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Battling Rapture

Page 18

by Stormie Kent

  Suddenly, Rhine rolled away from her, stood and began to remove his clothing.

  “So you’re just going to go from zero to sixty just like that?” She wasn’t really complaining.

  “You will not relax, so I will help you.”

  Did he time his words to coincide with the removal of his pants? It was sort of brilliant.

  “I feel more excited than relaxed.”

  He winked at her. “The relaxation comes afterward. Strip.”

  She stood on the bed and discarded her clothes as quickly as possible. He stepped forward and she moved to the edge of the bed. His hands cradled her face as he pulled her closer. He leaned forward as if to kiss her, but didn’t. He held his mouth a hairsbreadth away from hers. Her eyes fluttered completely closed as she waited. The anticipation sent delicate little shivers down her spine.

  Then his lips touched hers. Softly at first, they glided across her lips before parting to deepen the delicious contact. His tongue danced with hers and she tried to immerse herself in the exquisite feeling. Whatever this was she felt when with him was addictive. She wanted to absorb what he made her feel into her pores. With a simple kiss he could turn her to mush and convince her she didn’t care if she were vulnerable.

  His hands slid from her jaw and traced her neck and back. As he slid his palms around to her belly, she gave in to her constant craving and touched him. She caressed his shoulders before sliding her hands slowly over his triceps. Being close to him caused her breasts to feel heavy and sensitive. Her pussy pulsed with anticipation.

  His palms dragged across her rib cage before closing over her breasts. She exhaled in relief. She needed his touch. His mouth left hers and he trailed kisses across her jaw, and down her neck. Every once in a while he would scrape his teeth against her skin. Her breath caught every time.

  He molded her breasts, presenting them to his sucking mouth as he latched onto her nipples. She wound her hands in the silky strands of his hair, and urged him closer. Her head fell back as she attempted to experience every tug, and lick. He showed equal attention to each breast. She was flooded with sensation.

  His hand moved back down her torso, glided down her belly and cupped her sex. He slid several fingers into her slit and rubbed. She couldn’t help grinding her pussy against his fingers. His palm pressed against her clit and she bit her bottom lip as the first quivers from the little bundle of nerves jerked her body.

  She widened her legs in hopes that he would thrust his fingers inside her. He did. She squeezed his fingers and he thrust faster. She rocked her hips, fucking herself against his thrusting digits. Her hands clutched his shoulders for balance. He pulled away from her breast and slid his fingers from her pussy at the same time. Her nails dug into his skin in protest.

  “I want you to come in my mouth,” he whispered.

  He kissed the area below her bellybutton and moved her back on the bed. She stepped back unsteadily as he released her. He lay on his back and touched the back of her calf. He tugged gently and she stepped forward. He guided her leg across his chest so she straddled his body. She gazed down at him and smiled.

  “This is the best view I’ve had all day,” he said.

  He raised his hand to her pussy and rubbed his thumb through the wetness there. He pulled his hand to his mouth and sucked her wetness from his thumb.

  “Feel free to drink from the source.” In fact, she might have to insist.

  “I’m waiting.”

  She moved forward carefully and knelt so her pussy was above his mouth. She clutched the headboard as he grabbed her ass and guided her closer to his mouth. The first touch of his tongue was electric. He was voracious as he pleasured her. He wasn’t as gentle as before and she couldn’t imagine why she would want him to be. His tongue was magic as it circled and suckled her clit. He lapped at her folds and imbibed her juices.

  His hands on her ass encouraged her to grind her cunt into his mouth. He was the best at pleasuring her pussy and she told him so. He chuckled and the vibration against her sensitive flesh caused her entire body to shake. He sucked forcefully on her clit and she stiffened, then convulsions coursed through her body.


  With her attention on her still twitching pussy, she didn’t protest as her arms were gently pulled, forcing her to release the headboard. She tumbled onto her back and he spread her thighs wide. Her eyes focused at the exact moment Rhine slid into her willing body. She groaned in delight. His expression was serious. His hair swirled around them and tickled her face. She leaned up and kissed him quickly, then lay flat again.

  He smiled slowly and her already wet pussy gushed and clamped more securely around him, as if it too wanted to keep him forever.

  “You were made just for me,” he said softly.

  She thought so too. He began to move within her, pulling out and pushing slowly, but forcefully. She panted a little with each thrust. She couldn’t hold back the exhalation. He stared into her eyes and she was unable to look away. A thrill ran through her. She secretly loved it when his total focus was on her. She would look up from a conversation or eating, and find his eyes on her, unwavering and possessive. She ate it up every time. This moment was no exception.

  She wrapped her arms around his back and tightened her legs around his waist. Their pelvises ground together, and with every buck of his hips, her clit reaped the benefits. She was seconds away from a climax.

  Damn, I love this man. The shock of admitting her feelings to herself pushed her into her release.

  He sank into her faster, never stopping even as she writhed under him. She gasped for breath, catching it only to have him steal it with his next plunge. Their bodies created a smacking sound as flesh met flesh.

  “You are my woman, Niki.”

