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Defender's Blood The Birth and The Battle (Urban Fantasy)

Page 24

by A. K. Michaels

  She faltered and Scott sent out calming power towards her. “It’s okay Irina, I’m here and I won’t let anyone harm you.”

  She breathed deep and felt the power coming from Scott. It gave her strength to go on. “Well, I soon found out. He wanted me – my body, I mean ... uhm, well ... he raped me. Over and over. After a couple of days he bit me hard, on my thigh – the pain was enormous. I was screaming but he just laughed. As soon as he bit me he kissed me, sticking his tongue in my mouth. I thought I was going to throw up or die. I would’ve preferred to die.”

  She stopped talking and Scott left her to start again when she was ready. A few minutes later she did. “He raped me again and then went outside. I could hear him doing something but didn’t know what. He came back and dragged me out. He had made a hole in the ground and it had wood around the sides and a rough door on the top. I struggled – I knew he was going to put me there – but he was too strong and the more I struggled the worse he got, it seemed to arouse him the more I fought. Finally he threw me down and raped me there on the ground, then tied my hands and feet with some rope, and then put silver necklaces over the ropes and around my hands and feet. He put a silver necklace round my neck also. I didn’t understand what he was doing or why. After hours of being down there I was panicking, I thought he had gone and left me to die.”

  Irina took another deep breath. “Then it started – the change in me came on quick and it was really, really sore. I thought I was on fire. It went on for hours. I cried and cried, I couldn’t stop myself and then I could hear and see so much better … I really didn’t know what the heck was going on. When it finished everywhere the silver touching my skin burned. I felt so weak I could barely breathe. The next day he brought me up and took me inside again, he took the silver and rope off my feet but kept the rest on. He raped me again and again, he beat me – would wait until I would come to – then do it again. Everything he could do to me he did, and then he would put the silver back round my ankles and throw me back in the hole. A few days later he brought me up and changed into a Wolf in front of me. I was terrified. He came over sniffing and nudging me, nipping at me … he wanted me to do something but I didn’t know what. He changed back, took all the silver off and told me I was to let my Wolf out. I didn’t know what he meant or how to do what he wanted. He changed back and tried to get me to change. He even tried to – you know – but obviously that just wasn’t going to work so he gave up. Because I wouldn’t change he beat me worse than ever before. I so wanted to die. I was going to try and anger him, make him lose it so he would kill me, but I passed out.

  “Then I was lying in the hole with silver on me and beat up real bad and I heard a commotion, not in the cabin but quite far away in the woods. I didn’t know what it was or even how I could hear it, I knew it wasn’t near so that kinda didn’t make any sense to me. I closed my eyes, just wishing death would come before he did. Then I was being lifted out the hole by Zach, and Vlad was there. I had never seen a Vampire before and they had red eyes and fangs so long that I thought, fuck – from the frying pan and into the fire.”

  She stopped as tears slowly made their way down her face. A few deep breaths later and she continued. “They were so gentle with me, I was surprised – I thought they were going to bleed me dry. They brought me back here to the town, it was a few days travelling and by the time I got here, well, I couldn’t bear to not be near one of them. I knew they would protect me. Zach was away a lot working so Vlad and I spent a lot of time together … we fell in love. Well, I fell in love with him first, it took a bit of persuasion from me to even get him to look at me like that. A couple of the other Wolves would stop by and try to help, and they did – a lot – but I couldn’t ask them any of the questions I had. One of Vlad’s Guards, a She-Wolf, also tried to help but I was scared of her and I just couldn’t take in anything she was trying to teach me. She wasn’t very patient and I felt weak and stupid. I was too ashamed about what had happened to me. I can’t control my shifting very well … though I have managed to get the clothes thing down to an art. The thought of changing and being naked scared me to death.”

  She half-laughed at the last part and then jumped as Scott’s finger raised her chin up. She hadn’t noticed him moving closer to her.

