by Rita McGrath
leveraging, 9–10
matching inside to outside, 152–54
negative, 65
personal, 11, 191–209
stages, 64
use of, 208–9
information gathering, 9
agile processes, 29–31
candor, 34–36, 182–83
challenges to, 23–25
customer connections, 27–28
diversity, 28–29
forecasting, 36–37
“get out of the building,” 32–34, 38, 131–36, 196–97
little bets, 31–32
online tracking, 15–19
social media, 19–23
styles of, 27–28, 38
surveillance capitalism, 14–19
Infosys, 47
Innosight, 36, 159
innovation. See also leadership
constraints, 152–55, 166
design thinking, 10, 67–71
digitization, 122–25, 147–52
from failure, 152–54
fostering, 31–32, 38, 125, 170–72
fun, 179–80
legacy IT, 149–50
organizational systems, 10
problem-focused vs. solution-focused, 120–21, 126
women, 167–70
innovation proficiency
building, 154–56, 165–66, 208–9
level challenges, 158–65
scale, 155, 156–58
innovation theater, 125, 156
Instagram, 25
insurance industry, 107–8
Internet. See also social media
data collection, 14–21, 140–41
evolution, 40–43
impact on teen market, 71–75
online education, 57
predicted effects of, 21–22
regulations, 13, 20, 23–25
Internet tracking, 15–18
Invite Media, 114–15
iPhones, 132, 133
iterative processes, 10, 67–71, 202–3, 209. See also discovery-driven planning
J, 154
jobs to be done
changing customer needs, 71–75
customer motivations, 85–86, 88, 90–94, 100
lenses, 88
John, Sharon Price, 169, 185–87
Johnson, Mark, 153
Johnson, Peggy, 140
Kelley, Barbara, 2
Keyes, Jim, 83
Kickbox program, 31–32, 161
Kickstarter, 123–25
Kin (Microsoft), 129–36
Kipman, Alex, 140
digitization, 147–52, 165–66
restructuring, 145–46
Kolditz, Thomas, 188–90
lagging indicators, 44–45, 64
LaserDisc, 80
leadership. See also teams
agile, 29–31, 38
clarity of strategy, 138–39
collaboration, 172–77
“command-and-control” mindset, 11, 170, 175–76, 183
crescive, 178–87
diversity of, 28–29, 38
empowerment of employees, 28, 30, 38, 139–42
flexibility, 136–38
“get out of the building,” 32–34, 38, 134–36
incentives, 142
inflection points, 10–11
innovation theater, 125
innovation training, 158–59
isolation of, 27–28, 38
listening to front-line employees, 112, 127–29, 137–38, 143, 183
non-hierarchical communication, 28, 151, 165–66, 170, 180
support of development teams, 131–36, 184–85
in uncertain times, 10–11
using feedback, 175–76
wartime vs. peacetime, 187–90, 209
women, 167–70
leading indicators
building into incentives, 142, 143
explanation of, 46–47, 64
external focus, 177
helpful, 208
personal, 197
Lees, Andy, 133–34
legal challenges, 34–35
Lencioni, Patrick, 175
lenses, analytical, 88
level-skipping communication, 28, 151, 165–66, 170, 180
lifeline exercise, 204–5
Lin, Frank, 3
LinkedIn, 140–41
LinkNYC, 29
Linux Foundation, 141
little bets, 31–32, 38, 103, 125, 208
Little Bets (Sims), 31, 194
Lore, Marc, 154
Lövgren, Pähr, 193–94
Lyft, 91
MacMillan, Ian, 115, 119, 158, 206
Mailchimp, 37
management. See also leadership
agile, 29–31, 38
executive collaboration, 172–77
inflection points, 10–11
isolation of, 27–28
Mulally’s principles, 184–85
non-hierarchical communication, 28, 151, 165–66, 170, 180
peripheral information gathering, 56
strategic planning, 9–10
support of development, 131–36, 184–85
talent reallocation, 163–64
Martin, Roger, 67
Martínez, Antonio García, 24
