Book Read Free

Edge of Chaos

Page 21

by Des Pensable

  ‘Gizel you have chosen to be a part of my family. Miranda, Tigerlilly and I are normally mind linked together while we travel. May I create a mindlink with you? I cannot read your thoughts and it will enable us to converse which may be important in dangerous situations.’ said Aquitain using mindspeak.

  ‘I would be honoured Warden.’ she replied.

  ‘Welcome to the family.’ said Miranda.

  ‘I’m going to turn into a whirlwind and lift you up Gizel. You need to hold onto Tigerlilly and the warden tightly. I’m not very good at this yet but I’m hoping it will work.’ said Miranda.

  ‘Miranda you’re scaring Gizel.’ said Aquitain.

  ‘Well it’s scaring me too Tain. I’m not good at this yet. I’m hoping that I don’t drop you all.’ replied Miranda.

  Miranda began spinning and turned into a whirlwind and then picked up Gizel who closed her eyes tightly hoping and praying that she would survive and off they flew in the direction of the patrol.

  ‘Oh it’s so lovely to be free again, flying in the sky, high above all our worries.’ said Miranda through the mindlink.

  ‘Let’s sing some songs.’ suggested Tigerlilly.

  ‘Okay.’ replied Miranda and she started singing a fun little song she remembered from her childhood.

  After about five minutes Gizel dared to open her eyes. She was floating in the middle of a whirlwind high above the land holding a child in her arms and a little green statue tightly in one sweaty hand. Tigerlilly was wide awake and enjoying the ride. She felt a little sick then thought.

  ‘Well I always dreamed of being a heroine in the old tales. I guess this is what it is like.’ She turned her chafra glamour into a sporty Elendari style dress more appropriate to the occasion and started singing along with the others.

  ‘I think that bat-like creature that attacked Tigerlilly was one of those narrowbills like the one that attacked us yesterday. I think they navigate and hunt using sound like a bat. I’m going to surround us with a zone of silence. It should make us invisible to them. This means that they won’t attack but they may run into you, so we need to be careful.’ said Aquitain.

  ‘What do you think about the Hidden Ones asked Aquitain discretely so that only she could hear?

  ‘I thought the whole thing was a sham. I think Rosanllea put on the very religious bit because she was scared of the Mentarin Thevenin who was supposed to be cohabitating in her body. What better place for Thevenin to be, than in the healer who hears the most intimate problems of the people. They also said the people were happy with their new religion. They didn’t look happy to me, when we walked up the terraces.’

  ‘Also notice how Navarro changed when he learnt about Rosanllea’s cohabiting Mentarin. He was terrified. I think Thevenin is dominating the whole settlement. The question is why is he trying to ally to us. Maybe he thinks it’s better to have you onside than offside. I didn’t think that they would go for Gizel’s alliance idea. She must have been pretty persuasive when she talked with him earlier.’

  ‘You’re a pretty smart women you know.’ said Aquitain suddenly.

  ‘Yes I know that.’ replied Miranda with a chuckle.

  ‘Are you trying to get on my good side?’

  Aquitain never answered, he noticed in the moonlight ahead a large flying creature riding the wind slightly above them but intently gazing below. He looked below and caught the glint of moonlight on metal. He sent a quick signal to Miranda. ‘Look ahead up to the right.’

  Miranda spotted the creature and said.

  ‘It looks like one of the narrowbills that Bengorrin mentioned and it looks very interested in the ground. Wait! Below I think it’s the patrol. It’s watching them.’

  ‘The Hidden ones use them as scouts.’ said Gizel.

  ‘They have some type of communication bracelet attached to their legs. They can get them to attack people.’

  ‘Are you suggesting that we were attacked purposely by one at Banshee?’ asked Miranda.

  ‘No Your Highness. But it would have been possible.’ replied Gizel.

  Suddenly Aquitain yelled urgently.

  ‘Miranda, Dive!’ and fortunately Miranda did, for shooting up at them was a small ball of fire. Miranda dropped like a stone and went straight down at prodigious speed passing the fireball on its way up by only a pace or two. The real question was when would it blow up. The typical fireball travelled a certain distance mentally dictated by the wizard directing it, then rapidly expanded into a large inferno perhaps twenty paces across.’