  His voice was low but strong and calming. “Irina … I’m so very sorry for what happened to you. If the Wolf that did this to you wasn’t already dead, I’d rip his fucking throat out myself. I want you to be able to ask me anything, Irina, nothing you say will embarrass me. Trust me?”

  He let his power flow out of him towards her. This poor little Wolf needed his help and he was Beta – he helped Wolves, that was who he was and what defined him as a Wolf.

  She nodded once then asked quietly, “How did I become a Wolf? Others in the town that were bitten didn’t turn, so why did I?” She looked into his eyes with trust. She knew he would help her, she didn’t know how she knew this but she knew.

  Scott sighed. “To be blunt, Irina, it was the sex. If a Wolf bites and then has sex – passing seed or other such fluids – into the person bitten, then that forces a change. A bite alone won’t cause a change in a human.”

  Irina’s eyes widened slightly before she spoke. “Oh … well that sorta makes sense of why he did what he did after he bit me. He just kept on at me for hours … it was really awful.”

  Scott was angry, but he kept it in check so that his tone stayed calming. “I know, Irina, it must have been like a nightmare. The thought of you alone in a hole, changing … well, it sends chills down my spine. Wolves are supposed to look after each other, care for each other and make sure everyone is safe and cared for.”

  Irina asked something which she had always wanted to know. “Why wouldn’t I leave Vlad or Zach when I got here? The feelings inside were so intense, I just couldn’t bear not to be near one of them.”

  Scott smiled. “That’s an easy one. You were a very new Wolf and your rescuers were two very, very strong Alphas. They might not both be Wolf but that’s what they are – Alpha. You imprinted on them, knowing an Alpha would protect you. You were looking for your Pack.”

  Scott’s heart went out to this woman. What a way to be turned. His anger was rising in his body but he kept it hidden from Irina, he didn’t want to scare her.

  She nodded again. “That also makes sense. I understand now about the silver, I didn’t then but obviously know now. Scott ... I’ve never spoken to anyone about any of that. Of course Vlad and Zach knew – and others, I suppose – but I haven’t spoken about it to anyone.”

  Scott said words that Irina hadn’t expected to hear. “Thank you Irina, for trusting me enough to tell me.”

  She smiled shyly at him. “Scott, why did he want me to change that night?”

  Scott hung his head. “Irina, I’m not going to lie to you, ever. He wanted to rut with you in Wolf form. It’s not something that is allowed in most Packs nowadays, but in years gone by some Packs did partake in that activity. I’ve heard that there are one or two Packs who still live by the old laws and allow it. Personally I think its abhorrent and no female should be subjected to it – ever.”

  Something crossed over her face and her eyes left his to stare at the ground. What? “Irina, you know that whenever you speak with me it will never be repeated. I would not break your trust in me – I am Beta. If there’s something you think you can’t tell me, let me say, you can. Please trust in me, Irina.”

  She looked up at him. “We didn’t get IVF.” She lowered her head again.

  Scott’s mind was swirling so fast trying to compute what she was saying. She was pregnant – everyone knew that. Everyone also thought she and Vlad had got IVF from that specialist Doctor Stevens in Tucson. If not, then what?

  It struck him hard. Shit – no – fuck fuck fuck! “Irina, how did you get pregnant? Please trust me, I won’t repeat it, ever.”

  She looked at him and he could see the doubt on her face as she asked quietly
, “Promise me?”

  He nodded. “I promise.”

  Her voice was so low he strained to hear her. “I was out running with a friend in Wolf form and my mating period came on earlier than it should have. I’m always so careful about it. I stay in the house and Vlad takes time off from work and we just … well you know. But with all the work going on lately, I must have lost track of my days. It came on suddenly and we ran for home. We didn’t make it. A large, really large, Wolf knocked me down. He attacked my friend and then, well … you know. I tried to fight him but he was too big, too powerful. He ripped my shoulder and spat it out in front of me. I knew I was dying – there was blood everywhere – but he didn’t stop, he kept going at me. I had been screaming in my mind for Vlad … we have a strong bond. The next thing I knew, it was pulled off me and Zach was there. Then Vlad. Then I lost consciousness I didn’t wake for a few days. When I woke, I knew I was pregnant.”

