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30 Days (Morgan Family Series Book 1)

Page 15

by J. L. Leslie

  “How’s your sister?” he asks and catches me by surprise. He runs a hand through his unruly locks and genuinely seems to want to know how she is.

  “She’s fine. Why do you ask?”

  “Just curious. Tell her I asked about her.”

  “Okay. Are you sure you’re alright?”

  “Yep. I’ll see you around, Memphis.”

  I watch him walk out and I can’t help but wonder if he’s truly okay. I also wonder why he asked about Anniston. They weren’t exactly friendly to each other when they met. Far from it.

  I shake my head and walk into the living room which smells a little like sex and cigarette smoke. I notice Cameron’s files are open, but don’t think Rhys or Myra were too worried about what was in them. I start closing them up when I notice the

  picture of a man I recognize. A man I’ve seen at the club. A man I’ve danced for.

  I flip it over and see his name scrawled across the back. Harvey Taylor. I shove the picture into the file and gather them up. I know this is the murder case Cameron is working on. I know I have to tell him about Harvey Taylor.


  “We’ll definitely be ready for court next week. This is truly the best defense for you, Mr. Beasley. I’m glad you agreed to this. You should let the police do their job. If Harvey Taylor has nothing to hide then he’ll be fine. You have to take care of yourself right now.” Jim explains and Tanner Beasley nods.

  “That’s what I told Harvey.”

  “Excuse me?” Jim asks.

  “I said that’s what I told Harvey. I didn’t want him to be blindsided by all of


  I shake my head and fight the urge to slam my fists on the table. It seems no

  matter how much we try to help this client he constantly finds a way to throw kinks in our defense.

  “Mr. Beasley,” Jim says, calmly, “it’s imperative that you not speak to anyone about your case. Especially Harvey Taylor. We explained that to you.”

  “I could not sit back and let his good name be pulled through the mud without giving him the opportunity to be prepared to defend himself!” he exclaims.

  “I have another meeting.” I clip and push myself out of the chair. Jim can handle this. If I listen to Tanner Beasley anymore I’ll explode.

  I exit the conference room and take the elevator up to Memphis’s office. She’s sitting at her desk when I approach. My files are sitting on the corner of her desk.

  “Thank you for getting those. I can’t believe I forgot them at home this morning.”

  “Rhys was at your apartment when I got there.” she says.

  “Really? What did you see that you didn’t want to see?” I laugh.

  “Nothing. I kept my eyes covered. He didn’t look too good though. You should check on him.”

  “Okay.” I agree, but don’t know that I’ll actually get in Rhys’s business. I know what he’s going through and I’ve tried helping him before. He doesn’t want help. Not yet anyway.

  “There’s something I want to tell you though.”

  “If you joined in on their fun, I don’t think I want to know. Not after the meeting I just had.”

  “Nothing like that. I saw a picture of a man in one of your files. I recognized him from Ecstasy. He used to come pretty regularly for a while, but he was banned from the club. He came when Tanner Beasley used to come. I did a few private dances for him. He was always different.” she visibly shudders. “He would mumble things during the dances. Names, but I ignored him. The last time he was there he became very angry. He accused me of being a whore and screamed names at me. He said what I did was the devil’s work and that I should suffer for my sins. Security got

  him out of there before he could attack me. I just thought you should know. It’s on video.”

  “That is good to know.”

  Memphis casts her gaze down at the files and then picks them up and hands them to me. I can tell she doesn’t want to talk about Harvey anymore so I don’t say anything else about him.

  “Sorry about Rhys. He’s used to just showing up when he wants. I’ll talk to him about it.”

  “I’m just concerned about him. He seems like a good guy, but maybe he’s battling some demons or something. He didn’t look good.”

  I nod. I know Rhys has his battles. Everything isn’t always peachy when your dad’s a Morgan.

