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Boss Daddy

Page 12

by Shanna Handel

  My cheeks flushed. I began to stammer, “Look, I’m sorry, okay? I was angry and—”

  “No excuses, Louanne,” he said.

  Anger flooded me. His stern tone and clenched jaw were a warning, but my temper ignored them. “Don’t you dare tell me I’m making excuses. I said I was sorry and—”

  “Lower your voice or I will lower your panties,” he said.

  My rant stopped, my words were left hanging in the air. My pussy clenched, my anger momentarily forgotten. My lips tried to form words of protest, but I was speechless. The good girl in me told me, “You’ve pushed him too far, Louanne. He’s right. You spoke disrespectfully. Apologize and be done with it.” But the bad girl... the bad girl wanted to test his limits. The bad girl wanted to push this angry cowboy. To see what he was made of. To know how far he would go. To piss him off. Bad girl Louanne whispered naughty things in my ear, daring me to say them. Finally, my mouth was working again. I stood up from my desk, saying, “Hayes, I am not having this conversation with you. You do not have the right to send me to my office like some child in a time out.”

  He remained silent. Though he was blocking the door, I decided that I would stride right out of my office. Or at least try to. I gave a gulp as I eyed his massive frame. Tilting my head in the air and feigning a bravery I did not feel, I began making my way toward the door. He did not move.

  “Excuse me,” I said indignantly, trying to push my way past him.

  A long, muscular arm wrapped around my waist. My heart dropped into my stomach. His mouth was by my ear as he held me pressed against him. His words were calm, but angry. “Are you testing me, little girl?”

  Trying to wriggle from his viselike grasp, I stuttered, “I... ah... no?”

  “Now you’re lying,” he said.

  “Okay, maybe I was testing you... a little bit,” I admitted sheepishly.

  “Ignoring my directives. Sassing me in front of employees. Testing me to see if I will carry out my words. And lying when I called you on it. Was my two-day absence enough to make you forget who the boss is, here? Someone is overdue for a very long trip over my knee,” he growled.

  Reality was setting in. Judging by his tone, this was not going to be like the little sexy spanking he had given me in the Mess Hall before we got engaged. This was going to be a real punishment spanking. The ones that left Georgia sniffling and standing to eat her dinner. The ones that left Bridgette sullen for the rest of the day. Fear filled me. My stomach tied in knots. My knees were shaky. “I-I’m really sorry, Hayes. I’ll go out and tell the employees I made a mistake.”

  “They’ll know when you go back out, darling. You won’t even have to tell them. After I spank you, you will be so sweet and docile they will know you’ve been properly punished,” he said.

  I froze. This was unacceptable. Having my employees know Hayes had spanked me in my office for sassing him? Sure, we had all been on the ranch a long time and knew how things worked, but it was different when I was the one on the receiving end of a Jenkins man’s firm hand at work. How humiliating. Grabbing Hayes’ shoulders, I looked into his very gray stern eyes and begged, “Please don’t spank me! I promise I’ll never be sassy again. I would die if I had to go back out there afterwards, everyone knowing—”

  “Too late. You should have thought of that before. At least you can take solace in one little fact,” he said.

  “Wha-what’s that?” I stammered.

  His gaze studied my face. “Knowing you have a daddy to discipline you when you’re bad.”

  He was going to spank me—for real—right here in my office. What if people could hear him spanking me? What if I cried and had to go back out there sniffling like Georgia? What if I couldn’t sit down the rest of the day? I had lists to write, plans to make! My hands dropped from his shoulders.

  Slowly, I inched backwards trying to get away from him. The move was useless and stupid, but it was instinctual. I tried to make a distance between us. He stayed where he was, standing like a big, looming statue of solid rock. “Where are you going?” he asked. I detected a hint of amusement in his tone.

  I took one more step, my bottom bumping into the desk behind me. “Oompf!” I stopped, my hands clutching the edges of the desk that my ass was pressed against. “Nowhere,” I replied sweetly.

  Approaching me, his stride reminded me of a panther prowling toward his prey. My breath quickened, my heart raced. My wide eyes stared up into Hayes’ incredibly handsome, incredibly pissed-off face. I gulped, leaning back, pressing my hands into the desk.

