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Quarterback Daddy

Page 110

by Ava Walsh

  “I like you in that,” Owen said, before he could think about it, enjoying when she blushed and glanced at the coffee pot. “Want some?”

  “I’d love some.” Nadine stepped forward and fixed a big cup before she sat in the breakfast nook. Owen busied himself fixing some bacon and eggs for them and sat next to her as he slid a full plate in front of her. “Thank you.” She had only eaten a few bites before she looked at him. “I had a great time last night, Owen. It got my mind off of things, but I was doing some thinking this morning.” She sighed. “I have nothing here. I think I just want to go back to Chicago and be with my family, start over. I don’t even want to get my stuff since it’s just a few clothes. I’ll ask him to ship them to me and, if he won’t, I can get a job there and buy more. I just know I can’t stay here in Texas now. I hate it here.”

  “I’ll take you to the airport,” Owen offered, and she let out a bitter laugh.

  “I don’t have the money for a plane ticket. I was supporting him.”

  “I’ll get that for you. It’s the least that I can do, Nadine. You need to be there.” She smiled at him before promising to send him the money as soon as she could. She showered and dressed before they left with just her purse in hand and headed to the airport. Nadine was on her phone trying to find cheap flights and was even considering a bus ticket, but he assured her that he didn’t want her sitting on one of those for hours.

  He gave her the money after he assured her that he was okay without it, not mentioning his family’s financial status. They stood at the door away from the hustle and bustle, and she gave him a grateful look before she moved to wrap her arms around his neck. “Thank you so much. You’ve done so much for me, considering you don’t even know me.”

  “I got something out of it as well,” Owen assured her, as the idea to ask for her number crossed his mind. That was the last thing Nadine needed, not to mention him. He felt her lips press against his slowly and slipped a hand into her hair to deepen the kiss before she pulled away with a ragged breath.

  “I need to get out of here before I make you take me back to that trailer,” Nadine smiled, as she slid her hands down his chest in a slow gesture. “You are a saint among men, Owen. Take care of yourself and know that I will forever be grateful to you for everything that you’ve done.” A brief kiss and she was gone, disappearing into the crowd that was going towards the counter to buy their tickets.

  Owen watched her for as long as he could see her before he walked to his car and headed back to the ranch to deal with reality. He already missed her, but it was just another girl and just another night. At least, that’s what Owen told himself.

  Chapter Four

  Owen’s mother was livid when he finally showed up at the house after a shower, but he got her calmed down just in time to get told off by his brothers when they arrived at the house. Cindy was sobbing on the couch, and Marilyn told her sons to stop it as she rushed over to cradle her daughter in her arms. “I suppose that we all deal with things a little differently, but we need to let that go now. Let’s fill Owen in on what happened yesterday.”

  Owen sat with Cindy as his mom explained that his father had specified in the will that the farm and the money would go to the first son to have a child, an heir to the family business. Owen knew that in his father’s mind that meant a boy, but that didn’t matter as none of the sons were in that place in their lives yet. He certainly knew who was closest, though, and Nadine flashed through his mind as he wondered if that could have gone anywhere.

  Everything was on hold until that situation changed, as far as the ranch, but they were ordered to share the duties of the business until then. Marilyn had an accountant already set up who would handle their finances and, with the money they’d made over the year, the whole family would be more than fine. Owen swore to himself that he would man up and do what was right as he took Cindy for a ride over to the pond to distract her from everything that was going on. They were going to have supper when they arrived back at the house, but she needed this time to just relax.

  In the next few months, the family did the best they could with the ranch and dealing with things, and Owen felt like he was getting closer to all of them. Sometimes he felt like his brothers were in a rush to knock someone up to get the business with all of their sudden late nights, but he left that to fate. Owen himself had a few nights with random girls, but never with the intent of impregnating them. It was just what he did, though he thought about Nadine a lot.

