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once upon a romance 09 - hoodwinked by a wolfe

Page 2

by leclair, laurie

  “The posters.”

  There, on the wall stood a huge image of a half-clothed, entwined man and woman. “Very.” She gulped. “Hot.”

  “That’s what everyone says,” Danny muttered.

  “Is that who I think it is? Jay Whitfield, the former Dallas Cowboy?” Rach asked, recalling him from his playing days.

  “Yep. That’s my brother,” Danny said, shaking his head. “And Paige, his fiancée.”

  “You’re a Whitfield?” Logan asked in awe.

  Danny shrugged. “I don’t like to brag or anything.”

  She chuckled and Logan joined her. “Brag, Danny. Own it!”

  His grin flashed, quick and big. “He is a great brother.” Danny flicked open a few shirt buttons to show them the graphic T-shirt underneath. “Football camp he started for low-income and underprivileged kids. We’re raising money after work for it. All my brothers and me volunteer every year. It’s a blast!”

  “That’s pretty incredible,” Logan said, nodding to him.

  “Ready?” Danny asked and headed out again.

  Rach took in her surroundings as she followed their guide. “The Vintage Vibe.”

  “One of the new hot spots here. Madison’s on a buying trip with Dex, who’s our mad scientist and product development guy. We’re a tight family around here.”

  “Perfume bar? Custom jewelry?” Logan seemed as taken aback with it all as she did.

  “Innovative,” she murmured.

  “Always something going on here,” Danny agreed. “Keeps me busy in the stock room. Sorting and organizing is my specialty.”

  For the next fifteen minutes, she gazed about in dazed wonder. Sparkly. Dazzling. Jaw-dropping.

  “You like?” Logan asked, smiling at her.

  “Does a girl like chocolate? Luscious. Decadent. I’ll take some of that.”

  “That’s what I was hoping,” he said under his breath, but she heard him.

  What was he up to?

  Chapter 3

  “Relax,” Logan whispered as the elevator doors opened and they stepped out and into the new King’s event room. “Danny said just to come up and someone would meet us.”

  “Is this real?” Rach asked, looking around the spacious, elegant area humming with activity. The brilliant jewel colors in the cozy chairs, settees, and carpets were set off perfectly by the black and gold trimmings.

  A tall, blonde woman nearly slid to a stop in front of them. “Holy sassafras! It’s you!” She clutched a clipboard in one hand and scooped up Rach in the other.

  Stunned, Rach remained motionless, unable to speak or move at the sudden, unexpected gesture by a stranger. “Ah…ouch…pain…”

  Letting her go, she said, “Sorry, sweetie. Can’t contain myself. Wait until Rico sees the likes of you!”

  “Is he a doctor, by any chance? Because I think my ribs are fractured.”

  The woman threw back her head and laughed. “Good one! I’m Peg, as in the executive assistant to all the bosses around here.”

  “Peg with no last name?” Rach tried to place this woman in all the stories she’d read about the famous department store over the years.

  “Newbury-Rhoades last time I checked.”

  “Logan. We talked on the phone.” He reached out and shook her hand.

  “You got a paw on you! Doesn’t he?” She nudged Rach. “And not bad to look at, either.”

  “Believe me, he’s heard that and more all his life.” Rach glanced up at him and smiled sweetly. She looked back at Peg and said, “Don’t encourage him. It goes to his head.”

  Peg pointed to her and then to Logan. “You two? Something, something?”

  “No! Please!” Rach said curtly and too quickly.

  “Friends. Now business.” Logan’s words came with a definite edge and held a hidden message.

  “If you say so, but, I’m not buying,” she waved a hand in a circle to encompass them, “this.” She shook her head. “Park it, over there.” She stuck a thumb over her shoulder to indicate the small waiting area. “While I go get the boss.”

  As she departed, the air went from frazzled to tense in less than five seconds. On slightly shaky legs, Rach made her way to the little nook. “Wow, talk about a whirlwind. I hope the bosses aren’t like that.”

  “Maybe she’s just the opening act. Or second, after Danny.” He clasped her elbow.