  Chapter 33


  A month into the official Beasley trial and I can see the stress it’s taking on Cameron. Jury selection is done and the proceedings started two weeks ago. He goes into the office early. He stays late. He’s completely immersed himself into this case.

  When Anniston and I arrive to his empty apartment Friday at 7:30, I’m certain he’s forgotten our plans. When he answers his cell phone, he’s still talking to Jim before he says hello.

  “You forgot.” I say, trying not to sound annoyed. Or disappointed.

  “What did I forget?”


  “Shit. I forgot. I’m leaving now.”

  I give Anniston a look and she knows not to say a word. I’m sure Weston will understand that we’re late. Anniston plops down on the couch and turns the television on.

  “Stop pacing.” she scolds. “It’s not a big deal.”

  “He’s too stressed lately. This case…”

  “He’s a big boy. So he forgot one date.”

  “Weston just got signed to the majors. It’s important. Cameron doesn’t forget things. What if he’s not happy with me anymore?” I ask.

  “Now you sound like a crazy woman.” she laughs.

  “I’m serious. Maybe he’s working these long hours to get away from me.”

  “Maybe he’s working these long hours because he’s working on a very

  important case that actually happens to be in trial right now.”

  “Did something happen between you and Rhys?” I blurt out.

  “Why would you ask that?”

  “Because he asked about you.” I inform her.

  “He did?”

  “Yes. It made me wonder why. You two didn’t even get along when you met.”

  “I don’t know. Probably because I’m awesome.” she grins. “Now quit

  worrying about Cameron. Didn’t you say he said he loves you?”

  “Well, we don’t say it all the time. It was one of those things we confessed to each other, but we don’t just sit around saying it. You know how couples tell each other on the phone ‘love you’ and ‘love you too’? Well, we don’t really do that. We said it before I went to Vermont with his dad and while I was gone to Vermont.

  We’ve said it a couple of times since during sex.”

  “Oh God, please tell me you’ve said it other times and not just during sex.”


  “It’s fine. You both mean it and that’s what matters. Just maybe don’t let the only time you tell him be when he’s given you that great euphoric feeling from his cock.”

  “I’m here! I’m here! Sorry!” Cameron calls as he rushes out of the elevator. He tugs on his tie and starts unbuttoning his shirt as he walks to his room. I watch him pull it off his shoulders as he disappears through the doorframe.

  “I’ll work on that.” I tell Anniston with a smile.

  “Yes, please do!” she laughs. “You little slut.”


  I congratulate Weston on making the majors and apologize again for being late. He assures me it’s fine and offers me a shot. Melee’s is packed as usual, but Blake reserved the RSVP for us. I notice she’s on the dance floor with Langston and Layla. I frown as Langston dances between the two of them. Ian is watching them with the same expression.

  “Another shot!” Rhys bounds up to me, nearly knocking me over. I take the shot from his hand and toss it back with him.

  “You okay tonight?” I ask. His dark brown eyes, much like Blake’s, dance with happiness.

  “Yep! Never better!” he l
aughs. He dances away, picking up another shot from the table as he goes.

  I look back down to the dance floor and notice that I only see Langston and Layla dancing now. He’s holding her close to him, her back to his front, as she bends over grinding against his crotch. I watch my sister’s boyfriend gyrate against the woman who rubbed my cock before. His hand disappears around the front of her thigh and in between her legs. Son of a bitch.

  “Cameron! It’s about time!” Blake shoves me and then pulls me to her for a hug. “You’ve been working too hard.”

  “You need to check on your boyfriend.” I inform her, angrily.

  “I know where he is. He’s dancing with Layla.”


  “I have to congratulate the man of the hour!” she beams. Blake wraps her arms around Weston and despite him being here with someone, I notice he closes his eyes against her hair. When she releases him, he blushes a little, but Blake doesn’t seem to notice. Well, fuck.

