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Bound by the Mist (Mists of Eria)

Page 29

by Kumar, Lisa

  She whipped her head to the right. There, whirling by her, was the king. That wouldn’t be cause for alarm except for one little detail—Maggie was the female in his arms. She wore the expression of a cornered animal, though she did an admirable job of hiding it.

  Relian followed her gaze. “I don’t know what Father is up to.”

  Cal started at hearing the word “father.” It was strange to think of someone other than her biological parent as father, but she liked it, nevertheless. Her voice was husky when she answered. “Neither do I.”

  His pleasure at her allowing the title “father” to stand without demur caused a smile to beam its way across his face, illuminating already sculpted features. His arresting face stilled her breath and caught her gaze, even though an equal compulsion to look away welled up within her. Disappointment clashed with relief as his smile faded, and a look of contemplation slid over his face.

  “He doesn’t usually dance and never so soon into a celebration. He says it’s a hobby for the younger set to enjoy and that his old bones would rather sit in a chair, observing.”

  Cal sputtered at his words while gazing at him in disbelief. “That’s an untruth if I ever heard one. He doesn’t look any older then you by a few human years, if that.”

  “That may be true, but he is many years my senior.”

  She narrowed her eyes on him. “Just how much older? I don’t even know your age.” She shot him a cross look. “I guess I should’ve insisted on that tidbit as a condition of our bonding. Geez, why didn’t I bargain for that information?” She shook her head in frustration. “I’m your wife, bond mate, whatever, and I deserve to know your age even if you turn out to be older than that dinosaur fossil I once saw in a museum.”

  Relian looked down his nose at her and when he spoke, his voice came out a drawl. “I don’t predate the dinosaurs. I’m not quite that ancient. I’m afraid that honor rests with my father.” At her gasp, the skin around his eyes crinkled in mirth. She leveled a challenging glare at him and slapped him on the arm.

  “Nay, wife, don’t hurt me. I will tell all.”

  She flushed at him calling her “wife,” even as she raised an inquisitive brow. “All?”

  “Well, all to this little part of the story.” He winked at her. Winked at her. His formality sailed right out of the clearing, along with her inhibitions.

  “Uh huh, that’s what I thought. Excuses, excuses.” Her teasing tone held a note of admonishment.

  “Yes, sometimes,” he admitted, not seeming the least bit ashamed. Cal didn’t care about this as much as maybe would be wise. She loved him, regardless, equivocation and all.

  “Relian?” She gazed down at his chest while one hand fiddled with the embroidery at the neck of his tunic.

  “Yes?” The tenderness in his voice stilled the air in her lungs. She gazed at him, and her spirits buoyed. Surely, what he saw in her eyes, she’d see reflected back in his. She had to.

  Her mouth dry and her throat like sandpaper, she cleared her throat. She needed to speak; she needed this moment over. One way or the other. The cool fire in the blue of his eyes centered her, and she honed in on that while she forced suddenly frozen lips to move. “I love you.”

  There. She said it. And survived. Her shaking hands proved it.

  His unwavering regard didn’t change, making nervousness flood her stomach. Her hands started to tremble even harder as her body picked up this alarming trend. Just before she thought her body would crumble, he spoke. “And I you, you silly woman. Don’t you know that by now?”

  Her overwhelmed heart wanted to soar, but its fullness kept it firmly in her chest. An uncomfortably warm heat suffused her face. “I thought…thought maybe, but how could I know for sure?”

  His arms tightened around her. “I did everything but shout it from the mountains above.” He laughed wryly. “But I know hearing the words are important to any female. I was lax in that regard.”

  She could guess the reason why. She hadn’t given him much choice. “No, you were careful. Not to scare me off. You repeatedly reined yourself in so I wouldn’t spook.”

  As so many times before, he picked up what lay in her voice. “There’s nothing wrong with being scared, Cal. All this was and still is new to you in many ways. I fear we pushed you enough toward this end as it is.”

