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Surrender to Me (Boggy Creek Valley Book 4)

Page 3

by Kelly Elliott

  Aiden rolled his eyes. “Yeah, Hunter did just a few moments ago.”

  I looked up at the mention of Hunter and smiled as I saw him walking into the living room, his mother Mary right beside him. The smile on his face dropped when he scanned the room and saw me. His gaze shifted between me and the baby and I felt my heart plummet to my stomach. Was he unhappy I was here? I honestly hadn’t even thought about Hunter being here. I should have, though. After all, Ciara was his niece. But when Greer said Willa asked us to come over and see the baby, I couldn’t refuse.

  “Arabella Adams, you look precious holding that baby in your arms.” Mary made her way over to me. She gave me a quick kiss on the cheek, and then looked down at Ciara.

  Jack, her husband, was the next person to speak as he walked into the room and stood next to Hunter. “Isn’t my granddaughter just beautiful?” He gave his son a small push with his elbow, and Hunter finally pulled his eyes off me, then ran his fingers through his hair like he was bothered by something.

  Was he mad I was there? Surely not, but I couldn’t read the expression on his face.

  Mary looked over her shoulder at her husband. “Isn’t that right, Jack? We need to see Arabella more often.”

  Jack flashed me a bright smile. “Yes. We really would love to have you over for dinner sometime, sweetheart.”

  Once again, I noticed how much Hunter looked like his father. He was basically a younger version of Jack, who was still very handsome for his age. Jack’s brown hair was sprinkled with bits of gray, but his eyes were exactly like his son’s. Crystal blue, like the afternoon sky after a rain shower comes through.

  “That would be lovely,” I replied. “Mary, would you like to hold your granddaughter?”

  “Oh, are you sure?”

  I nodded. “Greer has already held her, and I’ve had her the last twenty minutes or so.”

  Mary scooped her granddaughter out of my hands like a pro. Now that they were empty, I fidgeted with the bottom of my sweater and made my way over to sit down next to Greer on the other sofa.

  Ben had come in with his grandfather, and was now demanding Hunter’s attention. I watched the two of them interact with one another, my heart physically aching. If how he treated Ben was any indication, Hunter would make a wonderful father. He put the boy up on his shoulders and bounced, while Jack—the K9 version—barked.

  “Down, Jack,” Hunter commanded. Jack took in everyone in the room and made a beeline toward me.

  “Hey, buddy,” I said, gently scratching along his head and neck. Seconds later, he lay at my feet—or I should say, on them.

  Hunter looked over at us. “Is he on your feet, Bella? You can make him move.”

  I shook my head. “It’s okay, he’s not bothering me at all.”

  Hunter’s eyes went from the dog, to me, then back to the dog. A slight frown formed between his brows before Ben pulled at his chin to make him look up at him.

  Leaning in closer to Greer, I asked in a low voice, “Do you think he doesn’t like Jack being over here with me?”

  She shook her head and whispered back, “I think he’s wondering why his dog feels the need to protect you.”

  “Protect me?”

  Greer motioned with her head to Jack. “He’s laying on your feet like he’s guarding you, Arabella.”

  Looking down, I let out a disbelieving laugh. “He is not. He just happened to drop down where my feet were.”

  Greer shrugged. “I’ve never seen him do that with anyone other than Hunter.”

  “She’s back for good?” Mary asked, causing both Greer and me to look over at her.

  “She is!” Willa said with a giant smile.

  “Who are we talking about?” Greer asked before I could.

  Willa looked at us. “Bree! She’s moving back to Boggy Creek. To stay!”

  “What? She’s leaving Boston?” Greer said, and I found myself peeking at Hunter to catch his expression. He was focused on Ben, who was showing him something on the ceiling. They were both studying it very closely, and I couldn’t help but smile as I watched them.

  “Yes! She told me at the hospital. Didn’t tell me why, just said she’s moving back.” Willa looked at Hunter and asked, “Did she call you, Hunter?”

  He drew his gaze away from the ceiling. “Did who call me?”

  “Brighton. She said she needed to move some things from Boston and was going to see if you and Kyle might be able to help, since you both have trucks.”

  “Wait, what? Brighton is moving back to Boggy Creek? When?” Hunter asked as he lifted Ben off his shoulders.

  A sharp pain ripped through my body and hit my heart with such force, I nearly lost my breath for a moment. I knew I had no right to be jealous of the past Brighton and Hunter shared, and even though Brighton had said it was nothing but a physical attraction, I still couldn’t help but notice how she’d been the first person he’d had any sort of relationship with since we’d broken up. Whether it had truly been all about sex or not, it still hurt. And I felt guilty for being upset about it. He had every right to see whomever he wanted. I was the one who had broken up with him. But goodness, there was nothing I could do about that feeling.

  “As soon as possible. And with no explanation why, just said she was moving back and needed to get out of Boston as soon as she could,” Willa said.

  Hunter frowned. “Is everything okay, do you think?”

  I wanted to believe Hunter’s concern was platonic, but a small part of me let that ugly green monster out just a little. Brighton had made it clear she had zero interest in Hunter, and if she’d known I still had feelings for him, she would never have slept with him. The problem was, I had no idea what his feelings were for her. I’d been planning on trying to figure that out when we had lunch on Thursday.

  Willa smiled. “She seems fine. She’s been spending a lot more time back in Boggy Creek, and honestly, I think she just misses home.”

  Hunter nodded. “Yeah, I’ll give her a call. I work this weekend, but I’m sure Kyle and I can help her move.”

