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Defender's Blood The Birth and The Battle (Urban Fantasy)

Page 11

by A. K. Michaels

  “Of course, Alex can tell me all about your trip and what she bought. I take it you got some things for the babies?”

  “Oh boy, did we,” Alex laughed.

  Zach came over and gave her a kiss. “I won’t be long,” and he turned to leave.

  “Wait,” Alex shouted and jumped up. Zach turned, wondering if something was wrong but she grabbed his head and gave him a very passionate kiss. “Just to remind you what you’re missing,” she smiled up at him.

  “Naughty naughty, little one – you trying to send me to the showers again?” he whispered.

  Alex just turned and went back to sit on the sofa. Zach, however, now had an arousal in his jeans that was very uncomfortable! Little wench, he thought and laughed to himself as he left the office.

  Vlad was in his office, which was located in a large building taken up solely for the Guards and Security. Some of them, the unmated ones, lived there or in the apartment building attached to it, while other rooms were for training and showers and so on. There was a large room located next to Vlad’s office which was taken up fully by computers and their operators. Some were Guards, others just experts in IT such as Sam, the tall man Zach had met at the diner. The town had full security with cameras set all around both the town itself and the perimeter.

  Some parts of the perimeter fence were electrified and some parts were warded by the Witches. To all intents and purposes it was impenetrable ... but according to Bri’s vision, that was not the case. They had to tighten up the access to Unity to make it harder for an incursion.

  Zach was glad to see Dmitri was with Vlad. Good, the three of them could hash out details.

  Vlad looked deep in concentration as Dmitri spoke to him and Zach entered and took a seat. “Hi, glad you could join us. Dmitri has some ideas – tell Zach what you’ve got in mind.” Vlad relaxed back into his chair and let Dmitri take over.

  “Zach, what you came up with is good but I think we should get as much muscle as possible. To that end I have already sent out a call to all Heads of Security around the globe. I have asked for assistance and any surplus Guards to be sent here. I also have sent out the same call to all Alphas – any extra Wolves would also prove useful. I think we have enough Witches, but if you want I can ask for more of those too.”

  Zach was pleased. Dmitri’s creative thinking was good – the more fighters they had, the better.

  Dmitri carried on, “I have also already asked for a town meeting. It would be too large to hold it anywhere inside, so I thought the town square? We can then advise what may be coming our way and ask for any fit and strong individuals to volunteer. Your plan to remove all non-fighting persons from the town when Alex gets further along is a good plan. We need to make sure that any Guards or fighters are not worrying about civilians. There are quite a number of humans on site – mated to Vamps or Wolves – also some to Witches, but that’s a bit rarer. They need to be gone, we can not be worrying about them. I have also found somewhere for them to go, there’s a large Wolf Pack only about an hour away. They have lots of land and the Alpha has agreed anyone relocated would be welcome there, under his protection. He is therefore exempt from coming here and so are his Wolves. The ones left here need to be absolutely certain their mates are safe so the Alpha and his Pack will do that. Anyone left here should be of one mind, one job … kill the fuckers that come onto our land.”

  Zach was surprised at just how much Dmitri had done in such a short time. He was very impressed and knew why Vlad had him as his Second.

  “Dmitri, I think you’ve done Vlad out of a job – that’s very impressive. I don’t think you’ve left anything out. I agree about the Witches too, we have a large contingent of them here, I don’t think we need more. However, once the word is out, if any volunteer, we shouldn’t turn them away. I have a feeling we’re going to need every ounce of help we can get. Now Vlad, since Dmitri has done all the hard work, you just need to put all this in front of the Council. As Dmitri has carried out some of it already, well I think it will be a soft sell.”

  “I bloody hope so, Zach,” Vlad replied. “I’ve got a meeting in an hour. I’m going to take Dmitri with me, he can get some credit for all his hard work, hopefully.”

