Magic Awakened: A Paranormal Romance Boxed Set

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Magic Awakened: A Paranormal Romance Boxed Set Page 11

by K.N. Lee

  Freaky Pete’s boasted rare and eclectic stores, like Witchy Wanda’s Spells and Talismans, and The Soul Apothecary. There was even an arcade called Funopolis where the outcasts and delinquents gathered. Livia only stepped foot in Freaky Pete’s when she had to—if they were on a case. The entire place had a sinister vibe to it, like it served as a front for fun occult kitsch, but served a darker purpose.

  W. 72nd was a ghost town at that hour. A few homeless people snuggled up against the benches and in bushes overlooking the water. During the day, the pier was overrun with tourists and locals. Now, Livia and Egan were free to investigate without any distractions.

  What Frank had said still left Livia unsettled. Something was terribly wrong. They hadn’t had a case this personal and terrifying in all their career.

  “So,” Livia said, folding her arms across her chest. “What are we supposed to be looking for, exactly?”

  Egan shrugged and led the way from the parking lot to the run-down storefronts that lined the pier. “We’ll know when we see it.”

  Livia followed Egan, scanning their surroundings for anything out of the ordinary. She glanced at a homeless couple huddled together near a small thatch of bushes. A sinking feeling filled her gut and she quickly looked away. That could have easily of been her and Egan years ago, after they’d escaped Psi-3891. Homeless and without hope.

  How they managed to pull themselves up and make something of their lives was still a mystery to her. Perhaps, it was because they had each other. Always had. Always would.

  They strode past Witchy Wanda’s. A lifelike wax figure—supposedly Wanda herself—leered at them from the front window. Her eyes seemed to follow every move.

  Livia shivered and wrapped her sweater tighter.

  A rat skittered out from between the Soul Apothecary and the locked public restroom.

  Livia yelped.

  Egan gave her a stern look. “Pull yourself together, Livia.”

  The light of the moon reflected off something at the corner of the shop ahead—something called Waiting in the Dark, a store for unusual sleepwear. In the dark, it looked like something metallic glinted along the side. She would have ignored it under different circumstances, but it called to her. Beckoned.

  “Egan,” Livia whispered, tiptoeing toward what she made out to be a narrow door. If the moon hadn’t shone on it, it would have blended in with the side of the building.

  “Hey, Liv? Where are you going?” She increased her speed.

  “Come here. Take a look at this.”

  Livia jogged until she stood before the door. Everything within her told her that this was it. What they were looking for.

  She placed her hands against the cool surface, vibrations tingling up and down her arms. She closed her eyes.

  “What is it?”

  Livia licked her lips and gave the door a push. It didn’t budge. She held her palms toward the door. Prickles of electricity tickled her skin. “There is definitely something here. Something supernatural.”

  She grunted and pushed again. The door still didn’t budge. She chewed the corner of her bottom lip and closed her eyes, using her inner sight. Bands of lightning ran up and down the door, illuminating strange symbols she’d never seen before. “I’m pretty sure a spell has been cast, preventing entry.”

  Egan tapped her shoulder.

  “Step aside. I’ve got this. See anybody?” Egan looked right and left.

  “Not a soul. Go for it.” Livia stepped backward and watched as Egan conjured a fire ball.

  She threw it into the door with such force that they were both pushed back. The door exploded open. A gust of wind blew them in the face, the smell of sulfur strong in their nostrils.

  “Impressive,” Livia said under her breath.

  Egan flashed a grin. “I know.” She stuck her head through the opening.

  Livia did the same. “See anything?”

  “Nope. You?”

  “Not really. Should we go inside?”

  “That’s what we’re here for, isn’t it?” Egan shook her head.

  An eerie silence welcomed them as they stepped inside. A narrow corridor led away from the tiny foyer. The walls were too close together, so they had to turn sideways and take their time down the long hallway. For it to be a part of the strip mall, it didn’t lead to any of the shops.

  “Do you think this is a hidden gateway or something?”

  “Yeah,” Egan said. “Let’s hope we aren’t walking to hell.”

  The thought made Livia shiver.

