Magic Awakened: A Paranormal Romance Boxed Set

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Magic Awakened: A Paranormal Romance Boxed Set Page 10

by K.N. Lee

  “You’re making me dizzy, Liv,” Egan said, stopping her by grabbing her shoulders.

  “Just letting off steam without risking lives.” Livia lifted her head and batted her eyes at Egan.

  “Okay, okay, okay. I was driving too fast. I’ve got it. I apologize.”

  “Thank you,” Livia said.

  Rion donned nitrile gloves and walked toward them holding a syringe and several plastic vials wrapped in plastic lined paper. He peeled open the paper and dropped each vial on a stainless-steel tray. After that, he expertly tied off her vein. “I promise this won’t hurt. Deep breath.”

  Livia gulped in a breath.

  He flicked her arm with his finger and jabbed the needle in.

  Blood filled the vial.

  Everyone stayed quiet until four vials were filled with Livia’s rich red blood.

  “You go wait in my office again, please. I’ll join you after I get the results.”

  They shuffled down the hallway to Rion’s office to wait.

  “I’m afraid,” Livia said.

  Me, too. “Don’t be.” Egan forced a smile. “We’ll find the underlying cause of things.” She stepped up to Rion’s bookcase and scanned the shelf. “Here we go,” she said, plucking a book free. “Read this while we’re waiting.”

  Livia took the book from Egan’s fingers. “Studies in the Occult? Don’t we know more than most already?”

  “Maybe we’ll find places where we can correct or contribute. We’ll write them. They’ll be so grateful they’ll pay us tons of money.”

  Livia let out a chuckle. “You’re trying to distract me, aren’t you?”

  “What if I am?” Egan shrugged. She sat on one of the folding chairs and patted the one next to her. “At least it will pass the time.” She eyed Mr. Bones. “Or…” She grinned. “I’ve got a better idea. Let’s see if we can give Mr. Bones a new position.

  Several minutes later, Rion strode into his office. He pulled up short when he saw Mr. Bones.

  The girls had positioned him with his arms over his head, as if he were under arrest.

  Egan laughed. “Don’t shoot, officer.”

  “Very funny,” Rion said, resuming his stride. He held a sheaf of lab reports.

  “I thought so,” Livia said, giggling.

  He rounded his desk and sat down, waving the papers in front of him. “Want the good news or the bad news?”

  Livia stilled. “There’s bad news?”

  “Only that we don’t know much. There’s nothing to suggest anything is wrong with you physically.” He raked his hair with his hand.

  Egan let out a sigh. “That leaves the supernatural. Can’t you consult with your Fae buddies? Won’t they know anything?”

  Rion tugged on his earlobe again. “The Fae are a pretty closed mouth bunch but I can ask.”

  “You know,” Livia said, scooting to the edge of her chair, “this all started when Renner got free from prison. I think we need to hunt him down.”

  “You could be right.” Rion put his palms flat on the desk. “Sounds like he’s rocking the dark arts. That sounds dangerous. Let me help.”

  “No,” Egan said decisively. “This is what we’re trained to do. We’ve dealt with worse, I can assure you.”

  You’re thinking of PS-3891, aren’t you? Livia’s eyes creased in worry.

  Egan nodded.

  Rion’s head tilted as he studied their silent communication. “At least let me cook dinner for you. That way you’ll have something pleasant to look forward to. I cook a mean lasagna.” He looked at Livia and said, “Both of you. You’re both invited.”

  Livia laughed, waving the idea away. “No. I’m sure I’ll be exhausted after we’re done. You two can dine with one another.”

  The thought of dining alone with Rion, at his home, sent chills up and down Egan’s spine. “I’ll, uh, I’ll get back to you.”

  He seemed to deflate in his chair, like a balloon pricked by a pin.

  Do it! Livia hissed in her mind. Don’t blow this. Give him a chance!

  Egan swiped the air between her and Livia. She swallowed and gave him her full attention. “I just meant that…I don’t know when this case will be over. But lasagna sounds great, thank you.”

  As quickly as he’d sagged, Rion sat up straight and grinned. “Great! No pressure, you know. Whenever. It’s an open invitation. When you’re done with the case, I mean.”

