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Defender's Blood The Birth and The Battle (Urban Fantasy)

Page 7

by A. K. Michaels

  Vlad and Irina got back in, Vlad started the car and they took off once more, headed for the city. “Now you two are well and truly … what’s the word ... uhm ...”

  Irina punched his side. “Stop it, you’ll embarrass Alex!” she squealed.

  “Hey it wasn’t me in the back of the car having a quickie!” he laughed.

  Alex buried her head into the side of Zach, these people were just so blasé about sex.

  “Now where was I? Oh yes, now you two are well and truly ‘happy’, what’s on the agenda for later?” Vlad asked.

  “Just wait and see,” Zach replied. He’s being very cagey, Alex thought, I wonder what he’s up to.

  The rest of the journey went without incident and they talked and joked for the remainder. Vlad was very good at telling stories with his own comical comments, Alex and Irina were in floods of tears with laughing so much. Zach, however, wasn’t, as most of the stories included him.

  Although Irina and Alex were friends they spoke a bit more of their lives BC, which is what Alex called life before the compound. Irina had lived in a small town in the middle of nowhere, as she put it, and was excited asking Alex about Glasgow. Alex told her all she could think of and was always surprised at Irina’s enthusiasm. She really was like a child in some ways.

  Very soon they were in the outskirts of Tucson, and Vlad reached the hotel in record time. Everything was very confusing to Alex, the way streets were laid out and such, she just couldn’t get her head round it. Her eyes were wide as she took in everything she could in the city.

  The hotel was large and had an underground parking area which they used, Vlad bringing the car to a gentle stop.

  Chapter 7

  Once they had parked, they made their way into the reception area. The hotel looked lavish and Alex was a little taken aback. It was huge with marble pillars, mood lighting, sofas scattered about and it looked fantastic. She thought it must be very expensive, more expensive than anything she was used to anyway.

  Irina was actually bouncing up and down in little jumps and holding onto Vlad’s arm very tightly. He smiled down at her with such love that never failed to surprise Alex. Vlad was such a strong, powerful Vampire, head of the very tough Guards, and it was nice to see this side of him.

  Zach looked down at her. “Why don’t you and Irina go and sit over there? Vlad and I will do the checking in, I don’t want you standing too long.” She was going to protest, she was fine, but the look in his eyes made sure she knew he didn’t want an argument. Irina grabbed her arm and whisked her off to the nearest sofa where she plonked down and pulled Alex along.

  Zach approached the reception and gave the booking details. “Ah yes, Mr Smith and party – you have the rooms that you requested together with the extras. Also, the appointment you asked us to arrange has been done and they will come around 4pm. Does that time suit, sir?” The receptionist was all business and very polite. However, her eyes had not left the console she was using.

  “Yes – are you sure everything is as I requested?” he asked quietly, not wanting his mate to overhear.

  She looked up at him and she stopped talking, her mouth hung open. She looked at the two men in front of her and she was speechless. She finally swallowed and took a deep breath. “Yes, absolutely sir. If there’s anything – anything at all – that I can help you with, please just call and ask for me. My name’s Debbie.”

  Zach rewarded her with one of his smiles, and she was sure she was going to melt into a puddle behind her desk. Vlad laughed as Debbie moved away to get the keycards for the rooms. “You’ve not lost it, my friend!”

  “Indeed,” was Zach’s reply.

  Once they had the keycards, Debbie motioned for a porter to come and take their bags and escort them to their rooms. Zach went over and got the girls and they all headed to the elevator. It was one of those glass ones. Alex hated them. She wasn’t keen on heights so she just put her head into Zach’s side while his arm was around her. She closed her eyes and didn’t open them again until the man said, “This is your floor, sir,” and ushered them out.

  Alex realised they were on the top floor and she held Zach’s hand as they followed the porter. He stopped outside a room, on a plaque on the wall outside was engraved ‘Bridal Suite’. Alex was over the moon, wow, the Bridal Suite! However, Zach surprised more than her as he spoke. “This is your room, guys.”

