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Quarterback Daddy

Page 74

by Ava Walsh

  She hopped up and trotted into the kitchen, snatching the phone off its hook on the wall. “Hello?”

  “Hey, Min.” It was Bret calling from New York. He’d told her that the new album wasn’t going well at all.

  “Hey, big brother. What’s up?”

  “How’s my favorite niece?”

  “Spoiled by her grandma. How’s my favorite brother?” She carried the cordless with her into her bedroom and sat back down amongst her books and binders.

  “Just left the studio. Min…” He paused and she wondered if he were going to say anything else. Normally, he called to complain about how bad the whole recording process was this time around. “Devon’s a wreck. He misses you.”

  She put down her criminal psychology textbook to listen. “He told you that?”

  “He doesn’t have to. I’ve known him most of our lives. Trust me.”

  “You just remember, you promised not to tell anyone about the baby, least of all Devon. Okay?”

  Her brother sighed. “Yeah, and I’ll keep my promise. But that doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t tell him about her. I think he’s looking for something that’s missing in his life. I think it’s you and Katy will be like icing on the cake.”

  “He hasn’t called me, hasn’t come to see me. I’m not hard to find, Bret. I’ve accepted that he never really loved me. You should, too.” She stretched her legs out on the bed. She had the urge to push all the books onto the floor. She was tired, so tired from studying, taking care of the baby, and helping around the house. To be honest, her heart still hurt when she thought about how easily Devon had accepted her demand that he never contact her again.

  She’d meant it, but a small part of her had hoped she mattered too much to let go that easily.

  Maybe that had been the problem, though. She’d wanted him to prove himself so bad, she’d shoved him away and then been upset that he actually respected her enough to listen.

  “You still there?” her brother asked.

  “Mm-hmm. Just thinking about some things.”

  “Okay. Well, take care of you and that sweet baby, all right?”

  “Promise. Bye.”

  What would she do if Devon actually called her? How would she react, especially since a year had passed? She honestly didn’t know. She’d either tell him to go to hell or beg him to give her and the baby a chance to make him happy.

  Chapter Seventeen - Devon

  It had been a year since Mindy had left him, had told him not to contact her ever again. They were recording a new album, and things were tense. Bret had stormed out of the recording sessions at least a dozen times. Devon didn’t know if August Doll would survive his love affair.

  “Let’s take a break,” Devon said, as tempers began to flare, once again.

  “Screw you,” the drummer said and walked out. He might or might not be back today. Devon sighed. Didn’t matter. They could record his drum tracks later if they had to. He was desperate to make this work. Without Mindy, what else did he have but his band?

  Devon strolled over to Bret, picking at his guitar, a sullen look on his face. He sat down beside his former best friend. “This isn’t working.”

  “It hasn’t worked for a year. You’re only now realizing that?” Bret replied.

  “You’ve got to let go of how pissed you are at me.”

  Bret put his guitar down and stared at Devon. “You abandoned my sister when she needed you the most.”

  “That’s not at all what happened, and you know it. She told me to stay away. I’m just… honoring her wishes.”

  “Please.” Bret ran a hand through his short hair, mussing it on top. “You’re scared your old man is right.”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Devon turned to look around the studio. Instruments were scattered around the room. They couldn’t seem to find the sound they were going for.

  “He always said you’d screw up your life, and I guess he was right. You let Mindy go, and you’re obviously going to regret that forever.”

  “I thought you wanted me to stay away from her.” Devon turned back to Bret, giving a slight headshake. Something tightened around his chest. “Isn’t that why you’re so pissed at me?”

  “I’m pissed because you weren’t man enough to go after her. Once I got over the fact that you took advantage of her—”

  “I did not.” Devon pushed himself up off the couch.

  “—and realized that it was a relationship on both sides, I’ve been waiting for you to man up. But it doesn’t look like you have the balls for it.”

  Devon took off, out of the studio, out of the building, into the crisp fall air. Leaves were falling here in New York where they were recording the album. People strolled about, milling around everywhere. He needed to clear his head.

  Was Bret right? Had he really let Mindy push him away because he was scared to fight for her? Would she even still want him?

  What if she had someone new, in college? What if she’d met someone her age, smart like her, with similar interests, and moved on with her life?

  But… what if she hadn’t? What if she still loved him? Devon turned quickly and ran back to the studio. He burst in as Bret was putting his guitar away in his case. His breath came in short pants. His lungs were on fire now. “Your sister… is she at… the University? Or is she… home?”

  “What do you care?”

  “Because I’m going to find her. Tell her I love her. Hope like hell she’ll take me back since it took me so long to realize it.”

  “Well, it’s about damn time. She’s home. If you want my sister, you’ve got to go back to Indiana.” Bret gave him a questioning look.

  Devon hadn’t been back to Indiana since they left on their newly purchased tour bus several years ago. “Watch me.”

  He pulled out his phone and called his manager while he headed back to the hotel to pack. “Chet, get me on a flight from New York to Indianapolis today. Rent me a car, I’ve got to drive a bit. You get all that?”

