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SEAL's Code

Page 14

by Sharon Hamilton

  Danny handed the agent another towel from a hook over the sink, placing it into the man’s nose through Drew’s protestations. He felt the pieces inside the agent’s nose move slightly, and he knew the cartilage was broken.

  “You’re going to have to get to the hospital and have that looked at, sir,” he said to the agent.

  “Fuck!” Sanders was pacing back and forth in the kitchen area. Luci was wiping the blood from the floor. Zelda sat down at the table with a humph and a defiant scowl on her face. She refused to take her eyes off the FBI man, as if she could cause him further pain by the daggers she was transmitting.

  Looking at how quickly the little circle had deteriorated into a war zone almost made Danny laugh out loud, but he kept it to himself.

  Chapter 23


  Zelda had an old tee shirt left by a former boyfriend, who was smaller. Sanders’ belly hung out underneath the hemline. Danny noticed his tummy looked like the pelt of a wild boar with patches of stiff grey hair that made him itch just from looking at it.

  Sanders was leaning back, keeping the cool washrag to his nose, swallowing every thirty seconds at first and swearing profusely. By the time they were ten minutes into their trip to the Emergency Room in Flagstaff, the bleeding had temporarily stopped. Danny knew the doctors would re-set the nose, which would start the bleeding all over again. The flesh underneath the man’s eyes was already starting to swell, turning a dangerous color of deep purple.

  Agent Sanders was already scary looking, but in a few hours, he’d be positively frightening.

  Sanders began mumbling something Danny couldn’t make out. His nasally voice sounded ridiculous.

  “Try not to talk, sir. We’ll be there in about fifteen minutes. Just lean back and try to relax. It will help with the bleeding and the pain.”

  Sanders mumbled something else, Danny picking up the words, “another agent,” which piqued his interest.

  “What other agent?”

  The FBI man removed the stained, deep burgundy washcloth but still spoke as if he had cotton stuffed up both nostrils, making him sound more like the character, Darth Vader, from Star Wars. “We had an undercover man working on the res. He’s gone missing, too.”

  Danny knew this was not the work of a local gang. Most of res crime were assaults done in the heat of the moment and usually between family members who had consumed too much alcohol. Robbery wasn’t very common. Neither was murder. Suicides took more of their young population than any other cause of death.

  “When did you last see him?” Danny asked.

  “I never met the guy. I got a picture, though. Your lady and her mother met him. I guess Zelda used to hang with a George Yellowhorse. I read in James’ report he was concerned his cover had been blown with Sarah when Yellowhorse suggested he try to have some fun with the teenager, and he politely refused.” Sanders paused, wincing as Danny hit a pothole, which were commonplace on the dusty reservation highway.

  “Sorry,” Danny muttered under his breath.

  Sanders was glancing out the window, watching the countryside briskly sweeping by, not showing much interest. They were driving past a wilted cornfield that had no business growing there. “Ah, this is all fucked up,” he said after a minute or two of silence.

  “She’s a pistol. Luci’s told me stories about her,” offered Danny.

  “I’d like to take her in, and I’m more than within my rights, even though she is a victim herself. I can understand her frustration. I don’t really think being a bad mother makes her a murderer, either. She didn’t even know the other girls’ names when I showed her the pictures. And the story has been all over the Navajo Times.”

  “I could be wrong, Agent Sanders, but I’m not sure Zelda reads.”

  “Now that’s fucked up.”

  “A lot of the older Dine have a problem with reading. Their education was traditionally mostly oral. That’s changing now, thank God. They’re even teaching the old language forbidden to them for more than twenty years all during the pre and post WWII era.”

  “You say they and them as if it doesn’t apply to you. Don’t you consider yourself Navajo or Dine?”

  “I’m half. My mother is Miwok, one of the tribes from Northern California. She took me off the res because my cousin, Wilson, and I were getting in trouble all the time. My father had disappeared on a hunting trip, so my mom brought me to her people. Except for the dance we do when we gather the tribes together, we don’t have much in common with the Dine here. Completely different landscape makes for different lifestyles and living situations.”

  “Thanks for the fuckin’ history lesson.”