  Irina squealed so loud Alex thought the whole hotel must have heard her.

  “Are you kidding? Really, this is ours?” Irina spoke very fast to Zach.

  “Yes indeed it is, Irina, a little present from me to you. You’ve been a really good friend to Alex and I don’t think I’ve ever been able to repay you for saving her life, so go, enjoy. There should be some champagne on ice all ready for you. We’ll see you soon.” And he pushed Irina towards the door.

  Vlad followed Irina in and they could hear Vlad clearly, “That bed looks amazing – come here, my little Wolf.” Well, they were going to have fun, Alex laughed to herself.

  The porter led them down to the corner room and again there was a plaque on the wall, the nearer they got the letters came into focus for Alex, ‘The Presidential Suite’. Her heart nearly stopped. Are you kidding me? she thought to herself.

  Zach answered in her head, ‘Indeed I am not, this is going to be a great trip and you deserve it. I’m going to spoil you, little one.’

  She was extremely excited, she wanted to see what the room was like. Once the porter let them in and took their bags through to the bedroom he reappeared. “Would sir like a maid to unpack for you?” Alex was astonished, she had never been anywhere that someone would unpack for her.

  “No, that’s fine.” Zach handed the porter a tip, a rather large tip, and he left smiling.

  She looked around, it wasn’t a room, it was a suite with several rooms. She ran about trying to see it all. There was the lounge area with sofas, very large flatscreen TV on the wall, a full dining set, a computer station – with laptop no less, a fully stocked full size bar with stools, and doors to a very large veranda with furniture. She looked through the doors. With the heights thing, she was a little apprehensive about actually going out.

  A door led to a small hallway which had two bedrooms and each bedroom had two bathrooms. Zach advised they were ‘his and hers’ bathrooms. One had a very large Jacuzzi bath and the other had a very large sauna shower. The room with the bed was just as amazing, the bed was absolutely huge. King-size didn’t even come close. There were rose petals on the top of the comforter and several packages on top of the bed.

  Alex stepped closer. “What are those?” she asked Zach excitedly. He laughed, picked her up and gave her a peck on the top of her head.

  “Those are for you, although I’m pretty certain some will give me great pleasure too! Open them.” He placed her on the bed.

  There were quite a few and she didn’t know where to start so she picked the one nearest her. It was the most exquisite nightdress in red satin, full length with black lace on the edges. She saw the make and she nearly died, it would’ve cost a fortune. “You’re worth it,” Zach answered her thought.

  She noticed the presents were actually in a circle and there was one right in the middle. She reached for it. “Uh-uh – that’s for last – open the others first.”

  Alex sat back on her haunches and reached for another, it was matching lingerie to go with the nightdress, again expensive. Another package opened, it held a new vibrator, resplendent with ribbon tied round it. Zach laughed at her expression and she blushed thinking about who had bought it and placed it here on the bed!

  Another one opened and it was an evening gown. In the exact shade of green of her eyes. “Zach, where on earth am I going to wear this?”

  “You never know,” he replied with a smile.

  Another package and there were the shoes to match the dress. Yet another was a matching evening bag. The next one she was nearly in tears at,
the most beautiful and simple diamond studs she had ever seen.

  The next one she opened, she was a bit confused. She didn’t know what it was, she held it one way then another but no, she couldn’t figure out what it was. At the top it did have a lovely green stone, like her eyes.

  She looked at Zach with a questioning gaze. “That, my little one, is called a butt plug. It’s next on my agenda of lessons.”

  She blushed, she could guess from the name where it went but other than that she was clueless. “Uhm well – I’m not so sure, Zach ... uhmmmm.” She didn’t know what to say.

  “Darling, you know I would never do anything to hurt you. Trust me, it may be a little strange at first but you will love it.”

  “Okay, if you say so,” she said.

  That left the little package in the middle. Zach came and sat next to her on the bed, as she reached for it he took her and sat her on his lap. Wanting her near when she opened it.