  I decide right then that I need to stop being a people-watcher and find Memphis. She’s not in the RSVP booth so I look down and see she’s on the dance floor. I nearly growl at the surge of jealousy that flows through me at the sight of her dancing with Langston. Granted, they’re not even touching, but still.

  “I’m going back down to dance.” Blake calls out as she heads down. Instead of following her, I watch her go down and join Memphis and Langston. The three of them dance together and Layla and Ian are now dancing together. That’s where she should be. Dancing with her boyfriend. Not with my sister’s.

  I find an empty chair and drop into it. The long hours I’ve been working are taking their toll on me. I know I need to cut back, but I can’t. Not while the trial is still going on. Right now it seems to be going in our favor. The police have already opened an investigation on Harvey Taylor so the majority of the heat is off Tanner Beasley. Closing arguments are next week. Then it’ll be over.

  “You know, not that you’re not as gorgeous as ever, but you kinda look like shit.” Weston comments with a grin.

  “I know. The case I’m on is grueling. Much like your schedule is about to be.” “Yeah I’ve heard. Looking forward to it though. I’ve been waiting on this to

  happen for a while now.”

  “Memphis and I will be sure to make some games. I think you made her a die- hard baseball fan.”

  “That’s good. I’m not starting or anything. May not ever touch the field in an actual game, but it’s good enough for me. I mean, it’s the Yankees.”

  “It’s incredible, man. I’m happy for you.”

  “I’m happy for you too. You seem happy.”

  “Yeah. Speaking of, I should probably go dance with her.”

  I get up and head down to the dance floor, but when I get there, Memphis isn’t down there. I ask Blake where she is.

  “She said she didn’t feel too good. She was going to get some fresh air.”

  I head towards the back exit and push the door open. I freeze at the sight of the two bodies fucking against the building. Rhys frantically pumps into her as he grips her ass. Her skirt is bunched around her waist. Her legs are wrapped tightly around his. Anniston’s eyes are as wide as mine. Shit.

  Chapter 34


  “That was amazing. I’ve never seen anything like that. Except in movies.” I say, excitedly. “Thanks for taking me.”

  “It was my pleasure, Ms. Stone. Closing arguments for a murder trial can be exciting at times. If you’re going to work for Morgan, Quinley, and Sloan you at least need to have set foot in a courtroom before. Seen an actual trial take place.” Mr.

  Morgan explains.

  “Cameron seemed surprised to see me. Did you tell him we were coming?”

  “I don’t have to answer to my son, Ms. Stone.” he scoffs. “I admit I was very shocked to see Harvey Taylor in attendance.”

  “I agree. He did a good job of trying to be incognito though.” I laugh.

  Harvey Taylor’s hair was dyed jet black when it’s normally a light gray and he sat in the balcony viewing area. I assume this was in the hopes that he wouldn’t be seen or recognized. I have no doubt Cameron recognized him.

  “We’ll get lunch and then we’ll head back to the office.” Mr. Morgan explains.

  I don’t tell him that I haven’t had much of an appetite lately. If he wants lunch, I won’t argue with him. It doesn’t mean I have to eat much.

  We arrive at Manganello’s, Mr. Morgan’s favorite restaurant. He orders roasted duck and potatoes. His favorite. I’ve learned this since working for him. I just order a bowl of soup today with some breadsticks.

  “Will you tell me about Cameron’s mom?” I ask. “I understand if you don’t want to. It’s just, he never really says much about her.”

  “I’m not surprised. Amelia was my high school sweetheart. Cameron looks so much like her it’s almost painful.” he chuckles. “She had those blue eyes that would just see right through me.”

  I smile at his confession and take a bite of my soup. “She must’ve been beautiful.”

  “She was. She was too damn good for me. We were wild when we were teens. Got pregnant with Cameron when she was just twenty-years-old. Didn’t know what the hell we were doing.” he laughs. “She was in law school too, but quit to stay home with him. Then Blake came along a few years later. She was a much better parent than me. She didn’t miss a ball game or recital. Not one. When she got cancer, I…I let it ruin me. I couldn’t look at her.”