  “Just trying to be helpful.”

  “I think it would be more helpful if you’d just shut up. I need to clear my head and think about things for a bit. Then we’ll talk.”

  “What things?” Danny was anxious to know.

  “I said, shut the fuck up, Begay. I’m not exactly having a good day. And when I get crabby, people start getting hurt.”

  Danny shook his head, irritated the agent had such thin skin.

  “You know, I’m not sure why the hell they even got you sprung from your active duty to help out. You don’t know anybody now. You didn’t grow up with anyone who could teach you about these people.”

  “I was twelve when we left. I remember plenty.”

  “Yeah, I’ll bet.”

  Danny suspected Sanders’ demeanor worked well on suspects, getting them angry so they’d spill their guts and he could get intel. He’d done the same over in the sandbox. Although they could dish out pain, the bad guys over there didn’t like having it meted out to them. And their culture made them quick to react to something they saw as an affront to their religion or their God. Picking fights was good business in the snatch and grab business. He figured it worked the same here, too, for Sanders.

  “You know, Sanders, my grandfather was somewhat of a hero here. One of the last of the Code Talkers. You know, those guys—”

  “I know who the fuck they were,” Sanders said angrily.

  “He was kind of the storyteller, the keeper of the stories about the old ways. For what it’s worth, some of that respect might now fall to me. I left as a troubled boy. Came back a man, and then came back again as a SEAL. That’s got to count for something.”

  They’d pulled up to the Emergency entrance at the hospital.

  Sanders pulled out his truck keys and dangled them in front of Danny. I’m going to call Lyle and ask him to ride back with you to get my truck.”

  “Sure thing.”

  He started to open the passenger side of the rental car, thought better about it, and leaned back into the vinyl seat, leaving one foot outside the car, the door ajar. “You can answer me one thing, though.”


  “This George Yellowhorse. You know him?”

  “Mostly by reputation. He’s bad news. Luci was real glad when her mother stopped seeing him. I think he used to get heavy with her.”

  Sanders slowly turned and faced Danny, his left eye now almost completely swollen shut, a dark blueberry stain now covering the underside of both eyelids. “Looks to me like that woman can handle herself pretty damned good. I never saw it coming.”

  Danny tried not to smile at Drew’s expense, but he couldn’t help it. “I honestly think she’s capable of killing someone who messes with her, providing she’s sober. On that score, I think you’re right.” Danny motioned for an orderly with a wheelchair to come over to his rental car, pointing to Sanders in the front seat.

  Two men in white helped Sanders out of the car with difficulty because the chassis was so low. They assisted him to the wheelchair and began wheeling the agent to the entrance. Danny could hear him barking orders to someone on the cell phone and knew he’d next be meeting Lyle.

  Chapter 24


  Luci was sorting through the computer Sarah shared with her mother. She’d wanted to get Sarah her own computer some ti
me ago so she’d be one step away from some of her mother’s “friends.” They each had their own moniker, but Luci had set up Sarah’s passcode, so she was able to get into her account. What she found surprised her.

  Sarah had been conversing with a couple of other girls online who were not from the Navajo res but from a nearby pueblo in Nevada. Most of the conversations were harmless, but Luci noticed Sarah shared more about herself and her life and routine than the other girls did.

  And they were too interested in her. Being a youngster of fifteen, Luci could understand why she’d like the attention, but it still made her uncomfortable. And while Sarah wouldn’t notice it, Luci saw the names of these girls as perhaps sounding Native American, but not something one would normally use, or a name that would be given.

  Luci scrolled down one long thread, done over two weeks ago, and had continued off and on for days. This particular message lasted nearly a half hour in a private group message with the title: Indian Girls 8. The name of the group concerned Luci right away. Were there seven other groups? She found the beginning of the thread and started to read.

  Bleeding Horse: I get so frustrated with my parents sometimes. Seems like if I ever get a boyfriend and want to fool around, I’ll have to run away. Do either of you guys feel the same?

  Sarah Tohe: I don’t have to worry about that too much. Not really interested in boys as in finishing my school and getting into a good college. Besides, there aren’t any guys here on the res I like, anyway.

