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Battling Rapture

Page 14

by Stormie Kent

“If there is any banging to be had, we will have to make do with each other. I don’t share and you don’t seem to be the type.” The way she’d set the rules for A’Di had been his first clue.

  She rose from the chair and held out her hand. He grasped it and pulled her closer.

  “Deal,” she said. “Now let me tell Cam so she won’t be up all night.” She pulled back.

  He held firm. He pulled his information pad from his waist and sent Venn a message. He tossed the pad on the sofa table.

  “She knows. Now since I want you, I guess I better get started making you want me too.” He smiled.

  “So arrogant,” she whispered.

  “Luckily, I think your pussy likes me.”

  “I don’t know if I like you. Not two minutes ago you were blackmailing me. I think maybe we should just sleep.” She attempted to pull her hand away.

  “So it’s the hard way tonight? You need to be convinced.” He tried to sound reassuring. He walked her toward the bedroom. She tried to trip him.

  He opened his senses fully. His nose had already told him she was becoming aroused. He listened for a change in her breathing to match the accelerated rise and fall of her breast.

  Unfortunately, she liked for him to chase her. He’d warned her about exciting him by fighting and inducing a hunt. He’d explained if she didn’t want him, the best way to communicate that was to show indifference. She hadn’t managed it yet.

  He was already overstimulated by all the things which classified her as a level one exotic. When she triggered his need to subdue her, he found it impossible to resist.

  He suspected she got a rush from experiencing dominance in a controlled way. Anytime he allowed his strength to overpower her aggression, she transmitted a rush of pleasure. Since the first time they were together and he’d bruised her wrists, he’d been careful not to harm her. He had to be constantly on guard because once she submitted to him sexually, she seemed to enjoy it all. Pleasure and pain were equally enjoyable to her.

  He needed to protect her, even if it was from herself—or him. He gave her what she needed, but was determined not to damage her. Caring for her, sexually or otherwise, was his first priority.

  In the bedroom, he let her go to see what she would do. She grinned as she spun away. She wanted to play.

  “If you can catch and pin me before I make it to the door,” she said with a shrug, “I’m all yours.”

  He really tried to remain calm. The blood rushing to his already engorged cock made the task slightly painful. She came at him fast and strong. He blocked each punch, backhand and kick. He didn’t want to hurt her and she knew it. She used the handicap against him mercilessly.

  But he really didn’t have the patience for it today. She was his. He’d outmaneuvered her. At least for the next year and a half. He turned away from her and lunged to the bed. He clutched the coverings until he heard her run up behind him. Then he flung the covering at her, taking advantage of her surprise to wrap her tight and pull her close.

  “I think you are caught and pinned,” he whispered.

  “That was a dirty trick,” she said.

  “You mean like trying to assault me with tacky beast shifter figurines our first night on Tuetvon?”

  “That was different.”

  She appeared so disgruntled he couldn’t resist kissing her. As usual, she melted into him. Her mouth was warm and wet beneath his. He pulled back slightly and nibbled the corners of her lips. He unwrapped the edges of the covering and tossed it back on the bed. He held her tightly against him to minimize her chance of escape while he undressed her. His cock twitched as he unfastened her dress and pushed it down over her hips. It landed at her feet silently. He lifted her and tossed her on the bed.

  He admired the jiggle of her breasts for a moment before she propped herself up onto her elbows. He pulled her shoes from her feet and pulled her leggings and panties off at the same time. He paused to gaze at her.

  “You are the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen in my life.”

  She widened her legs and slowly slid her hand down between her legs. “I would think, looking at Ordanian women, I would be too different for you to find me attractive.”

  He watched as she parted the lips of her pussy with her fingers and began to slowly rub her clit before stopping to gather juices from her canal and use it to lubricate her clit.

  “You are not merely attractive, Niki, and you know it.”

  He tore his gaze away from her dripping cunt to stare at her face. She was smiling, the look in her eyes wicked. He tore his clothes away from his body. She watched hungrily. His focus returned to her fingers, which circled her clit faster now.