massive open online courses (MOOCs), 57
maturity stage, 9
McArdle, Megan, 92
McChrystal, Stanley, 170, 183
McCracken, Harry, 139
McGrath, Rita, 66, 159
McManus, Ryan, 104, 199–201
Megaron, 193
consumption, 142
helpful vs. harmful, 34–35, 38
indicators, 44–49, 64, 142–43, 177, 197
company culture, 127–28, 135–36, 171, 189
Kin mobile phone, 129–36
overlooking trends, 43
Vista operating system, 134–35
Microsoft Band, 141
mindset, 137
MOOCs (massive open online courses), 57
“More Plugged-In Than Preppy,” 73
Morfit, G. Mason, 140
Mulally, Alan, 170, 182, 184–85, 196
Murray, Brian, 183–84
Nadella, Satya
company culture, 127–28, 135–36, 171, 189
customer focus, 177
employee empowerment, 139–42
leading indicators, 48
learning from Netflix, 140, 202
National Cancer Moonshot, 114
vs. Blockbuster, 81–83
competition, 88–89
influence on Microsoft, 140
origin, 78–80
switch to streaming, 83–88
entrepreneurial, 119–20, 126
personal, 193–95, 209
Nissan, 187–88
noise, 49–51
Nokia, 26, 139, 141
non-hierarchical communication, 28, 151, 165–66, 170, 180
Norway, 76
Obama, Barack, 114
Octobo, 123–25
Olson, Matthew, 65
Only the Paranoid Survive (Grove), 1, 188
opportunity portfolio analysis, 160
optimum warning, 51
OptumRx, 96
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, 145
organizational systems, 10, 109–13
Osterwalder, Alexander, 158
indicators and, 47–49
lagging indicators, 45
pain points
early signs of inflections, 56–62
identifying, 87–88
as opportunities, 82–83, 91–94, 100, 166
Palihapitiya, Chamath, 23
Parakilas, Sandy, 23
Parliament, 194–95
p; Payless ShoeSource, 185
PBMs (pharmacy benefit managers), 96–99
“peacetime” CEOs, 187–90
personal inflection points
connection to greater inflections, 11
finding edges, 191–97
forecasting, 196–97, 203–9
preparation, 198–203
personal sound amplification products (PSAPs), 4–6
personal story exercise, 205–6
Pfizer, 118
pharmacy benefit managers (PBMs), 96–99
Pigneur, Yves, 158
planning, discovery-driven, 1
caveats, 101–2
learning from failures, 108–13
practices, 119–25, 126
staggering actions, 104–8
timing, 104, 125
using data, 113–19
prescription drugs, 94–99
pricing business models, 108
consumer attitudes towards, 24
data collection as invasion, 14–19
regulations, 13, 20, 23–25
rights to, 14–15
privilege, 28–29, 38
problem-focused planning, 120–21, 126
Procter & Gamble, 121
product fatigue, 74
proficiency, innovation
building, 154–56, 165–66
level challenges, 158–65
scale, 155, 156–58
Progressive, 108
proofs of concept, 161–62
prototypes, 202
PSAPs (personal sound amplification products), 4–6
PuR, 121
Pure Atria, 79
Pure Software, 79
Purohit, Sanjay, 47
qualitative indicators, 46–47
Quirky platform, 161
Qwikster, 85–86
rallying cries, 175
Raman, Manjari, 58
Rand McNally, 35–36
Randall, Mark, 31–32
Randolph, Marc, 78–79
data collection, 13, 20, 23–25
FDA clinical trials, 118
renewable energy, 53–56
resource pools. See arena-based analysis
Revlon, 161
ride-hailing companies, 91–94
Ries, Eric, 149
risk, shared, 189
The Road Ahead (Gates), 43
Robots & Pencils, 178–80
Rose, Frank, 36, 197
Rubin, Andy, 131, 133
Rühl, Gisbert
aspirations, 144
context analysis, 160
digitization of steel supply chain, 147–52
inspiration, 197
restructuring at Klöckner, 145–46
step-by-step innovation, 165–66
SaaS (software as a service), 172–73
