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Tequila Sunrise [Love on the Rocks 4] (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever)

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by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  Love on the Rocks 4

  Tequila Sunrise

  Pina has a deep, dark secret that has her holding onto her virtue as well as her heart. There hasn’t been a man yet that can make her forget the past and move on to intimacy and a trusting relationship. She’s fine with that. She’s well-trained in martial arts, can handle a gun just fine, and is a successful CFO of a small company.

  Dominant men on power trips she handles like second nature—until she meets the Mondave brothers. They affect her like no others have, but she’s put up a wall for far too long and it will take more than a few tequila sunrises to let down her guard and trust them.

  The Mondave men are a force to be reckoned with, and once they set their eyes on Pina Leonie, there's no other man who will get in their way to winning her heart.

  When Pina becomes the focus of some ruthless killer criminals, it will take a special kind of negotiating to break down Pina's defenses and prove they’re the men of her dreams—even when they discover her deep, dark secret.

  Genre: Contemporary, Ménage a Trois/Quatre, Romantic Suspense

  Length: 56,389 words


  Love on the Rocks 4

  Tequila Sunrise



  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  IMPRINT: LoveXtreme Forever


  Copyright © 2016 by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  E-book ISBN: 978-1-68295-594-9

  First E-book Publication: November 2016

  Cover design by Les Byerley

  All art and logo copyright © 2016 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Amanda Hilton, Publisher


  Dear readers,

  Thank you for purchasing this legal copy of Tequila Sunrise.

  Pina has been through a traumatic time in her life. It’s made her a survivor, and also made her stronger. Now well-trained in self-defense, the use of guns, and martial arts, she feels she is prepared to take on any individual who would attempt to do her harm.

  She’s a workaholic, refuses to trust any man because of an incident form her past, and definitely doesn’t know how to let her defenses down.

  Pina is doing just fine, maybe a little lonely, but other than that, life seems perfect. Then she meets the Mondave men, and all that training, all the years of practice keeping her heart, her soul, and her virgin body under lock and key, is challenged. She found her weakness: the Mondave men.

  She also gained the interest of men out to hurt her. To bring back a secret from her past that could ruin her chances with the Mondave brothers, and ultimately cost her, her life.

  May you enjoy her story.

  Happy reading.



  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11


  About the Author




  Love on the Rocks 4


  Copyright © 2016

  Chapter 1

  “There are other ways to pay off your brother’s debt,” Jordene Mokolovic said to Pina Leonie.

  She swallowed hard as he caressed his knuckles down her arm.

  “I don’t understand,” she whispered, shaking in her high heels. It was senior week, and she would be graduating from high school then off to college. Instead of continuing to party with her friends, she’d been forced out of the dance club and into the parking lot to discuss “business” with Jordene.

  He stepped closer, closing the space between them. She feared this man after months of giving him money or her parents’ scrounging for all they had to pay off Brian’s debt. It made her hate her brother for the burden he’d put upon his family.

  Reaching up, Jordene stroked her jaw. She smelled the cologne, the scent of cigar on his fingertips as they touched her skin. She stared up into his dark black eyes and knew he was an evil son of a bitch. A man no one could trust. A criminal, a chauvinistic, narcissistic pig she wished she’d never met or become indebted to.

  His attitude, gall, was all street thug. She’d made the mistake of asking around about his boss, this L.R. guy, and had been told to never bring up his name and to avoid the man at all costs. Too late for that. Her brother was a criminal, too, and now she and her parents suffered.

  “I’m going to explain this deal I’m willing to make with you because you’re so sweet and I know how hard you’ve been working.” He stroked her cheek with his knuckles. She turned away, and when she glanced back at him, he eyed her breasts and arms. “It shows, baby, and I think we can come to an agreement as you pay off the

  “I gave you all the money I’ve been making, and my parents have scrounged for what they have, too. We can’t give you more. It was Brian’s debt anyway. Why do we need to pay it?”

  He pulled her close, making her gasp. She gripped his arms, and his hand gripped her waist and squeezed. He held her so tight she could hardly catch a breath.