  The wrapping came away and the little box was that special bluey, greeny colour with the white ribbon on it that came from a very special jewellers.

  She opened the box and the most gorgeous diamond ring sat in it. Her eyes teared up, it was exquisite. She took it out of the box and held it in her hands. She wasn’t sure which finger it was to go on.

  Zach reached over and took it from her. He then placed the ring on the ring finger. He smiled at her astonishment, Vampires didn’t get married. They bonded, like her and Zach had done.

  “You’re pregnant with my babies little one, you’re human, and I certainly think we should both have the same surname, for their sakes. Would you honour me meine Kleine, be my partner, soulmate and wife?”

  Alex totally broke down, tears were streaming down her face. Now it was Zach’s turn to look confused. “I thought you would be happy,” he said, cuddling her to him.

  “I am, silly!” She sobbed into his chest. “This is my happy cry,” she hiccupped. “Of course I will, Zach you are my world, any way, any name, bonded, mated, wife, I’m yours.”

  Zach was glad the bed was huge, he pushed Alex’s presents down to the bottom of the bed and proceeded to show her just how much he loved her. Afterwards they had a shower together in the huge sauna shower and he showed her all over again.

  When they emerged, Zach noted it was time to leave for the doctor’s office. He called Vlad’s number and after quite a few rings Vlad answered. “Uhm yeah?” Zach could hear Irina telling him to hang up and come back to her.

  “I take it you’re busy, just to let you know we’re off to the doctors. See you when we get back.”

  “Uhm, do you want me to come?” Vlad asked but Zach knew he was crossing his fingers, hoping Zach would say no.

  “I think you need to see to your little Wolf my friend, it’s fine, catch you later.”

  Alex laughed when Zach told her what he had interrupted, and on their way past the Bridal Suite she could actually hear just how Vlad was taking care of Irina.

  Chapter 8

  Zach led Alex to the entrance of the hotel where they hailed a taxi to take them to the doctor. It was a brief journey and they arrived shortly. On entering the building, Alex’s tension rose. She was scared what they would find out, she had barely got used to the idea of being pregnant.

  When the receptionist heard her name she immediately got up and took them through, no waiting for them. The doctor himself was an elderly man who put them at ease with his manner and friendliness and he was excited also. It was obvious a pregnancy this unique was not something he had dealt with and he wanted to see what was going on in Alex’s belly just as much as her and Zach.

  “Hello, I’m Doctor Stevens, I’ll be taking care of you today. If you follow me we can get the scan done now.”

  Doctor Stevens led them to the room with the ultrasound, one of the new 3D ones, and relieved the nurse who would normally do the scan. He told them he wanted to do it himself and didn’t want anyone else privy to the information.

  Alex got up on the table and the doctor pulled a sheet up. She lifted her dress and pulled her panties down a bit. The usual cold gel was spread on her belly and the doctor started to scan.

  Doctor Stevens couldn’t hide his amazement when the pictures started to appear. “How far along did David say you were?” he asked.

  “Well, it is only just over a week ago we found out and according to the scan, I was about six weeks along,” Alex told him.

  “Okay, well as you can see from the monitor, you are not seven weeks, more like fourteen to sixteen.” He gave them this information and waited on their reaction.

  However, both of them were staring at the monitor and the pictures of their twins. They could only see them in profile as they were lying facing one another, holding hands. Alex had tears in her eyes and Zach was overcome also, seeing their children so clearly was breathtaking. “Uhm sorry Doc, what was that?” Zach mumbled.

  “I said, the pregnancy is around fourteen to sixteen weeks at the moment.”

  Alex looked at Zach, what did this mean?

  “So do you think it’s going to progress as normal from now or is Alexina going to experience this quickened growth again?” Zach wanted to know, he didn’t want Alexina put at any risk.

  “I’m afraid I can’t tell. I’ll take blood and see what’s going on there too. The results will be sent to David as soon as I have them. I suggest you come back in four weeks and we will redo the scan, see how things are going.”