  Naked, he fisted his cock, using the precum from the tip to ease his hand up and down his shaft as he watched her pleasure herself. Slowly he walked closer. He trailed the fingers of his free hand lightly up her ankle, leg and thigh to rest at the entrance to her pussy. She shivered.

  “Are you watching or helping?” she asked, breathlessly.


  He slid two fingers slowly inside her. He rubbed his shaft faster as he began to push his fingers in and out of her cunt. Her fingers flew against her button now. Her inner walls tightened around his fingers.

  “Harder,” she said.

  He obliged, going from gentle thrusts to aggressive ones. Her pussy clamped down on his fingers as she fell back with a cry. Her fingers covered her clit and she touched his sticky fingers with her own. She shivered from the inside out and he watched and felt it all.

  He pulled his fingers from her body and crossed to his dresser. He rummaged inside until he found his ceremonial neck cloths. He grabbed them and returned to the bed. She hadn’t moved. Her eyes were closed and she still clutched her pussy.

  He really wanted to dive into her tight pussy and pump until he spilled inside her, but he wouldn’t. She would like that, but she would enjoy what he was going to do a lot more. He caressed her ankles before pulling them together and tying them with one of the neck cloths.

  “What are you doing?” she asked.

  She frowned, but didn’t resist as he turned her over and pulled her to her knees. He pulled her arms behind her back, crossed them at the wrists and tied them as well. He placed one hand on her neck while one clutched her wrists. He pressed gently on her neck until she bent forward at the waist and her cheek touched the bed.

  Her breathing was erratic now. Her body shook slightly. He pulled the tie from the end of her braid and slowly pulled it apart. He spread her hair around her. He stood back and observed what he’d done. Her lips parted and her little tongue peeked out and licked her lips.

  “You know, I should make you suck my cock now.” He waited while she groaned. “You did say you belong to me, didn’t you?”

  “That isn’t exactly what I said, but if you want me to suck your dick, bring it over here.”

  She tried to raise her chest off the bed and he pushed her back down. He wasn’t as gentle this time.

  “I said I should make you suck my dick, but I find I’m a little impatient to fuck your pussy tonight. You look so sweet like this. But we both know you have to be conquered to be this still.”

  “Nobody likes a bully,” she said.

  “Have I bullied you?” His hands travelled to the ties on her wrists.

  “No,” she said quickly.

  He pulled the globes of her ass apart and stared at her puckered hole and cunt just below. She was all his. He’d bought himself some time to convince her of the fact. She was the type of woman you had to show things. You couldn’t just tell her.

  She made an impatient noise and he squeezed the flesh in his hands.

  And then he entered her sopping wet pussy in one push. She gasped and he paused to get his control back. The position tightened an already impossibly tight pussy and he almost disgraced himself. He widened her knees slightly before pulling out and slamming back into her. His hips slapped against her ass and her pussy made wet noises
as he fucked her the way she was currently screaming for him to do. Harder and faster were apparently her two favorite words.

  He placed one knee on the bed beside her thighs. He still held her ass cheeks wide and her puckered hole enticed him. He let go of one of her cheeks and moistened his thumb in the juices slowly coating his cock and running down her legs. Then he pressed his thumb to her anal opening and massaged. She started moaning in earnest and he pressed harder with his thumb until he was inside. She wiggled her ass a little as if getting used to the feeling, but he never let up.

  He worked her ass as forcefully as he did her pussy. She moved her legs closer together. He assumed she was applying pressure to her clit with her thighs. Her pussy and asshole quivered for a moment before she squeezed him unmercifully in ever tightening contractions as she climaxed. She screamed her pleasure, letting him know how good it felt.

  Rhine gritted his teeth through it, refusing to stop. She was capable of climaxing over and over again for minutes at a time and he pushed her. He brought the hand still holding her ass around her body and between her legs. He pushed his way between her legs and worried her clit. She immediately started cursing him. He’d never heard some of those words strung together in phrases before.

  She came over and over again and he gave her everything he had. Her voice was starting to give out and so was his control. The pressure in his balls was tremendous and finally he couldn’t hold back any longer. He roared her name with his release. His cock jerked with each spurt of his seed.

