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The Cradle Files

Page 17

by Delores Fossen

  Good. That was a start, but Garrett wanted more. "What about Billy Avery? Is he holding a grudge against Lexie?"

  Brayden shook his head. "In fact, he seems relieved to be exonerated from the baby stealing charges. Honor among thieves and all that. Avery apparently didn't have a problem extorting money and intimidating witnesses, but even he draws the line at kidnapping babies."

  That was something, at least. Garrett darn sure didn't want to tangle with Billy Avery. Not after what they'd been through. "So, we're in the clear?"

  "Almost." Brayden took a deep breath. "You still have to do some reports at headquarters."

  Yeah. That. "And there's likely the butt-chewing I'll get from Lieutenant Dillard. It'll probably lead to my dismissal. I'll just resign and make things easier for everyone."

  "Don't be too hasty. You're one of the best cops at headquarters, and none of us plans to let you get away." Brayden stood and extracted something from his jacket pocket. Two items he tossed to Garrett.

  A piece of paper and his badge.

  They landed in his lap and lay there. The badge, a symbol of what he'd thought was the most important thing in his life. He checked the paper. It was a lab slip with the DNA test results. The baby was Lexie's and his. Not that Garrett needed a test to confirm it.

  "No more administrative leave," Brayden clarified. "Full reinstatement, after you've recovered, of course."

  Garrett had to clear the lump from his throat. "Dillard's okay with this?"

  "It was his suggestion." Brayden stared down at him. "You have no idea just how good you are, do you?" He didn't wait for a response. Not that Garrett would have known what to say. In addition to the lump in his throat, he was speechless. "That's my fault. I should have told you just what you mean to the department. And to me."

  Hell, that lump got worse. "I'm good at bashing in doors," Garrett reminded him.

  "You're good, period. You're the first cop I call into a situation when all hell's breaking loose. You don't always play by the rules, but then neither do the bad guys. Case in point—if you'd listened to me, if you'd followed the rules, you might not have gotten your daughter back."

  Garrett took a moment to compose himself. "Thank you."

  "Thank you," Brayden declared. His posture changed when they heard Lexie returning.

  Garrett understood his brother's nonverbal cues. Their heart to heart, soul-baring conversation was just for them. Still, Garrett was well aware that he'd just received a precious gift—affirmation from a cop whom he respected and admired above all others. He would carry it and the badge with him.

  "Lieutenant Dillard will thank you, too, when you're back on duty," Brayden continued, his voice lighter now. "Heck, you'll even get a commendation for collaring Linnay Blake and putting an end to this illegal adoption ring."

  "That's wonderful," Lexie said.

  Garrett glanced up and saw her in the doorway. She looked great. Rested. Happy.


  She had on one of those cottony dresses that skimmed her body. A dress he intended to remove once they were alone and the baby was napping.

  And speaking of the baby, Lexie had her cradled against her. A squirming baby who was making cooing and gurgling sounds. He put the badge on the end table so he could reach for his daughter. Lexie accommodated him, depositing the child into his waiting arms, and then she sat next to him.

  Brayden tipped his head toward the badge. "You used to break out in hives if you weren't wearing it."

  "I'll put it on later. All those edges might scratch the baby."

  His daughter must have approved of that decision because she looked up at him and cooed. It was a rather amazing sound. And obviously an indication that she was a genius.

  "According to one of the parenting books I've been reading, you're supposed to coo and gurgle back when she does that," Lexie told him. "It encourages speech development."

  "Maybe." Garrett tried a coo, but it sounded a little scary. "But it won't do much for my bad boy image."

  "Neither will changing diapers," Lexie added with grin.

  Brayden grinned as well. "I suppose a lot of things will change." He looked at Lexie. "I don't know if you plan to go back to being a bodyguard anytime soon, but if you're interested, I can ask around."

  She shook her head. "I have some money set aside so I can afford to take time off to be with the baby. Besides, being a bodyguard has lost some of its luster." She pointed to the box of files that had been brought over from the safe house. "Dr. Darnell and Dr. Blake ruined a lot of lives. I might be able to help. We have those records. It wouldn't be official because of how the records were obtained, but I can try to locate the birth mothers and let them know what happened to their children."

  Garrett nodded. It was a good cause, and while he was still on medical leave, he could help her. But more than that, he was simply looking forward to spending time with Lexie and their baby.

  Brayden checked his watch. "I figure you've got less than fifteen minutes before the family arrives. I'll wait for them on the porch and go over the rules."

  "Rules?" Lexie questioned.

  "Trust me, you'll want rules—especially since the family has had two days to plan this little get-together. That's what you get for Garrett not wanting the whole O'Malley clan to visit him in the hospital."

  "I didn't want to introduce them to Lexie and the baby until I was home," Garrett explained.

  "Can't say I blame you. Still, there's a definite need for rules. I'll let them know that they can't grill Lexie about your intentions toward her. They can't suggest baby names. And finally, they can't stay long. I'm sure both of you are eager to get some…rest."

