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His Obsession

Page 7

by Maxine Storm

  Elite business men.


  If I didn’t go though, Maximilian would surely know. He had to have plants there who’d report which guests came and went.

  I didn’t want to end up like Britney, I thought.

  Maximilian didn’t really seem to care.

  I’ll just have to be alert tonight, I thought.

  I’ll just have to bring some power of my own.

  Chapter 18

  The taxi stopped just outside of Power. I was nervous, but after today's meeting, I knew I had to be on my A-game. I could feel the bass of the music vibrating through the ground and up through the car. A man in a suit walked on the sidewalk, pulling a chain that dragged a small cart, on top of which sat two bound young women, giggling over the bumps in the sidewalk. Another man wearing a leather mask and leather belts around his huge biceps carried a whip and struck up a conversation with nerdy looking guy wearing a corduroy jacket.

  “Lady? Are you getting out or what?”

  The taxi driver looked back at me, as if I had been sitting indecisively there for hours.

  “Yes, sorry,” I said. I stepped out and shocked by the clicking of my high heels on the pavement. This really wasn’t the place for heels, I thought, seeing another bizarre group of people pass by me.

  I was wearing a short leather skirt and a tight white tank top with red frills along the openings. I clutched my handbag tight to my body as more people passed by. Who knew this place was so happening?

  At the entrance the bouncer waved me in, but first gave me a silk black blindfold.

  “Special night,” he said, winking.

  Real special, I thought.

  I got in and was overwhelmed at how wild it was.

  There were cages hanging from the ceiling with women dancing inside. At the front of the club was a stage, where a woman was being spanked with her skirt up by a man with a huge beard. I guess it was for the exhibitionists. A server carrying a tray bumped into me.

  “Anything for you?” he said.

  I was distracted by his odd outfit. He had a codpiece on and a feather sticking out from over his behind.

  “Uh, no, thanks,” I said.

  The server shrugged and walked into the crowd.

  Seeing this new place was all well and good – well not exactly, it was a little weird – a lot weird – but I had a mission and that was to find Armand.

  Some gothic electronic music came on the sound system and people immediately started bumping and grinding all over. There was no way I’d find him like this. It was a sweaty, freaky, packed mess.

  I heard a wail from the direction of the stage. Another woman was being spanked. They had set up a microphone in front of her to capture all her vocalizations.

  That’s when I had my idea.

  I pushed through the crowd, brushing against sweaty and hot bodies, and made my way to the stage.

  The woman was had been spanked walked tenderly off the stage, holding her ass.

  I walked closer to the bearded man. He was like a gross, smelly, unkempt Santa Claus.

  “And who do we have here?” he asked, in a bellowing voice.

  “I see you brought the blindfold,” he said, pointing at the one in my hand. “If you get spanked with that on here, you get free drinks for the night.”

  “That sounds great!” I shouted. “Count me in!”

  The bearded man rubbed his palms together and lifted his eyebrows up.

  “Very good! Step right up to me, young lady,” he said, smiling ear to ear.

  I got closer to him and he positioned the mic towards me.

  “And here, fellow Power-people,” he said into the mic, “is one brave lady willing to take a spanking in front of everyone – blindfolded.”

  The crowd cheered deliriously as the swirling spotlights now danced on us on stage.

  “And what is your name, dear,” the bearded man said. Now that I was close to him, I was repulsed by his breath and the residue in his beard.

  “It’s Janet,” I said.

  “Well Janet,” he said, “let’s get that blindfold on and administer that spanking.”

  Suddenly I heard the sound of running feet pounding on the stage, and I was suddenly swooped up in the air and on to someone’s shoulder. I looked down around the powerful arm holding me up.

  It was Armand!

  And he looked pissed.

  The bearded man dashed toward us.

  “Hey, what the hell are you doing guy?” he said.

  “BACK OFF,” Armand shouted, refusing to stop.

  The bearded man ran around to get in front of us to block Armand from getting off stage, but Armand simply stuck his hand out like a battering ram and knocked the man aside.

  “Prick!” the bearded said.

  Armand ignored him and carried me down the stairs, being careful to avoid hitting my head against any beams above.

  He carried me powerfully through the crowd, forcing people to part so that he could march through with me on his shoulder.

  “Armand!” I shouted. “Put me down!”

  He didn’t reply. Instead, his arm flexed around my torso more tightly, so there was no way I could get down. To be honest, it was probably safer that way. Sometimes a club-goer would drunkenly bump into Armand, and if he wasn’t holding me tightly, I might have fallen awkwardly and then have been trampled by the gangs of dancers.

  Still, he didn’t have a right to be a Viking and snatch me out of there, so I hit his back with my hands, again telling him to set me down.

  Finally he did near a wall away from the dancefloor. I was thankful for feeling the solid ground beneath my feet again.

  “What the hell were you doing up there?” Armand demanded, his eyes full of fire.

  “What do you care?” I said.

  “You shouldn’t even be here at all!” he said. “Do you understand how bad it could have gotten when you were up there?”