  The hall ended at a square room, about twelve feet by twelve feet. A single light bulb swung from the short ceiling, dangling at about eye level.

  Livia and Egan maneuvered their way around it.

  At the far end of the room stood a door, open wide to another room. Incense wafted through the doorway.

  Livia walked hesitantly toward the fragrant smell.

  Egan’s footfalls fell like water drops against the floor, lending an eeriness to the already spooky sensation in Livia’s belly.

  She paused before the entrance. “You ready?” she whispered.

  Egan nodded.

  Together, they stepped through the entrance.

  A smaller room awaited and to their surprise, so did five bodies sprawled on the floor.

  “Holy shit,” Egan said. “Are they dead?” She pushed past Livia, rushing toward the bodies.

  “Are they alive?” Livia asked, bending down for a better look. “Crap. Look, Egan.” She pointed at the circle of salt surrounding the victims.

  “I see it,” Egan said. “And check that out.” She gestured toward a pentagon drawn on the dark wooden floor. “Fuck,” she muttered. She crouched and shook the shoulders of two of the body.

  “Are they alive?”

  Egan looked up. “I can’t wake them. But, they are still alive. Barely.” She peeled back the shirt of the guy before her. “I don’t see any signs of injury.”

  “Look at this,” Livia said, nodding to three stars inside the pentagram.

  Standing, Egan sucked her teeth. “Witchcraft.”

  Footsteps came from behind, and they both jumped. Egan spun around, drawing her gun.

  In the doorway stood Renner and Alicia.


  The mention of witchcraft made Egan’s blood boil. She and Livia had often been subjected to the witches’ craft at Psi-3898. Witches—not the good kind—had honed their skills trying to best Egan and Livia in their abilities. They’d cast spells against her and Livia. Hurled their incantations at them. Caused them pain to break them. Egan had never erased the memories of their foul spells and devilry, and she was certain the same was true for Livia. Yet, here she stood with signs of that evil magic all around her. Her heart sank to her toes.

  In the center of this windowless, industrial looking room, the five bodies were positioned in a circle, with their feet in the middle. A pentagram had been drawn around them with salt. Their heads marked the corners of the pentagram. Each body seemed to be hovering right at the edge of death, as if nothing but a silver filament kept them tethered to their earthly existence. Huge, black candles were placed in the corner of the room. They threw off a sickening glow, making the place a study in shadows.

  “Egan?” Livia’s voice came out in a tremulous whisper. “Egan, honey?”

  A gentle hand shook her shoulder, tugging Egan from her trance. She gave Livia a side-eyed glance accompanied by a soft smile.

  “I’m here,” she whispered. “This is…this is just awful.”

  Then, she turned to glare at the two despicable people before her—Renner and Alicia Saunders—the woman they thought as dead. I watched her head snap…her body crumple.

  We both did, Livia projected.

  And you’re certain you killed her, right?

  I thought so, but maybe I was wrong. Livia’s eyes were wide.

  “Oh, good,” Renner said. Dressed in a crisp suit and tie, he proffered his crooked elbow to Alicia.

>   She placed a gloved hand on his arm.

  Together, they swished into the room looking like a couple attending the opera.

  What’s going on here? Egan’s brow pulled low.

  I don’t know, but we had better find the source of it. I think I’m going to throw up if we stay here. This is so sick.

  It’s sure bizarre. But how do you factor into all this?

  I don’t know. Livia’s chin quivered.

  Egan pictured saving her friend from jumping off a building and shooting herself.

  Sharp jabs of anger roiled through her insides. She turned to Renner and shouted, “What did you do to my friend? What kind of spell did you cast on Livia?”

  “Egan, don’t,” Livia hissed.

  Egan waved a hand at her, without looking.

  Renner grinned in response. “We took her skills to a new level, that’s all.”

  “New level? She almost died—twice!” Without thinking, Egan put both her hands out and shoved him. Fire shot from her palms, licking at his torso.

  He stumbled back, and Alicia tried to break his fall.

  Renner caught himself before crashing into the wall behind him. He leaned forward, lifted his arms, and mumbled something unintelligible.