  She was petrified, instantly shaking.

  He inhaled deeply against her neck, and she felt the tears fill her eyes.

  “Fuck, you smell so good.” He licked his lips, and she tried pushing him away. He pressed her against the wall, making her head hit the bricks.

  “Jordene, please, I don’t understand what you want. Why are you doing this? My brother’s dead. We’ve been paying as we get more money. Please release me.”

  He was inhaling her perfume and then staring down into her eyes. She shivered with fear. He was a monster, a criminal, and a man who could not be trusted. She could see the hatred, the evil killer in his dark eyes. She was helpless against his tactics. “I like you, Pina. I like you a lot.”

  Oh shit.

  His hand coasted along her hip. She dared not move. Any sudden movement could have him putting a knife to her throat or a gun to her head. Her eyes widened, and she tried to not breathe too heavily, but it was difficult. He was in her space, the pushy bastard.

  “So much so that you’re still in one piece and so are your mother and father. If the boss had his way, you’d all be dead.”

  “Please don’t hurt me. Don’t hurt my parents. Maybe if I could meet your boss and explain.”

  He shook his head.

  “You know the rules. I deal with you, and you pay me direct. L.R. likes to keep out of things, especially the dirty, bloody things.” Jordene slid his hand over her ass and squeezed.

  She gripped his shoulders. “Please don’t do that.”

  His eyes roamed over her abundant breasts. The dress she wore was sexy. She had wanted to impress Kyran, a guy in her grade who was heading to a nearby university like she was. He was attractive, kind, and naive. She used to be that way, too, unaware of the crime and evilness that ran through the streets beyond the shoreline and even in the most upper class of neighborhoods in South Carolina. It was a conspiracy, a hidden underground world, and she’d been forced into it because of Brian. Jordene licked his lips, and she felt so helpless. Then his other hand gripped her hair and yanked her head back.

  “Ouch.” She panicked as tears rolled down her cheeks. She was so tired of these games he would play with her. Every time he showed up for money or just to see if she was saving more to give to him, he would mess with her head, touch her body, and say he wanted her in his bed. She wasn’t stupid. He had been bothering her for six months.

  “Please, Jordene, it’s only five thousand more. As soon as I get my schedule for college, I’ll be able to find a better job and make more money to pay. Please.”

  He nuzzled his face against her neck. The smell of tobacco, alcohol, and his expensive cologne invaded her senses, gagging her. She wanted to vomit. She wished for skills to defend herself and the ability to be rid of him, but she didn’t have those capabilities. She was weak, innocent, pure, and he knew that. He messed with her continuously.

  She was breathing heavy when he licked along her neck. She tried shoving him away, but he pressed her hard against the wall and then slid his hand from her ass to under her dress, stroking her from the crack to her front, and then shoved her hard against the wall. She cried out, and he gritted his teeth.

  “Shhh, don’t make a sound or I’ll slit your fucking throat and leave you here to die.”

  Tears rolled down her cheeks, and her heart felt as if it had caught in her throat. Was he going to force himself on her right here behind the building in the dark where no one could see or rescue her? She started to panic and really cry.

  “Jesus, you’re a fucking virgin, aren’t you? Holy fuck.” He slid his fingers harder, and she sobbed.

  “Please don’t. Please.”

  The sound of his cell phone ringing had his fingers pausing, then pulling from under her dress. She didn’t sigh in relief. Instead, she prayed over and over again as fast as her mind could process the Hail Mary—and she wasn’t even religious.

  He used his thick, hard shoulder to hold her steady against the wall.

  “Don’t fucking move,” he said, his teeth against her neck as he put the phone to his ear. “Yeah.” He sounded breathless, aroused, and it made her shake really hard. He smoothed his hand up her ribs to her breast and stroked it through the material. He stared at her eyes, where tears still flowed.

  “Right fucking now? I’m in the middle of something. Whatever.” He put the phone on his hip and then gripped her shoulders, ran his palms down her arms, his hands so big, so hard they could snap her in two.

  He gripped her wrists and pulled her hands around his waist. She felt the gun and the holster. She gasped, and he chuckled.

