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Magic Awakened: A Paranormal Romance Boxed Set

Page 134

by K.N. Lee

  For myself, there was nowhere in my kingdom I could find rest. Every inch was infused with the presence of Persephone. My anger had long burned down, and even the coals of my bitterness were cold. She and I would continue to be what we were: opposites who balanced each other, yet were best kept apart. It hadn’t been fair to entrap the godling and hound her with love, hoping the she, who made all things grow, could find a way to nurture the seedling and transform it in the blink of an eye into a sturdy oak.

  I often wandered among the trees of the pomegranate orchard, stopping to reverently touch the trunk of the one where I had held Persephone in my arms and made love to her.

  Even now, I stood there, half-tempted to embrace the tree itself and imagine I held her precious form close once more. Closing my eyes, I recalled her floral scent and golden hair, the feel of her silky limbs wrapping around me. Her throaty love cries reverberated in my heart. For a moment, I could even swear I truly heard her voice.

  “You are cruel, my lord.”

  Ah, yes. Yes, I was, and it was just like something she would say.

  “You sent me from you.”

  Yes, I had done that.

  “Once more, you stole my choice.”

  Yes, I had done that, too. But, why did she sound mournful about having been given her freedom?

  “It is a good thing that I took matters into my own hands,” continued the sweetly haunting voice of my beloved shade. “Or else, you would have made a right proper mess of it all.”

  I couldn’t help myself and chuckled at my clever girl.

  “I know that I almost did make a right proper mess of it when I tricked you. I truly did not understand the depth and gravity of the power wielded by the rulers of the Underworld. It was only when I was desperate to heal you that I finally became aware of just how strong you were and how strong I needed to be in order to be with you.”

  There was a pause. I felt dizzy. My shade queen rarely spoke so many words together, and the trees themselves rustled restlessly.

  “Mind you, I am still put out that you were so high-handed, my lord. You sent me packing without even allowing for a word of farewell. Still, I think that it has all turned out as it should.”

  I snorted, reassured that I was hallucinating, since she had just affirmed our being apart was the best, most natural order of things.

  “Will you not look at me?”

  I stiffened and dared not turn. The thundering of my heart shook the very walls of Tartartus.

  “Will my king not look upon his queen?”

  Slowly, I turned around. It was difficult to accept the evidence of my eyes, for it looked as though she was truly standing there before me.

  “In all the time I was with you,” she said, approaching close enough now that I could feel her warmth and sense her solidness. “Neither bread nor wine crossed my lips. Yet, before I left, I chose to eat six pomegranate seeds. One for every month you lay ill and injured by my thoughtless, selfish actions. It took losing you to love you, Hades.”

  I trembled, and the earth trembled with me. Her eyes were shining.

  “Six seeds for six months, and that is the judgment passed upon me by Zeus. When I pleaded to return to you, he reminded me of my folly and the responsibility I still bore for Demeter. I could not stay with you as I pleased. My time forevermore would be split. Six months of every year, I would ensure my mother did her duty by mortals, and six months of every year, I would be free to return to the loving arms of my husband.”

  She wrapped her own loving arms around me and rested her head against my chest. “I am made anew from maiden to a great and terrible goddess and possess a freedom with mysteries no other creature—divine or mortal—can ever understand. Will you still have me as such, my lord?”

  I kissed her, and in that kiss, I finally learned the secret of how the seed of love grew into a sapling, and the beauty of the journey of time it took to become a great, enduring oak.


  Looking for more Greek mythology? Try DOWNCAST by Cait Reynolds, a riveting, romantic, modern retelling of one of Greek mythology’s most beautiful love stories!


  Cait Reynolds lives in Boston area with her husband and 4-legged fur child. She discovered her passion for writing early and has bugged her family and friends with it ever since. When she isn’t cooking Italian meals, running (or recovering from running), rock-climbing, or enjoying the rooftop deck that brings her closer to the stars, she writes. She likes historical and science non-fiction, Jack Daniels, jewelry, pasta, and solitude. Not all at the same time.