  Cindy was adjusting within four months’ time, though Marilyn had her stay at friends for the day when they went through his father’s things. They had boxes set up for things to donate, things to save and stuff that just wasn’t worth doing either with due to age. It wasn’t easy, and they both had their moments where they broke down into tears. His parents had been married for thirty-five years and were madly in love the entire time, despite their busy life with family and the ranch. She missed him a lot, and Owen looked at her as he wondered if he would ever find that in his life. Owen also wondered if it was worth it as she cried when she looked through their wedding album.

  He took a break to run home and grab some more boxes that he had in a spare room. He thought he heard a knock at the door while he was stacking them in the hallway. Cindy was out in the front yard since she’d arrived home and come along with him so his mama could regain her composure. He wondered if she needed something, as he frowned and brushed his hair back. “What, Cindy?” Owen walked down the hall towards the front door and opened it, expecting to see his little sister at the door. “Nadine?” She was standing there with a nervous expression, and he leaned against the door frame as he frowned. “What brings you back here? “

  “I…I have something to tell you.” She was frowning but still looked beautiful in her loose pink dress and flat sandals as she shuffled her feet. “God, I feel stupid. I am here because I’m pregnant.”

  Owen felt his face drop before he noticed Cindy standing behind her with wide eyes. “Shit. Cindy!” Nadine turned, and they both saw the little girl running away across the grass. “Damn it.” He stared into Nadine’s face and took in the redness of her cheeks as he wondered where his sister was going. “You’re pregnant?”

  “I guess I wasn't that responsible back then. I realized a couple of months ago when I started feeling sick and went to the doctor. I considered not telling you, but that didn’t seem right.” Nadine’s eyes pleaded with him as he looked back at her and took in her words. “I haven’t been with anyone else, Owen. That’s not how I am. I know this is your baby.”

  “I’m glad that you came back,” Owen told her, as he stepped closer to her. “I’ve been thinking about you.” He was just leaning down to kiss her when his phone rang in his pocket, and he groaned. It was his mama, and he answered the phone in a gruff voice.

  “Owen Marshall James, you’d best stay put until I get there so we can square this away. I am driving there right now. Have your friend stay too.” Marilyn ended the call, and Owen looked down at Nadine.

  “You’re about to meet my mom. Cindy ran right to the ranch and told her, I’m guessing.” The will crossed his mind, and he wondered if he should tell Nadine about that, though he decided against the idea. He would wait for the right time. The sound of a car coming up the driveway made them both look over with worried eyes, and then his mom and Cindy left the Range Rover and walked over.

  “You make yourself scarce, Cindy. I need to talk to your brother and…” She paused as she looked over Nadine with a curious gaze.

  “I’m Nadine Parson. I didn’t want to meet you like this, but the pleasure is all mine.”

  “Go over to the pond and feed the ducks,” Marilyn told Cindy before she watched her run off. “You’re a pretty girl, Nadine. I like the looks of you. Let’s sit down and talk this over.”

  They went inside and sat at the table as Owen got them all some sweet tea and sat between the two women. “So, Nadine is pregnant, mama. I met her a couple of mont
hs back, and she ended up leaving Texas the next day. It’s a long story.”

  “Cheating boyfriend,” Nadine filled in the blank and Marilyn frowned and shook her head slowly. “Your son helped me out that day, and I didn’t think that this was going to happen, to be honest. We were trying to be careful and…God, this is embarrassing.” She looked back and forth between Owen and Marilyn. “I thought that he had the right to know. I am not expecting him to ask me to marry him and all of that nonsense, but a good man deserves to know there is a baby that’s coming into his world.”

  “You’re right. He does.” Marilyn looked at Owen for a long moment. “Where do you live, Nadine?”

  “I am in Chicago. I came here to Texas with the boyfriend and went home when that went south. I figured I could try and get my old job back and start over,” Nadine explained, as Owen looked closely at her. Her hair was longer and hung in a thick curtain down her back, and she was glowing. He knew that she wouldn’t be showing too much just yet, but his eyes moved down to her belly anyway. Nadine blushed when she caught him. “We could make arrangements between us on what to do.”

