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Gloucester’s Witch Academy 1

Page 13

by Jessica Baker

  “Jane, hi. I hope you are fine? Those monsters did not touch you, did they?” She asked.

  “No, they did not.” I quickly reassure her. “I am okay. Diana and Sagat got there in time.”

  “That’s good. I’m glad you are well. I want you to tell me all about it though. But first, let us get Diana up into the house.”

  Together, we both assisted Diana up the stairs even though she fussed about being able to get up the stairs by herself. Ayanna was not having it.

  We finally get up the porch and Ayanna rush to open the door for us. When I thought the outside was beautiful, the inside was even more magnificent. It first like a clash of modern and traditional. The accentuation of the warm and cool tone gave it a homey feeling. I couldn’t help the cozy warmth that enveloped me when I entered the living room. There was a very comfortable couch where we deposited Diana. The tapestry over the chairs looked old but still delicately precious. They were probably heirlooms. And there were pictures. Lots of pictures. Not like the carefully edited ones. No, these were just captures of special moments. They were some of some older people. I could see portraits of Ayanna’s extended family. There was also a portrait of a nuclear family which was made up of Ayanna, Sagat, an older man who must be Sagat’s father and a younger extremely beautiful lady who must be his sister. They looked really happy with some other people after playing football.

  Ayanna excused herself to get a kit to clean up Diana. I figured that this is the perfect time for Diana to fill me in on everything I need to know about the world of supernatural that I was just thrown into.

  “Okay, Diana. Tell me.” I say to her as I took my seat beside her on the sofa.

  “As you have seen, mystical creatures exist. They have existed for thousands of years since the inception of time. Mythological creatures have always walked the face of the earth and lived among human beings. Werewolves, vampires, and witches… But because men tended to be fickle and untrustworthy, these creatures have been in hiding. Sometimes in plain sight but humans were blissfully ignorant. That kept them safe. But while witches and werewolves had covens and packs respectively which kept them in line, Vampires do not have that. So, they could just decide to go, rogue, whenever they wanted. And since they feed on human blood, the witches and werewolves have always taken it upon themselves to protect the powerless. But recently, the vampires have started to come together in small groups managing to wreak more havoc to cities and communities. This also makes it hard for the werewolves and witches to control them because now the vampires are hunting witches.”

  Sagat came down the stairs to sit in the chair opposite us by the fireplace. He had freshened up and was dressed in a grey cashmere sweater and blue jeans.

  “This is why werewolves and witches have been allies in the Boston area for the past few years and that is why we could stage a rescue together.”

  “And that is all Sagat. The peace treaty has been negotiated for the past couple of years and it was not until recently that it was finalized.” Diana added.

  “The threat of the vampires to humans is now getting so serious. The number of people missing keeps increasing day by day. We try to rescue them whenever we can but sometimes it is always too late.”

  Diana took my hand “Look, Jane. What I said that day at the bus station is true. Witches have always existed and the truth is that when I first I saw you, I sensed a supernatural power around you. Only strong witches are able to have such presence even without training. But with this imminent threat around with the vampires, we need to strengthen our forces.”

  “Wait. You are saying that you think that I am a Witch? A witch like you?” I scoffed. “I don’t know about that. I have never been able to sense any of this supernatural power in me.”

  Ayanna came in with some bowls and clean strips to clean Diana up. “Well, Jane. Diana has a knack for this, you know. She can sense true powers. And from what I hear about yours, it is something.”

  I sigh. “I still don’t understand. I never even thought about myself like that.”

  “There is a Witch Academy in Gloucester. Not too far from here. Look, I was not joking when we met last time. Even the Salem trials are based on true events. Witches have over the years created safe covens to train other witches. Just like the one in Gloucester. You will be safe and learn more about yourself and your powers. The witch academy is full of strong witches with extraordinary powers. They will help you discover yourself and train you in everything you need to know. You have enormous potential, and with the right tutelage, you will grow to master your craft. I have already told the head of the academy about you. Ans she is ready to receive you. And it is a fortress, you don’t have to worry about the vampires coming for you there.”

  Seeing that I am yet to be sold on this whole witch academy enrollment, she had to add, “Jane, there is only a small percentage of people who are born with strong witchcraft powers like yours. I know, you don’t think it is possible because of your family but it does exist. Right here inside of you. The witches need you, Jane. The vampires keep coming after our kind because we have made it our mission to rescue to prevent them from feeding on human blood. Together with the werewolves, we are working on rescuing more humans from their lairs.”

  I am now more confused. “Since you have started this fight already, I don't see why you need me. And sorry, I wanted to ask earlier, how did you guys know I was in that bunker? And how did you get there so quick?”

  Ayanna continues to tend to Diana’s injuries. She flinched when Ayanna tried to clean a cut on her forehead. “Ouch, you know I could just heal myself.”