  Sun Worshiper: OMG Sarah. Tell me you are not a virgin?

  Sarah Tohe: Of course I am. Although, my mom tried to get me to go on the pill. How lame is that?

  Bleeding Horse: So did you do it?

  Sarah Tohe: No. I threw them away. The exam was awful. You’ve been through them maybe, but it was a first for me.

  Sun Worshiper: Sweetie, it gets easier. Maybe your mom was just looking out for you. I mean, if you found the right guy, wouldn’t you want to, you know?

  Bleeding Horse: Hell, I wish some really experienced guy had popped my cherry. I got some kid from the football team and neither of us knew what the hell we were doing. Now I know better. I’d pick an older guy, someone who knew how to make a woman, not a girl, have the time of her life. Wouldn’t you?

  Sarah Tohe: Not sure I’m ready.

  Bleeding Horse: That’s okay, honey. You wait until the right guy comes along. It will happen for you. Not to worry. Until then, just stay your sweet self. But you do pleasure yourself, right?

  Luci wasn’t sure she wanted to read on. Now she was definitely feeling like she was intruding on Sarah’s private life. She wished she’d known Sarah was having these conversations.

  Sarah Tohe: ?? What does that mean?

  Sun Worshiper: OMG, OMG! We gotta get this girl a vibrator!

  Bleeding Horse: You want me to show you?

  Sarah Tohe: No! That’s creepy!

  Luci was pleased with her response. But she was concerned it didn’t end the conversation, as it should have. She began to feel funny about these two. Perhaps they weren’t teenage Native American girls after all. If they were older men…

  Bleeding Horse: Oh, you silly girl! No pictures, OF COURSE NO PICTURES! But I can walk you through it, online, you know. Tell you what to do. And then you can try it on your own. Just experiment. You might like it.

  Sun Worshiper: It will help you when you finally get with a man—when you’re ready. You’ll already know what you like.

  Sarah Tohe: I’m not sure about this. Have to think about it.

  Bleeding Horse: Well, you know where you can find us, if you want a little friendly advice. Doesn’t hurt. No one will know. And you might discover something about yourself you didn’t know before…that’s all.

  Sun Worshiper: Yeah. Isn’t like being with a real man, though, BH, right? But, Sarah, you’d still be a virgin, and that’s the important thing. But there are lots of things you can do and it feels good, doesn’t hurt anyone, like BH says.

  Sarah Tohe: Thanks, guys. I’ll think about it. Okay, I’ve got studying to do. And I’m starting an art class in a week. Have to get a couple projects started I can do in class.

  Sun Worshiper: You’re a good girl, Sarah. You go do your studies. And yes! Keep up with the art, too. I love looking at art. Just not very good at the artistic part. LOL.

  Bleeding Horse: Hey, we’ll let you go. But before you do, can I ask you to do something?

  Sarah Tohe: Me, or SW?

  Bleeding Horse: I think it would be cool if we all did it tonight. Okay? At bedtime, take a shower, and then go to bed naked. Before you fall asleep, feel your pussy. Feel how soft it is, feel how it puckers and see if you can find your bud. That’s all. We can all do this tonight, okay? See if touching your bud—you know that’s your female penis, right? Feel if you touch it and it grows a little. See if that feels good to you. That sounds harmless enough, right, Sarah?

  Sun Worshiper: Kewl. I’ll do it. I’ll even do a little more.

  Bleeding Horse: Not tonight. Tonight we go very slowly. We do this for Sarah. Okay, sweetie? You just touch yourself and then if you feel like it, we’ll talk tomorrow or the next day about it, okay?

  Sun Worshiper: OMG you mean I can’t rub myself all over and maybe put my finger inside?

  Bleeding Horse: Sarah? Did we scare you?

  Sarah Tohe: I’m here. Not sure what to say. Not sure I can do this, or even should be talking about this.

  Bleeding Horse: You just do what you’re comfortable doing. We all age and grow up sexually at different speeds and different levels. Maybe sex isn’t going to be your thing. That’s okay. When you’re ready. Just know we’re here. I’d rather be your friend than make you feel like you’re being asked to do something you don’t want to do.