  “Keep your hands there.” He cupped her cheeks and looked into her eyes. “You’re going to be mine.” He licked his lips. “You’re going to do as I say. You’re going to spread these thighs and offer me up this perfect virgin body, and it’s going to be the beginning of payoff time. I call you, you come to me. I show up, you do as I say. You won’t be any other man’s woman but mine, and your debt, five Gs, will be gone in a month, two months, or whatever I decide. I’ve got twenty-five thousand in the car in the glove compartment from collecting for the boss.”

  He pressed his lips to hers then pulled back. She cringed in disgust. She hated this man. Wanted him dead.

  “I give him the money for your debt, and then your debt becomes one to me. You’ll be my special girl.” He kissed her again and plunged his tongue in deeper. In a flash he was groping her, and then his cell phone rang again.

  He pulled back. “I need to go. You be ready tomorrow night. I’ll pick you up here at ten.” He stepped back, gave her ass a slap, then pointed at her.

  “You better be here, or your parents are going to suffer.”

  She gripped the wall and watched him go. Her heart pounded. She was gasping for breath and felt so sick to her stomach she began to dry heave. She was in a panic and didn’t know what to do. He had hurt her parents before. Her father still limped around because of the car accident. Her mother’s arm was still in a cast. She couldn’t let them get hurt again or get killed. Damn Brian and his fucked-up drug habit. He was a soldier, a man of honor, and as soon as he was home, he’d started screwing around.

  She pushed off the wall, fixed her dress, and rubbed her lips. Her thighs ached, and her mound felt tender. More tears flowed. She used her forearm to wipe them away as a scowl formed on her face. She wished for so much. For strength, for power, for skills that could take out a man like Jordene. She couldn’t go back inside and enjoy the party with friends. She needed to go home. She didn’t know what she was going to do. She just knew she couldn’t go to the police. Her brother was a criminal, and they wouldn’t help her and her parents with these monsters. She just didn’t know who L.R. was, and she really didn’t care. She needed to find a way to pay this debt. She just didn’t know any other way than to obey Jordene’s commands. She had no choice. She would have to give up her body, her virginity, to pay her dead brother’s debt and save her parents. How sick and twisted and unfair was that?

  * * * *

  “You get the shit collected. Last night you got back later than expected. You know the fucking deal, Jordene. Don’t piss off the boss. I got you this job to keep you off the fucking streets. You’re looking better, like dressing in fine clothes and getting all the bonus shit. Get through the collections and bring the money here to the gallery by midnight,” Jordene’s brother told him.

  Jordene nodded and gave his brother a fist pump.

  “Hey, man, don’t I always come through? I’ve been doing these collections the past month, and I get back on time every time. I got this shit. No one fucks with me ever.”
r />   “Just get back here tonight as scheduled. The boss has me bringing him to an event, and I can’t fucking babysit your ass.”

  “Like I need a fucking babysitter?”

  His brother shook his head at him.

  “Get out there. Last night you were late, and the boss was pissed. So, whoever the bitch is, fuck her faster.”

  Jordene chuckled and then gave his brother a huge smile. He was going to take his sweet-ass time with Pina. He would pop her cherry and own her body forever. Goddamn. He had a hard-on just thinking about her voluptuous figure.

  He left the building and headed out to the business district to start collecting. As the hours passed and it approached the meeting time, she wasn’t there. His temper flared, and he looked at the clock. It was nearly eleven. He headed to her parents’ house. He’d fuck those people up good. He pulled up in front of the small, old house. It was at the end of a cul-de-sac and dark as shit. He got out and headed to the front door. One low light remained on in the living room, and he didn’t knock. He kicked the door in. He saw them in the living room. The old man jumped up and the mother in her cast looked scared. Good, they should be. Pina’s father stepped in front of her.

  “What are you doing breaking into our home?” he yelled.

  Jordene pointed at Pina and curled his finger at her.

  “Come here,” he ordered.

  She shook her head. He stomped toward her. The father got in the way, and he slugged him and then backhanded the mother. She fell, and Pina screamed. He grabbed her by her hair.


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