  She considered his words. “It all turned out for the best, I have to admit.”

  He pulled her tighter against him as the dance ended, causing her pulse to jump. “Yes, it did.” His voice was close, and warm air caressed her cheek. Oh, he was breaking her composure, but two could play at that game. When she had him where she wanted him....

  Cal didn’t try to remove herself from his grasp and instead sunk deeper into him. He groaned, the evidence of his desire resting against her stomach. They stood thus for several seconds, neither of them inclined to do more in this public venue.

  The strains of the next song floated toward them as she slid her arms around his neck. She gave him her most wicked smile before pulling his head down to her level. A tremor went through him as she breathed in his ear, “So how old are you?”

  His amazed laughter was her only answer.

  Chapter 34

  Cal and Relian made their getaway amid many knowing glances. Maggie and a few others, most notably Kenhel, told them to have fun. Those around them at the time snickered. Cal was relieved to get away from that, but now that they were alone, she wasn’t so sure.

  Her handmaidens had decorated the bower-like retreat in which they now stood. It was a private gazebo-type room in a secluded area. The trees, lit with lanterns, surrounded the structure, and had guided their way in the elongating darkness.

  The bed, a wooden masterpiece of silk and brocade, dominated the small room. Relian went to a side table and poured water from the pitcher into a crystal glass. He pointed at the glass. “Would you care for some water, my love?”

  She shook her head no, even while her mouth settled into a parched state that had everything to do with the endearment that slid so easily from his tongue. He lifted the glass to his lips. The strong column of his throat flexed as he drank. Upon second thought.... “Yes, please, I’ll take some water.”

  His lips quirked, and he strode over to where she stood by the doorway entrance. His fingers brushed against hers as he handed her the half-full glass. A shock of energy shot from her fingers down to the soles of her feet. How much of this was the bond wanting consummation and how much was...her? She gulped down the water, wanting to quench a thirst water alone couldn’t handle.

  Her eyes tracked Relian as he strode toward a high-backed chair. He discarded his robe, leaving his tunic and trousers on before removing his boots. He glanced up from the endeavor. “Cal, you can step away from the door. I’m not going to fall on you like a raving animal.”

  That was the problem. She kind of hoped he would. She stepped away from the door, knowing she looked foolish loitering there.

  She took a few preliminary steps farther into the room. Relian stayed where he was, still undoing the laces of his boots. He looked up and flashed her a beckoning smile. “Come here, Cal.”

  Ah…. “No, I think not.” She didn’t know if she was ready for this. Suddenly his presence seemed too much.

  He held out a hand, which she ignored. “You must come to me of your own free will. I cannot force you, or even meet you halfway. You must do this for yourself.”

  She shivered at his words. “Don’t you mean ‘by’ myself, not ‘for’ myself.”

  “Nay. You have to do it for yourself. By yourself is not enough.”

  She scoffed. She was nervous enough without this. Word games amused those elves to no end, especially this one in particular. “You speak in riddles, of which you all seem so fond. Why can’t black be black instead of every possible color under the sky?”

  He cocked his head to the side. “I thought humans were able to lurk in murky areas that aren’t carefully delineated.”

“We can. But what does this have to do with what we’re discussing?”

  “Riddles are often clothed in varied shades that are hard to untangle, would you not agree?”

  “Yes, I guess so.” She didn’t know where this was going.

  “Personal knowledge and experience color all we see and do, who we are. Riddles are much the same, making us see deeper if we only look.”

  “So I must look deeper and figure out what this means to me? Is that what you’re saying?”

  He raised a brow. “I don’t know, am I?” She shot him a peeved glare. He gave a short laugh and held up his hands in surrender. “Yes, that’s what I am ‘trying to get at,’ as you would say.”

  “Why didn’t you just say so?”

  “Now what fun would that be?”

  She scowled at him. He was being infuriating. Heaven help her, she found it enticing, not that she would let him know.

  She stomped over to him as much as she could, given she was in slippers. “There. Happy?”

