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Unauthorized Affair

Page 16

by Lisa Ladew

  Hunter looked around, but still wouldn’t meet Jen’s eyes.

  “I need an answer Foley, we’ve got a lot of work to do patching up this department.”

  “I, uh, I’d be honored, Sir, but there’s some things I need to work out with you first.”

  “Name them.”

  “Privately, if that’s OK.”

  “Yes, follow me to my office.”

  Hunter turned to them, still avoiding Jen’s eyes. “Wait upstairs for me. I’ll need to give you your hotel information.”

  And just like that, he was gone. Jen looked around wildly for a bathroom, not wanting to cry in public, but feeling the hot tears pressing against her eyes, demanding to fall.

  Ivy saw her face and took her hand. “We’ll meet you upstairs, Ryker.”

  She pulled Jen to a bathroom and held her. “What’s wrong, Jen?”

  “Nothing. I’m just tired. And stressed. And PMSing maybe.”

  Ivy said nothing. Jen didn’t care if Ivy believed her or not. She’d tell Ivy later, when they weren’t in the police station anymore. She needed to tell someone. Pain seared through her.

  When she calmed down she wiped her eyes and they went to find Ryker. Jen didn’t want to go to a hotel room. She wanted to go home. Surely Sara and Jerry were protection enough for her. She’d just tell Hunter—

  He walked in the room, straight to Ivy and Ryker. “Do you two want one room or two?”

  “One,” Ivy said.

  Hunter nodded. “That’s what I thought. Your key is waiting for you at the front desk. Stay together.” He turned to Jen, and grabbed her hand when she wouldn’t stop pacing to look at him. “Jen, come outside with me please.”

  Jen let him pull her outside, the tears building again. This is where he tells me we can’t see each other. We can’t even have that one night he promised me.

  He walked her to his truck and turned her to face him. He wiped the one tear that had spilled down her right cheek gently, with the ball of his thumb. “I told the Chief I would take the job, but on two conditions.”

  She snuffled. “What are they?”

  “One, I told him that you and Ivy and Ryker need to get full credit for this bust, which is one of the biggest in WHPD history. It needs to go in your personnel file and your names need to be on the reports.”

  Jen didn’t say anything, not caring about the reports or the files or the bust at all. Only waiting for her heart to get ripped in half.

  “And then I explained to him our … situation. I told him that we’d fallen in love, but we hadn’t actually dated or done anything about it, because you were a recruit and I was your boss. I think he believed me.”

  Jen swallowed. “Love?”

  “I told him I couldn’t take the job because I wanted to be free to date you.”

  Jen couldn’t believe what she was hearing. “You’d do that for me?”

  Hunter wiped another tear away. “I’d do anything for you.”

  Jen grabbed his hand and tried to step into his arms. He held up a finger and held her back.

  “He appointed me assistant chief, but of operations. He left Carver’s other assistant chief as director of personnel. So that means I have nothing to do with personnel. And it’s perfectly legal for me to date you.” Jen uttered a little shriek of surprise and joy. “But, not until you are out of recruit class.”

  Jen wilted. “Oh my God. How long is recruit class again?”

  “Five months.”

  Jen tried to walk on legs that suddenly felt creaky. “Five months. Five months. I can do that. I can wait that long. I’m sure I can,” she said to herself, under her breath.

  Hunter watched her, his expression unreadable. She whirled to face him. “And you agreed to it?”

  “Actually, I told him I respected that, but wondered if there was any wiggle room for discretion.”

  “And he said?” Jen’s voice trailed off weakly. Hunter stepped in close to her and whispered in her ear, “He said there is always wiggle room for discretion.”

  Jen pulled back, eyebrows raised, eyes wide, and tried to read his face. “What does that mean?” she hissed.

  Hunter laughed and pulled the passenger door to his truck open. “Get in. We got one hotel room also.” His eyes burned into hers. “If that’s OK with you?”

  Jen climbed up into the seat, her heart back in a normal rhythm but her soul flying above her in joy. “Only if it’s soundproof.”

  Chapter 26

  Jen walked into the hotel room behind Hunter, anticipation lighting up her nerves like fiber-optic cables. He pushed the door closed and pinned her to the wall with his body. “Finally,” he breathed into her mouth just before he covered it with his. Jen closed her eyes and melted into him. Finally, she echoed in her own mind.

  He lifted her hands over her head and held them in place, placing feather-soft kisses on her bottom and then top lip. Jen sighed, each touch sending bolts of pure sensation down her body. She couldn’t believe it was happening. This handsome, hunk of a man was finally all hers. She could do anything she wanted to him. She could let him do anything he wanted to her. And she wanted all of it. Everything he had to give. And everything she had to give. She bucked her hips towards him and tried to catch his lower lip in her teeth. He got the message, his own hunger coming through in his more urgent kisses.

  “Hunter, I’m dirty,” she breathed.

  “Awesome,” he growled back.