  His touch! Hot. Searing. She wanted to fling herself away from him, but held herself back. Flicking a glance at his fingers curled around her, she asked, “Mind?”

  “Jumpy, aren’t you?” He released her.

  “And you have nerves of steel still.”


  She made a noise in the back of her throat. He’d always been more in control. Who’d have thought with a daredevil grandmother who tested his patience that he’d be calm?

  In the far-off distance, she heard people talk, glasses clink, and footsteps. But silence hung between them.

  “What makes you think the Grans will be safe?” she whispered, tugging the straps of her tote bag on her shoulder. Right now, she wished her grandmother was here to buffer the awkward gaps.

  “Security detail,” he replied.

  “You didn’t?”

  He shrugged. “Of course I did. With the Duchess? On a ship?”

  A giggle escaped and then another.

  His chuckle bounced in the little alcove.

  “She might try to seduce him.”

  “Doubt it. And it’s a female. Ex-military. Sharpshooter. She doesn’t take crap from anyone.”

  “Even you?”

  “Especially me.”


  “No way. She and her husband own their security company.”

  Peg whistled from across the big, open area, catching their attention. “Hold your horses! Got Boss 3 coming right out!”

  Their shared chuckle eased the tension. “She’s something, isn’t she?” Rach rubbed her side. She glanced at him quickly. “So, who’s your current?”

  “Don’t have one.”

  Slapping a hand to her chest, she gasped. “What? The Logan Wolfe is single? For shame. You’re going to ruin your own reputation.” Deep down, a rush of glee whisked through her.

  “Be quiet, will you? What about you? I’m surprised you didn’t come back with some foreign guy hanging on your every word.”

  “As if! Give me more credit than having an extended fling while studying my craft.”

  “Discretion? Good to know you’re not swept off your feet so easily.”

  That irked her. “Why’s that?”

  “So you don’t fall for every guy with a line.”

  “Like you?” She stopped abruptly. “Oops! I didn't mean it like that. I’d…I mean. Me. You. Never happening.” The waves of heat swept over her again. Please, don’t read anything into my blunder!

  He stilled, eyeing her with a dark frown. “Don’t worry. I didn’t take it like that. And, for your information, I don’t use pick-up lines.”

  “Every guy does.”

  Two sets of footsteps approached. “Does what?” Peg asked, coming to a halt behind her.

  Rach jerked around to find the assistant with a rather big, brooding intimidating man at her side. “Every guy has a pick-up line, right?”

  “Ha!” Peg snorted. “Girls do, too. That’s how I got my guy. See, I’m in a bar, trying to find a fake boyfriend for the folks, you know. And I rush right up to Austin and fling myself in his arms and say, ‘pretend you know me.’”

  “Peg.” The man’s deep voice held a warning.

  She nudged him with an elbow. “Come on, we know our Priscilla had to do all the work. Showing up at your door with Chinese food.”

  “Have I fired you yet today, Peg?”

  “Geez Louise. Lighten up, will ya?” She rolled her eyes. “Bosses, gotta live with ’em.”

  Rach smothered a chuckle.

  He reached out to her. “Griffin James.”

  She gu
lped hard as she placed her hand in his big grip and let go quickly. “Rachael Elizabeth Darling.”

  “Also known as Rach,” Logan added and then introduced himself as they shook hands. “Griff, good to finally meet you.”

  “Wolfe.” He nodded curtly. “Shall we?”

  Piping up, Peg said, “Step to it, folks.” She ushered them to the far end of the large room and to a small, cozy seating area. “Drinks on me. Water, wine, or a whatchamacallit?”

  When they settled on water and were seated, Rach held her breath as she bore the unnerving glance from Griffin. “Problem?”

  “You’re behind Darling Enterprises?” His doubt bounced all around her.

  “Clearly you know the answer to that already or you wouldn’t be the businessman you are today,” Logan said, smoothly intervening. “She is the creator and owner of the RED Line. That’s who you’ll be doing business with.”