  Egan’s skin grew instantly hot, as if her skills had turned on herself. Wide-eyed, she shook them until they began to cool.

  “Consider that a warning,” Renner said, a chilling smile forming on his lips. “Your skills…both of your skills…are not as powerful as mine have become.”

  He brushed the front of his jacket, smoothing it into place.

  “Are you okay?” Alicia cooed, her hands fluttering around his face like tiny birds.

  He turned and gave her an indulgent smile, stroking her cheek with the back of his hand. “I’m fine. They can’t hurt me. Don’t worry.”

  She floated into the air a few feet, as if the touch of him made her light with joy. A dreamy smile appeared on her face.

  Egan stared at the whole charade for a few seconds, watching it like it was a play put on for her and Livia’s benefit. “Quit the theatrics. Tell me. What did you do to Livia?” She reached out for Livia’s hand.

  Livia's squeeze bore down hard, drawing pain in Egan’s fingers.

  “I’m waiting.”

  Renner cocked his head and studied her. Then he turned and fixed his eyes on Livia.

  Livia shrank back, as if he’d touched her.

  Egan put her arms around her. She glared at Renner. “Whatever you’re doing, stop.”

  Livia murmured, “I’m okay, Egan, really.”

  “I’m not doing anything,” Renner said. “She’s scared. She knows a superior being when she sees one.”

  A smug expression replaced the cold one. He clasped his hands behind his back and began walking. His footfalls echoed against the corrugated metal walls and concrete floor.

  Alicia floated next to him.

  Egan stepped back, clutching Livia’s arm for support.

  You can sense it, too, can’t you? Livia’s fingers curled into fists. He’s grown stronger since we last saw him. This can’t be good.

  “You still haven’t answered my question,” Egan said, releasing Livia’s arm. She stretched her cramped fingers.

  Renner stalked around the bodies, Alicia by his side.

  “Tell Livia what she needs to hear, won’t you?” he said to his floating companion. “She’s pretending to be clueless.”

  Alicia let out a ghostly laugh and directed her attention toward Livia. “You’re cursed, darling.”

  A bitter laugh fell from Egan’s lips. “We were cursed the day we were thrown into Psi-3891. We escaped, however.”

  Livia put her hand out to Egan, shushing her. Her face creased. “Cursed? What do you mean?”

  Alicia spun about, floating in front of Livia. Her face transformed into an ugly snarl. “That’s what you get when you kill a witch.”

  “What are you talking about? You’re not dead.” The lines in Livia’s forehead deepened.

  “Of course not, sweetie. That’s what all of this has been about,” Alicia said. “You’ve become a forecaster. Anything can happen, at any time, once the curse of the forecaster is upon you.” She bobbed back and forth in front of Livia.

  “You’re speaking in riddles.” Egan threw her hands in the air. “Tell us what the hell is going on.”

  She grabbed Alicia’s arm and yanked her from her annoying hover.

  Alicia’s mouth fell open as her feet slammed onto the concrete floor. She hauled back her arm and slapped Egan, hard. While Egan reeled with pain, Alicia shouted, “Get her! Get the witch!”

  The witch? Egan shook off the assault, trying to get her wits about her.

  Renner spun around. He hooked and arm around Livia’s waist.

  Egan lunged. “Let her go.” She stomped on his high-end loafers with her boot.

  Yanking her hair with his free hand, he yelled. “You bitch!”

  Egan cried out, as the sharp tug of her hair sent bee sting spasms shooting through her scalp.

  Livia clawed at his cheeks, letting her sharp, purple-painted nails rake his skin.

  Renner’s hands went to his face, trying to ward her off.

  Alicia scurried to Livia’s back and seized her arms, yanking them behind her back. “We’ve got her,” she cried, triumphant. She trained her crazy gaze on Renner.

  Livia, wild-eyed and terrified, struggled against their restraint.

  Egan hauled back her fist and slugged her.

  Alicia’s nose burst with a spray of blood. “You’ve broken my nose!” She stumbled away from Livia and pointed at her. “You!”

  What about me? Egan took a step back. She’s insane.