  Wolf’s Heart

  Tierney O’Malley


  For Tom

  I love you.

  Chapter 1

  Key Arena, Downtown Seattle…

  They are here. I’d bet my balls on it.

  Despite the holiday spirit, Victor could smell fear, blood, and the fucking sour odor of the Blood Robbers. He rubbed the back of his neck to ease the prickling sensation. He hated it. Hated the feeling that death to someone, was near. If he could only prevent the Blood Robbers from stealing life, especially at night, he would. Unfuckingtunately, the bastards were everywhere, hell bent on killing.

  Tonight would be the longest night of the year. All clans including the fucking Blood Robbers were celebrating the midnight solstice. A great time to drink, have fun, be with their loved ones. But those assholes would not stop for anything. They would make their kill.

  Like his clan, the Midnight Howl, the Blood Robbers had a strong bloodline. Their ancestor, Valdo, a great warrior was the son of war god. But he was cruel, greedy and he had never accepted the humans as his equal.

  Once upon a time, humans and shape-shifters lived in harmony. But Valdo had a different idea. In his book, humans were weak. Using his power and immortality, he killed the humans he considered rejects. Youven, the Midnight Howl’s ancestor, loved the humans and even married one. He stopped Valdo from his evil ways. Their friendship suffered and eventually broke. Hatred for one another grew, which ended up worse than anyone could have imagined. Valdo raped Kurah, Youven’s wife, and burned down one village after another. Angry, Youven tried to kill Valdo. Unfortunately, he accidently killed Valdo’s wife.

  The war gods weren’t happy about what happened to the two clans. To punish both, they rid all of them their immortality, leaving them with only five lives.

  Victor had three more left.

  Dying for the first time wasn’t all that bad. But dying for the fifth time would suck. When a shape-shifter died for the fifth time, he would turn into a Cancer. A shifter who lived without a soul and had no purpose but to kill. A wraith. Only a fool would want that fate.

  Victor walked along the dark corridor. His mid-calf combat boots made little noise as he took measured steps on the black cracked pavement blanketed with thin sheet of rain. He’d been to this place many times. Somehow, something about this place called to him. Why? He didn’t know.

  His mother had told him many times, his heart would lead him to where he belonged. So, he belonged in a dirty alley? Victor chuckled. He walked around a puddle while his eyes scanned the dark corners of the low-rise buildings. A mixture of overwhelming foul odors assaulted him. The overflowing garbage bins, piles of crates, discarded boxes, wood, and different scents reached his sensitive nose. Fucking governor let the new Dump Co. win the contract against the well established Seattle Waste Management in exchange for votes and money. Didn’t matter that Dump Co. offered to pick up the garbage once a week, instead of two times a week.


  Senses alert, he prowled the filthy narrow corridor. What a fucking perfect place for the asswipes to make a kill, he thought. They’d be here. Rats preferred to hang out in filthy places like this. They would feel they fit in here.

  Shit, his palms itched. He hoped to capture a Blood Robber tonight. Oh yeah, he’d been itching to kill.

  Dripping sounds of ra
in from the drains, critters scampering, and holiday music coming from one of the buildings were loud in his ears. The scent of the woman hiding behind the stacks of crates with a man who had her legs wrapped around his hips reached his nose. Their moans and labored breathing had him shaking his head. He could tell both were close to reaching their orgasm. They were so busy pleasuring each other that they didn’t even bother to stop to look at him.

  In the Blood Robbers book, those two would be considered rejects because of their actions. Shit, if he were a Blood Robber they’d be fucking dead by now. But then why should the humans worry? They weren’t even aware that shape-shifters existed in their world.

  Victor stopped walking then cocked his head. He listened for every little sound coming in all directions. That familiar sensation ran up from his neck down his spine making his heart beat faster. He fished his cell phone from his pocket and speed dialed Watt.

  His friend picked up right away. “Anything?” Watt asked.

  “No. But I have a bad feeling.”