  “No, I mean it. I’m sweaty and yucky. I want to take a shower before you take me.”

  He moaned quietly into her mouth and pressed his body against her harder. She felt his erection throb against her lower belly and she reached for it, traced a finger over it, marked it for later.

  “I could wash you,” he offered.

  “No shower sex for our first time. Shower sex can be awkward. I want our first time to be amazing,” she told him, eyes still closed, his lips on her jawbone, his teeth scraping her skin.

  “No sex. I’ll just wash you. And brush your hair.” His voice sounded husky and sexy and his words sent her over the edge. She wanted to be clean, but she didn’t want to wait to have him inside her. She rolled her head back. “I can’t decide. I don’t want you to stop.”

  “I won’t stop,” he promised. “But I won’t take you until we’re on the bed.”

  She groaned an agreement and he lifted her shirt over her head, then unclasped her bra and dropped it to the ground, but he never stopped kissing her. He dropped his hands to her jeans and unbuttoned them, his tongue still gently probing her mouth. He pushed her jeans down and she stepped out of them.

  Hunter dropped his mouth to her neck and gently lavished her collarbone and the sensitive places below her ears with attention, his hands sliding around her waist and hooking into her underwear. Jen’s breath tore in and out of her throat in ragged gasps. Her very center felt too-hot, too-there, too-primed to explode at any touch. “Hunter,” she breathed, as his fingers slid down her legs, pulling her underwear with them. They puddled around her ankles and he dragged his hands lightly back up her inner thighs, slowly. She grabbed his hair and pulled. She was so close to orgasm and he’d barely touched her! Her head rolled against the wall as his hands dragged higher and higher, the friction sending tiny vibrations right to her core. One hand reached her sex first, and slid, ever so softly upward. She gritted her teeth, thinking she could stand it if he just did that again, but the next hand bore down with just a tiny bit of pressure, sliding up, then back down, dipping in between her folds, then sliding out directly against her clitoris. Jen uttered a sensation-driven moan as her orgasm slammed into her, rocking her pelvis forward. Dimly, she was aware of Hunter whispering sweet, encouraging words, and sliding his finger gently back to where it had caused such a response. Slowly she came back to earth, breathing heavily, sweet waves of pleasure receding from her core. Hunter planted a sweet kiss on her top lip.

  “That wasn’t on purpose,” he said.

  She laughed at t
he expression on his face. “It was an accident?”

  He laughed too. “No, I mean—”

  “I'm suddenly very aware that I am completely naked and you are fully clothed.”

  “I’ll fix that.”

  He pulled his shirt over his head and cast it aside, drinking her in with his eyes as he did so. Jen gasped lightly at her first view of his naked chest. He seemed chiseled out of stone, with defined muscles stretching from his chest, straight down his abs. He undid his own pants and pushed them down, revealing dark boxers, stretched to capacity at the front. Instead of shedding them he lifted her hair off her breasts shoulders and spilled it down her back, then looked her up and down, desire clearly imprinted on his face. “You’re so beautiful, Jen. Tell me what I did to deserve you.”

  Jen’s breath caught in her throat at his statement and question. She didn’t know how to answer him. The wanting in his eyes sparked a new heat in her belly and she felt her own desire come flooding back.

  He didn’t seem to need an answer. He took her by the hand and pulled her into the bathroom, turning on the shower and testing the water temperature.

  He invited her into the shower and she stepped towards it. “I left my brush in your truck, Hunter.”

  “Too bad. Rain check on the hair brushing?”

  “Yeah.” She smiled, and realized she couldn’t wait till he brushed her hair. It sounded simple, but incredibly erotic at the same time. She pulled the curtain closed, feeling suddenly shy. “I’ll be out in one minute. Less.”

  He didn’t respond. She hoped his feelings weren't hurt. She peeked out and saw him finally taking his underwear off. His back was to her, so all she could see was his hard-as-stone ass. She grinned and wondered what she’d done to deserve him. She quickly ran a bar of soap over her body and rinsed off, just wanting to be back where he could touch her.

  “Don’t turn the water off. I need it too.”

  “OK.” She stepped out and grabbed a towel. He stepped in on the other side of the shower curtain. By the time she had reached the bed, he was already turning the water off.

  He walked out confidently, drying his hair with his only towel, his cock fully hard and leading the way. Jen’s eyes widened at its length and thickness. She couldn’t seem to take her eyes off of it. Her former shyness melted into a little puddle of goo she quickly discarded. He threw the towel on the ground and stood to the side of the bed, the darkness in this part of the room shadowing his eyes.

  She realized he was waiting for an invitation, not wanting to rush her or push her. Oh she would invite him. She would invite him to have his way with her. Naughty desires went through her mind. She wanted nothing more than to be at his mercy, to be taken and dominated by him. She’d never had a lover quite as … in charge as she saw him. That’s because he was your boss, way to not make that weird, she thought, stuffing a giggle down. Whatever, boss fantasy or not, she relished the thought of him being in charge of her, as much as she said it was OK, anyway. In her mind’s eye, she saw him pushing her against the wall again and holding her arms with one hand while he did as he pleased. She reached out with her right hand and wrapped her fingers around his cock, delighting at the weight of it. He made a small noise in the back of his throat as she pulled him forward and ran her fingers over him.