  Livia shimmied toward the wall.

  Letting out a wild laugh, Alicia said, “It’s all going down now. Let’s just kill them both.”

  Renner hustled to her side. He held his hands out in front of him and mumbled his incantations.

  “Run, Liv!” Egan shouted. She tried to dart for the hallway, but her legs wouldn’t budge. Then, she flew against the wall, propelled by an unseen force. Her shoulder landed with a sickening crunch. Her eyes sought Livia, who appeared plastered to an adjacent wall.

  “I can’t!” Livia wailed. “I can’t move. They’ve cast some sort of spell.”

  “Bow to my superior strength,” Renner roared, throwing his arms in the air.

  Alicia clapped her hands.

  Flames erupted from the walls and floor, parting into a path that led to the hallway.

  Renner grabbed Alicia’s hand. “Let us leave them to their own fate, darling.” They scurried toward the exit.

  Flames engulfed the room. It licked the clothes and hair of the comatose bodies.

  A moment later, metal doors clanged.

  The stink of burning flesh filled Egan’s nose.

  The bodies in the pentagram writhed and moaned as the fire blazed, consuming, destroying.

  A twisted darkness filled Egan’s gut as the flames roared. This is what’s inside of me. The power to destroy.

  With wide eyes and pale as snow skin, Livia screamed. “We’ve got to free ourselves!”

  Then, she stilled, her expression blank.

  Egan looked at Livia. “Oh, my God. Livia…come back to me.”

  Livia’s eyes became pure white. “Burning down. It’s all burning down,” she muttered.

  “Livia, what have they done with you?” Tears slid down her cheeks as she watched her friend. She felt utterly helpless. We’re both going to die and I did nothing to stop it. What can I do now?


  The heat started to burn Livia’s cheeks, and she coughed through the smoke. She blinked, realizing she’d blacked out again. Her eyes sought Egan.


  “Oh, thank God you’re back.” Egan shook her arms and legs.

  “What are we going to do? Can you stop the fire with your power?”

  Egan shook her head, defeat
coloring her face. “I can’t! My power destroys. You know that.”

  “Exactly. Use that power to destroy the magic in this room.”

  Egan frowned. “How do I do that?”

  “Egan, you’re strong. You can find a way, I know you can.” She flashed her most encouraging smile at her dear friend.

  Egan nodded, even though doubt drew her face in pinched lines. “Maybe I can…maybe I can call the fire into me. Return it to its source, you know?”

  “Do it. The heat is overwhelming in here. I’m not sure either of us can last much longer.” She began coughing again, as the smoke choked her lungs.

  Egan let her fire power loose. It streamed down her arms and co-mingled with the flames surrounding them.

  Livia watched with hopeful fascination. You can do this.

  Egan shut her eyes. Her chest rose and fell as she breathed.

  The flames in the room connected with Egan’s palms.

  Come on, Egan, you can do this. Livia chewed her lower lip.

  Egan groaned. She shook her hands, extinguishing the flames pouring from her fingers. “I can’t. It’s too intense. I can’t sustain it.”

  “Yes, you can, Egan. Keep trying.” She let out another string of coughs. “I’ll lend you the energy. Maybe if we combine forces, we can do this.”

  Egan let out a snarl. “Fuck!”

  “This can work. Just try.” Livia smiled and nodded while her insides churned with fear. “I’m going to close my eyes and focus on you. I’ll send you my cooling energy. You can do this.”

  Their eyes locked.

  A look of pure determination crossed Egan’s face. “Okay.”

  Livia closed her eyes. She pictured the most cooling energy she could imagine. Waterfalls. Glaciers. Streams. Falling snow. She projected each image into Egan’s mind.

  “Look! It’s working!”

  Livia’s eyes flew open.

  Egan’s arms were stretched toward the fire. They shook violently.

  Flames swirled toward her palms as if powered by a strong wind. A deafening roaring sound accompanied their disappearance into Egan’s skin. Her body glowed bright as the flames disappeared inside her. It was as if she sucked the fire into her soul. The look on her face was priceless. She appeared childlike and innocent. And happy.


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