  Her heart jumped. She jerked to look at him. What’s this all about? RED and Darling Enterprises were essentially one and the same.

  “Rachael here has complete ownership of the RED line,” he said, watching her closely.

  “I’m the designer.” She frowned at him, hoping he’d get the hidden message.

  “And sole owner who can and will make complete and separate deals from the, shall we say, mother corporation.” He placed the file on the gleaming black surface of the table, and then flipped it open. He handed out copies of the documents to Griffin and to her.

  Peg leaned close, reading the document over Griff’s shoulder. “Fancy smanchy talk. Yada, yada, yada. Bingo! Yep, that’s all you.”

  Rach’s hand shook as the black letters swam in front of her. Focus! She blinked a few times until she saw straight. There it was in black and white. Her grandmother had legally separated the RED Line from Darling Enterprises, appointing Rachael sole owner, less than forty-eight hours ago. Signed, witnessed, notarized, and now delivered.

  The wind sailed out of her lungs. Rejection beamed bright. That and financial ruin. RED couldn’t stay afloat on its own right now.

  “Logan.” Her voice cracked. Clearing her throat, she started again. “Time out. Excuse us, folks.”

  She clamped a hand on Logan’s arm. Rach dragged him with her as she rose and strode a few feet away, still clutching the document.

  “Did you forget to send me the memo?”

  “Consider it a bonus for all your hard work and dedication.”

  “Are you mad? You think you can feed me this and I’ll just take it?” she whispered between gritted teeth. He’d kept this from her? What else was he hiding?

  “Do you know your eyes get darker when you’re ticked off?”

  “You’re dodging me.” She licked her suddenly dry lips. “She cut me off?! I can’t survive. I mean, RED can’t survive on its own.” Her heart thumped and blood rushed in her ears. Her dreams were slipping away.

  “Breathe. In. Out.”

  Following his advice, she did slow the beats to only a hundred miles per minute. “You’re not talking.”

  He reached out, holding her upper arms, warming her there. “You need to stand on your own two feet, Rach. King’s. Exclusive deal. Only the best get to work with them. This is your shot. Take it.”

  “That’s what you told Grammy, isn’t it? She’d never do this—” Her voice caught and stuck.

  “Blame me. Curse me. Do whatever you have to do, but pull it together and take the leap.”

  “Holy spic-and-span! This is adorbs,” Peg called out. “Wait till Rico gets a load of this!”

  With his eyes pleading with her, Rach sucked in a sharp breath, straightened her back, and pulled away. She had no choice other than to trust him at the moment. Something felt off, different about him and this. “Traitor,” she said under her breath before twirling around to find the assistant rustling through her tote bag.

  “Look at the pockets on this baby and…” Peg yanked out her sketch journal. “I likee!”

  Rach practically leapt in her direction, holding out her hands. “I’ll take that.”

  “Peg, give the lady back her things,” Griffin said, standing and pulling Peg up by the elbow.

  “Crackers and crumbcakes, Boss, I was just admiring.” She huffed and reluctantly handed over the goods. “Soft leather, nice stitching—good stuff there.”

  “Thanks.” Rach grabbed the red leather journal and hugged it to her as tender and protective as she would a newborn babe. “Designs,” she explained. She grabbed the tote bag and slung it over her shoulder.

  “We good?” Griff cocked an eyebrow.

  His grim look made her quake a little, but she held her ground. This is who she had to work with? Could she do it? “A-okay. Now, the terms?”

  A ghost of a smile came and went.

  “Criminy, Boss. You almost had it.” Peg smirked and jotted something on her clipboard. “History making.”

  Logan chuckled, causing Rach to become aware he’d moved to her side. Having him there comforted her, even though she should be strangling him right about now.

  “Ms. Darling, King’s is willing to offer you a lucrative minimum five-year exclusive deal. Your designs. Your RED label. Purses. Shoes. Clothing. And a specialty wedding line.”