  With his face inches from mine and his voice low, he said, “You were naughty in the Mess Hall. It was a childish display. And what am I to do with a bad little girl?”

  “Um... maybe just let her get back to work?” I squeaked.

  “You were naughty. And now everyone knows you are in here having the sass spanked right out of you by your daddy. How does that feel?” he asked.

  “Humiliating.” And yet, my nipples were hardening, the muscles within my pussy were tightening. I was horny as hell. And nervous.

  “Let that be a lesson to you next time you want to sass me. Now how shall I punish you? Over the desk? Over my knee? Or take you out to the Mess Hall and spank you in front of your employees?” he asked.

  Horror ran though me. White heat spread across my face. My ass dug harder into the edge of the desk. I pictured myself over Hayes’ knee, the entire ranch looking on as he spanked me. “No, no... no... anything but that!”

  Was he trying to hide a grin? “Then how do you want it, Luna? Over my knee? Bent over your desk like the naughty girl that you are? Using my hand? The first time you sassed me, I used the wooden spoon. Obviously, it didn’t make a good enough impression. Maybe I should use that wooden ruler you so love. The one you keep in your desk drawer?”

  I gasped. How dare he! That was my sacred wedding prep tool! My cheeks were absolutely on fire at this point. I quickly stammered, “Over your knee with your hand, please!”

  “I bet you’d never thought you’d be begging for a spanking, did you?” he said.

  “I... I’m not—I just... you said that about my ruler and the Mess Hall and I—”

  “Shh. Let’s get you over my knee, little thing. I can already see the sass leaving you,” he said.

  Balls of ice formed in my stomach. I couldn’t do this. I couldn’t be spanked in my office. Peeking over his shoulder at the door, I quickly formulated a plan. “Okay. I’ll just go over to that chair right there and wait for you.” Avoiding his eyes, I slid sideways along the desk, creeping around him. As soon as I had cleared him, I made a break for the door.

  “Oompf!” Again, the long strong arm reached out, stopping me.

  “Naughty girl. Trying to run away from your punishment? Now it’s going to be my hand and the ruler.”

  “I was just... no, Hayes, please. Not my ruler. I use it for weddings to make sure each candle is exactly the same distance apart. It would feel so unprofessional,” I wailed.

  “I will spank you with your ruler. And you will continue to use it. And it will remind you of what happens when you try to boss the boss. Now go and get it. Please.” He released his hold on me.

  Nerves danced up and down my spine. I squeaked out, “I have to get it... myself?”

  “Yes. Now.”

  Not wanting to make more trouble for myself, I hurried over to the desk drawer. Heaving a deep sigh, I pulled it open. There lay my precious old-fashioned wooden ruler with its trusty metal edge. Great for penciling lines on paper and measuring distances. And now, doubling as a tool for my punishment. My fingertips felt icy as I reached down in the drawer, lifting out my ruler.

  My knees slightly shaking, I returned to Hayes. He had pushed one of two club chairs I kept across from my seat at the desk for my clients out and back. His long lean frame sat in the chair, his legs spread as if he were the king of the place.

  This would never do! Those were my client chairs! This was my candle ruler!

  I stopped a few feet short of Hayes. “I, I can’t do this, Hayes.”

  “You can, Luna. And you will.” He patted his left knee. “Now come on over here and put that pretty little ass over my knee.”

  My face lit on fire. I buried it in my hands, the ruler still clutched between my fingers. I wailed, “I can’t!”

  His impatient voice boomed through my office. “Do I need to count, young lady?”

  My hands dropped from my face, my eyes widening. “Wha-what happens if you count?”

  His brow rose. His lips tightened, forming an angry line. “When I count, you come. If I get to three,” his gaze bore into mine as his fingertip tapped at his silver belt buckle, “my belt comes off.”

  I lost my breath. Forgetting my apprehension, I scurried over to where he sat. I stood by his side, my knees brushed against his thigh. I had no idea what to do. Usually, Hayes had all control of the situation and put me over his knee himself. Having to put myself into position? It was too much. I stood there, shifting my weight from foot to foot, trying to decide the most ladylike way to go about it.