  He remained upright through sheer determination. He didn’t want to crush her by falling on her and he couldn’t bring himself to pull out of her warm pussy. Not yet.

  He caught his breath, then slowly slid his thumb from her body. She groaned. He untied her wrists and massaged her arms. He slid from her pussy as slowly as possible before untying her ankles. She pulled herself flat on the bed and he rolled her unresisting body over before climbing on top of her, but holding his full weight from her with his forearms and knees.

  Her eyes were heavy lidded and she smiled up at him. He sipped at her smiling lips until she demanded greater pressure. He sincerely suspected he loved the woman. His every thought was for her. He watched her constantly, looking for ways to please her. The thought of her leaving him or her with another man was enough to make him want to destroy something.

  He pulled her knees up and kept them in the crooks of his arms. He slid back into her body. He continued to kiss her as he slowly rocked in, and out of her pussy. He maintained the steady thrust until she gave him a quiet climax. He allowed his own release right after. She sighed against his mouth and he felt it all the way to his toes.


  Niki felt a little more relaxed at the breakfast table the next morning. Rhine sat close to her. The weight of his leg felt familiar, if heavy, pressed against hers under the table. The bargain she’d made with him was strange. She’d suspected at first it was purely a sexual relationship he wanted. She would be his mistress and the peace would be kept in the castle. Until he flipped her world on its ear by suggesting she didn’t have to have sex with him unless she wanted to. Suddenly she’d become a…girlfriend. No, that was too tame a word for anyone associated with the captain. She was his woman. Even if it was through blackmail.

  She hadn’t felt there was any reason to haggle over the terms of their bargain. She’d planned on staying anyway to keep an eye on Cam and Venn. She already had some clue that if she stayed, she would probably end up in Rhine’s bed more nights than not.

  The dining room door opened and an older Ordanian woman walked in. She was blonde, svelte and showed how Bronwyn would look in thirty years. Well, she hoped Bronwyn wouldn’t walk around with that “What is that smell” look on her face.

  “Mother, why are you here?” Venn asked.

  Niki guessed there was no love lost there.

  “I’m visiting my children, even if they would rather be here with her.” The woman stared hard at Camryn. “And when I arrive, I find two more slaves at the Huntu table. Her twin and a Rarian.” The sides of the woman’s mouth turned down and she stared at them through narrowed lids.

  She was going to have serious wrinkles if her face always looked that way.

  “Lady Helsa, this is my sister Niki,” Camryn said.

  “I suppose since Sir Rhine is salivating over her overexposed breasts, she belongs to him,” Lady Helsa said.

  Niki started laughing. The woman was absolutely horrible. She was also bold and direct, which Niki admired.

  Rhine grabbed the back of her neck gently. “Be quiet, hellion.” He pressed a closed mouth kiss to her lips, but she still felt it everywhere it counted.

  Venn’s mother made a disgusted noise in her throat and walked to an empty seat. She waited while one of the servants pulled it out for her.

  “Are you breeding yet,” she asked Camryn.

  Niki started laughing all over again. Camryn turned to Niki and threw a cloth napkin at her.

  “Would you stop it,” Cam said.

  Niki could see Cam was holding in a smile of her own. At first Cam had looked shell-shocked, as though she’d been blindsided by the woman’s words. There was a story there and Niki would get to the bottom of it later.

  “I don’t want to talk about reproduction at the breakfast table,” Camryn said.

  Lady Helsa waved her hand as if pushing the comment away. “Nonsense, we are all family here, except for the Rarian. It is your duty to produce sons and daughters. Though they will probably be scrawny, since their mother is so small. Hans, have you been studying under your brother. Your nephews will likely be too small to lead.”

  Venn stood. His heavy chair scraped across the floor. “Get out. Don’t think I haven’t forgotten what you’ve done. If you make any more trouble, I will—”

  “No, Venn.” Camryn tugged mightily on his arm.

  Bronwyn frowned at Lady Helsa. “Mother, why are you being so difficult? Isn’t being banished to the dowager holding bad enough?”

