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Charlotte's Master

Page 10

by Marla Monroe

  “Charlie, I already have your clothes over here. I think I got everything you need. Come in and see. If not, we’ll go back over there together.” He watched the outrage war with her calm side and thank goodness, the calm side won out.

  “Fine, let me see what you have.”

  “We’ll see you later, Jack, Nina.”

  “Let’s ride into work together in the morning,” Nina suggested.

  “Okay, I’ll come get you when I get ready.” Charlotte followed Baxter to the front door and waited as he unlocked it and let her in.

  He flipped on the lights as he went and led her to the guest bedroom minus a bed and the second walk-in closet. He opened the door, and a light immediately came on. She walked in, and he heard “Holy Crap” before she came stomping out.

  “You have every piece of clothing I own in there. I didn’t move in with you, dammit.”

  “I know, but I didn’t know what you might need or how long you might need to be here, so I got everything to be sure you would be comfortable. I knew this was a difficult time for you.”

  She drew in a deep breath and visibly calmed herself.

  “I’m sorry. I know I sound unappreciative, but you have to understand how strange this feels for me to find all my clothes over here. I’m having trouble with an obsessed ex-boyfriend and you’ve taken over my life. Surely you can see the problem here.”

  “I guess I can. I’m sorry for making you uncomfortable. I only wanted to make things easier for you.”

  Baxter realized that Jack had been right. He was moving way too fast for her. He should have been more discreet with his need to keep her safe. He only hoped he hadn’t set things back too far.

  “Thanks for thinking about me. I really want to go home though. I need my things around me. I don’t feel comfortable here.”

  “I tell you what. If they don’t catch him tomorrow, I’ll move your things back to your house, and I’ll stay with you until they catch him.” He held up his hand when she would have interrupted him. “I’m not leaving you alone with him out there. He’s unstable, Charlotte.”

  “I know. Damn, why did this have to happen?”

  Baxter could see the tears on the brink of falling. His heart hurt for her. She was feeling violated in more than one way and he was responsible for one of those ways. Damn, he’d screwed up.

  “Let’s get ready for bed. It’s been a long weekend. I’m sure you’re tired.”

  “I am.” She looked as if she wanted to say something but changed her mind.

  “How about I run you a hot bath with your bath salts and you can soak your sore ass?” he said, smiling at her.

  She gave a teary-eyed smile back and nodded. “That would be really great.”

  Baxter walked into the master bathroom and began running the water, adding the bath salts. When he had the water at the right height depth, he walked out to find Charlotte still standing in the same place staring off into space.

  “Charlie, baby. Let’s get you undressed and in the tub. You’ll feel better after a relaxing bath.” He pulled her over to the bed and had her sit down while he removed her boots. Then he stood her back up and unzipped her pants to pull them down, but she came back to herself and took over.

  “Thanks, I can finish. The bath sounds really nice.”

  He watched her undress even though he knew the polite thing would have been to leave her alone to get in her bath, but he wanted to watch her, to see her expression as she slid into the soothing water.

  He followed her into the bathroom and helped her in the tub. When she sat down with an absolute look of bliss on her face, he felt satisfied and kissed her on the forehead and left her in peace. He had a lot to think about. Namely, how he was going to proceed with her now that he’d spooked her.

  Every part of him wanted her. Not just her body, but her trust and her happiness and her sorrow. He wanted to be able to bring her to the peak of satisfaction every time he made love to her. Somehow, he had to get back in her good graces. Something had spooked her earlier though, back at the hotel room. What had it been? As hard as he thought about it, nothing came to him. Frustrated, he sneaked in to see if she were still all right and found her leaned back in the tub with her eyes closed. He left her there, praying she wouldn’t drown.

  Almost an hour later, she emerged from the bathroom in his robe. She’d forgotten to take anything with her to dress in. It was for the best. He planned on sleeping with her nude. He loved the feel of her skin next to his. Surely, they had progressed far enough she wouldn’t balk at even that.