  “This sounds like trouble,” Chet said.

  “I don’t give a damn.”

  Chapter Eighteen - Devon

  Devon turned the car off outside of Mindy’s mom’s house. It was small and modest, the house where he’d hung out to play video games with his best friend. Bret had wanted to buy his mom a new home, but she wouldn’t have it.

  It looked like maybe no one was home. Their mom’s car was gone. But then he saw someone, Mindy maybe, walk past a sheer curtain in the living room. Okay. He clutched the keys tightly. He was going to do this. He had to convince Mindy that he’d been miserable without her, couldn’t live without her another day.

  Devon climbed the porch steps and gave a resounding knock on the front door. He waited for what seemed like an eternity.

  Finally, Mindy opened the door. Her mouth and eyes went wide with shock. “Devon, what are you doing here?”

  “Can I come inside? To talk.” He swallowed hard as his stomach clenched like a fist.

  She looked around the living room. When she looked back at him, her eyes shone brightly. “Yes, but only for a few minutes. My mom is at the park, but she’ll be back soon.”

  He didn’t understand why he needed to be gone before Mrs. Cassidy came home. Did she hate him now, too, for letting Mindy go? Scratch that—if he’d hurt Mindy, he knew she’d have it out for him.

  Mindy turned away and went through the house, picking up a small blanket and a couple of toys off the floor. She stuffed them in a laundry basket and put them in the hall. Maybe she had a puppy now? Didn’t matter. He needed to focus on why he was here.

  “Min,” he started and stopped. How did he begin? “There’s something I need to say to you. I should’ve said it a long time ago, but… I screwed up.”

  “That’s what you came all the way to Indiana to tell me? You screwed up?” She wiped her eyes as a tear fell.

  “No. I mean, I did, but that’s not what I meant to say. I’m doing this all wrong.” H
e stepped closer, took her face in his hands, and wiped the new tears away. “I’m in love with you.” His insides shook as he waited for her response.

  She gazed into his eyes. “For real?”

  “Very for real. I’m lost without you. I can’t enjoy anything, not even the music when you’re not there. You make my life complete, but that’s not even why I’m here. I want to be those things for you. I want to be the one thing that makes your life better.”

  She turned her face into his hand and kissed his palm. “I love you, too. But, we need to talk.”

  “We will. I’ll do whatever it takes to make you happy, I promise.” He leaned down to brush a kiss across her forehead, but she lifted her face, and then they were kissing. Electricity shot through him. It was like time had stopped. She could still make him feel like it was just the two of them in the world.

  She snaked her arms around his neck and he grabbed her ass in both hands, lifting her up. She wrapped her legs around his waist in response and moaned his name. Her mouth latched on to his neck, and she lapped at him.

  “I’ve missed you,” she murmured against his skin.

  “God, Min, you’re my everything. I didn’t even know what love was until I met you. I’m so sorry I let you go.”

  “Not your fault.” She kissed him, opening her mouth in invitation. His body responded, and he was hard for her. He walked backward with her to the couch and sat down. Their hands were everywhere, roaming under each other’s clothes.

  “We should stop,” Devon said. “You said your mom will be back soon and this isn’t how I want her seeing her future son-in-law.”

  “Was that a proposal?” Mindy leaned her forehead against his, breathing hard. “Don’t ask me that yet. There’s something you should know.”

  “You’ve found someone else.” He knew he’d waited too long. Stupid to think she was sitting here at this house alone, waiting for him.

  “Don’t be ridiculous. There won’t ever be anyone else for me, not like that.” She slipped out of his arms and onto the couch. “But there is someone you need to know about before we can be together. We’re a package deal now.”

  Was she seriously talking about her puppy now? “I could care less if you have a dog. We’ll take her on the road with us.”

  “Dog? What?” She half-smiled, her head tilted.

  “The toys. And the blanket. You’ve got a dog, right?”

  Mindy stood up and crossed to look out the storm door. When she turned back, her fingers twisted together. “Katy isn’t a dog. Those were baby things.”

  “Oh.” They could get past this. He wasn’t going to be angry at her because she’d been with someone else in the year they’d been apart. “You had a baby?”

  “No, Devon. We have a baby. A little girl. I named her Katherine, after my mom.”

  A flush of adrenaline hit his bloodstream and his stomach was heavy. “A baby. You and me?”

  Chapter Nineteen - Mindy

  Mindy’s insides felt torn apart at the idea that Devon might reject their child. What if he didn’t even believe her? What if he was worried she wanted something from him? What if, what if, what if. It was all she could think about.

  “You should at least meet her, Devon. Even if you don’t want me, you should see her. She’s beautiful, smart… perfect. She’s my perfect little angel.” She took a faltering step closer.

  The door opened behind her. It was her mom. She was chattering away at Katy and the stroller wheels squeaked on the hardwood floor. Mindy whirled around to face them. She couldn’t keep looking at Devon, his face slack with shock.

  She wondered as she had a hundred times before, at her choice to keep this a secret from him. She hadn’t wanted to saddle him with responsibility he wasn’t ready for, hadn’t asked for. Katy was precious to her, but having this baby had been her choice.