  “What do you want to do, Owen?” Marilyn asked as she looked warmly at her son. She knew about his wild ways, but she was also very close to him, knowing that he had a good heart underneath it all. He had proved that since his little sister was born and he did everything for her.

  “I want you to stay here, Nadine. I want to take care of you and our baby.” There was no doubt in Owen’s voice as he spoke and a tear slid down Nadine’s cheek.

  “What about my job?” Nadine asked as Marilyn chuckled.

  “We own the most successful ranch in the state of Texas, Nadine. Owen can take care of you both just fine.”

  “What? You do?” Nadine asked, and he nodded.

  Owen was rich. Nadine stared at him as she took this all in and his mother started to talk more to her, asking her questions.

  Chapter Five

  Owen and Nadine cooked dinner and talked late into the night. They sat across the table from each other. They planned on being parents but didn’t approach the idea of being together. She didn’t know how much he wanted to be with her, and he wasn’t sure just what she wanted with him. The kiss had been interrupted, but she had looked shocked when he had moved closer to her.

  Owen insisted on sleeping on the couch that night while she took the bed and Nadine tossed and turned as she thought about everything that was happening. She had partly wanted him to ask her to be his when he found out and try to be together through the pregnancy, but Nadine wasn’t about to beg for that. She had known longer than him, and Owen needed time to adjust. It was safe to assume that he no longer wanted her since they were sleeping separately.

  In the morning, he found the best doctor in the city and took her there. Owen was a part of the entire appointment, and she watched his face as they listened to the heartbeat together, longing to reach out and hold his hand. They got pictures of what he referred to as the ‘little peanut’, and when they left he asked her if she wanted some lunch.

  Nadine looked at him across the table as they waited for their burgers and wondered if she should tell him that she missed him. “I just have that little trailer, Nadine. I think it’s too small for you to stay there if you want to be here in Texas. I want you to be so that we can see this baby grow. I will take care of everything, but I think the house might be a better place for you to stay. It’s comfortable, and I know that mama will want to fawn all over you.”

  “Oh. Okay.” She sipped her lemonade as her stomach twisted and she realized that he didn’t want to be with her. They ate lunch and talked about the baby a little more before he took her to his house and called his mom to tell her about his idea. She was surprised but more than welcomed Nadine into her home, so Owen took her there with her luggage and they got her set up in a spacious room on the second floor.

  Nadine stared out of the window after he had left for the night and wished that she could see his trailer. It was plenty big enough for them and the baby, with what she now knew was three bedrooms. Marilyn didn’t know why he wanted her to stay there, but she smiled as she told Nadine to give it time. She knew that Owen would realize that he had a treasure in her and stake his claim.

  The two saw each other every day, and in a few nights, Owen asked Nadine if she wanted to go to a BBQ in town that was a popular fundraiser. Nadine didn’t have much in the way of clothes quite yet, but she did have a cute red dress that would be perfect for it along with some cute red heels. They made her that much closer to Owen’s six feet and Nadine put on some red lipstick when she heard him downstairs talking to his mother.

  He led her to his SUV and opened the door for her as Nadine smiled and slipped into the seat. Every moment that she spent with him, Nadine was falling for Owen more and more. It had nothing to do with the baby since she knew that he would be there for that regardless of their status. It was just him. He was caring and genuine when he showed that side and incredibly handsome. She loved watching him with his sister, and the way that he gave Cindy all of his attention showed Nadine what a wonderful father he would be. There were so many good qualities about Owen that Nadine couldn’t imagine not being with him too much longer.

  At the event, they ate sitting closely together on a bench with friends of Owens. She felt all of his heat as her bare leg pressed against his calf in his worn jeans and Nadine grew distracted from the chit chat that everybody was having at the table. He was happy about the baby, and he told his friends all about it. Nadine realized that she was happy in Texas now. She hadn’t give it a second thought when she had left before, but even then she had missed Owen.