  Niki observed that the boy, Hans, said nothing. He looked to his brother as if for guidance, and Niki noticed, even though he was physically big, he seemed wary of his mother.

  Lady Helsa picked up her fork. “My own daughter has turned against me.”

  “She has to go,” Venn was saying to Camryn.

  “Venn, she’s your mother,” Camryn responded softly.

  “If she’s a threat to my sister, she does have to go,” Niki said. “Amusing or not.”

  “Did this slave just give me direction?” Lady Helsa said.

  Niki leaned her arm across the back of her chair. “I’m only a slave on paper until my man gets finished eating and the lawyers get here. But I do take my family’s safety very seriously, and guess what?” She jerked her thumb toward Camryn. “She’s the only family I’ve had since I was five.”

  “You guard her as if you are a hundrivarg.” Lady Helsa said.

  “Why do I get the feeling she called me a bitch?”

  Camryn whispered, “Because she did.”

  “Okay, don’t think of me as any regular bitch, though. Think of me as the super-supreme bitch of the galaxy. I’m just waiting for my copyright to clear before I start wearing it on all my shirts,” Niki said.

  “Ooh, don’t forget the matching jackets. You could put SSBG for short. I want one in pink,” Camryn said.

  They both started snickering. “We could have a social club. I know Bronwyn would want to join,” Niki said.

  “A hundrivarg social club,” Bronwyn asked dubiously.

  Niki and Camryn roared with laughter.

  “What is happening here? I don’t understand what they are saying,” Lady Helsa complained.

  “Yes, what is happening here?” Venn said. His voice was soft as he rubbed the back of his giggling wife.

  “Hellion, behave yourself,” Rhine said. He reached for her hand and held it in his lap. She decided to let it go, since she was in a good mood.

p; “Oh you already know I don’t behave. No money in it.”

  Camryn sighed. “I am so glad you’re here.”

  Niki winked at her. If you wanted pandemonium at the breakfast table, she was your girl.

  A teenaged boy ran into the room. His chest heaved and his eyes looked a little wild. “Lord Huntu, there’s a problem at the stables.”

  Venn looked down at his wife. “Stay here.”

  She nodded. Niki’s left eyebrow raised.

  Rhine squeezed her hand before getting up with the men. Bronwyn stood.

  “Not this time, little one,” he said as he passed her.

  Bronwyn sat back down, a little dejectedly.

  She could almost see the thoughts moving through Cam’s head. She waited. Finally, Cam looked at her. Niki nodded. They both stood and headed for the door. They’d watched their mothers take too many orders as kids and weren’t too good at it themselves. Niki beckoned to Bronwyn, who shot up and followed quickly.

  “Bronwyn, come back here. Sir Rhine told you to stay here,” Lady Helsa said.

  Bronwyn walked a little faster.

  The stable was bigger than her entire apartment building on Earth. Inside, it looked as she expected. Stalls lined each wall and hay was scattered around. She hadn’t expected the big black horns on the horses. She poked her head over one of the stall doors and almost had it snapped off by giant horse teeth.

  “They’re hastut,” Camryn whispered.

  They were bigger than any horses she’d ever seen. They had a repeating striped and zigzag patterns on their manes and tails and legs. The one which tried to bite her was gray with black stripes and zigzags, but there were others in brown, white and black with gray, brown, black and white stripes.

  “I hear something this way,” Bronwyn said. She pointed to a corridor to the right.

  They followed it to an open door, which led to a corral in the rear of the stables. The Huntu and several men she’d never seen before stood around a mound on the ground. From where she stood, it looked and smelled as if it was a dead animal.

  “Oh no. That’s terrible,” Camryn whispered.

  Another of the creatures lay on its belly, with its long snout resting on its front paws. Its teeth weren’t contained in its mouth. They were long and sharp. So were the wicked sharp black claws extended from its four paws. This one was reddish brown with a coarse shock of black fur, which stood straight out from its body, starting at the top of its head between pointy jackal ears to the base of its bushy tail, as though it had a super long Mohawk. It was hideous, with massive shoulders and breastbone.


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