  She orgasmed again. His words claimed her and her body agreed wholeheartedly.

  When she calmed, she slid her palms around to his torso and smoothed them up his chest and neck. She grasped the hair at the back of his head. She kept her eyes on his. His mouth was set in a determined line. He moved faster now, rocking the heavy bed as he silently demanded the right to possess her.

  “You’re my man.”

  He took her mouth. His kiss consumed her. She tugged his head closer as he froze over her and jerked, spilling his seed within her. She wanted everything he had to give, including his heart.

  Rhine cradled Niki close to his side. The feel of her pressed so near was extraordinary. He’d taken her mind off her disquiet for a little while. It didn’t last. Even as she rubbed his side, he could feel her anxiety returning. She halted her caress and clutched him tightly. He could ask her again what troubled her, but she would only change the subject or tell him he was imagining things.

  Yesterday she’d told him to go see the empath doctor because his sixth sense was on the blink. Camryn had laughed, but he still wasn’t exactly sure what she’d meant. Maybe she needed a break or a change of scenery. When she’d been surrounded by fewer people on the ship, it had been harder for her to put him off. So he would take her where there were fewer people.

  “We’re going on a little trip,” he said.

  “When?” She raised herself on her elbow.

  “Now.” He forced himself to leave the warmth of her body.

  “You never said anything about a trip. What about my sister? What about my Ordanian lessons with Awya?”

  He stood and stretched. He smiled as he felt her hand smooth down his back and across his buttocks. She could never resist if he flexed a muscle.

  “I just decided to go, and as you will remember from our agreement, you are to come with me. Your sister can live without you for a little while. You’ll be back, and as for your lessons, I can read and write, Niki. I’m sure I can teach you.”

  “Are you sure?” Her tone implied his literacy was in question.

  He shook his head and walked to the closet. He pulled out several bags. He gave her the biggest one. She clutched it and looked up at him in bewild

  “Get packed. We will be gone for a while.”

  “Are we going into space?”


  He went into the bathroom to wash. When he returned, she was still sitting in the same spot, clutching the bag and worrying her lower lip. He crossed to the bed and kissed her.

  “Why won’t you tell me where we’re going?”

  The anticipation would keep her mind off whatever was troubling her.

  “You’ll be going wrapped in a blanket with all of your things still in this room in a minute. Maybe we should have gotten you a lady’s maid.”

  She climbed off the bed. “I don’t need a maid. I don’t wear the elaborate clothes Cam does and I can pack my own bag.”

  “Hmm.” He made sure to sound as dubious as possible.

  “Put a Sir in front of some people’s names and they get bossy.” She muttered the words as she entered the bathroom.

  He didn’t always understand the meaning behind her words, but he recognized the tone. Her mumbling always made him want to smile. It was unique to her and she was his.

  He packed the few things he would need quickly and left the room. He found the castle manager, Nolf, and directed him to have his hovercraft readied. He walked to his cousin’s study and requested entrance. The door opened and he was greeted with the familiar sight of Camryn draped across the room’s settee, reading from her information pad. Venn looked up from paperwork on his desk.

  “You’re leaving,” Camryn said.

  He smiled. She always said the same thing and he could never figure out how she knew.


  “You’re taking my sister with you.” Sadness laced her voice.

  “I will bring her back and we will be less than half a day’s ride by hovercraft.”

  “I know. The change will be good for her. Something is bothering her. I’ll go help her pack. She’s probably just dumping everything in the bag.” Camryn smiled weakly before heading out the door.

  “Niki was concerned for Camryn when I informed her we were leaving.”

  “They’re a lot easier with each other. Which may come back to bite us both with this Anti-Slavery Alliance matter,” Venn said.

  Rhine sat down in the armchair across from Venn.

  “What have they done already?”

  “Niki hasn’t done anything, yet. Camryn has enough questionable activities to force a council hearing if she’s found out.” Venn ran his hand over his face.

  “Can we go back and cover it?”

  “Olaf and Gunter have been working on it. I wondered why she was inviting every lady and edela on Ordan to the keep. Apparently it was a massive public relations campaign. She wanted to show them she was a real person and not just an object for them to whisper about. She hoped their opinion would sway their husbands, fathers and brothers.”

  It was a good plan.

  “Have we heard anything else on the Bute Chaeen matter?” Rhine said.

  He clamped down on the anger he felt whenever thinking of the beast shifter.

  “He’s dead. The virus you all released into his computer mainframe made him vulnerable to a coup. They’re in the middle of a civil war and apparently he was the victim of an assassin attack. I know you wanted your chance at him, but with Niki here, you have other priorities now,” Venn said.

  “I’m not the one who needs convincing. I did have to resort to blackmail to keep her.”

  “You might be surprised how little convincing she really needs. Camryn has already started planning your wedding. I can’t seem to convince her Niki won’t appreciate it. She says her sister promised her she could, when they were ten and eleven.”

  Rhine winced. He didn’t see that ending well at all.

  Venn leaned forward. “I guess it’s my turn to offer you some advice. I wouldn’t wait too long to tell her how you feel.”