  “Tsk tsk. You save your strength and let your body heal itself. These are battle scars. Cherish them, child.”

  Dian finally answered when Ayanna was done with her. “And that was all Sagat, Jane. He staged the whole rescue, he got in touch with me because I once told him about our meeting at the bus stop."

  “There is a war going on, Jane.” Sagat puts in. “And we know the vampires are behind the missing people here in Boston. No one knows what they are really up to. But there are rumors that they want to provoke an apocalypse. So recently, we have been keeping tabs on them. Which is why you have been seeing us in Whiskey Peak. We heard from our sources that Ray has been taking a lot of women with him from the bar while others came back with a completely different personality, most of them never came back. And because it is a bar, the police have not been able to observe this but we have and so we had a couple of werewolves checking out the bar. We found you through one of my friends. He saw you leaving the bar with Ray. He could not follow you then but we posted a couple of vampires were drinking at the bar and followed them back to the bunker. We wanted to attack earlier but we did not know how many vampires were there. And we could not risk going in blind and jeopardize your safety. But when I got word that it was you, with their description, we could not wait any longer. I decided we had to rescue you immediately.”

  “And I am alive because you did that. I am grateful for you and your friends.” I sigh. “And you are right, who knows the other people who can be saved if I help. People out there need our help. The number of people missing keeps on increasing every day and we can't let that go on. All this is overwhelming and I still can't deny that it feels surreal. I still feel like I would wake up tomorrow and realize that all this a bad dream, and that vampire and werewolves do not exist outside the movies but until then, I am ready to do my part in this war.”

  Ayanna reaches out and takes my hand. “I want you to know that you are not alone in this. We will always be here for you.”

  “And even though this journey looks so scary right now, you will be fine. The supernatural world is not as alien as you think. You will still be who you are, Jane.” Sagat added.

  “Magic exists in your blood. Now you will discover parts of yourself you never thought existed. Now you will open yourself to a whole new world, full of beauty and adventure. And you will be helping the greater good, Jane.�

  A whole new world. That feels so scary. Just while I am trying to adjust to my new life in Boston. But if I am being honest, I always knew something was missing. I felt it. Even with Mark. I was more in love with the thought of love and my fairy tale that I never let myself acknowledge that it was not sinking deep. Maybe, this is my destiny. If Diana believes that I have powers, then I owe it to myself to explore it. That’s the least I could do after they had risked their lives to save mine.

  I look up the stairs where Mark had been taken earlier. Oh, poor boy. Just meeting me has destroyed his life forever. To be honest, it seems like a lifetime ago when I received that call from Jennifer.

  “I want to talk to Mark. Do you think he will be conscious? Can he talk?”

  “He should be awake by now. But do let Sagat come with you. Mark is a newly turned vampire. You need to careful around him.”

  I did not mind Sagat coming along. I had to be sure that Mark was okay and I want to hear his side of the story.

  Sagat leads the way and we both climb the stairs in silence. When we get to the top of the stairs, Sagat stops and turns to me.

  “He has not fed so he is not dangerous. He will just be very weak. I will wait outside and leave you two to talk. Just let me know if you need me.”

  I nod my thanks and went on to open the door he pointed at, just adjacent the stairs.

  Mark was on the bed. He sat up weakly when he saw me come in.

  He looks so pale as if all the blood has been drained from his face.

  “Hi. How are you doing?” I ask as I step closer to where he sat on the bed.

  “Ermm… I feel like my chest has been carved out of my body.” He answered weakly.

  “Are you in pain?” I ask again. Not really sure of what to say.

  “No. I am surprisingly well. Just feel so light. Like I am disappearing.”

  “Diana says that’s to be expected. It is your body’s way of fighting death.”

  He stares at me for a minute until I feel very uncomfortable. “I have to tell you something, Jane. I messed up. I messed up bad.”

  “It's okay. We have bigger issues to deal with.” I try to reassure him but the truth is that a part of me does not want to know what happened between him and Jennifer yesterday. I can't believe all this has gone down just within 24 hours. I wanted to pretend as nothing happened and that Mark was still who I think he is. I couldn’t shake the feeling that everything would change if we had that conversation. But he did not feel this way. Because he still wants to talk about the situation that led to where we are right now.

  “I have to tell you what happened. You deserve the truth, Jane.”

  I walk towards the bed and stand by the edge of it. “I was studying yesterday at the local library when Jennifer came to me. I did not know or recognize her from anywhere but she mentioned your name and said she works with you at the Whiskey Peak. Then she sat down and said she has some information that would change how I saw you. I did not want to believe her but then she showed me the pictures. Pictures of you and an older man on what seemed like a date. Just a day after we had our date and you did not even tell me anything about it.”


  “No. Let me just get this out. Please.”