  Egan interrupted him. “I said, I’d love it. But right now, we’ve got to catch a seriously bad guy with not a lot to go on. Find out whatever you can from the Fae, please. Even something that hints at something else.”

  His fast-paced blubber stream resumed. “Absolutely. You’ve got it. I’ll meet with them later today. There’s a club we all hang out at.”

  “Shhh,” Egan said.

  Rion’s mouth snapped shut.

  “See you soon, Rion.” Egan flashed him a heartfelt smile, giving him a quick hug before departing.

  Maybe I should take my own advice about being able to build a good relationship. But first, we’ve got to find Renner.

  As they tromped toward her car, she said, “I think I need to pay someone a visit.”

  Livia’s head pivoted to face her. “Who? Someone from Psi-3891?” She wrinkled up her nose.

  “Yep. A blast from the past. You know who I’m talking about. The best guy in the world to find someone.” And the last guy she ever hoped to see—Frank Barker, one of the angriest men she’d ever met.


  The streets of New York, bathed by corner lampposts and the glaring light streaming from windows, hummed, and throbbed around Egan, making her smile. Tingly and buzzing from her interaction with Rion and the thought of dining with him at a future date, she cruised away from NYC OCME in the Corvette, one hand dangling on top the steering wheel. The other hand thrummed her skinny jeans clad thigh.

  She loved New York City at night. Especially when she was jacked on excitement, as well as bone tired.

  “Oh, I can’t seem to stop yawning,” she said though her gaping mouth. “Yet I’m in such a good mood.”

  “I’m tired, too. But I don’t share your mood.” Livia’s lower lip pushed out in a pout.

  “Good. I’m taking you home. You’re sitting this one out,” she said.

  “No way,” Livia said through clenched teeth. “I’m going!”

  “You need rest.”

  “No! First off, we both need rest. We’re both exhausted. If we go alone, one of us might miss something. If we’re together with two sets of tired eyes, it’s better than one.”

  Egan’s fingers tightened around the steering wheel. A logic bomb was about to be detonated.

  “Second, I can’t be alone. Can’t. What happens if I have another episode and you’re not there? How will you feel about making me stay home then?”

  Egan’s belly did flip-flops. “Like an ass, Livs, you know that.”

  “Decision made.” Livia brushed her hands together. “Done and done.”

  “Okay, deal.” Egan sighed. “But we make it quick then we head home and get some shut-eye.”

  Zipping along the FDR, she took the ramp toward the Queens Midtown Tunnel, deep in thought.

  “This seems like an odd way to get to Psi-3891.” Livia frowned.

  “We’re not going there.”

  “Where are we going then?” Livia scowled as she studied Egan.

  “To pay a visit to a dear, old friend from the institution—Frank Barker.” Egan’s lips quirked into a wicked smile.

  “Oh, I know who you meant when you said we were going to visit the best person to find someone. I just assumed he still lived at Psi-3891. I wasn’t thinking. It still hasn’t sunk in that it’s a place of good and children live there.”

  “Yeah, that takes some processing, doesn’t it?” Egan gave her a warm smile.

  “Yeah.” Livia fiddled with the collar of her shirt.

  “You know he’s the best at what he does. I don’t know why we
didn’t think of it before.”

  “Yes. He’s the best. As for why we didn’t think of it before, you know the answer to that question. He’s a real dick.”

  Egan scoffed. “No shit.”

  “But, in the middle of the night?”

  Egan shrugged. “Police business, what can I say?”

  “He’ll be pissed.” Livia’s hand fluttered to her throat.

  “From what I remember, he was always pissed. He was an angry teen. No doubt he grew up to be an even angrier man.” She exited the tunnel, flipped the turn signal, then turned off onto 11th Street. “But, he was the best at channeling divinities and deities. And no one can find a missing person like he can. I’m surprised the 12th precinct didn’t snatch him right up. I’m hoping he can find out who’s fucking with you.”

  They pulled in front of a well-worn house near the Calvary Cemetery. The house, as well as the entire area, had seen better days. Even at night, in the dim glow of street lights, signs of neglect and disrepair were evident in the clapboard home. The siding looked like it was hanging on for its life.