  Hayes, apparently impatient with my indecision, took it upon himself to flip me over his lap. His hands grasped my waist tightly, pulling me right over his knee. Scrambling, I pressed my hands into the floor, trying to maintain my balance and not flip right off him, though with the viselike grip he had around my waist, I doubted it was possible.

  My hair fell around my face, the blood rushing to my head as I hung upside down. Hayes was much taller than me and once I was spread over his lap, my tippy toes could not reach the floor. My legs hung, suspended from his thigh. My tummy hurt from nerves, my heart beat hard against my ribcage.

  “Comfy?” Hayes asked with a chuckle. I must have looked a sight to him, hanging over his legs, my bottom perched over his thigh.

  “Hayes, I... I do not think this is appropriate! My office? You already know how I feel about the ruler—”

  “Ahh, yes, my ruler. Where did it go?” he asked.

  It had fallen when I released it to put my hands on the floor and steady myself. From where I hung, I could see it peeking out from under the legs of my furniture style file cabinet. “I think I lost it when you flipped me over,” I said.

  “There will be time for you to find it. After I warm you up with my hand.” His hand lightly patted my bottom three little times. Goosebumps rose on my legs. The muscles in my pussy tightened. God, I loved it when he touched my ass—though I wasn’t sure I was going to like it as much when he was spanking it with my ruler. “Let’s start over your skirt, shall we?”

  “Erm?” Was this to be a bare bottom spanking? Panic rose in my chest... what panties was I wearing?

  “The first spanking—the one with my hand—is for sassing me in the Mess Hall. After your bottom is properly punished, I want you sitting in your desk chair, sniffling and writing up the post for the full-time position. Is that clear?”

  “Yes, sir!” I called up from the floor.

  “Good girl. I’m going to start with a warmup spanking since you are still slightly new to this whole ‘being held accountable for unruly behavior with a paddling’ thing.”

  “You would assume correctly—because I am always such a well-behaved person!” I cried.

  He laughed, “Not today, you weren’t. You were a very bad little girl. Are you ready for your spanking?”

  Is one ever ready for a spanking? Better to keep that comment to myself. I managed to stammer, “Y-yes?”

  “Yes, sir?” he asked.

  Ugh. I wanted to roll my eyes but felt like Hayes would somehow sense the action and punish me more. Instead, I said, “Yes, sir.”

  “Little Luna, getting her first office spanking. Maybe I should take a picture to remember this moment.” He moved as if he was reaching into the pocket of his jeans for his phone.

  My head snapped back, trying to see him over my shoulder. “Hayes—no! You have to be kidding!”

  Three little pats on my bottom had my pussy tightening and my nipples peaked beneath my bra. “Maybe next time. Now for the spanking.”

  I squeezed my eyes shut tight and held my breath. My bottom cheeks clenched together as I anticipated a hard spank. I could feel his hand go up in the air, hovering over my bottom. His hand came down on my right ass cheek, over my skirt-covered bottom. The sound echoed through the room. My bottom tingled where his hand had landed. It wasn’t painful, but instead had my pussy aching and my nipples hardened. His hand rose again and landed on the left cheek. The same tingling covered my skin. My pussy gave another squeeze.

  If this was what a punishment felt like, sign me up for misbehaving. Another spank came down, my panties dampening. My hips wiggled a bit. I was so turned on. Then a harder spank landed. This one made me suck in my breath a little. Before I could recover, another one landed, harder, right in the same place as the first! I protested, “Hayes! That hurt.”

  He laughed at me. “Luna—I haven’t even warmed you up yet.”

  My eyes widened as another two hard spanks were applied to my bottom. My hips shifted as I groaned, the stinging covering my bottom. Then Hayes started spanking me. His hand went up and down, over and over again. The spanks were hard and fast. Tears pricked at my eyes. I could only focus on the burning pain that was my bottom. No more sexy feeling—this was now clearly a punishment. Hayes began to lecture me as I tried not to cry out from the spanks.

  “I told you to post the job. Days later I find out you did no such thing—and you tell me you won’t. Have you changed your mind about that, yet?” he asked.