  Watt sighed. “I know. There are so many kids wandering around here. Fucking hard to keep an eye on every one of them.”

  Victor trained his eyes at the end of the alley. “I’m being watched.” Fuck. He’d been jonesing to kick some dirty blood robbers asses since their leader Atos took his brother Ty’s fifth life. But if they could pass the night without having to save a human, it would be fantastic. Well, that would never happen. Just like world fucking peace. Like right now. The whole world was in chaos because of the recent presidential election in the United States. And he would bet his balls that the Blood Robbers considered the new president a reject. “This is a big world, man. Hard to save everyone. But we do what we can. So keep your eyes open. Concert ends in fifteen, Watt.”

  “I know. This place is gonna be a mayhem.”

  “Isn’t it all the time?”

  “Boys are heading in your direction. Bruce is two blocks away.”

  Victor reached for the handle of his sword strapped behind his back and slowly pulled it off its scabbard. He reveled in the smooth sound it created. His father had made the sword for him. Its sharp stainless steel blade, cast metal handle with a hidden dagger inside, often gave him the strength and mental power to overcome anything evil that faced him. “Get ready, howler. They’re here. I can feel it.”

  “I feel it too, shifter.”

  Evil lurked in places like this. Perfect for the blood robbers to stalk their prey. Like sewer rats. Fuck, he hated those assholes.

  His brother, Callum may have had made a deal with Atos Deilo, that Blood Robbers would never touch the innocents, but everyone knew that deal might as well be written in water. Atos’ words were as foul as his black soul. He wouldn’t ever trust Atos.

  Victor had just tucked his cell phone back in his pocket when he heard a bloodcurdling scream. “Son of a bitch.” Without wasting a second, he took off running.

  His boots slapped at the puddles, rain started to come down hard, blurring his path. Another scream. This time, it was cut off before the sound reached any crescendo.

  “Fuck!” He passed a block and then rounded the next. This alley wasn’t as dark as the others. A dimmed light from the lamppost flickered as if trying to stay lit. Beneath it, he could see Watt and Bruce with their swords drawn and pointed at the Blood Robbers.

  With a quick glance, Victor knew right away that they were facing the Oregon Stumptown shifters. Their partly shaved heads gave them away. Well, well. They were far away from their den. Which begs the question why.

  Four Blood Robbers had apparently snagged a young group of teenagers. Five of them. One was pinned on the ground with the stupid robbers’ boots on the boy’s head. Victor could see the blood oozing from the kid’s shoulder. The other ugly scums had the tips of their swords pointed on the other kids’ throats.

  Aside from the four kids that stood in the corner shivering and looking like they were ready to pass out from fright, Victor could tell they were okay. The one on the ground concerned him. He wasn’t moving and separated from the others. Shit! The whole scene made his blood boil. “Ah, the rats of Oregon Stumptown den. What made you crawl out of your filthy hole, Gorilla?” he directed his question to the tallest one with a full beard and patches of curly hair.


  “Isn’t that what your mother named you? She couldn’t even think of a name better suited for your fucking ugly face.”

  “Fuck you, Midnight Howl.”

  “This is Seattle, in case you haven’t notice. Oh, wait. You don’t understand Geography.” He’d met this gorilla look-a-like at the cemetery. Unfortunately, he didn’t get a chance to kill him.

  Gorilla snarled. “We are here on a different business, Midnight Howl.”

  “I don’t fucking care. You touched the humans. And that’s a no-no. Let them go, Gorilla.” He could tell the Blood Robber didn’t like calling him names.

  “No.” Gorilla pressed his boot harder in the middle of the boy’s back. “We need this smart-ass. He’s important.”

  “Like I said, I don’t care. Just release them.”

  “Why do you love the humans so much? We don’t breathe the same air.”

  “No. You breathe your own stench.” Selected humans had been helping the shifters for ages. So far, none had betrayed them.

  So, what’s up with this boy and why is he so important to the Blood Robbers?

  “This one’s mine.”