  I nod. “Sure.” And let him continue. He looked down at his intertwined fingers.

  “I know I should not have believed her. I should have given you the benefit of doubt. That you have an explanation for what you were doing with that man. Holding hands and smiling.” He scoffed. “Anyway, I got upset. So mad. I was heartbroken that you would do that to me. I never thought you were that kind of girl. I honestly thought I was falling for you but when I saw that, and that he was an older richer guy, I couldn’t take it. Then Jennifer told me about how flirtatious you were at work. And how you had all the guys coming after you and how you make out and have sex with a lot of guys at the bar. You know, now that I think of it, I really should have asked why she came to tell me about it or how she even knows me. I did not even know that she is a monster just out to destroy us… ” His voice drifted off. But I did not say anything. I was waiting for the next shoe to drop. He knew I was waiting and I could see the mortification and embarrassment in his eyes. He could not even look me in the eye.

  He finally continued.

  “Jennifer showed me those pictures and I just lost it. When she told me that I deserved better, I believed her. And when she told me she can make me feel better, I also believed her. She said she understands what I am going through and knows exactly what I needed.” Mark sighs as he couldn’t wait to just get it over with. “anyway, we first went to a bar to have some drinks and she listened to me moan about how heartbroken I am that you would cheat on me with another man. After we had taken more than enough shots, she suggested that we go to her place. By this time, I was already drunk so I agreed and went to her apartment. When we got there, she poured me a drink again and started to give me a massage. Anyway, one thing led to another, we started kissing and making out. Then we, uhh… undressed and have sex. The next morning, when I woke up and the realization of what I did hit me, I instantly regretted it. I swear I did.”

  I stood still. Very still. Even though I had tried to convince myself that Jennifer said those things to rile me up and that she couldn’t have possibly slept with Mark, I am not surprised. Heartbroken, yes. But not surprised. I looked at Mark and it felt like I was looking at an entirely different person. All my fairytale dreams came shattering right in front of me. Serves me right for building castles in the air. He was not done.

  “The next morning, I told Jennifer that I regret everything and that I will tell you what happened and hope you forgive me and take me back. But She was not having it. She started to freak out and say that you don’t deserve me. Not after the night we had. We argued and she started to act crazy. Saying that that will never happen. Before I knew it, she transformed into a monster and brought out fangs from her teeth and bit me. She said that I am never going to be yours. That I will be a vampire and become her slave forever. That’s when I lost consciousness and the next thing, you were there at the bunker. I am so sorry, Jane. I never meant to fall her wiles. I never meant to sleep with her.”

  I felt tears drop from my face. Mark. The one I thought is my prince charming. My fairytale partner. He slept with Jennifer. Intentionally.

  I wipe the tears off my face.

  “Nothing happened between me and Frank

  lin. That’s the guy in the pictures she showed you. I only agreed to go on a platonic date with him because he offered to help me with some of my debt. He had enough and I needed the money. All that Jennifer told you about me are not true. But then I thought you would have known that. That you would have trusted me and what we had.

  “I am so sorry. I messed up, Jane. I knew you would never do that to me. To us. I feel so stupid. I am sorry, Jane. Jane. Look at me.”

  I was about to say something when I hear Diana knock gently as she entered the room.

  “I am sorry to break this up but you both need to put your relationship problem aside. We have a very important issue to deal with. In case you have forgotten, there is the threat of a potential apocalypse triggered by blood-thirsty vampires. Jane, you need to focus all your energy on being a witch. A strong powerful one. Mark will now be a vampire for the rest of his life. He needs to learn how to adjust and deal with all that.”

  I nod my head and agree. There is a more imminent threat than my broken heart. “You are right, Diana. We should leave for the witch academy as soon as possible.”

  “Gloucester is just a few hours away, if we leave now, we will get there before evening.”

  I take a deep breath before responding. “Then let us go.”

  We make to leave the room but I look back at Mark, for the last time. Saying goodbye to my old life.

  Within a few minutes, I get into a jeep with Diana after saying my goodbyes to Ayanna and Sagat. With Sagat, I knew beyond doubt that that was not goo
dbye. There was something in his eyes that told me that we still have a long journey ahead of us. And our lives will surely be intertwined.

  Before we took off, Diana asked me to throw away my mobile phone.

  “Vampires have connections and we cannot afford to have them locate us or where the academy is.” She explained. “don’t worry, we will get new ones later.” She added when she saw how crestfallen I looked because it seems like I was given up all of myself.

  “What will happen to Franklin, Becky and the rest of the people at the bar? Will they be alright? With the vampires still on the prowl.”

  “There is not much we can for them now. But you go learn your elements so you can help them and many more people.”

  I nod my head and accepted my fate.

  We drove in silence through the outer districts of Boston and headed towards Gloucester where the real adventure begins.




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