  That last part sounded a little raunchy, but Garrett conceded that it might be his own interpretation. During the past two days, he'd had a lot of hot, lurid thoughts about Lexie, and none of them involved rest. Just clothing removal.

  "Speaking of baby names," Lexie murmured, "I was thinking about Erin."

  "Erin O'Malley," Brayden and Garrett said in unison.

  Lexie glanced at them. "Something wrong with that?"

  "Nope," Brayden answered. He stood. "It's Irish. I'm sure it'll meet with family approval." He excused himself and went outside onto the porch, closing the door behind him.

  Garrett looked at Lexie. She was nibbling on her bottom lip. He leaned over and kissed her. And then did some nibbling of his own.

  Her participation was good, but he knew she could do a lot better. "You're nervous about meeting my family."

  "You bet I am. I don't know what they'll think of me for running out on you."

  Oh, this was easy. "They'll love you. I love you."

  There. He'd said it. And it was surprisingly painless. In fact, he rather liked the way it sounded. Liked even better the way it made him feel. So he said it again.

  "I love you, Lexie."

  The lip nibbling stopped, and she made a little sound in her throat. He was pretty sure it was a sound of happiness. His first clue was when she practically launched herself into his arms, and he ended up holding both Lexie and Erin.

  It was heaven.

  Well, almost.

  Then Lexie made it heaven.

  "I love you, too, Garrett."

  He'd heard her say it before. While he lay on the ground bleeding. But he had a powerful reaction, hearing it again. His heart actually did a little flutter. Not very manly or bad boy of him. However, he was hoping for a lot more flutters in their future.

  Especially once he got her out of that dress.

  She put her mouth to his and whispered against his lips. "How could I not love a man who bashes down doors and windows to save our baby and me?"

  "You bashed stuff, too."

  "Yes. I think that's why we're a good match."

  He was pleased to hear that, because he felt the same way.

  "Marry me, Lexie." He saw the surprise on her face and panicked a little. "I'm afraid to make that a question. I need you to say yes."
/>   The surprised look turned into a smile. "I need to say yes as well."

  He'd expected to feel happiness. He did. But he also felt relief. "You mean that?"

  She put her mouth to his once again. "There's no place I'd rather be than right here with you."

  "We can do better than that. How about in my bed?"

  "That, too. But I think for the next month or so, we'll have to settle for quickies. Because of the baby. She's not much for long naps."

  "I'm good at quickies."

  "I'll bet you are." She kissed him back and managed to leave him wanting more. A lot more.

  However, Garrett put their passion on hold a little longer so he could reach in his pocket for a small black box, obviously designed to hold jewelry.

  Lexie's eyes widened. "When did you find time to get a ring?"

  "I didn't. I'd planned to pick out your engagement ring tomorrow." He used his thumb to flip open the box.

  She opened her mouth. Closed it. And just like that, tears sprang to her eyes.

  "Oh, man," Garrett grumbled. "I made you cry."

  "They're good tears," she promised. She reached into the box and took out the delicate gold and diamond necklace. The last gift her father had given her. The one she'd pawned to survive. "How did you find it?"

  "I hired a P.I. to search every pawnshop in the city and surrounding area." Since her hands were trembling, Garrett helped her put it around her neck.

  For a moment he thought it'd been a mistake to give it to her on a day already filled to the brim with emotion. But when she eased back and they faced each other again, he knew he'd made the right decision.

  "Thank you." And she kissed him. It was French and hot. Well, as French and hot as it could be, considering he still had the baby in his arms.

  "Hold that thought," he whispered when he heard voices outside. "We'll do something about it as soon Erin's down for a nap and my family leaves."

  That hot, sultry look in her eyes vanished, replaced by nervousness. That wouldn't last long. His family would quickly put her at ease.

  He stood, drawing both Lexie and Erin to him. Definitely heaven.

  They went to the window and looked out. His parents, sister, brother-in-law, Brayden's wife and their three kids were making their way onto the porch. All were smiling, and some—especially his mom—looked as nervous as Lexie.

  "You were right," Lexie mumbled. "They have a Bundt cake and lots of pink stuff."

  They did indeed. Pink balloons. Pink roses. Pink gift bags with matching ribbon. And there was an enormous pink-wrapped package in the shape of a bear. His nephew was carrying a pink plastic badge and a pink bubble gum cigar.

  "Remember that part about them loving you," Garrett reminded her.

  "And remember that part about me loving you," she reminded him.


  He'd gone through life knowing that something was missing. Something he couldn't quite put his finger on. But he certainly knew what it was now.

  Lexie and his daughter.

  They were the parts of the puzzle that made everything complete. They made him complete.

  Garrett pulled them both into his arms and waited for his family to welcome—and fall in love with—the newest O'Malleys.

  ISBN: 978-1-4268-8694-2


  Copyright: ©2006 by Delores Fossen

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  Table of Contents



  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty




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