  “Venn, she’s—”

  “More skittish than a wild hastut? Yes, she is, and a little too smart for her own good. I bet she’s worked some things out in her head which aren’t true. At least not anymore.”

  “Would you speak clearly? If you know something, you should just tell me.”

  Venn smiled, and stood. “Would you care to take some people with you? You only have a small staff and I don’t know how long I can keep my wife off your doorstep.”

  Rhine shook his head at the change of subject. He wouldn’t get any more from his cousin, even if he attempted to beat it out of him.

  “No. Give me a few weeks and bring them when you come.”

  They walked together to the front entrance. Niki and Camryn were hugging each other tightly as the family stood around solemnly. He was just going to his home as he did for several weeks every few months. You would think they were leaving forever. He almost changed his mind. Then Niki looked up at him watching them and her worry seemed to escalate.

  “Time to go,” he said. “If we leave now, we should be there before nightfall.”


  They traveled at a steady pace and reached the walls of his home with the sun low in the sky.

  “You guys love stone walls,” she said.

  “They deter enemies.”

  He deactivated the entryway so they could enter without being shocked and drove to the front steps.

  “Where are we?”

  “This is our house.” If she didn’t like it, he’d get her a new one.

  “I don’t remember buying a mansion. And a house is one of those buildings we passed in the last town we drove through. This is bigger than a house.”

  She stared up at the building. The door opened and Egil appeared in the threshold. The man stood straight despite his age.

  “Sir Rhine, we are ready to meet the mistress,” Egil said.

  Rhine placed his arm around her waist so she wouldn’t run away. He should have anticipated the servant’s interest in the only woman he’d brought home. They also would have learned Niki was Lady Huntu’s sister from the Huntu Keep servants and anticipated that her visit was somehow important.

  “That’s fine, Egil.”

  He walked with her up the steps and through the door. He kept a small staff since he was the only person in residence and he wasn’t often home. His mother had remained in exile with his father and died there. He was an only child. His male cousins were his brothers. Bronwyn and Camryn were his sisters. He glanced at Niki. Now that she was in his life, he considered her his top priority. She was his family.

  He introduced them by rank, since they’d turned out in uniform. “This is Egil, the house manager. This is Cook. She makes the best pastries in the area. Koll is our manservant and Sibbe is the house maid.”

  “It’s nice to meet you,” Niki said.

  Rhine couldn’t help noticing their nostrils flaring. They weren’t used to being around an exotic as the Keep servants were. It would irritate her for a while, but they would adjust. Young Koll looked as if he was already in love. He’d have a talk with him later.

  “Have the bags taken up, Egil. We’re going out to the hangar.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  He steered her toward the rear of the house and out the exit. She was quiet. Maybe too quiet.

  There was a slight chill in the air as he led her across the rear lawn to the hangar. It was a large, rather ugly building. Inside was his newest toy. He wanted her to see it. She would be the first person, other than his cousins, he would show it to.

  He paused at the door and deactivated the alarm. The door slid open and the lights came on.

  “It’s beautiful.”

  He smiled at the awe in her voice.

  “I wish we’d had it when we came to retrieve you. It would have taken out those Gesturian fighters.”

  He walked forward and ran a hand along the side of his battleship.

  “Why didn’t you have it?”

  “I haven’t finished building it yet. My cousins help when they have time. It shouldn’t be much longer now. The final parts ca
me in while I was away.”

  He turned to watch her. She walked to the rear of the vessel and back.

  “It’s as big as a cruise ship. How will you get it out of here?”

  He went to the control panel, and punched in the code. He watched her. When the two halves of the ceiling slid back slowly, she looked up, and laughed. She spun around and he couldn’t keep his eyes from her. Happiness showed on her face and the carefree way she moved her body made a beautiful woman spectacular.

  “Did you build the hangar too?”

  “I put in the roof.”

  She turned back to him and he recognized the look in her eyes.

  “Intelligence and talent are sexy as hell,” she said.

  “Is that so?”

  “Oh yeah. Come here, and I’ll prove it.”

  She backed up until she was pressed against the smooth side of the ship. He watched as she painstakingly pulled off each of her garments. He reached for his jacket.

  “No, leave all your clothes on. Just loosen your pants enough to bring your cock out. I want you to fuck me up against the side of your battleship with all your clothes on, like you couldn’t wait to have me.”

  She smiled wickedly at him as she pulled her hair loose from its braid. The woman he loved, naked against his battleship, telling him to fuck her. It had to be one of the best moments of his life.

  He moved forward until he crowded her. He kissed her as one of his hands loosened the fastening of his pants and the other hand cupped her cunt and explored. She was hot, wet and ready for him.

  “No foreplay?” he asked.

  “You already fucked my mind, baby, by building this battleship. Give it to me.” She had her hand wrapped around his cock.

  She let go and grabbed his shoulders as he lifted her. She shivered and kissed him deeply. Her legs came up around his waist, and he positioned himself to enter her pussy. He’d just had her that morning. He never went a day without making love to her at least twice, but he was just as excited as if he were touching her for the first time.


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