  Sun Worshiper: I’m sorry, Sarah, if I got carried away. I didn’t mean to scare you. Really sorry. I want you to trust me as a friend.

  Luci’s heart sank when she saw the response from Sarah.

  Sarah Tohe: Thanks. Okay, I’ll try it. Now I have to go.

  Bleeding Horse: Excellent! Can’t wait to hear!

  Sun Worshiper: Oh, this is so kewl. We’re all gonna do it tonight. OMG, it will be so hard to stop, but I’ll try. Can’t wait to hear how your first time is, Sarah. And I’m honored to know that you trust us. I wish I had someone to show me the ropes when I was first curious and starting out.

  Bleeding Horse: I also like that it’s our little secret. Just the three of us. No one else has to know, and that means it’s safe.

  Sun Worshiper: Totally safe! That’s what I love about it. Our little “dirty” secret. Tee hee…Love it! Well, it’s not really dirty. Sex is beautiful, when you find the right person.

  Sarah Tohe: Okay, well, I gotta go. We’ll talk maybe tomorrow. You guys take care. Don’t you have school work?

  Bleeding Horse: We got out early. It’s summertime, baby! My folks aren’t home. I’m going outside and sunbathing in the nude! See you guys tomorrow!

  Sun Worshiper: Oh, you are so naughty, BH. Talk to you tomorrow, Sarah? I won’t be able to sleep tonight. I’ll be so filled with anticipation. In sex, anticipation is a good thing, too. Now I’m getting all horny. LOL, not about you, about the guy who works down the street at Burger Palace.

  (Bleeding Horse has left the conversation)

  Sarah Tohe: Hope I remember to do it. I’ve got a lot of studying to do.

  Sun Worshiper: Want me to ping you a reminder?

  Sarah Tohe: No. That would only alert my mom and sister.

  Sun Worshiper: Gotcha! Okay then, have fun!!! Talk tomorrow I hope.

  Luci didn’t have to wonder much about what Sarah had done. It was all explained the next day, in detail. Luci recognized the other “Indian Girls” asked lots of questions of her. Luci knew she had to tell Danny about this right away. She felt guilty not telling her mom, but she didn’t trust her yet.

  Zelda was doing laundry. She’d made a big deal about washing the sheets she and Da
nny had tussled in the night before. Luci took Griffin outside on the porch and sat in the wicker chair, watching the expanse of dusty, sandy landscape with the pink and salmon-colored hills in the background. She hoped things would return to normal soon. She wanted to be a wife and mother, in love with the perfect man for her. The role of being the older sister to a kidnapped girl, daughter of a reforming alcoholic, and schoolteacher stuck in a job just so she could protect her family, was not a pleasant one.

  Like shedding an old snakeskin, she wanted the new young skin of a future, without scars, fears, or regretted paths. She noted that for the first time in her life, she was looking forward to her future, not fearing it.

  Chapter 25


  Sarah awoke in a motel room decorated with gold leaf and red wallpaper. The smell of burning candles was thick in the air. Her head was a bit fuzzy and she remembered she’d been injected with something that had numbed her all over. She’d passed out, but just before, she heard a van door open as someone hoisted her over their shoulder and carefully laid her down on a mattress in the back.

  Other memories emerged—waking up to muffled men’s voices and different sounds, like water running, traffic, and words she didn’t understand. She recalled being moved on a stretcher and also being held in thick hairy arms, by a man who sweated profusely and smelled of greasy food. Sarah realized she had been in this state for perhaps several days—waking up and being put back to sleep with a sharp pain in her arm. She had no idea if it was night or day outside, or how long this had been happening.

  She listened for some sound from either her mother or sister, but then she remembered she’d been at the school, taking the trash out, and Luci was supposed to take her home.

  Luci, where are you?

  The room was totally unfamiliar. As she moved her head and examined the mirrors and pictures in heavy gold frames, the opulent carpeting in deep jewel tones, covered by rugs unlike what she was used to seeing on the res, she felt a dull ache and buzzing sound in her ears.


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