  Without a doubt, if they were caught in its final burst, both Gizel and Tigerlilly might be burnt to a crisp. They saw the ground light up as they dived towards it. They saw five warriors and a wizard looking skywards with orange red faces and felt a burst of heat behind them but fortunately they were outside the danger zone. Aquitain quickly shouted using mindspeak.

  ‘Stop I’m Aquitain.’ as he could see Prendergrass getting ready for a second shot.’

  Prendergrass swore and quickly jerked the wand in another direction as a second fireball projected from a wand in his hand.

  Gizel changed her glamour to look like a chafra.

  Miranda landed and ground litter flew all around as she dropped off Gizel and moved twenty paces away from them before returning to her Newman form. The group, spread out in loose formation, weapons drawn with wizard at the back and ready for action.

  Miranda created an illusory druid gown to cover her body and walked towards the group.

  ‘Hello Prendergrass. Hello boys.’ She said boldly as if they were comrades.

  ‘Could it be true? Is it really you Miranda?’ asked Prendergrass with a feeling of hope in his voice.

  She changed her illusion to make her look like Dragonfly.

  ‘Yes.’ she said.

  ‘Dragonfly is back. The Warden found me last night and rescued me and I’m ready for a fight.’

  All the fighters cheered and welcomed her back and the group leader said.

  ‘We’re ready too, my Lady. It’s time for a Darkmantle to be Queen. You have our blades and our hearts. Lead and we’ll follow.’

  ‘By the gods, what happened to fire up the men like this.’ said Miranda through the mindlink to Aquitain.

  ‘Sorry Mandy, I haven’t had time to tell you the details but I had a busy day yesterday. While in your body, we defeated a few Lords in a battle and the survivors swore allegiance to you. However, the fact that I was naked and covered with gold at the time has probably boosted their morale a little. I’m sure Slivver can fill you in on the details.’

  ‘What! How could you! You’ve turned me into an object of lust! I know a lot of these fighters personally. I trained with them. How can I look them in the eyes again.’ said Miranda.

  ‘As a proud Queen contender; these people worship beauty and art. They won’t see you as an object of lust but an object of regal perfection. Play the part and they’ll help us unite the Lords and then we all might have a small chance against the Mentarin.’

  ‘Perhaps they need a reminder that your chosen the Warden is present, Your Highness.’ suggested Gizel.

  ‘That’s a good idea. Can you create an illusion of your dream body Aquitain. It might teach them some respect.’ said Miranda still feeling a little embarrassed.

  ‘Yes it is a good idea Gizel. Place me on the ground and then move three paces to the left.’ said Aquitain and he created an illusion of his stony green body over where it was standing that turned and looked directly at the men. The attitude of the men changed instantly to one of fearful respect.

  Prendergrass could see through the illusion and smiled guessing its intention.

  ‘Prendergrass, has anything more happened since I left yesterday.’ asked Aquitain in a deep voice using mindspeak.

  ‘No nothing new Warden; we’ve spent the whole night worrying about you. It wasn’t until I scried Miranda’s body at the Hidden One settlement that we knew you were even alive. We were unsure whether to just show up o
r wait. Lord Darkmantle was ... err ... a little upset with you risking his daughter’s body.’

  ‘I’m sorry I put you to so much trouble, Prendergrass. I ran into a little trouble with an anti-magic storm on top of the mountain while watching the volcano eruption and one thing led to another. Anyhow it has worked out in our favour. Now, how far are we from the stronghold?’ replied Aquitain.

  ‘About two hours by foot or we could teleport if you wish to get back urgently.’

  ‘Err you have a Hidden One with you Warden?’ he asked.

  ‘Oh yes Prendergrass. I’d like you to meet Gizel. She’s our daughter Tigerlilly’s tutor.’

  ‘Your daughter Warden?’ asked Prendergrass.

  ‘Yes Miranda and I have a daughter. That’s her with Gizel.’

  ‘Umm. I’m not sure that Lord Darkmantle is prepared for this.’ he replied.