Saffo, Paul, 102
Sahlman, William, 8
Samba, 18–19
Say Media (was VideoEgg), 115
scalability, 162
scenario planning, 52–56, 209
Schumpeter, Joseph, 2
SDSS (“Stop doing stupid stuff”), 187
“See it, Plan it, Action it, Repeat it, Keep the faith” (SPARK), 186–87
Shahani, Aarti, 34
Siemens, 110–11, 112
signal strength
interpreting weak, 40–43, 62–63, 208–9
ratio to freedom, 49–51
signal-to-noise ratios, 49, 51
Sikorsky, Michael, 178–80
silos. See also “get out of the building”
breaking down, 28, 151, 165–66, 170, 180
internally imposed constraints, 154–55
Sims, Peter, 31, 103, 194
skepticism, 40–43
skill-based credentialing, 56–62
skunk works, 161–62
Slack, 180
smart devices
early, 131–32
impact on teen market, 71–75
Microsoft Kin, 129–36
privacy, 18–19
shifting constraints, 90–91
Smith, Adam, 136
social media. See also Facebook
blind spots, 13–14
challenges to, 23–25
emotional impacts of, 22–23
fakes, 22
impact on teen market, 71–75
Instagram, 25
LinkedIn, 140–41
Twitter, 141
warnings, 21–23
software as a service (SaaS), 172–73
solar energy, 53–56
solution-focused planning, 120–21, 126
Solve Next, 34
Sorkin, Andrew Ross, 181
Soros, George, 21
Spar, Debora, 168–69
Sparapani, Tim, 15
SPARK (“See it, Plan it, Action it, Repeat it, Keep the faith”), 186–87
stability, 63–64. See also change
stages, inflection point, 8–9
Stakeholder Centered Coaching, 195–96
Statoil (now Equinor), 76
steel industry
Great Recession of 2008, 145–48, 165
mini-mills, 61–62
service centers, 144–45
supply chain digitization, 147–52
Stevenson, Howard, 8
Stoll, Clifford, 40
“Stop doing stupid stuff” (SDSS), 187
strategic inflection points. See inflection points
alignment, 170, 174
clarity, 138–39, 175, 180–82
elements, 9–10
intersection with technology, 200
streaming media
antecedents, 79–80
customer influence, 82–87
early inflection points, 81–82
Su, Yuting, 123–25
success, defining, 121–22
Sull, Don, 182
surveillance capitalism. See also data
challenges to, 23–25
combining databases, 15–16
extent, 14–19
financial value, 15
Sweet, Julia, 197, 199
systems, innovation, 163–65
Systrom, Kevin, 25
Take5 Solutions, 16
Taleb, Nassim Nicholas, 103–4, 122, 182
taxi services, 91–92
Tay chatbot, 141, 189
Taylor, Frederick Winslow, 136
Team of Teams (McChrystal), 183
executive collaboration, 172–77
Mulally’s principles, 184–85
non-hierarchical communication, 28, 151, 165–66, 170, 180
strategic planning, 9–10
support of development, 131–36, 184–85
talent reallocation, 163–64
televisions, smart, 18
10X. See inflection points
Thinkers50 rankings, 62
Thinker-Tinker, 123–25
Thompson, Derek, 135
Time Warner, 41
time zero
event identification, 51–56, 64
freedom to signal strength ratio, 49–51
of digitization, 104–8
moving too early, 104
T-Mobile Sidekick, 131–32
toy industry, 122–25, 169, 185–87
Toys “R” Us, 123
triggers, inflection point, 7
Turner, Nat, 114–19, 193, 202
21st Century Cures Act of 2016, 114
Twitter, 141
type 1/type 2 decisions, 29–31, 38
Uber, 91–94
underwriting business models, 108
UnitedHealth Group, 96
universities. See higher education
value chains, 66
van Bever, Derek, 65
vantage points, monitoring, 9, 208
gile processes, 29–31
candor, 34–36, 182–83
customer connections, 27–28
definition, 26
diversity, 28–29
forecasting, 36–37
“get out of the building,” 32–34, 38, 131–36, 196–97