  He climbed on the bed and kissed her thoroughly, until she collapsed into the mattress. He lifted her arms over her head like he’d done before, and ran his hand along the underside of them, making her shiver. His hands traced her arms and sides and then moved up to cup her breasts. Jen sighed and arched her back. He caught one of her nipples in his mouth and she gasped again as he expertly rolled his tongue around it. “Take me,” she begged him, not wanting to wait one more second to feel him inside her.

  “With pleasure,” he said, reaching past her to the nightstand. Jen saw he grabbed a condom and felt a giggle escape her throat.

  “Are you laughing at me?” he asked, a fake serious look on his face, which didn’t slow his hands down at all.

  “No, but when did you put that there? You are like Houdini.”

  “I am like Houdini,” he agreed, and then he was nudging between her legs and she felt his thickness pushing gently at her, causing ripples of pleasure to cascade upward and inward.

  She opened for him and arched into the bed, feeling every inch of him stretching her, turning her inside out with pleasure. “Oh Hunter,” she breathed, her mouth working independently of her brain. “Ivy said you’ve liked me for a long time, since even before our first night in the hotel room when you wouldn’t do this.” He slowed his pace and kissed her chest.

  “I’ve liked you since the first time I saw you at the written test, months ago. I’ve loved you since before our first night in the hotel room when I wouldn’t do this to you.”

  Jen felt a burst of pleasure, independent of what he was doing to her physically, at this admission. She sighed. He picked his pace up again, thrusting deeper into her each time. She moaned, feeling herself building towards orgasm again. “You love me?” her defector mouth asked.

  “I think I do, Jen. Come for me again,” he said, his voice thick with sensuality.

  Jen let him take her where he wanted her to go. She curved into the bed again and allowed the waves to pull her under, to drown her in bliss, only dimly aware of Hunter shuddering above her with his own release.

  When she fell quiet, he let himself down on top of her gently and kissed her shoulder. “I’m starving.”

  Jen laughed and swatted him on the chest. “Me too,” she said. “Pizza?”

  “Yeah, I’ll order in a second. He disappeared into the bathroom, then returned, switching the lights on and pulling the phone book out of the drawer next to the bed. Jen buried herself under the covers, feeling happiness radiating off her. She had a job she was good at. She had a new boyfriend who said he loved her. A thought struck her.



  “Don’t get mad at me, but are you a cheater?”

  He turned to her, eyes questioning. “No Jen, I’ve never cheated on a girlfriend and I never would.”

  She settled deeper in to the covers, sleep overtaking her. “That’s what I thought.” She drifted slightly but pulled herself awake long enough to tell him one last thing. “Wake me up when the pizza gets here.”



  Almost two weeks later, Jen said good-bye to the evidence room for the last time. She had been working there since the search warrant out at Savoy’s place. She was waiting for her recruit class to start, which would happen on Monday. Ivy and Ryker were also working in here, but neither one of them had showed up today and Ivy hadn’t messaged her back yet. She wondered if they were sick.

  She walked out of the station, heading to her car. Her plans for Assistant Chief Foley that evening rolled through her brain. She had been working on him, extracting his deepest fantasies. She had just enough time to get down to the costume shop and rent the stewardess outfit she’d put on hold over the phone, then get to his house and let herself in to wait for him.

  Her thoughts turned to Coleton, as they always did around this time of the day. She wished he would respond to her messages. Luckily, they’d found enough evidence in his dad’s houses and the ex-chief’s house that they could prosecute Savoy without him. She just hoped he was OK.

  Her phone rang. Ivy.

  “Hi Ivy, you guys sick? Or just spending the day in bed?”

  “Jen.” Ivy’s sobbing voice cut through her joking mood.

  “Ivy, what’s wrong?”

  “Jen, Ryker’s disappeared. He left me a note. He…” She broke off into heart-wrenching sobs.

  “Ivy, tell me.”

  “He says he’s quit the police department and ... and he doesn’t love me anymore.”

  The End

  Book 2 of the Unauthorized series , Unauthorized Deception, is available Here

/>   *** If you haven't read Jerry and Sara's story, it is book 5 of the Edge of the Heat Series, located here:

  Book 1 of that series is free, here

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  About the Author

  I live in the frozen north (Idaho pandhandle). I am married and have 2 boys, the oldest 11 and the youngest 2. I am addicted to facebook. And writing. And sentence fragments. No really, I am.


  Thanks to Nicki, Rachel, Joan, and Lisa. Without you, this book would not be as polished.

  And thanks to Geoff Shaw and Johnny Jam Pederson, who made me believe.




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