  “Okay guys, I’m off. Vlad, Dmitri – thank you. In all the years I have been alive I still think those two words don’t cover it in situations like this, but it’s all I’ve got. Let me know how you get on at your meeting.”

  Zach turned and left. His worry was lessened slightly. Dmitri had done a damn fine job. Soon Unity was going to be full of fighters – the toughest of the tough of Supernatural beings walking the earth. That fucking Demon didn’t know he was in for a whole lot of hurt.

  Zach entered the office and found his mate still chattering to Tatiana – she was like an excited child.

  As he looked at Alex, he noticed changes since he had first seen her. The months of taking his blood had changed her ever so slightly. She was younger looking – not drastically, she had already looked younger than her thirty-nine years when he had met her. Now she looked more like early thirties. If it was possible, she looked even more beautiful to him.

  As soon as Alex saw Zach she noticed he was decidedly more relaxed, the meeting must have gone well.

  “Back so soon?” Thadius asked.

  “Yes, Vlad and Dmitri have everything under control. In fact he is bringing Dmitri with him later and in my humble opinion, Dmitri deserves a raise,” Zach said. Thadius looked surprised – he very rarely gave out compliments like that.

  “Zach, I’m starving, can we go get something to eat?” Alex asked.

  Zach chuckled. “Of course, come on, I think it’s Apple Pie Day at the diner. Thadius, give me a call after the meeting and give me your thoughts.”

  “Will do Zach, bye.” Thadius’s head was back to the mountain of paperwork on his desk.

  As they left, they heard Tatiana talking. “Thadius my dear, come, you need to take a break. I’ve made some of the cookies you like.” Alex was now certain there was more to their friendship, the voice Tatiana used was low, loving, seductive even.

  The diner was busy, it was indeed Apple Pie Day and it was always busier then as the pie was divine. They managed to get a booth near the back, next to the one they normally sat in. Alex ordered two mains and two apple pies.

  Zach couldn’t understand where she was putting all the food. Apart from the slight bump she had, she was exactly the same. He just had a burger – he was more happy watching her enjoying her food. He didn’t think he would ever get tired of watching her eat.

  She laughed and joked throughout the meal and seemed more at ease. Alex replied to his unspoken thoughts. “Yes I am, my Vampire. It’s because you came back from that meeting more relaxed and I take it that it went well. So if you think you can relax who am I to argue?”

  “I am – I just hope the Council agrees to all that Dmitri has done, he is one smart Vampire that one,” Zach told her.

  “I couldn’t agree more. It was him that made you take donor blood when I was ill before, wasn’t it?” she said as she looked at him while taking a huge piece of pie. He smiled thinking she was going to drop it but no, she got it all in her mouth.

  “Indeed it was, little one. He is more than a pretty face, that one.”

  Her eyes widened as she came back at him. “What? You think Dmitri has a pretty face, Zach? Should I be worried?” She tried to use a shocked tone but it came out half laughing.

  “No Alexina, I only wish he could meet someone ... mate again ... he would make a very fine partner for someone. I’m not sure if he is ready though, I hope he does one day, he deserves to be happy again.”

  Alex finished her pie and wiped her mouth. “I hope so too. Now let’s go for a walk – can we go to the lake again? I like it there.”

  “It’s not exactly a lake but yes. Do you want to drive? Get used to the new car?”

  Her eyes lit up. “Yes, it’ll be strange �
� I’ve not driven for ages but yes I’ll need to get used to the car. If you’re at work and I want to take the babies out, well I better get used to driving.”

  He handed her the keys and she jumped up and rushed out. More than one person looked in their direction, still amazed that a human was having one of their oldest Vampire’s children. Zach was getting used to it though and he saw that most had smiles or some such on their faces. Not a one was looking with anything untowards. That changed very quickly.

  Alex pushed the door open and ran smack bang into someone. She immediately said sorry and looked at whom she had tackled. It was Kate – and she was with a very large male, who had a few bruises that were barely visible. As if they had been terrible marks on him but with his advanced healing were almost gone.