  After exiting the car, they strode along the sidewalk, kicking toys out of the way. A motion sensor light flicked on, illuminating the grungy front stoop. It looked like it sagged in defeat.

  “Ready?” Egan asked.

  Livia nodded.

  Egan rang the doorbell.

  A dog barked inside. Then, a thump-thump followed, like it hurled its body against the door. After that, came the scratching of dog’s nails against wood.

  Livia shrank back and tugged her coat tightly around herself.

  “Damn. That dog’s going to bring the house down.” Egan took a step back.

  A man shouted from inside the house. “Get back. Down, Waldo! Down!”

  Then came a thud followed by a whine.

  The door cracked open and a slice of a man’s face became visible. Even through the slit, his perma-scowl could be seen. He hunched over, gripping the collar of the brown and white Pit Bull named Waldo.

  Egan flashed a side-eye at Livia. It’s him.

  Livia wrapped her arms around her tummy. Yep.

  Waldo’s tongue lolled. The dog grinned and salivated, looking very pleased with himself.

  “Can I help you?” Frank snapped.

  “We’re with the police.” Egan flashed her badge. “We need to ask you some questions.”

  “Shit. Can it wait? I don’t want to wake up the wife and kids.”

  “Frank, is everything okay?” a woman’s voice called.

  “Shit,” he said again. “It’s fine,” he yelled. “Wrong address.” He hissed at Egan and Livia. “Okay, the kids. They need to sleep.”

  A baby’s wail rang out.

  “Fuck it all to hell.” Frank threw open the door. He shoved the dog back to keep it from escaping and slammed the door behind him. Standing in a robe and men’s pajamas, with battered slippers on his feet, he looked like a hen-pecked husband. He took a good long glare at the women before him. As recognition dawned, his face transformed from angry to fury. “What the fuck are you two doing here?”

  Egan expected to see steam shoot from his ears like a cartoon. “Like I said—we need to ask you a few questions. That’s all.”

  Time had not been kind to Frank. Despite being the same age as Egan—thirty-one—his shoulders stooped like an old man’s. His face bore bitter lines and scars, like he’d tussled with a badger and the badger won. Lank, light brown hair fringed his eyes, drooping listlessly, same as the house siding. The only fire left in Frank’s visage seemed to be the rage burning inside, making his brown eyes appear flecked with cinders.

  “You need to leave. That part of my life…that fucking Psi hell hole…that’s behind me. Dead, buried, and decomposed. My wife knows nothing, do you hear me? Nothing. And my kids? God help us all if one of them inherits my crazy-ass abilities. I’ll fucking kill myself and them, too, if that happens.”

  Egan’s eyes grew wide. “That seems a bit extreme, Frank.”

  Livia reached out to touch Egan’s arm. I’ve got this. He always had a soft spot for me.

  “Yes, we got it, Frank. It wasn’t our favorite time, either.” She rested her hand on his forearm.

  He regarded her hand with a scowl, before flicking it from his arm. “If you’re doing that mind thing you do, stop it right now.”

  “I was only offering comfort,” Livia said, looking affronted. “We all came from the same place. We understand.”

  “Yeah, but from the look of you two, you’re faring far better than me.” He put his hand above his eyes, shielding them from the street light, and squinted at Egan’s car. “How is it I live in a shit-hole, drive a beat-up piece of shit sedan, and one of you drives a classy Corvette, huh?”

  “Well,” Egan said slowly. “We actually left Psi-3891 behind. You seem to still live there.” She glanced across the street at the cemetery.

  Frank’s mouth bunched into a tight rosette.

  Livia gave a quick toss of her head, sending her purple tinged hair over her shoulder. “Sure, we still have nightmares…but we’re using our skills for the good of humanity. I think that has allowed us to fare better than others.”

  Frank’s nostrils widened, giving him a bullish appearance. “State your business and get out of here.”

  Egan and Livia glanced at one another.

  Livia shrugged.

  Egan began talking. “We need to find a guy named Renner Müntz. It’s critical that we find him.”

  Frank took a step back. “Isn’t he that the guy who they arrested for drugs recently? And then he escaped prison? I saw it on the news.”