  “How do you feel now, baby?”

  “Better, thanks. That was wonderful. I’m so relaxed, I think I’ll go to bed now.”

  “Sounds good to me, too. I’ll go get my shower and join you in a few minutes.”

  “Um, Baxter?”

  “Yeah, baby?” He waited.

  “I don’t know where my sleep shirt is.”

  “Um, I didn’t pack any. I was sort of hoping we could sleep together skin to skin. I love holding you next to me.”

  “Oh, okay.” She licked her bottom lip and bit it. “Well, good night.”

  “I’ll be right out.” He turned and walked toward the bathroom. He hoped she wouldn’t fall right asleep. He wanted to talk to her as she fell asleep in his arms.

  * * * *

  Charlotte waited until he’d closed the door before slipping out of the comfy robe. She carefully laid it across the foot of the bed and slipped in between the covers. They were a bit chilly without his warmth to chase it away. She curled up and wondered what was going on with him. He’d seemed to be pulling away from her, yet he’d brought all her clothes over and wanted to sleep nude with her.

  She had to admit to herself it had hurt to think he wanted to end their relationship so soon. She loved how he pleased her in bed and aggravated her out of it. He didn’t bow down to her every wish, and that was a novelty to her. Still, he could be a bit demanding, as well, and she wasn’t sure how to take that.

  It wasn’t that she was afraid of him, but he could be so intimidating at times, so intense. She didn’t know how to handle it. Not for the first time she wondered if he were one of those Dominant men who needed a submissive. She wasn’t a submissive. So, if that was true, they weren’t compatible at all. Maybe she needed to confront him about it.

  Talk about being nervous. She wasn’t sure she could bring it up, much less actually ask him and tell him they couldn’t be lovers because they wouldn’t work out since she wasn’t inclined that way.

  She heard the bathroom door open and close. He was on his way to the bed now. Charlotte stilled and tried to pretend to sleep, but she was sure he could tell she was awake because of her heavy breathing. Her body gave her away every time.

  He slid between the sheets and immediately curled around her. His cock lay hard between them. She felt her pussy soften and her juices flow. Would she always feel this way around him? Even if they called it quits, she would see a lot of him as long as she spent time with Nina. The idea that he would know how she reacted to him appalled her.

  “Still feeling relaxed, Charlie?”

  “Yeah, just not asleep yet. I’ll get there though.”

  He ran his hand up and down her arm from elbow to shoulder then clasped his hand in hers.

  “Let me love you, Charlie. I’ll make you feel good, and you’ll sleep better and feel better in the morning.”

  “What if I said no?” she asked.

  “No means no. I’d respect that. But I hope you won’t say no.”

  “I’m not sure where we stand, Baxter. That worries me.”

  “I hope we have a growing relationship. It’s had its bumps, but all relationships do. Give it a chance, Charlotte.”

  “I’m not saying no, Baxter.”

  He let out a breath as if he’d really worried she would say no. Did it really mean that much to him?

  He turned her over on her back and kissed her forehead, then her eyelids, and progressed

around her cheeks to her jawline. He nibbled and placed openmouthed kisses there before reaching her neck where he licked and kissed down to her shoulder. There he nipped and sucked on her shoulder before crossing to her other shoulder and reversing his direction. When he reached her mouth, he sucked her lower lip into his and licked it.

  Charlotte moaned. It felt so good. He made love so intensely, just like he did everything. He descended on her mouth once more, and he licked along the seam of her lips until she opened to him. He delved his tongue in to lick and tease every surface of her mouth. He devoured her nipping with his teeth and sliding his tongue along hers until he began fucking her mouth with his tongue.

  All the time his tongue thrust in and out of her mouth, he pushed against her with his hard cock. Her pussy wept in anticipation of his penetration. She longed to feel him deep inside of her.