  He scowled down at her and she took a step back – she felt his power and it was directed straight at her.

  Zach was at her back in less than a second, feeling her fear. “Sorry again for bumping into you, Kate,” Alex apologised.

  The large male’s face was red as words spat out of his mouth. “Do not talk to my mate, human! You got her sacked – she’s lost her job!” he shouted down at Alex and she stepped further back into Zach.

  Zach’s voice was low and it sounded more like a growl. “Daniel! Do not talk to Alexina like that. Kate is to blame for losing her job. She broke the sacred rule of patient confidentiality.” Alex didn’t need to turn round to know that his eyes would be red orbs.

  Daniel growled too. Up to the problem with Kate blabbing about the pregnancy, he and Zach had been friends – no longer. He was the Wolf that Zach had thrown through a window for saying that Alex had been sleeping around and that was why she was pregnant.

  “Do not challenge me, Wolf – you will not like the consequences. Kate, take Daniel and leave. NOW!” The last word came out of Zach’s mouth with such force that Alex put her hands to her ears. She didn’t realise a sound as loud could come from her Vampire.

  She could feel his power rolling off him in thick waves. Jesus – it wasn’t directed at her and she was terrified. She didn’t know how Kate or Daniel felt. Kate moved into a very submissive pose and this seemed to anger Daniel all the more.

  “Don’t submit to him! Don’t you dare submit to him! I am your Alpha – no-one else.”

  Daniel moved Kate to the side and took a step forward. Zach moved Alex behind him. Her heart was beating so fast she didn’t think it could keep up that speed, her breathing was coming faster and she was scared.

  Not for herself, she realised, but for Daniel. He was pushing Zach and if it came down to it, she knew Zach would kill him. He would kill him easily and not think twice about it.

  Kate was now sobbing but she kept drawing daggers at Alex. What the fuck? How could she blame Alex for what she did? She was the one that told anyone who would listen about the babies. Alex stood up straight and stared her down. She wasn’t going to take this shit from this woman. She didn’t care if she was a Wolf.

  There was suddenly a rush of people coming out of the diner. Several were Guards and they grabbed hold of Daniel, taking him away, hauling roughly on his arms. She heard one say “You’ve done it now, Daniel. Vlad’s had enough – you’ll be out of the Guards. What the fuck are you thinking, you moron?” Kate followed after the men dragging her mate away.

  Alex had people all around. “Are you all right? Did he hurt you?” was shot at her from many different people and she was surprised at how they were all looking out for her.

  “Do you need the doctor?” came from one.

  “No I’m fine really, thank you,” she told them all. Zach made his way through the people – they got out of his path quickly.

  “Red eyes again, my Vampire?” she queried moving a hand up to place it on the side of his face.

  “Indeed!” he spoke down at her and she laughed. “Come on, we can go to the lake now. I think I’ll give Vlad a call about Daniel though. He’s become a loose cannon.”

  Zach opened the car and she got in the driver’s seat for the first time since coming to the US. They left to a load of “Take cares,” and “Don’t let that idiot bother you,” which was very nice to hear.

  Chapter 12

  Alex drove slowly at first until she got used to the car. Her seat was pulled just about as far forward as it would go. She liked the car, it was easy to handle and very comfortable. The dashboard worried her a bit – it looked more like the cockpit on a plane, she was sure she would never work out what it all did.

  The roads in America, whether in Unity or out in the city, were all big and wide – far wider than in Glasgow. It was very easy to drive there. She was enjoying herself when she realised she didn’t know where she was. “I think I missed a turn?” she looked over at Zach.

  “Yes you did but you looked as if you were enjoying yourself so I just let you drive on. We’re not in any hurry. Turn around and go back down this road and take the third right, and I’ll direct you from there.”

  It was a dawdle to turn round, wide road plus no other cars equalled a very easy turn.