  They danced when they had finished eating, both fast and slow. When he pulled her close for a slow dance, Nadine met Owen’s eyes, and they locked together as she felt her body tremble against his. Owen slipped his hands down her body, and she slipped hers around his neck as he pressed his forehead against hers. “I want you,” Nadine confessed to him before he kissed her softly. “I never stopped, Owen.”

  “Neither did I,” he whispered against her mouth before he claimed it with another hungry kiss. They held on tightly to each other as they stumbled off the dance floor to say good night. Nadine had been dying for Owen since she returned to Texas and pregnancy didn’t help matters at all. He took her by the hand and led her to his car before pushing her against it and kissing her hard as Nadine moaned. “You looked so good that day that you showed up. I wanted to take you right then and there. I didn’t want to let you leave.” He pulled away just enough to talk before he kissed her parted lips again. “I want you right now, but I need you in my bed.” Owen pulled away and unlocked the door with a jerky movement and wild eyes as she caught her breath.

  Owen wanted her. He had not only told her but proved it to everyone inside of that barn. Nadine slipped into the seat as she closed her eyes and silently reminded her hormones to calm down while Owen hurried around to his side. They made their way to the trailer quickly, and he unlocked the door before he pushed it open and pressed her against the wall in a long kiss. Nadine wrapped her legs around his body and pulled him closer with her arms around his neck as their tongues made up for lost time.

  She was vaguely aware of them moving, but Nadine only wanted more of his mouth as they kissed each other hungrily. Owen dropped her down on the bed and spread her legs before he pushed her skirt up. “Our baby is inside of you,” he said in wonder before he tugged her underwear down and stroked her aching clit. Nadine arched her back as every nerve ending in her body responded to his touch. She’d wanted sex so much since the discovery of her pregnancy, but it wouldn’t be right unless it were with Owen. Nothing had been right since then.

  Owen slipped a finger inside of her before he pressed his mouth against her swollen nub. “Owen,” Nadine moaned as she closed around him and tried to keep him inside of her. His tongue stroked her as he slid in and out, almost enough to provoke the orgasm that Nadine so desperately needed
. He pulled away just before she was there to slip the dress over her head. She mumbled in protest before he ran his hands over her body. “You’re so gorgeous, Nadine.”

  “Just fuck me,” she murmured, as he squeezed her highly sensitive nipples and parted her legs.

  “I’m clean. I always use a condom, and nothing has broken since you. I want you bare tonight and from now on.” Nadine blindly nodded before she felt him slip himself inside of her slowly. “Fuck, Nadine. I have never felt anybody like you before.” He slid deep and pulled back out as their bodies automatically moved together for their union, pressed together as close as they could be. “Come for me, baby.”

  Nadine gripped his hair and rocked against him until she was crying out his name as she came hard and fast. He followed, and she felt his heat inside of her as she moaned and found his mouth with hers. Once they’d dropped to the mattress to recover, Nadine stared at him in the light from his lamp and smiled as he met her eyes. “I want the baby to have your eyes.”

  “I want her to look like you if she’s a girl. Those gorgeous dark eyes and your lips…they drive me crazy.” Owen told her as he smiled and slid a hand through her dark hair. “I wonder what he or she will look like. I can’t believe that I’m going to be a father.”

  “Are you upset about it at all?” she asked him in a curious tone as he stared at her.

  Owen had the will in mind, but that had nothing to do with the baby. He wanted that just for himself. “I was surprised, but we were both there when the condom broke. I think it was fate that brought us together. I can’t wait for this part of our lives to begin, Nadine. I just need to memorize this body every night until that day comes.” He slipped his hand over her rounded breast and sucked in his breath. “Beautiful.”

  “I am going to stay here now. Here with you.” She was honest as she spoke and Owen raised an eyebrow at her before he kissed her. “That was such bullshit about it not being good enough.”


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