  It wasn’t long before he left her mouth to lick his way down to her breasts where he latched on to one nipple immediately and began sucking and nipping at it. He fingered the other one, pulling and pinching in rhythm to his sucking on the other one. Then he changed sides and her other breast received the same treatment. The harder he pinched or twisted or pulled, the hotter she became.

  She had never known she liked that bite of pain to her breasts, but she obviously did. Her cunt was on fire with need now. Still, he suckled at her breasts over and over.

  Finally, he seemed to hear her pleading for more and mouthed his way down her abdomen to her mound. He slipped his tongue through her juice-slicked pussy lips to stiffen and probe her pussy. He teased around her clit but didn’t lick or touch it. She ached to grab him by the hair and hold him to her cunt until he licked her to completion, but she knew that wasn’t what he wanted, and she wanted to please him.

  Why do I want to make him happy when I’m not really a submissive person? What is happening to me?

  He pushed two fingers inside her hot cunt and fucked them in and out of her over and over until she was tilting her pelvis out of reaction. He didn’t stop or say anything, merely placed a hand on her pelvis and held her still. She redoubled her effort to not push against him.

  When he turned his attention to her G-spot and tickled over it with his fingers, she whimpered aloud. She couldn’t possibly be still through that. But it was when he latched on to her clit and sucked it hard and tight against his teeth that she went wild and screamed her completion. She called out his name with each wave of ecstasy that crashed over her.

  He slowly licked her down, gathering her juices and swallowing them like a man desperate for it. Then he reached to the bedside table and pulled out a condom. He rolled it on and slipped easily between her legs. He pushed them forward until her knees were bent. His thick dick probed her pussy lips and finally settled in to slide inside her wet, juicy cunt.

  He fucked her shallowly at first and then slowly delved deeper and deeper until he bumped her cervix. That little bite of pain sent her into another wave of pleasure, and she clamped down on his cock. He groaned and began tunneling in and out of her hot pussy over and over. He managed to hit her hot spot with each thrust in this position, and she was soon soaring upward again. Molten lava poured through her veins as she burned for him.

  She knew without a doubt that this climax would kill her. There was no way she could possibly survive its intensity. With every stroke of his cock inside of her, she flew higher and higher. Her breath came in short quick gasps as he buried his cock deeper and deeper. Soon he was pounding into her and holding her legs back. He leaned over and bit her nipple. That was all it took. She crashed into space and latched onto a star to soar.

  Seconds later, Baxter shouted her name and roared out his release. He humped her twice more, then slowly released her legs, and pulled out to roll to the side, panting as hard as she was. It pleased her that he was so out of breath. He’d pushed her farther than she’d ever gone before. She didn’t think she would sleep a wink with all the aftershocks rocketing through her body.

  He leaned over and kissed her tummy before getting up and going to the bathroom. He returned seconds later and wrapped his arms around her once again. This time, he nuzzled her neck and kissed around it before burying his face in her hair.

  “Sleep, Charlie. You’ve got work tomorrow, and you need your rest. Relax and sleep.”

  Oddly enough, she did.

  Chapter Eleven

  The next few days proved to be quiet. She caved and didn’t insist they move her things back to the other house. There was no need to do that and then have him move his to her place. That had been childish she could admit. Instead, she concentrated on relaxing around Baxter. The more she did, the easier it became to anticipate what he wanted. It still freaked her out that she wanted to please him so desperately.

  Charlotte enjoyed seeing him smile over little things. She would offer to scrub his back in the shower, and the approval in his eyes meant so much to her. He didn’t let her do housework. She’d try to argue with him that she was staying with him and messing things up. The one thing he did allow her to do was wash her own clothes. She figured he didn’t want to mess them up.

  When she sneaked his jeans and T-shirts out of the bedroom and washed and dried them, he frowned at her and threatened to spank her the next time she did it. For some reason, the thought of him spanking her made her pussy weep. She almost did it again just to see but decided not to chance his displeasure again.

  “I don’t think they are ever going to find him. I think he truly left and isn’t coming back,” she told him one day nearly a week later.

