the bathroom looked longer than ever. I could barely make out Saylor’s long brown hair just inside the door.

  When I looked back in Chase’s direction I saw him staring at me. His eyes were guarded, almost cold. I’d never seen Chase being anything more than cheerfully sarcastic so it threw me a little. I figured he must have seen me watching him. Still, I thought he would say hello or at least wave. I was a little surprised when he just turned and walked deliberately in the other direction.

  That didn’t jar me nearly as much as what happened next.

  “Tallulah Rae Lee,” said a low voice right next to my ear.

  I spun around and found myself looking up into the absurdly striking face of Creed Gentry. The black polo shirt he wore was scarcely able to contain the breadth of his shoulders. Creed was as big as any of the players on the field. It occurred to me how stadium security had made a good hiring choice. I couldn’t imagine anyone would challenge him about anything.

  “Creed,” I breathed, suddenly unable to function properly. I’d be damned if I would let him know that though. “I thought I told you I don’t answer to that name.”

  Creed’s blue eyes were locked on me and he moved a step closer. “You just did.”

  I swallowed. He was so close. So very very close. I crossed my arms and kept my voice steady. “So how have you been?”

  A ghost of a smile crossed his face. “I’m good right now.”

  “Okay,” I answered lamely, “well that’s good then. It’s good to be good.”

  Creed didn’t seem to notice I was suffering from temporary brain damage. His eyes had left my face and were traveling slowly up and down my body. The boy sure as shit wasn’t bashful about getting his message across.

  “I like your dress,” he said and it wasn’t just a mild compliment. It was Creed’s way of saying that he would love nothing so much as to strip every stitch off my body.

  “Thank you.”

  “What are you doing after?” he asked.

  “After what?”

  “After the game.”

  “Why? Are you inviting me to do you?”

  Creed raised his eyebrows. “Is that an option?”

  “You know,” I sputtered, “we go to my place and fuck like wildcats, you leave your shirt in the middle of my living room like some kind of taunting message and then I don’t hear a goddamn thing from you for a week. Now you think-“

  Creed kissed me. No, that’s wrong. He didn’t just kiss me. His mouth covered mine and his tongue demanded instant obedience. His strong hands were already traveling up and down my back as he held me tightly against him. My breasts were crushed against the rock solid strength of his chest as my arms slipped eagerly around his shoulders.

  Creed had no intention of pulling away quickly. He hadn’t made his point yet. His hands moved up my back and into my hair, squeezing lightly and then more roughly as the power of his lust pressed through the fabric of our clothing.

  He broke the kiss suddenly and cupped my face in his hands.

  “Say yes,” he demanded in a thick voice.

  I could hear the marching band bleating in the background. There were people everywhere and I knew some of them had to be staring at us. Creed read my hesitation and moved his hands down to my waist and over the flare of my hips.

  “Creed…” I started to say and his arms completely circled me, pressing me against his body so tightly I could feel every hard inch of him.

  “Say yes,” he repeated as his lips brushed mine and then went to my neck, sucking lightly before moving lower to lick my collar bone. I wondered if he would bare my breasts next. Then I wondered whether I would try to stop him if he did. I wasn’t right in the head anymore. I was in an agony of desire.

  “Yes,” I whispered and he moved his hand, tipping my chin up so that I had to look him in the eye.

  “Again,” he said firmly.


  He let me go then. I didn’t want him to. I wanted him to carry me away right that second.

  “Meet me at the front gate after the game,” he said, starting to back away.

  “The front gate?”

  He nodded. “It takes about a half hour after the clock runs out to push everyone out of here. I’ll be out as soon as I can.”

  I didn’t say anything. Creed winked and smiled before turning around and disappearing into the crowd.

  When I blinked I saw Millie and Saylor standing nearby and gawking at me. I wondered how much they’d seen. Millie was biting her lip and seemed like she was trying not to laugh. Saylor was bug-eyed.

  “Holy shit,” she said, gaping at me and then turning to stare after Creed.

  “Yeah,” I sighed, weakly leaning on the wall. I was so wet I was afraid I might drown. “My thoughts exactly.”



  Chase had tried to interest me in some cheerleaders but I just couldn’t get into it. They seemed boring, predictable.

  I wanted something else. Something I’d already had and couldn’t stop thinking about.

  When I saw her standing there by herself in another one of her dick-busting dresses I wasted no time. Since Cord had told me that Saylor was trying to get Truly to come along tonight I wasn’t surprised to see her. I’d been counting on it.

  She tried to play things casual but I saw the flush of pleasure cross her face. I also saw the way she pressed her legs together as if she was trying to hold the sudden ache inside. I wanted to help her with that. I wanted to help her with it forty fucking ways to Sunday.