  ‘Well, let’s get it over with.’ said Miranda getting quite apprehensive about meeting Darkmantle in his new role as her father.

  ‘Let’s teleport.’

  ‘As you wish, Your Highness.’

  Aquitain dismissed the Illusion and Gazel picked him up and they were all soon gone.

  Chapter 16 Gizel’s Story

  The transformation of Lord Darkmantle caught both Aquitain and Miranda by surprise. He suddenly turned into a doting father and grandfather overnight. He thanked Aquitain countless times for saving his daughter and granddaughter. He was a bit confused as to who was in what body but seemed to accept it.

  He showered Miranda with gifts including several magic items her mother had left behind when she left all those years ago. Lord Darkmantle spent two whole days with Miranda, Tigerlilly and Gizel asking Miranda countless questions about her life with her mother Snowbelle.

  He made a room available just for her, Aquitain, Tigerlilly and Gizel when everyone else was jammed in tightly together. Gizel was embarrassed being housed with the Warden and Miranda but Miranda laughed and said it wasn’t as if the Warden and her could do anything intimate while he was a small green statue or a big green illusion.

  On the third day Miranda finally had some time alone with Tigerlilly and Gizel.

  ‘Okay Gizel. I want to know everything about you as you already know everything about me.’

  ‘Oh Your Highness, your story is so wonderful. It is a truly legendary story that not even dreamers’ dream. I feel so privileged to hear it. I am a scribe. May I someday write a little of what I’ve heard down for people in the future.’

  ‘Not at the moment! Perhaps in the future!’ said Miranda.

  ‘As you wish, Your Highness.’ replied Gizel.

  ‘Look Gizel. You have joined my family. You will get to know more about us than anyone. We are dangerous people. We have enemies who would like to know about us and that will endanger us all. So it best that nothing is written. Now, in private like this I would like you to call me Miranda. That is my name and I feel comfortable with it.’

  ‘Yes Your Highness, I mean Miranda.’ replied Gizel.

  ‘Now tell me about yourself from the beginning.’ commanded Miranda.

  So Gizel told Miranda how she was an orphan fostered by a kindly Llanllean family who thought that she was a Llanllean child. Normally Llanllean children born to Newman mothers would gain their Llanllean heritage and be able to change to spider form somewhere between the ages of 5 and 12 years old.

  When Gizel turned 13 and had not been able to change to spider form her foster parents called for help from the Queen’s Healer Yllandril who examined her closely and revealed that she was not truly a Llanllean. That didn’t go down well with her foster parents. They had her apprenticed with the Royal Library as a scribe within six months and rarely visited her after that.

  She worked in the library and they taught her how to be a scribe. She studied the laws and helped various people and rose to the position as assistant to the Keeper of Law. This gave her access to all many restricted documents including the scrolls on the legendary tales and soon spent all her spare time reading the stories.

  About a year ago things became difficult. All Llanlleans and Llanlleans sympathizers lost their jobs or were demoted. She lost her job.’

  ‘She left to try and work in one of the more remote settlements but they were raided by the Queen’s troops and she was captured and made a prisoner. The Hidden Ones attacked the settlement and freed all the prisoners and offered them protection amongst the Hidden Ones. She accepted and joined the Hidden Ones but found them strange and very afraid but she would be ever thankful that Miranda had saved her from a boring and tedious life.’

  It sounded so ordinary and believable that Miranda couldn’t believe it. There was something strange and special about Gizel. She couldn’t see it but she could feel it. Aquitain had said the same thing and he couldn’t understand it either. What was it? Aquitain knew the face but couldn’t place it. What was so special about Gizel.

  ‘When were you born.’ asked Miranda.

  ‘In the year of the ghost.’ replied Gizel.

  ‘I think my body was born then. I am older than you but mainly because I spent time on Mudrun which has a faster time rate than here.’

  ‘What is your birth date.’ asked Miranda.

  ‘I was born on the seventh day of the Blue moon cycle.’ replied Gizel.

  ‘What! That is my birthday.’ shouted Miranda as she quickly recalculated her birth year.

  ‘That is uncanny! We were both born on the same day. Are you lying to me? How did you know my day of birth? Are you a spy?’