  Holy fuck. How much can one woman take? His thoughts of this woman … well she was one very strong Wolf and human.

  “Irina, that was an awful thing to happen to you. I take it you understand that the Wolf probably wasn’t in control? Coming across a female in heat – well that’s why our women stay indoors with their mate or a willing partner, they don’t go outside, their pheromones are so strong that any male would want to pounce. He really couldn’t help it. What happened to him?”

  Scott knew the answer. If it had been his mate, the male would be dead, no excuses – he would’ve ripped it to shreds.

  “He’s dead,” she whispered.

  “I thought so. But I haven’t heard of a dead Wolf?”

  “No, Zach and Tatiana took care of it. He’s at the bottom of the ravine, he’s not been found yet. Scott, I feel so guilty, that Wolf lost his life because of me.”

  The despair in her voice tore at him. “No he didn’t, he lost his life because he was Wolf. Wolves have been killed for a lost less, Irina, trust me.”

  She nodded her head. “Is there anything I should know about the mating period for future – or anything else you think I should know?”

  Scott gave her a few pointers. “I would plan to stay indoors as you have done, but make it a few days before and a few days after. That will make sure no other incidents happen. Always make sure your mate is available. You know how it is, it can be painful for you if he isn’t there to ease you.”

  She laughed. “That’s not a problem with Vlad,” then she blushed scarlet.

  Scott threw his head back and laughed too. “I’m not commenting on that, Irina!”

  He looked over at the young Wolf. “So who came up with the IVF? It’s so believable.”

  Irina was now smiling as she spoke. “Yes I know, it was Alex, she came up with everything. She’s amazing.”

  “She is that. I can understand that your lives would have been irreparably damaged otherwise.”

  A frown crossed Irina’s face. “Scott, if Alex hadn’t come up with this we would’ve had to leave, Vlad would’ve lost the respect of his men and his job … jeez, I couldn’t have stood it!”

  “I know, Irina. Your secret’s safe with me, always,” Scott confirmed.

  “Scott, why am I feeling like going Wolf all the time just now?” she asked.

  “It’s because you can sense the danger coming. All of us are stronger in Wolf form. We’re very strong, Irina – even in humanlike form, much stronger than any human – but for battle we’re always better as Wolf. I’m not sure if you’re aware, but when you’re further along in your pregnancy you shouldn’t change. It’s better for the pup not to change to Wolf after about four or five months. You’re okay this early in the pregnancy but just bear it in mind.”

  She nodded her head. Irina felt good. It had been cathartic to talk about everything. Scott was a really nice guy and a powerful Wolf.

  Scott started talking as he stood up. “So Irina, let’s get to practising changing. You need to get your Wolf under control and I’m going to help you with that. I would also say you should spend more time with your own kind. Maybe after the baby comes, you and Vlad could visit us in Scotland. Our Pack is a good one with plenty of friendly Wolves for you to get to know. If there are any questions, you need to ask me, at any time – please don’t hesitate. I would be pleased to have you in my Pack, Irina … you’re an awesome Wolf. You should be proud. I don’t know another female that could have endured what you have, you’re a strong Wolf.”

  The compliment made her blush again, but she was happy he had said it. She had always felt an outsider from Wolves – no longer. She was going to embrace her Wolf wholeheartedly.

  Chapter 23

  Scott and Irina arrived back at the house and Irina was happy. She felt accepted as a Wolf by a very strong Beta and she loved Scott for how he had made her feel. Not the way she loved Vlad, of course, but as her Beta. Strictly speaking he wasn’t ‘her’ Beta – she wasn’t part of his Pack, but he had made her feel accepted.

  Alex could see the difference in her immediately. She seemed more at peace, calm and confident. Alex smiled at Scott and nodded her head once. He acknowledged it, he knew what she was letting him know. It was very clear to see the difference in Irina and he was glad to have helped the Wolf.