  Truly got all feisty, starting to tell me off for splitting right after our night together, as if she hadn’t practically booted me out the door. I shut her up by putting my mouth over her mouth. I touched her everywhere I could without risking arrest. I was hard as iron and I let her know it. She pressed into me, kissing back hungrily while the hot center between her legs found me and made an offer. Shit, she was killing me. I needed to do something about that now. I knew I could get her off in less than a minute and I looked around wildly, searching for someplace, anyplace, we could duck into real quick. There was nothing. It would have to wait. But it would be even sweeter later. I’d make sure of that.

  “Say yes,” I demanded.

  “Yes,” she answered meekly so I made her say it again.

  I didn’t want to leave her. I wanted to haul her on home with me right then and show her how much she’d been on my mind.

  But walking off at work would mean the end of the job. I just had to trust that Truly wasn’t going to spend the next two hours talking herself out of it.

  As I strolled back to the stands I breathed deeply, trying to tame the tent pole in my pants. A few scrawny morons were horsing around in the student section but after a pointed glare they settled down. I searched for Truly in the crowd but couldn’t find her.

  Chase bumped into me at the start of the fourth quarter. “You up for action tonight?”

  “Got some lined up.”

  He was interested. “Oh yeah, who?”


  A funny look crossed my brother’s face. I didn’t know what the hell for. He wouldn’t be into Truly, especially not now that I’d already been through the gate. That had always been a thing with the three of us. We never fucked the same girl.

  But th
en Chase smiled. “Man,” he shook his head, “between Cord being practically married and you now dipping into the same place repeatedly, it seems I’m alone in the hunt.”

  “You can hunt just fine without us.”

  “True,” he shrugged. “But packs always snatch the finest game. It’s a documented fact.”

  “Get outta here, junior. You riding back with me?”

  Chase glanced to the sidelines where the cheerleaders were stretching their shapely legs. “Nah. I’ve got a good chance to ride something a lot more agreeable.”

  I watched the minutes tick down on the clock, feeling more wound up with every heartbeat. Yesterday had been a struggle. I’d spend the first half of the day in a foggy hangover and then the dark hours stretched ahead of me with no relief in sight. I played video games to pass the time. When Saylor came home I watched some stupid chick flick with her and Cord. But every second I felt as if I would split into a thousand ugly shards as I fought the urge to grab a bottle. Saylor once accused me of having a drinking problem.

  “I don’t have a drinking problem,” I had told her irritably. “I just have a problem when I drink.”

  She’d grimaced. “What the hell is the difference, Creed?”

  But tonight I didn’t want to touch the shit. I wanted to be fully aware every time Truly Lee cried out with ecstasy and then I would give it to her again.

  The clock finally ran out and the crowd began to make for the exit like one massive undulating body. I prayed that girl wasn’t playing head games with herself about why a repeat performance wasn’t a good idea.

  Just be there, baby. I swear I’ll make it so fucking good for you.

  It seemed to take six eternities for people to shuffle out of the stadium. I had to resist the urge to push them.

  As I made my way down to the office to clock out I passed Chase with his arms around two petite cheerleaders. He raised his eyebrows at me but I shook my head. I already knew what I was getting tonight; nothing ordinary could compare.

  I exhaled with relief when I saw her standing there. My relief faded when I saw she was standing there with Cord, Saylor, Millie and Brayden. I mean, what the fuck? Were they going to tag along and watch?

  Cord looked at me a bit sheepishly as Saylor stood there with her arms crossed and a pouty look on her face. Bray and Millie had the grace to stand off to the side, seeming slightly embarrassed.

  “I just wanted to make sure Truly wasn’t going to be stranded here,” Saylor said in a haughty way. Suddenly she seemed like the stuck up brat I remembered disliking when we were growing up in Emblem.

  “Saylor,” Truly begged in a low voice.

  I put my arm around Truly and she glanced up at me with surprise. I also felt the shudder rolling through her body at the feel of my touch.

  “She’s not stranded,” I told Saylor through clenched teeth. “She’s with me.”

  Cord tried to pull Saylor away. “Come on, honey. Let’s go get something to eat.”

  “I vote for IHOP,” Brayden called.

  Saylor looked right at me. I looked back. Maybe she’d just picked me up off the floor too many times to believe I could ever keep my head on straight for a few hours. Cord rubbed her shoulders and she relented, giving Truly a small smile of apology before the four of them ambled into the darkness together.

  Truly watched them go and I just stood there staring at her for a moment. Her black hair and eyes stood out in stark contrast to her pale skin. Her face had a classic look to it, as if she had stepped out of an old film. I wanted to run my tongue across her full, rosy lips. Jesus, she was beautiful.

  “You ready?” I whispered.

  She faced me, running her hands down my chest. “Where are we going, Creed?”

  “Well,” I said, pulling her against me, “I figured I’d take you home and show you my bed from every angle.” I let my lips just brush against hers as she shivered. “That sound good?”

  Before she could answer I slipped my tongue past her lips. Truly kissed me back urgently. I knew I hadn’t been wrong about her. She couldn’t wait to get going tonight.