  “Dickhead, you think we’ll let that happen?” Bruce snarled the words. “The kids will go and you and your cohorts will die. That’s how it’s going to be.” He took one-step forward, sword at a ready.

  “Are you really that stupid, Midnight Howl?” The shaved head Blood Robber snarled as he ignored Bruce entirely. “These kids…” He pressed the tip of his sword deeper into the boy’s neck. “…Will die if you refuse to listen.”

  Victor gave the boys a quick glance. They were beyond fear. Their eyes were huge. Even if they could, he doubted they would even be able to move. Except for the one Gorilla had pinned on the ground. He was staring at him, aware of what was happening. Man, the boy really piqued his curiosity. Did he really know the shape-shifters roamed his world? He gave the boy an imperceptible nod. To assure him that everything would be okay. Despite his situation, the boy grinned. What a trooper. “If you want to kill them, fine by me, Gorilla.”

  Gorilla blinked. He looked surprise. “What?”

  “Kill them. If that’s what you ugly sons of bitches want.” He felt bad when he heard the other kids whimper. But he had to do what he had to do. Even bluffing.

  The Blood Robbers looked at each other. “You’re going against your code?”

  “I want you all dead. That’s the code I am following right now, Gorilla. I’m so fucking angry, I don’t give a shit if you wipe out the humans tonight or tomorrow. Don’t matter to me if tonight is supposed to be a holiday season for us. As long as I can gut you all. Go fucking ahead, Gorilla.”

  The Blood Robbers were now looking at each other. Obviously unsure about what to do next.

  “Stop calling me gorilla or I’ll slice these rejects to pieces, so no one would be able to identify them.”

  “Don’t wait on my account. Go ahead. But just so you know, you’re not leaving this place alive. Without these boys between us, you know you don’t have a chance of crawling back to the hole you call Oregon Stumptown. Come on, motherfucker. Do it.”

  “Arrogance will get you killed, Midnight Howl.”

  “Stupidity will make your blood run on these gutters.”

  “Atos made a promise. He will not touch the innocents,” Bruce muttered in a low tone.

  Victor knew his friend enough to know that he too, was beyond angry now.

  Gorilla grinned. “News flash, dick. We work for Leon Marvello, not Atos.”

  “As far as I can tell, these kids are clean.” Watt’s words were heavy as he twirled his sword idly.

  “Clean? Can’t you sme
ll the weed coming out of their pores?” the third Blood Robber piped in. He looked shorter than the four, but his body was lithe. Without a doubt, fast.

  “Shorty, aren’t you following the news?” Watt grinned. “Marijuana is now legal in Washington State. Gay marriage is happening. Oh, wait. You didn’t know. Figures. Someone like your kind probably doesn’t understand letters.”

  “I’m going to fucking kill you, Watt. Oh, yeah. I know your name. You’re next on my shit list.”

  Victor thought the standoff had gone on long enough. They needed to end this now, before more humans happened to come by. “Last chance. Release the boys, Buzz Cuts, before I lose my patience.”

  “Those four can go, but not this one.” Gorilla stomped his booted foot on the boy’s back. But the kid didn’t squeak at all.

  Who is this kid?

  Victor held his sword at his side. He hoped to save the kids, but like the Midnight Howls, the Blood Robbers were solid. They would not turn their backs on what they believed in—ridding this world of what they deemed to be human rejects.

  The back alley was perfect. Last thing he wanted would be to expose unsuspecting humans to a blood bath. “Nope. All of them go. And I might let you live. But if you want to die, I’ll hand death to you.” Victor took a step forward.

  Bruce and Watt did the same.

  The shape-shifter with inky black hair looked ready to bolt, but held his ground. “Bad human souls are good food for us. That’s how it works, Midnight Howl. Rejects are good for nothing scum. They must die.”

  “Not under our watch, asshole,” Watt spat.

  Gorilla glanced at the others. “Leon wants this one.”

  Interesting. There is more to this whole scene than what appears. “I don’t make deals with the likes of you. You’re nothing but dirt under my boots.”

  “Kill them!” Gorilla snarled.


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