  “Yes, supremely.” He stood up from the chair and gestured toward it. “Here, my lady, please have a seat, and I’ll see to your slippers.”

  He was going to play at ladies’ maid, was he? Just how far would he go? She sat down and waited to see his next move. He removed her slippers, setting them next to his boots. She never thought her feet particularly small, but his boots dwarfed her slippers.

  He followed her gaze, nodding. “My boots do look abnormally large in comparison to your slippers.” He looked back at her with hooded eyes, his voice shifting lower. “I hope we uncover a trend that will hold true in many areas tonight.”

  All the blood in her body flooded to her face and other unmentionable regions. How could he unnerve her so? She’d grown up in modern America, for pity’s sake, and knew fully well what would occur—and the varied ways in which it could. Never mind that their near coupling on a garden bench in the presence of others should’ve killed any remaining inhibitions.

  He stood and placed his arms about her, pulling her flush against him. There was no doubt he was ready. So was she. She just needed to shoo away that damnable shyness that sprung up.

  Start with something you know well. The thought came naturally to her. Was it actually hers or something he sent? Such a possibility should’ve freaked her out, but where the bond was concerned—never mind Eria—not much could.

  Start with something she knew? She could do that. She slid her arms around his neck and pulled his head to hers. Her lips met his, and she nipped at them gently before deepening the kiss. His warm mouth became increasingly demanding while he maneuvered her over to a side table.

  He reached up and removed her circlet. She dove her fingers into his hair, searching for the ends of his. Once she removed it, she set it on the table, next to where hers already lay. That done, they renewed their kisses, rediscovering earlobes and the curves of cheeks.

  His lips trailed along her jawline as he removed her outer gown. The under gown soon followed, as did the undergarments that were so lovingly sewn for her. The air cooled her naked skin slightly, even with the strong fire that burned behind the grate. Relian perused her for a long second, causing a bloom of rose to cover her.

  His breath hitched in his throat. “Lovely.” Then he caught her up in another kiss.

  His hands went to his own clothing. But before he loosened one button or tie, he murmured against her lips, “Help me.” If she had any doubts of what he wanted, she needed no clarification when he grabbed her hands and placed them upon his chest.

  Her hands trembled as she struggled to undo the many buttons that held his tunic together from neck to waist. He settled his hands over hers, guiding her, steadying her. She stared at his chest. His bare chest. She swallowed. She wanted to touch. He hissed as she ran curious hands over him. His chest was smooth, except for the stray hair sprinkled across the broad expanse. His nipples pebbled under her fingers. Giving them a tentative lick, she smiled when he gasped her name.

  While her lips and tongue stayed busy, her fingers ventured down farther. The muscles in his abs rippled under her ghosting caress. God, she’d never seen a guy this fit up close.

  His breath seemed to still in his lungs when her hands reached the laces of his trousers. As she stole glances down at the length that pressed against the material, her fingers fumbled. This was better than unwrapping a Christmas present. He exhaled a groan when her fingers brushed him. The firm flesh seemed to leap under her touch. Inch by inch, she slowly loosened the laces until his pants slid down his hips. Oh my, he went commando. He stood bare and very aroused before her.

  She didn’t have much time for any last minute self-consciousness or reflection, because he lowered her to the bed. He followed, partly reclining on her as he kissed his way down her body. His lips paid special attention to the beaded tips of her breasts, first flicking one and then the other with his tongue. Her hands fisted in his hair, and her back arched off the bed. He looked up at her and grinned. “Like that, do you?”

  She answered him by grasping his arousal in her hand and gently pumping. His hips undulated with her motions, and his lips parted. He allowed her touch for about a minute or so before he grabbed her hand. “Unless you want me to have all the fun, you need to stop.”

  She nodded. He then picked up where he left off. His mouth glided down her stomach, leaving a trail of fire skittering over her skin. Once he reached the area between her legs, a dizzying array of sensual sensations gripped her. With tongue and fingers, he pleasured her until she begged for release. “Relian, please.” He laughed against her, and she yanked his head back up. She wanted fulfillment. Now. “Make love to me.”