  I turned my head to the side, pretending not to care.

  “I’m doing what I want, not what I should,” I said. “Remember when you told me that?”

  “You have no idea what could have happened to you,” Armand said, grabbing my chin and tilting it back towards him.

  I slapped his hand away.

  “I just want to know you, Armand. I just want to know who you are,” I said.

  “Do you even know what that would require?” Armand bellowed, “to know who I am? Do you think you could figure that out by going to a place like this?”

  “Please,” I said. “You make it impossible to get closer to you.”

  “You don’t want to know who I am, Janet,” he said.

  “I do!” I shouted, pounding a fist on his chest.

  “No!” he said, grabbing my fist in his huge hand. The pressure of his fingers around me stung at first and the sudden warmth of his palm sent a jolt up my arm.

  “You don’t! And you won’t! I can’t do that to you,” he said.

  He stamped on the ground and thrust his head up in the air, and then took a few steps away from me. I dashed towards him and grabbed his arm, my hand barely getting around his bicep.

  “Please, Armand!” I said. “What are you afraid of? What did I do wrong?”

  Armand turned around and stared at me.

  “What am I afraid of? It’s what you’d be afraid of, if you knew who I am. You couldn’t handle it. At all,” he looked away from me.

  “I could, Armand. Believe me,” I implored.

  “You can’t and you won’t!” he screamed. “Now get out of this place before something happens to you!” He turned to walk away.

  I grabbed his arm again and tugged, feeling his weight that was if it was rooted to the ground.

  “I’m not going anywhere!” I said.

  I reached around his neck and buried myself in his chest.

  “Please…let me help you. Let me learn who you are,” I said.

  I held my breath and felt his heart beating through his shirt. />
  The music continued to pound in the club but we were removed from it somehow, like a personal corner of silence.

  I continued to hold him, and wait, holding tight, never letting go.

  And then…

  His hand.

  His hand slowly going through the back of my hair, down to my back, and resting over my hip.

  “You can’t help me, Janet,” Armand said, stroking my hair with his other hand. “No one can. No one can give me what I need.”

  I wrapped my arms around him tighter.

  “Armand, let me try,” I said.

  He stroked my hair and I could feel his chest rising and falling as he took deep breaths.

  I didn’t care what Maximilian or Philip said about Armand. I knew in this moment that I needed him, and that somewhere in his heart, he needed me. I wasn’t going to let some assignment get in the way of that.

  “OK,” Janet, Armand said. “We’ll try. Just a little, but we’ll try.”

  He held my hand and bent to whisper in my ear.

  “Come with me.”

  I kissed his chest and looked up at him.

  He pulled my hand and led me through the club. I had no idea where he was taking me but I didn’t care. I needed to follow him to wherever he wanted to go.

  To whatever he wanted to do with me.

  My feet stumbled over themselves, trying to follow him, but then suddenly I walked headfirst into Armand’s back.

  He had bumped into someone and I heard him curse.

  I stood beside him to see who the bozo was and my heart froze.

  It was Alex, from Global Eye!

  What the hell was she doing here?

  She was wearing a revealing red dress that had other guys ogling her like a piece of meat.

  And now she was looking up to Armand like a lost puppy.

  “Oh, I’m so sorry for that,” said Alex, brushing Armand’s arm. “It was too dark and I couldn’t see,”

  Armand just grunted.

  And then Alex shot me a look.

  I don’t know what it was, but it pissed me off.

  It was like she was saying she could take Armand from me just by flashing a bit of skin and cleavage.

  But then Armand looked at me, suspiciously.

  He must have seen Alex’s glance at mine.

  I don’t know why she wanted to take the assignment from me, I thought. She’s just screwing it up. Maybe she’s trying to advance her career at my expense. Make herself look good and make me look like a chump.

  Before I could shoot a look back to Alex, Armand had lifted me up by my waist and started marching away.

  “You’re not telling me something!” Armand said, while holding me.

  My heart started pounding.

  And that’s when I connected the dots.

  The first night I saw Armand, at the club…he was being hit on by Alex. He brushed Alex off, like she was a nobody, but you don’t forget a girl like Alex, she was the typical stunning blonde that had men everywhere under her spell, thinking she deserved it.

  And then, Armand seeing Alex here, and then Alex making visible eye contact with me?

  He must have known something was up.

  There’s no way he could have known I was from Global Eye, or a journalist, but maybe Alex had said something to him the first night when she tried talking to him.

  Damn it, Alex!

  I tried to wriggle myself some breathing room out of Armand’s tight grasp but it was no use.

  “Armand!” I shouted. “Put me down!”

  But he just ignored me and continued to march forward, plowing through the club as people cleared space for him.

  Where was he taking me, I wondered. I hit his shoulders and arms to try and loosen his grip on me but it was like trying to beat a concrete wall. I was just tiring myself out.

  Finally he reached an exit out of the club and swung the door openly forcefully and set me down against the wall, towering over me.