  Doctor Stevens printed off some pictures for them and asked if they wanted a DVD with the twins on it. “The pictures are fine for now, Doc,” Zach advised.

  Alex couldn’t tear her eyes from the monitor. They were perfect, their babies were perfect. She had been worried, thought something might be wrong, but no, they looked absolutely fine. She sighed in relief and Zach bent over and gave her a very passionate kiss. He didn’t care if there was anyone else in the room. All the way back to the hotel they kept staring at the pictures, their twins holding hands.

  Back at the hotel they went first of all to Vlad and Irina’s room. When Zach knocked Vlad answered almost immediately, as if they had been waiting on them. Irina rushed at Alex as soon as she was in. “What did the doctor say? Is everything okay?” She sounded worried and excited all at once.

  Alex held out the pictures for Irina with her left hand, the engagement ring sparkling and very visible. As Irina reached for them she screamed in delight, grabbing her ring finger and staring at it wide-eyed.

  “Alex – that’s amazing, oh my, does it mean what I think? Are you two....” and she let it hang, waiting on Zach or Alex to confirm what the ring signified.

  Zach laughed. “Yes Irina, it does. I’ve asked this amazing woman to be my wife, and she’s agreed! I mean, we can’t be having kids with us not having the same last name, now can we?”

  Vlad strode over and picked Alex up and swung her around. “Put her down you fool, she’s pregnant!” Zach shouted. Vlad just laughed and placed her ever so gently on the floor and came over to Zach.

  “Well, I would never have believed this. A year ago if anyone had said that Zach would be bonded, with a human mate, who was going to have twins and they were going to get married? I think I would have had them locked up for being insane!” Vlad took Zach into a hug and patted his back, none too gently. “I’m happy for you, my friend.”

  Irina now had the pictures in her hands, she was cooing over them. “Vlad come, look at these, isn’t this amazing! These two are in Alex’s belly!”

  Vlad went over to look, he was amazed at the detail of the pictures, he smiled down at Irina. “Yes my little Wolf, that’s where babies normally grow, in a belly.”

  Irina laughed and gave him a playful punch. “I’m so excited I could burst.”

  “Irina, can you come to our room about four? I think Alex may need some help with something I have planned for her,” Zach asked.

  “No problem, I’ll be there four on the dot,�
� she confirmed.

  Zach took Alex back to their suite and they sat for a long time just staring at the pictures, Zach’s hand gently rubbing the little mound on her belly. He was overjoyed and just couldn’t put into words how happy he was feeling. Alex answered his thoughts, ‘Me too!’

  “Zach, I’m hungry, can we go get something to eat?”

  Zach got up and got the menu that was lying on the bar. The Presidential Suite came with many perks, it was a full menu, the same as was in the restaurant downstairs. “Here, pick what you want from this. I want you all to myself for a while, we can stay here or rather I think we should go to the bedroom for what I’ve got in mind.” He had that smile on his face, the one that gave Alex butterflies in her tummy.

  She quickly decided what she wanted and told Zach to order it and have it delivered in forty-five minutes. She went into the bedroom and cleared the bed of all her presents. She took the red satin negligee into the bathroom and changed into it.

  She waited until she heard Zach enter the room and then she went back in. He was sitting on the side of the bed, still staring at one of the pictures. He absent-mindedly raised his head when he heard Alex come in and stared open-mouthed. “God you’re so beautiful. I can never get enough of looking at you, that negligee is lovely but I think it’s coming off very soon.”

  He made a grab for her and pulled her close. She undid the buttons on his black shirt and slid it off, running her hands over his perfectly chiselled chest. Zach undid his jeans button and Alex took over undoing the zipper. He braced his hands on the bed and lifted himself up slightly and Alex removed jeans and boxers all in one go.

  She studied him from his feet upwards and marvelled at what a flawless body he had. She soaked him in and when her eyes got to his face she gasped. His eyes were glowing, which meant his arousal was great. They usually started off by shining and the further they went in their lovemaking they would begin to glow. Today, they were already glowing bright.


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