  He thought Irina would flourish in a Wolf Pack but he understood that Vlad, Zach and Alex were her Pack. She was lucky to have these three people in her life. Alex was totally awesome and to have saved Irina and Vlad from what would have been an impossible situation … yeah, awesome was the word that came to mind. He ate a very large lunch, then went Wolf again and stalked all around the property, ensuring it was safe.

  Duncan called in later in the afternoon, advising he and his Wolves were attached to the Security Building. They were charged with keeping it safe, at all costs. He didn’t know that Alex would be there – only a select few had that knowledge. He was working with several other Wolves but he was the Alpha in charge. Just as well, thought Scott, Duncan would never take orders from another Wolf.

  Duncan was also going to be working with several Vampires and it was obvious he wasn’t too chuffed. Zach laughed. “So you don’t trust Vampires?”

  “Och laddie, it’s no that. Ah like tae work wae folk ah know, ah dinae know them so am a bit wary, that’s all.” Duncan’s answer was said in a half-joking tone.

  Irina spoke up, shocking everyone. “Duncan, I know you’re a strong Alpha and it must be difficult for you in these circumstances, but I’m sure Vlad knows what he’s doing. He’s really quite good at all this stuff.” Irina lowered her eyes in front of Duncan’s stare, the power she felt from this Alpha was pretty immense.

  Duncan nodded. “Aye lassie, ah’m sure he does.”

  Alex raised her brow to Zach, who only shook his head. Irina wasn’t one to normally get involved in these types of discussions. She was definitely different since her talk with Scott.

  Scott spoke up. “Duncan, I hope you don’t mind but I’ve said to Irina that once her pup is born, she and Vlad should come to Scotland. I think she would benefit from the other Wolves, especially Margaret. She could teach her about raising her little one.”

  Duncan raised his eyes to Scott. It wasn’t like him to let others into their inner sanctum. He must think a lot of this little Wolf so he answered accordingly. “Aye lassie, my Margaret would be able tae teach ye lots, especially aboot whit will happen when the little ‘un reaches puberty and the first change. It can be scary if yer no taught about whit will happen. So the two of ye, or ah should say three, are welcome.”

  Irina glowed, happy that this Alpha was offering the advice and assistance of his Pack. She was definitely going to ask Vlad about going. She would love to see Scotland and where Alex came from.


  For Alex, the next couple of days were rather boring. Vlad and Zach were constantly popping out to deal with things and organising this and that. Vlad’s phone never stopped ringing – he was being run ragged. Irina would
sometimes go with him and Alex was stuck in the house with Scott guarding her. She thought he must be bored too. Very soon though, she would wish for the boredom to be back.

  She was pacing the floor of the living room, having seen David earlier, and everything seemed well with the twins. She did some cleaning and tidying up to help Irina. Having people staying can be a chore and she was doing all she could to help.

  The night before, Zach had been out with Vlad all night. He had got home a couple of hours ago, showered and promptly left again. She was feeling fidgety … they hadn’t made love in a couple of days and her body craved his touch. He had also not fed in two days and Alex was worried that it may affect him if anything kicked off.

  She got her phone out and texted him. ‘Zach I’m worried, you haven’t fed in two days. You need to keep your strength up.’ She pressed send, turned to go to the kitchen and Zach appeared in front of her.

  “Shit – will you stop doing that! I nearly peed myself!” she shouted.

  Zach’s mouth turned up at one side. God, did he know what that did to her stomach?

  “I do, little one, I do. Why do you think I do it?” he answered. She moved towards him and he had her in his arms before she could breathe. “So you’re worried about me not feeding?” he queried.

  “Mmm–mmm,” was all she managed. His smell was in her nostrils and they flared trying to capture more.

  “Oh, so it’s nothing to do with how I usually feed?” His tone was extremely playful.

  Alex’s was the same. “Absolutely not.” She did a half-smile and he bent down and devoured her mouth. They fought for dominance over each other and whose tongue was in whose mouth. His arm slipped behind to hold her up, her legs had gone weak.


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