  “Who the hell was that woman,” he bellowed, “and why was she following me?”

  I lost my breath.

  Alex was following Armand?

  What was she doing that for?

  She really was trying to take over my assignment. I knew I was right not to trust her.

  Armand held my chin in his giant hand and drew it up to me, bringing me back to reality.

  “Answer me, Janet,” he commanded.

  “I – I don’t know,” I stuttered.

  “Don’t lie to me, Janet,” he said, his eyes burning into mine.

  I tried to move against the wall as he had me cornered, but then he grabbed each of my wrists and held them to my sides near my head.

  “You’re not going anywhere,” he said.

  He pressed himself closer to me and I could feel the weight of his chest pushing me against the wall. A jolt coursed through my body as I felt his cock hard through his pants and pressed on to my crotch. I tried to stifle my moan but I couldn’t help but let it out as he pushed his dick against me forcefully again.

  “You’re not going anywhere,” he said, “until you tell me the truth.”

  “Please, Armand,” I said, barely in control my mind. “I don’t know. I’m sorry.”

  Armand flashed his teeth and his hands tightened around my wrists. He chuckled softly.

  “Sorry?” he said. “You aren’t sorry at all.”

  He put his lips closer to mine and I closed my eyes, longing for his lips to touch mine. I could feel the heat from his but he withdrew and stared back at me.

  “No,” Armand said. “You aren’t sorry. You just want my dick, don’t you?”

  I tried to form words but he grinded his cock into me and I was sandwiched between his hips and the wall.

  I could only moan and my eyes rolled back in ecstasy.

  His mouth darted to the side of my neck and he bit and sucked, still holding my hands against the wall as I shivered from his touch.

  “You look so fucking sexy,” he whispered in my ear. “But I’m in control, here”

  He withdrew from my neck and stared at me again.

  “Now tell me, who was that woman, and why was she following me?” he said.

  I tried to get closer to him, to feel his body on mine again, but he wasn’t budging. He was totally in control of himself, and I was helpless.

  I stared deep into his eyes, lost in a maze of emotions. Lust for him, fear of him finding out, anger at him denying me release, worry that he’d find out the truth and leave.

  “You’re not going to answer me?” he said, sneering. “And you looked so good, I was going to take you right here and enjoy you like I’ve been wanting to all night.”

  He let go of one of my hands and the blood rushed back into it as I held it by my side.

  But he wasn’t letting go of the other.

  Instead, he reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone.

  “Frederick, pick us up at Power. I’m with Janet. Get here now.”

  He put his phone back and stared at me again.

  “So you’re not going talk, huh, Janet?” he quizzed me.

  “Please, Armand, I don’t know,” I said, hoarsely.

  “Don’t bullshit me, Janet. You can talk all you want but your body is lying.”

  He reached his down and rubbed me slowly, never breaking his stare.

  “I know you’re wetter than you’ve ever been,” he said, continuing to rub me. “All you have to do is tell me the truth and I’ll fuck you just like you want, Janet, just like I want and take you completely right here.”

  My mouth was open at how brazen he was, but I couldn’t form any words. All I could sense was a deep desire within me for him to enjoy me as he wished.

  “OK, Janet,” he said.

  He grabbed both of my hands, pulled me from the wall, spun me around, then held both of my hands behind my back.

  “Armand?” I said, completely overtaken.

  “Shut up,” he said, grabbing my wrists tighter
behind me.

  His whole manner had changed. He was back to the cold, distant man that had spurned me after breakfast the other day.

  Frederick the driver’s car pulled up to the curb.

  Armand led me toward it, still holding my hands tightly.

  My heart was beating out of its chest.

  He was really taking me into the limo to God knows where, to do God knows what.

  I tried to stay in place but he lifted me up and my shoes dragged along the ground.

  I shouted out his name, but he bit my neck hard and I lost my voice, and then he opened the back door of the car and threw me on to the seat.

  He got in beside me and slammed the car door shut and all I could see was darkness and the few blinking lights of the interior.

  And then I felt him moving towards me.

  And then him grabbing my arms and holding me down.

  I tried to scream but he covered my mouth with his and plunged his tongue in deep.

  “Drive, Frederick,” he said, without any feeling.

  Chapter 19


  I knew she was hiding something.

  And no one hides anything from me.

  Whether it’s business or love, I will not be toyed with.

  In her innocence, she must have thought I wouldn’t have seen something was up.

  That she was up to something.

  She looked so naive when she was on the stage in the club, not knowing what she was doing, waiting for me to rescue her.

  But I do not forgive.

  No matter how fucking hot she was.

  She didn’t know what I was capable of.

  How I was capable of destroying anything, anyone that betrayed me.

  It was the only thing I knew in life.


  And now she was going to see I didn’t take it lightly.

  Chapter 20


  I had her now.

  She was hiding something.

  She was so innocent when she went on stage at the club, thinking it’d make me jealous when I saw how everyone was about to see her get spanked.

  Well, damn it.


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