  “My dresses?” She gulped. Grammy hadn’t allowed her to venture into the clothing part of the company. How had he known? This was a dream come true. “Wedding line…”

  “Since you’re a raw talent and, in the industry, a relative unknown, we have structured the contract as such. You will have a signing amount, a development figure, if you will, until the products are in place. Once we begin selling, you receive the remainder of the seven figures the first year and another seven figures every year following and a percentage of sales.”

  In the back of her mind, she wrote a one and kept adding the zeros. No way!

  “Of course, we have a code of conduct clause. Break it and we’re done. King’s reputation is far more important than any product, do you understand?”

  He’d just put her on blast. She swallowed hard, hoping that conduct thingy didn’t extend to her Grammy and the Duchess, especially out on the wide open seas with a bunch of men.

  She became highly aware of Logan by her side now. Visions of his wicked smile sent ripples of delicious anticipation down her spine.

  And she was worried about the Grans misbehaving!

  What was in the conduct clause again?

  Chapter 4

  “Mind telling me what you’re up to, Wolfe?” Griff strolled beside him, following fifteen feet behind Rach and Peg as they headed to the wedding department.

  The ladies chattered nonstop, Peg pointing out spectacular displays in the new event center and busy workers along the way, so Logan felt safe to comment. “Just taking care of business.”

  “What does that have to do with hiding the fact we’ve known each other for years?”

  Logan shrugged. “In passing. Mutual respect.” But Griff was keen; he wouldn’t hesitate to ask more questions.

  “Your grandmothers are best friends, their husbands became friends, even their children and spouses after them. I was under the impression you and Rachael were, too, especially since the accident. Yet she had no idea you are behind the dismemberment of Darling Enterprises.”

  That direct hit stopped Logan in his tracks. Griffin halted. “How did you know?” A bubble of anxiety rose in his gut as he flicked a glance at Rach. Thank goodness she remained unaware and kept going.

  “I didn’t until this moment. What the hell are you up to? King’s won’t be a part of destroying DE.” His dark scowl gathered.

  “You tried to take down King’s, so why so honorable now?” His mind raced, wondering how much he could divulge to this man.

  “Wrong thing for the right reasons. But I stopped in time. Just barely.”

  “I’ve got the best interests of Rachael at heart.”

  “Are you trying to convince me or yourself, Wolfe?” He blew out a loud breath and ja
mmed his hands on his hips. “Look, you’ve got some kind of vendetta going on. Deal’s off.”

  “Jesus, Griffin, you’re not even going to listen to me?”

  “Start talking.” He glanced at the departing backs of Rachael and Peg, and then back at him. “Five minutes. The clock starts now.”

  How much should he say? “The business needed some life pumped into it. The Dame, that’s Mrs. Darling, called me in to consult, check a few things, give my expert opinion.”

  “Destruction 101?”

  “I thought it was going to be a breeze, in and out, hand over my report and recommendations, and then I could get back to my life in New York. Something didn’t look right.”

  “Like?” He frowned.

  “Someone’s already been doing a bang-up job of taking the company from great to weak. Inside job.”

  Griff swore under his breath.


  “I’m guessing it’s too far gone to resurrect.”

  “Got that one right, too. If Rach is ever to come out with anything intact, most importantly her designs and her reputation, then distancing her from Darling Enterprises is key. That was the first step.”

  “And her grandmother agreed?” His skepticism beamed.

  Logan rubbed his jaw. “Now, that took months of evidence piling up and convincing her. In the end, she placed her granddaughter’s welfare above all else.” The recalled months of tug-of-war and clash of wills still reverberated in his head to this day. In the end, he used his trump card and won. By the skin of his teeth.

  “And you’re using King’s to help her.” It wasn’t a question.

  “Line her with the best.”

  “We’re not rescuing her.”

  “No, I am.”

  “Do it on your own time. Not ours.” Griffin turned and walked away.

  “Wait!” He marched toward him, catching up. “If you don’t scoop up the deal then someone else will. She’ll be head-to-head competition with you in the products that overlay. That’s one of the reasons you wanted her on your team. Her designs are creating a huge buzz in the industry.”

  “Good points.” The grim lines on his face seemed to have softened to stone instead of granite.


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