  “That’s the one.” Egan took a step forward.

  Frank flattened himself against the door. “I don’t need no trouble. Get the hell out of here.”

  “He’s not going to do anything to harm you,” Egan stated in her no-nonsense voice.

  “No!” He fingered the door knob behind him.

  “Look,” Egan said, lunging toward him and grabbing the lapel of his robe. “We didn’t come here to start any trouble but we’re not above bringing some your way if the need arises. Livia and her fine skills can sift through your mind in a heartbeat and find out what dirty deeds you’re still up to. Remember your teenage-self sneaking into the girls’ dorm at night?”

  “Screwing underage girls?” Livia added.

  “I don’t…” His eyes slid left and right.

  “Livia? Is he telling the truth?” Egan asked.

  Livia’s eyelids fluttered shut. After a moment, she opened her eyes and gave Egan a knowing look. “Uh huh. Still a perv.”

  “Stop it! Quit trying to access my private thoughts. All right, I’ll see what I can find.”

  Waldo started whining and scratching the door.

  Frank kicked the door. “Shut up!” He turned his angry gaze back toward them. “So when did you last see him?”

  Egan and Livia side-eyed the other.

  Don’t tell him we were at the prison when he escaped.

  Yeah, or we’ll see a wet mark stain the stoop.

  Egan fought back a giggle. “When he was booked.”

  “Give me your hands. Both of you.”

  Egan and Livia reached out to take his hands. They were surprisingly hot, as if his anger burned as hot as her Pyrokinesis.

  He closed his eyes.

  Standing in their freakish circle near Calvary Cemetery, Egan imagined they looked like a cult auditioning for a horror show flick. She looked at Livia, clenching her teeth and pulling the bottom of her mouth down.

  “Right?” Livia mouthed.

  “Quiet,” Frank hissed.

  Egan peered at him.

  He scrunched up his face. His lips parted. He started panting wildly. Finally, he yanked his hands away from them, extending his arms in the air. “He’s blocking me. The bastard’s blocking me.”

  “How do you know?” Egan asked.

  “What did you see?” Livia said.

just know. It’s him or someone working with him.” He began brushing furiously at his arms with twitching, jittery movements. “He’s somewhere near W. 72nd. That’s all I can tell you.”

  Livia’s thoughts slid into Egan’s brain. That’s near that horrible House of Satan.

  Yes, near where Jason’s body was dumped.

  Frank skittered toward the front door like a frightened rat. “Go away. You won’t get anything else from me.” He swung open the door, kicking Waldo out of the way.

  Egan put her hand on the door so he couldn’t close it.

  Peering through the crack once more, while Waldo barked and howled, Frank hissed, “You need to leave Psi-3891 behind. Let it all go.”

  “We already told you we did. What about you, Frank?”

  Blood spurted from his nose as if he’d been suddenly punched. He swiped it with his free hand and stared at it, his face a mask of horror. “That’s Renner! He’s coming for me.”

  “Frank, honey? Are you okay?” his wife asked from somewhere behind him.

  “I’m fine, sweetheart. Go back to sleep.” He dragged his arm across his bleeding nostrils. “Please. Go away. Don’t ever contact me again. Psi-3891 will ruin you.”

  He slammed the door in their faces.

  Turning to Livia, Egan said, “Well, that went fantastic.”

  “That poor man. He’s haunted,” Livia said.

  “And will be for the rest of his days. Let’s head out and get some shut eye before we face any more demons.” She strode down the sidewalk, aiming for the red ‘Vette.

  “Wow,” she said, as she slid into the front seat.

  “Right? He’s even angrier than before. And the fear in his eyes. That, and the bleeding.” Livia shivered.

  “I know. Something terrible’s going on. I doubt I’ll get those terrified eyes out of my mind anytime soon.”

  She stepped on the gas, eager to get away. Tomorrow they had to hunt down a madman—they had to find Renner Müntz.


  After a few restless hours of sleep, Livia and Egan got up at four in the morning and headed toward a strip mall near W. 72nd. As far as they knew, there was only one strip mall in that area—Freaky Pete’s.


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