  As we started the long walk back to where the truck was parked, Truly reached for my hand, lacing her fingers firmly through mine. I wasn’t that type. I thought she’d figured that out already. I didn’t pull away though. In fact it seemed okay to walk through the darkness holding hands. It made the silence between us a little less awkward.

  When Truly finally spoke up I got the impression she’d been searching for something to talk about. “So you and Saylor don’t get along?”

  I didn’t want to talk about my brother’s girlfriend right now.

  “Is that what she said?”

  “No. I mean, I know she cares about you. It just seems like there’s a little tension there. I hope I’m not the cause of it.”

  “Not directly.”

  Truly glanced around. “I didn’t see Chase leave.”

  “He took off with some chick in a short skirt. He won’t show up again until tomorrow.”


  We walked quietly for a few more minutes before Truly tried again.

  “I’ve heard a lot about this town you guys all grew up in.”

  Christ, I wanted to talk about Emblem about as much as I wanted to talk about Saylor.

  “What’d you hear?”

  “That it’s a place people leave as soon as they can. And that the three of you Gentry boys liked to stir up a hell of a lot of trouble.”

  “It’s what Gentrys do. I don’t really go back there. None of us do.”

  Truly looked at the ground. “I don’t go back to where I came from either.”

  I was curious. Now that the talk had turned from me to her I wanted to hear more. “Why is that?”

  Truly twisted a lock of her black hair. “Well, I guess if I’m going to answer that question I’d have to first admit that there really isn’t a single place I can point to. I don’t have a hometown. We moved around constantly.” She swallowed. “My mom and I don’t exactly get along. Haven’t seen her since I was seventeen.”

  It was the first time I could remember really listening to a girl I was planning on screwing. But as she talked I could see her getting sad. I didn’t want her to be sad.

  I pointed. “My truck.”

  “That’s right,” she smiled. “I’ve seen Cord pick Saylor up in it.”

  “Yeah. Soon we might be able to afford a second vehicle. Sharing’s getting old. Come around to the driver’s side.”

  She let me lead her over to where it was darker. Most of the other cars had already been driven away.

  “You want me to drive or something?”

  “No.” I held her against the side of the truck. Her back was against the window. She gasped when I reached under her dress. “I’m doing the driving, Truly.”

  “Creed.” Her voice was a little strangled. “We shouldn’t do this out here. I mean, anyone could walk by and-“

  “I’m just gonna get you going a little, honey. Then we’ll move on to something better.”

  Even before I got my hand up there I knew she’d be wet. I was sure she’d been wet since that kiss on the concourse. This was exactly what I’d wanted to do to her then. When she clutched my shoulders and released a low moan I knew I’d found the spot. Truly leaned forward and let me reach in deeper. She kissed my neck and said my name a lot as she got closer to coming. It didn’t take long at all. When she got there she threw her head back and pushed her dress down over her shoulders, taking her bra with it.

  “Holy shit,” I swore and bent down to greedily suck her tits as she trembled on my hand down below. She was pushing on my hand, urging me to saw away harder. Fuck, I wanted to sink into that so bad I could barely keep breathing. I took my mouth away from her tits so I could look at her. She was naked from the waist up and was thrusting her body back and forth as my hand stayed between her legs. It was the most insanely hot shit I’d ever seen and I’d seen a lot of hot shit.

p; I waited until I was sure she was done before I took my hand away.

  “Damn,” she sighed as she shakily pulled her dress back over her shoulders. “How the hell do you do that?”

  “Practice,” I answered and she threw me a look.

  I walked around and unlocked the passenger door for her. She followed me and then grabbed my arm before I returned to the other side.

  “I’m glad, Creed. I’m glad this happening again. It’s been a while since I felt this good.” She smiled suddenly and bit her lip, blushing. “I’m lying through my teeth. I’ve never felt this good.”

  Truly’s words made me weirdly happy. I wanted to be the best she’d ever had. I wanted the only dick she thought of to be mine.

  Jesus, I’ll wind up as sappy as Cordero. Buying rings and shit.

  Truly was still putting herself back together when I got behind the wheel. She glanced at me and cleared her throat as I started the engine.

  “Uh, Creed?”


  Tentatively she reached over and touched my knee. “I could do something for you. Right now.”

  I looked down. There was no hiding the thick bulge busting through my crotch. If she squeezed that soft hand around me or better yet, took me through those pouty lips, I would unleash like a fucking volcano. But I didn’t want that yet. I wanted the first spasm to happen when I was buried inside her.

  “You’ll do lots of things for me,” I said in a sure voice and briefly pushed her hand against my dick so she would know full well what was waiting.

  I backed the truck up and figured she would take her hand away but she didn’t. Amazingly, Truly kept her hot palm cupped around me while I tried to concentrate on navigating the streets of Tempe.

  “Why are we here?” she asked when we stopped.

  “I’ve got to get something.”

  She frowned. “What do you have to get at Walgreens?”

  I pressed her hand against me harder. “What do you think?”

  “Oh,” she smiled. “Well then I guess I’ll wait for you here.”


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