  “Devon?” Her mom stopped in her tracks and looked at Mindy, her lips pursed.

  Mindy undid the latches and picked the baby up from the stroller. “Mom, can you excuse us?”

  Her mom gave her a long, questioning look then nodded. “I suppose so.” She started to turn, then stopped. “Devon, I’ve known you a very long time. I treated you like one of my own.”

  “Yes, ma’am,” Devon said.

  “Think very, very carefully about the next words you say. They’ll define who you are to this child. And to Mindy.” Her mom turned at that and walked into the kitchen. She was right. If Devon couldn’t find a way to love them both, then they could never be together.

  “I understand.” Devon took a step closer to Mindy, his eyes bulging from their sockets. “Can I hold her?”

  She held Katy close, inhaling her scent for a moment. She smelled so clean and new, still. Her child… their child. “Yes.”

  He crossed the room and held his arms out. She slid the baby into them, helping him adjust to Katy’s small size. “She was two weeks early. It made me think of you. She was so excited to take center stage, she couldn’t wait.”

  “And she’s healthy?”

  “Absolutely perfect. Has been since day one and she’s in the ninetieth percentile for her development.”

  “Is that a good thing?” He looked into his daughter’s clear, blue eyes, Mindy’s eyes. She saw it on his face, the moment everything clicked into being real for him. He hugged the baby close. “You’ve got a head start on me. I don’t know what any of that means.”

  “It means she’s smart and developing well physically.” Mindy sat down on the couch because her knees were wobbly. She wanted to ask him what this meant for their future. Did the three of them have a future? But that seemed selfish considering he’d only just found out he was a dad.

  “Is this why you left me? Because you didn’t think I’d want her? Because I already love her. She smells like nothing else, and she looks so much like you.”

  “She got your blond hair, though.” Mindy couldn’t help but smiling when she talked about Katy. But her stomach fluttered with nerves.

  “Sure she does. She’s got to have a little bit of her old man. As long as she looks like her beautiful Mommy.” He sat down beside her and laid Katy down on his thighs. “You didn’t answer my question.”

  “Yeah, this is why I left. I knew Bret would try to make you marry me, I knew the label would try to make you marry me, and that was the last thing I wanted. If you want us, I want it to be because it’s what you want.”

  “Are you kidding me?”

  She couldn’t meet his gaze, staring hard at a spot on the old hardwood.

  “Min, look at me.” When she lifted her face and looked at him, he touched her cheek, keeping one hand firmly on the squirming baby’s belly. “Of course I want you both. I love you. Hell, I’ve known her for less than five minutes and I’d cut off an arm for her. I love both of you.”

  Relief rushed through her like standing under a waterfall. “So, you’re not mad?”

  “Oh, I’m going to kill your brother. If he’d only told me what was going on…” He shook his head, his mouth a hard line.

  “I made him promise me he wouldn’t. Here.” She scooped the baby up, spread a blanket on the floor and laid her down there. “If you don’t kiss me in the next five seconds, I might die.”

  Devon stood and was by her side in a flash. He wrapped his arms around her and looked down at the baby and then into her eyes. His lips took hers, gentle and sweet, and then more. Demanding and hot, everything at once.

  When they parted, he held her close. “We’re a family. We’ll always be a family. I love you, Min.”

  “I love you, too, Devon. So much.”

  Today, they would start their lives together. She didn’t care if they ever married, though she’d remind him he’d sort of proposed to her. She just wanted to raise their daughter together, as one. For the first time since she had left him, she was truly happy again.



  The Boss's Game


; Oscar

  I am an arrogant, self-indulgent and offensive pr*ck. Plus I am exceptionally good looking and rich. I can get any woman into my bed.

  I am the new CEO of the family firm, the one who has to save the company from a financial crisis. I have to prove that I’m capable of it, because I have no practical knowledge. My skills include licking off ten belly shots in one minute and seducing Brazilian supermodels.

  Women mean nothing to me. I don’t do relationships. I’m not interested in my conquests, just in whether I can fit their butts into my hands.

  Until Kayla. She’s strong-willed and confident and her curves drive me wild. Her eyes command me to stay away, making me want her even more. But she’s my new PA. She’s off limits.

  I know she wants me just as much I want her. So I propose a business contract. Just sex. Nothing more.

  As if.


  I have my eyes on the prize. I am going to make sure my career is going places. I just got promoted to be the PA to the Connell’s lost son, Oscar. Score for me, career wise.

  Until I realize that my new boss is that blue eyed blonde model of male perfection that I met in the gym. The one with the six-pack and the chiseled muscles; the one with the most annoying smirk in the world who can’t stop staring at my butt.

  I’m shocked to realize that I want him. Purely physically of course. Oscar is like a hot knife and I am butter, so I agree to his indecent proposal. Even if it goes completely against my rules of conduct.

  I’m pretty sure I don’t like him as a person. Who would? He’s just a means to an end. Plus I would never allow myself to grow attached to a man.

  So his rules suit me just fine. Only sex, nothing else.


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