  “Where are you going with this, Charlie?” His expression had been carefully blank.

  “I guess I’m just wondering how long I’m supposed to stay with you.”

  “Are you happy staying here?” he asked instead.

  “Well, yes. But surely you’re tired of having a houseguest.”

  “I suppose I stopped thinking of you as my houseguest and think of you as my girlfriend.”

  Charlotte wasn’t sure what to say to this. She was scared to say anything in case it was the wrong thing to say.

  “I didn’t realize you still thought of yourself as a guest. I thought I was treating you like my lover and not my guest.

  “I guess you have been, except you won’t let me do anything around the house, and that’s more like a guest.”

  “Charlie, we need to talk about this. Sit down.” He led her to the couch and sat down next to her.

  “I want you to live with me. I want you around all the time. Waking up next to you is perfect to me. Seeing you come home from work each day does just that, makes me feel at home.”

  “Baxter, we’re so much different from each other.” She hesitated but decided to confront him with her worries. “I get the feeling you are into the Dominant/submissive scene. You are looking for a submissive, and I’m not very submissive, Baxter. Haven’t you noticed that?”

  “You’ve been talking to Nina, haven’t you?” He sounded angry then, and she swallowed hard around the knot forming in her throat.

  “No, why would she know anything about you?”

  Suspicions began to take shape. Had they shared her? Did she know more about him than just watching each other? Jealousy reared its ugly head, and she felt betrayed even though she had no right to be.

  Baxter sighed as if he realized where her thoughts were going. He took her hands in his and brought them to his lips.

  “She doesn’t know anything personally about me, Charlotte. She knows about my lifestyle because of the time we all spent together in the gang incident. I swear, I’ve never slept with her.”

  “It isn’t my business, anyway.” She tried to keep the tears from falling. Things were getting out of hand. “It doesn’t change the fact that you need something I can’t be.”

  “How do you know what I need? We haven’t talked about my needs.”

  “Then let’s talk about it. You’re asking me to live with you, and I don’t guess I know all that much abo
ut you.”

  “Okay, I had wanted to ease into it as you became more used to me. You’re still uneasy around me.”

  “I can’t help it. I try not to be. It’s not you so much as my situation I think.” Charlotte looked down at her hands where he was still holding them.

  Baxter sighed before drawing in a deep breath and taking her hands into his.

  “You’re right. I’m a Dominant, and I practice the D/s lifestyle. I know you don’t see yourself as submissive, but deep down you are, Charlie. I can sense it in you. Do you deny that you try to please me?”

  “That’s just the normal relationship of two people wanting to make the other one feel good. I’m too headstrong.”

  “All I ask is that you give us a chance, Charlotte. I know it’s different than what you know, but it gives you so much, too. It takes a strong person to trust someone else to see to their happiness and pleasure. I would never hurt you.” Baxter squeezed her hands, and then he lifted her chin, so he could look into her eyes.

  Charlotte could see the need in his eyes. He needed her to try. What should she do? Could she trust him enough to let him have control over her? Would he use it to try to change her? Would he make her helpless to do anything on her own? She didn’t want to be totally dependent on him.

  “What, Charlie? I can see the questions in your eyes. Ask me anything. I’ll always tell you the truth. I’ll never keep anything from you.”

  Charlotte drew in a deep breath and asked, “Are you going to expect me to quit my job and ask you if I can do everything? Because if I want to visit Nina next door. I shouldn’t have to ask you.”

  “No, I would never expect you to quit your job or any of your hobbies.” He licked his lower lip and sighed. “I don’t expect you to ask me to do everything, but I would expect you to keep me informed of where you are, so I don’t worry about you. That is only common courtesy.”

  “I don’t want to do all that kneeling and walking around on a leash or anything,” she said.

  “We can work around the kneeling. I wouldn’t expect you to walk around on a leash. I’m not into that. We’ll talk about everything before we try something. I don’t want you to be afraid to try new things, but I’ll always respect your choices,” he said.


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