  I swallow hard at his confession. I know this is where his relationship with Cameron changed. I know this is where Cameron changed.

  “She wasn’t my Amelia anymore. I couldn’t stand seeing her look like that. She was in so much pain. So weak and tired all the time. So I stayed away. I buried myself in work. Buried myself in alcohol. Buried myself in other women. Cameron knew what I was doing, but Blake didn’t. He protected her from that. Always has.”

  “You haven’t tried to make things right with him though.” I tell him.

  “I don’t see any need for that.”

  “He’s your son, Mr. Morgan.”

  “Let’s get finished up. We have work to do.” he chides.

  I know the conversation is over. I’m grateful I got that much out of him. I take another bite of my soup and then nibble on my breadsticks. I don’t meddle in the father-son relationship any further. I certainly don’t want Cameron meddling about my mother and our non-existent relationship. Even if I feel his can be repaired.


  I try my father’s office phone, but he doesn’t answer. I’m sure he’s taken Memphis to lunch after their little field trip. When I’d turned and saw her in the courtroom I was a mix of emotions. Mainly anger. She didn’t need to be there.

  Tanner Beasley had an inappropriate connection to her. More like an obsession. He was on trial for murder. He didn’t need the distraction.

  “I think everything went great today.” Jim says, barging into my office without knocking. “Couldn’t have gone better.”

  “I agree.” I deadpan.

  “I’ve been trying to keep my ears to the ground about the investigation on Harvey Taylor. Turns out he just so happens to own a 9-millimeter semi-automatic pistol like the one used to murder Mrs. Beasley.”

  “No shit.” I perk up.

  I hear a commotion outside and then screams and shouts. I rise from my desk and follow Jim out to see what’s going on. Harvey Taylor stands in the middle of our lobby waving the gun we were just talking about. All the staff are huddled behind their desks and in their offices. Guests that were waiting are hiding under chairs and tables.

  “You did this to me!” he screams at me and Jim. “Both of you!”

  “Mr. Harvey, you need to calm down.” Jim says, holding his hands in the air. “Let us help you.”

  “Help me?” he yells. “I never should’ve talked to you! Tanner didn’t love Gloria! He loved those whores! He loved those whores that danced
for him!”

  “You loved Gloria, didn’t you?” Jim asks.

  “I did! I loved her!” he cries. “Tanner gave all their money to those sluts! He left Gloria alone every night and went to those women. That Amber! He gave her everything! I took care of Gloria!”

  “You did. You took care of Gloria. That’s right.” Jim consoles him. “No one has charged you with anything, Harvey.”

  “Tanner loved that whore! That green-eyed whore!” he yells.

  I clench my fists at my sides. Anxious that he’s going to do more than just rant and rave. Anxious to do something besides stand here and watch.

  “Why don’t you let me have the gun and we’ll go talk?” Jim prods.

  “I wanted Gloria to leave Tanner. I begged her to! I told her he loved that slut! I told her he was giving her all of their money, but she wouldn’t listen. She said she couldn’t leave him! I showed her I could take care of Tanner. I tried to make her come with me. I tried!” he sobs. “I didn’t mean to hurt her. I didn’t mean to!”

  His confession doesn’t necessarily come as a surprise to me. I’d known in my gut that he was the one who’d killed Gloria Beasley. I figured he’d eventually break. He lowers the gun to his side and takes a step towards Jim. As he does, the elevator

  pings and Memphis steps out with my father. Harvey turns and recognition flickers across his face.

  “You green-eyed whore!” he screams as he raises the gun.

  I leap for him as he fires and watch as both Memphis and my father fall to the floor.

  Chapter 35


  “Is your dad okay?” I ask, wincing as the nurse presses the bandage onto my arm. She checks the bandage on my head again before walking out.


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