  They finally made it to the car park near the water where she parked and got out. “I love the car, Zach, it’s so easy for me to drive,” she all but gushed.

  “I thought you might, that’s why I bought it for you.”

  She looked surprised. “For me?”

  “Of course, Alexina. I still have the jeep and if we’re using it to go out and you’ve got high heels or some such then of course I’ll drive, but essentially it’s for you.”

  She ran around the car and he caught her in his arms. “I’m so lucky to have found you, Zach,” and she planted a kiss on his lips.

  When she pulled away he commented, “I seem to remember it was me that found you, little one!”

  She took his hand and they walked through the woods to the lake. They took a meandering path, not bothering with the well worn track. The woods were lovely and she felt relaxed there. Soon though she got tired, and as soon as Zach felt it he bent down, scooping her up in his arms and heading for the car.

  He put her in the passenger seat and tried to get in the driver’s seat, but as it was so far forward to allow Alex to drive, he couldn’t get his large frame in. He had to pull the lever and get the seat as far back as it would go. Alex was nestled in the passenger seat and her eyes were closing – she couldn’t stay awake. She was sound asleep by the time they parked in front of their house so Zach carried her to bed.

  He was worried about these bouts. Maybe she shouldn’t drive until after the babies were born? He would talk to her about it. If he was with her then it should be okay, because he would sense the tiredness coming over her. However, if she was on her own … well, he didn’t want to think about that scenario. He covered her up and left her to sleep.

  Alex slept for several hours and woke up starving. Zach wasn’t at her side and she sent out her mind to hear his thoughts. Ahh, he was making her a meal, her favourite – steak and home-made chips, or as he called them, fries.

  She stretched, slowly got up and made her way to the kitchen. She loved to watch her man cooking for her ... I wonder if he would do it with less clothes on, she thought to herself. That would make it perfect.

  Zach turned round and raised an eyebrow. “Less clothes or no clothes?” he asked.

  As soon as the words were out of his mouth, she pictured him naked. Well, that just set her off and she was walking towards him before her mind even realised it.

  “Now little one, if you interrupt me I won’t get your steak done,” he stated.

  She pouted, just a little. “Okay but a small kiss? That’s not too much to ask for is it?”

  His eyes started to shine, ever so slightly. “Never. That’s never too much to ask.” He pulled her to him and gave her what she wanted … a bit more as there was nothing small about the kiss he gave her. Her breathing started to pick up and he pulled away.

  “Eat first!” He picked
her up and deposited her on her stool, turning back to finish preparing her meal.

  “Zach, can I ask you something?” She had a look of confusion and concentration on her face.

  “Of course – what’s up?”

  “Well, it’s been quite a few months that we’ve been together. Usually in any relationship, the physical side tapers off after that first rush of not getting enough of one another. With us, well I still feel like that – you only need to look at me sometimes and I want to get you into bed. Surely that’s not normal? Do you think it will always be like that?”

  He smiled, he liked that she wanted him just as much as he wanted her.

  “Alexina, I can only go on what I know about other bonded couples. In our society, once that bond is made it pretty much is like what we have just now. Only after many, many years will it slow down a bit in the bedroom department. But it will never be like in the human world. We are very sexual – it’s just the way we are. You are a human, a very special human, but a human nonetheless, so I don’t know if you will want to slow things in the future. I certainly hope not, I have enough ideas for the bedroom to keep us going for a long, long time. I also think, no I will rephrase that ... I know that you are different. It may be the divine intervention thing, I don’t know, but what we have … I’m pretty certain it won’t change.”

  Alex looked very contemplative. “Good,” she replied with a smile on her face. Her next words were said with laughter in her voice. “We may need to soundproof the bedroom though.”

  “What?” Zach was confused.

  “Well, once the babies are here, I don’t think it appropriate for them to hear me screaming your name over and over!”

  “Ah – I hadn’t thought of that. Yes, I think we may just have to soundproof the room,” Zach chuckled.


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