  If my mind hadn’t changed, the hard, fiery spanks that were landing faster and faster on my bottom were sure changing it fast. “Yes—I’ll post it right away, sir!” I wasn’t sure how much more I could take, but the spanks kept coming down in a loud, rhythmic cadence.

  “And I don’t like when my little girl has a sassy mouth. All good daddies know how to correct a sassy mouth. And that is with a good old-fashioned spanking. Are you still feeling sassy, sweetheart?”

  “No! No, sir! I’m really not,” I assured him from between clenched teeth. Two more spanks landed, then he stopped. I hung over his lap, panting and trying to catch my breath. I cried, “Oh, thank goodness that is over!”

  “Did you forget about the ruler?” he asked.

  I had! “Oh, Hayes, I’ve learned my lesson, I promise! We do not need the ruler!”

  Hayes helped me up from his lap. He stood me next to him, his eyes watching me as my hands went to my bottom, attempting to rub out the sting. “I still have to spank you for trying to run away from me.”

  I looked at him earnestly, saying, “No, no. I’ve learned my lesson. I promise!”

  He considered my face for a moment, before he spoke. “I’ll tell you what. Since it’s your first time with the ruler, I’ll let you keep your panties on. I am a gentleman after all.”

  I opened my mouth to protest. His brow rose in the most threatening way and after second thought, I snapped my lips closed. Leaving his side, I scurried over to the file cabinet, bending over and retrieving the ruler. I brought it back to him.

  “Good girl,” he crooned. “Now let’s get you back over my knee.” As before, he grabbed my hips, flipping me over his lap. My hands went back to the floor, my hair spilling over my face. I bit my lower lip, squeezing my eyes shut tight in shame as I felt his hand go to the hem of my A-lined skirt. He flipped it up and over my bottom. Cold air rushed up my bare legs. The sensation of having my bottom exposed, wearing only panties, overwhelmed me. A sudden sense of... belonging... filled my chest. Lying over Hayes’ lap, in his complete control, my ass exposed, I felt as if he owned me, mind, body, and soul. Knowing what was coming, I still let a small smile cross my lips. Georgia was right—being spanked was sexy as hell.

  I waited for the ruler to bite my skin. There was a whoosh, then down it came, onto the curve of my bottom, the part that was the least covered by my panties. It
stung much worse than his hand had. A line of fire slowly crept across my ass where the ruler had struck. I gave a whimpering, “Yeowie!” All thoughts of sexy were gone! The pain was blinding!

  My bottom was still stinging from his hand spanking, ‘warmed up’ as he had said. The ruler came down again with a sharp snap, this time striking the center of my right cheek. My hips shifted, my feet pressing together as I absorbed the stinging spank. I gave another whimper as the ruler came down on the left cheek. It stung much worse than I had anticipated. Tears sprang in my eyes—I would soon be sniffling as Hayes had promised.

  “Are you going to be my very good little girl from now on?” he asked, the ruler making another smack.

  “Yes, sir!” I cried from between clenched teeth. “I’ve learned my lesson—no sassing and no running away!”

  The ruler came down again. I sucked air in between my teeth, my feet rubbing together.

  “And next time you are naughty and need a spanking, are you going to put yourself over my knee?” he asked, bringing the ruler down again.

  My hips wiggled furiously, my hands wanting to reach back and rub at my poor, stinging ass. I cried out, “Yes, Daddy! I will put myself right over your knee anytime you want if you never use this ruler on me again!”

  The punishment stopped. I breathed a sigh of relief, closing my eyes and relaxing. The moment quickly passed as I felt my panties sliding over my sore bottom.

  “Daddy, you said you would leave the panties on for the ruler!” I cried.

  “I did,” he said.

  “So... what are you doing, now?” I wailed.

  “This daddy knows his little girl very, very well. And even though you are apologizing, I can still detect just a hint of defiance in your voice. I intend to draw out your full submission.” With that, his hand came down in a sharp spank. Tears brimmed in my eyes as I wailed. He spanked me again and again. The tears fell from my eyes. I could focus on nothing but the pain. I hung limply and sobbed as he spanked my sore bottom. When I thought it would never end, he finally pulled my panties back into place over my throbbing bottom.


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