  ‘I am not lying Miranda that is the truth!’ cried Gizel.

  ‘Hmm. There is some scheme here! I am forever plagued with schemes of the powerful.’

  ‘Show me your body.’ And Gizel made her glamour vanish and Miranda began walking around Gizel looking at it from different points of view.

  ‘You are very attractive but there is nothing special that I can see. A body is a body. It is little different to mine.’ she replied.

  ‘Therefore the difference is in the mind and since you cannot display your mind for me to see I can’t see why you are different.’

  ‘You are deceiving me but I’m not sure how?’ said Miranda.

  ‘Miranda I am not deceiving you. I am what I am.’ replied Gizel.

  ‘No! You are not. There is something that you are hiding! What is it!’ demanded Miranda.

  Gizel dropped to her knees and lowered her head.

  ‘I don’t know Your Highness. I really don’t know but … you are right I do feel a connection between us.’

  ‘Between us! Your eyes are only for the Warden. You care nothing about me.’ yelled Miranda.

  ‘I have true affection for the Warden but I feel some connection to you, Your Highness.’ replied Gizel.

  ‘So you have a strange sexual appetite. Do you want to share my bed with me?’ asked Miranda.

  ‘No. That is not it Your Highness. I have no taste for female companions.’ she replied.

  ‘I have a more of a sisterly feeling towards you. It is if we are sharing the same hopes and desires.’ she cried and began sobbing.

  ‘So you wish to share the Warden with me?’ asked Miranda.

  ‘I am no different to countless others that might secretly harbour the desire to give themselves freely to the Warden but I know that is impossible. The Warden only has eyes for you. Your Highness.’

  ‘Damn the Lady! Damn the gods!’ said Miranda.

  ‘What does this mean? What are they planning? They are laughing at our expense. You have read the legends about the great heroes. You read nothing about how they suffer. You hear nothing about the pain, the fear of failure, the uncertainty, and the dirty tricks. For every success the fear of failure grows like a cancer. The bards laud your triumphs but say nothing of your fears.’

  ‘I waited countless Mudrun years to have a chastity belt removed. It is gone now but my lover, my chosen, my Warden is a little green statue. He is a hero of the little people on Mudrun, he
was a wizard Captain, he is the most wonderful person I have ever met and I love him more than my own life yet we cannot lay together like normal people. The gods are hateful creatures. They enjoy tormenting us and revel in our agony.’

  ‘You are very cunning and skilful in how you use words and manipulate people Gizel. I am very skilful at killing people. If you use your talents to help the Warden and me achieve our goals then you will be very well rewarded. If you think to turn on us then there will be nowhere safe to hide. Do we have an understanding?’

  ‘Yes Miranda.’ replied Gizel.

  Aquitain spent three days with Prendergrass cloning Bracelets of Warding, totally draining the magic power from both of them something a magic user is very reluctant to do, as it would normally leave them helpless. The result was impressive; they had produced enough bracelets to protect everyone present in the stronghold plus another thirty spares. The only reason they stopped was because they ran out of metal to make the bracelets.

  On the night of the third evening he returned.

  ‘Hello Miranda, hello Tigerlilly, Hello Gizel. We are finally safe from the Mentarin. We have enough bracelets to protect everyone and a few extras to spare.

  ‘Tomorrow I would like to start making the power limiter. However, I have a problem. For this I need a real body. I need to feel the magic and I can’t in this little stone body. I will have to switch my spirit into your body Miranda and you can go into my little stone body. It should take about five days then we can switch back again.’ said Aquitain.

  ‘I don’t think I will be able to stand being isolated in that little crystal body for five days.’ replied Miranda.

  ‘I’m feeling restricted and restrained already in this body. I can hardly breathe. I want to go out and create a storm and destroy things. The lust is growing.’

  ‘I know that Miranda. I am working as fast as I can. You have to hold on Miranda. If I can borrow your body I will drain your magic and you won’t feel as bad.’ he replied.

  ‘I told you this would happen. I can’t stay in that little statue body for one day let alone five days.’ she shouted.

  ‘You can borrow my body Warden.’ offered Gizel.


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