  He crawled up her body. “With pleasure.” He kissed her eyes and nose before taking her lips as he settled over her body. Her legs opened to accept him, and with one thrust, he sheathed himself. He held still for a moment, an expression of pure bliss on his face. Then he moved, and all coherent thought that wasn’t tied to the sensations flooding her evaporated.

  Their slow rhythm drove her insane. She wanted him to move faster, yet she wanted that torturous pleasure to continue. Sweat soon slickened their skin. Her palms slid over his back and then down. As she ran her hands over the muscles flexing in his rear end, his thrusts gained speed.

  He took her upon the wind and back, or so it seemed. As pressure built up in her core, glittering star-like flecks filled her vision, reminding her of the veil. Then it came to her. It was the magic of their bond, tying them inescapably together. The link flared, growing stronger as they neared completion. His every shiver, his every moan, reverberated deep inside her. She knew he experienced every one of her emotions and sounds just as intensely.

  The world exploded around her, and her internal muscles clenched around him. Euphoria filled her. Above her, Relian shouted his release, quaking overtaking his body. Just as in her dreams, black and auburn meshed in harmony, strands spread over the silken pillows.


  Relian collapsed against Cal, careful to shield her against his full weight. His satiation flooded him with languidness, and his breath came harsh against the crook of her neck. Her hands stroked through his hair, adding to his indolent state. The level of relaxation he experienced while being in her arms ran deeper than any he could remember in years. All the previous discomfort paining him faded away. The bond had been satisfied and made whole, and now he reaped the benefits. He shuddered to think of the state he would’ve soon been in if she hadn’t bonded with him. The unsatisfied bond might’ve become a bearable hum after a number of years, but until then, it would’ve been agony.

  He made a pleased sound as she kept up her ministrations and kissed the tip of his ear. Lying beside her forever would be no hardship.

  “So how old are you?”

  He lifted his head. She laughed, apparently finding the incredulous look on his face humorous, and shook her head. “What? You didn’t expect me to remember you still haven’t answered? If I’m sharing bed spor
t with a man, I want to know his age. We are bonded, after—” Her voice cut off abruptly as her gaze shifted.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “My bracelet! It’s gone.” She reached for his wrist, where it rested on her stomach. “Yours, too.”

  He’d forgotten to tell her. His face blanched, and he heard her draw in a sharp breath. She’d believe he’d yet kept another thing from her.

  “What? What is it, Relian?”

  Her demand rang in his ears. He couldn’t fault her, even though he hadn’t intentionally kept the news from her. She wouldn’t know that unless he told her. He hoped she believed him.

  “They are as they should be.” Her face darkened, and he hastened to explain. “This wasn’t kept from you on purpose. I just…forgot.” He shot her a contrite look.

  “Forgot?” she echoed.

  “I was preoccupied with the effects of the bond, as I explained to you last night. It didn’t even occur to me to mention it. Indeed, it didn’t even cross my mind.” He cupped her chin. “Forgive me for letting the bracelet’s disappearance cause you alarm.” Frowning, he paused. “That’s actually the wrong word. It didn’t disappear; it just fell off your wrist.”

  At her surprised look, he smiled. She parroted, “Fell off?”

  He nodded, trying to pull off a serious demeanor. “Yes, fell off. I imagine it’s somewhere in this bed.” He cracked a smile and lent down to nuzzle at her neck. Her quickened pulse rewarded him, and he murmured against her soft skin, “Lost somewhere in this bed that has been so rumpled by our bed sport.”

  She cuffed him playfully on the head. “Are you making fun of my choice of words? We haven’t been completely bonded but for a few minutes, and already you’re having fun on me.”

  By the look on her face, she realized her poor choice of words too late. He wriggled his brows, trying to make her laugh. “Oh, I’m definitely having fun on you, and I intend to do so again.”


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