  “Great! Thanks, Hunter,” Willa said as Ben bounded over to her and crawled up into her lap. It was hard to believe he would be three this fall.

  My stomach twisted, and I had to swallow a few times to keep the sick feeling down. Greer must have sensed something was off because she reached over, took my hand, and gave it a light squeeze. I placed my hand over hers to show her I was fine.

  Hunter looked directly at me. He smiled, but something was off. It had been since the moment he’d walked into the room.

  Returning his smile, I looked over at Mary and Ciara. Once upon a time, I had dreamed of Mary holding a baby. Except it would have been mine, and Hunter would have been the father.

  My body started to shake slightly, and I drew in a deep breath.

  Greer quickly stood and pulled me up with her. “Well, Arabella and I need to get going.”

  Mary looked up and flashed us both a wide grin. “Greer, sweetheart, I don’t think I congratulated you on your engagement to Hudson. When are you having the wedding?”

  Greer grinned. “You did, at the hospital, but thank you again. We’re deciding between a summer or fall wedding.”

  Mary let out a soft laugh. “Oh, that’s right. Lord, I’m losing my mind. Both times of year would be beautiful. Now you let me know if you need any help.”

  Nodding, Greer replied, “I most certainly will.”

  “You two girls be careful driving. Hunter, walk the girls out,” Mary stated.

  “That’s okay, he doesn’t have to walk us out,” I quickly said.

  “I don’t mind,” Hunter said as he walked up to me, this time offering a genuine smile. The daze he had in his eyes from earlier was gone.

  Both Greer and I hugged and kissed everyone goodbye. Well, everyone except Hunter. We grabbed our coats and headed through the house to the front door.

  “Did you need me to bring Bella back to the apiary?” Hunter asked Greer once we got outs

  She shook her head, reached up onto her toes, and kissed Hunter’s cheek. “Nope, it’s on the way home, but thanks for asking.”

  Hunter opened the side door of Greer’s SUV and held my hand as I climbed in. “Still on for tomorrow, Bella?”

  “Yes, of course.”

  He smiled and winked, and I felt my lower stomach pull with a deep desire. There had been way too many nights where I’d slipped my fingers between my legs and dreamt of that smile of his. Those soft lips and gentle hands. I’d tried desperately not to forget how they felt against my body, but after so many years, the memories had slowly faded away…yet I held on to others.

  “You better get back into the house before you freeze to death, Hunter,” I said, pulling the seat belt on and clicking it.

  “Right. Drive safe, ladies,” Hunter said as he stepped away.

  “Bye, Hunter!” Greer called out, and I lifted my hand and waved.

  Hunter shut the door and then took a few steps back while Greer started the 4Runner and made her way down Willa and Aiden’s driveway. The view of the apple orchard was a beautiful sight to see. Miles and miles of trees all blanketed with snow. The way the sun shone on it, it looked like glitter was sprinkled over all the trees. Of course, the snow-capped mountains with the crystal-clear blue sky made the perfect backdrop.

  “Okay, did you see the way Hunter looked at you when you were holding Ciara?” Greer asked, excitement in her voice. “He came to such an abrupt halt his mother ran right into him!”

  I pulled my eyes from the landscape and looked at her. “He looked annoyed with me. Maybe he didn’t like that I was there.”

  “Annoyed? Annoyed? Are you serious, Arabella Adams? That boy did not look annoyed. He looked like he was just as much in love with you now as he was ten years ago—and the sight of you holding a baby nearly dropped him to his knees.”

  I huffed. “Don’t be ridiculous.” I was about to say something along the lines of him jumping at the chance to help Brighton, but I knew that would be a childish thing to do, and would only showcase my own unwarranted jealousy.

  “I’m telling you, Arabella, I could see the longing in his eyes.”

  I snapped my gaze toward her again. “You think Hunter wants a family?”

  “Of course, he does,” Greer stated. “Don’t you see how he is with Ben and how he held Ciara at the hospital? I can’t imagine he wouldn’t want a family. Willa’s even said he’s mentioned it a time or two.”

  Tears pricked at the back of my eyes as I turned and looked out the window.

  “Arabella, I didn’t mean to say anything to hurt you.”

  I nodded and sniffled. “I know. And I wouldn’t blame Hunter if he found someone and got married. It’s just…I…”

  I brought my hands up to my face; I couldn’t stop the tears if I tried.

  “Christ Almighty,” Greer said as she brought the car to a sudden stop. I heard her unbuckle her belt. “Arabella…oh sweetie, talk to me. Please.”

  “I’m just so confused,” I said, sucking in a shaky breath. “I mean, I’m not confused more than I’m just so angry. And sad. Shit! I’m tired of being so sad! So…so…fucking tired of it.”

  When Greer didn’t say anything, I looked at her. She was staring at me with her mouth open.

  I sniffed and wiped my nose with my sweater. “What?” I asked in a cracked voice.

  “You swore. You never swear. And not only did you swear, but you went all out with it.”

  Her face was so serious, I couldn’t help it. I laughed. Then hiccupped.

  “You said…fuck. And shit. I feel like I need to write this down somewhere to document it. Like, this was a big step for you.”

  I dropped my head back against the seat and sighed.

  “I’m sorry, honey,” Greer said as she took my hand in hers. “But Arabella…do something about it.”

  “About what?”

  “Being sad. Wanting to be with Hunter. Because that’s clear to everyone from the way you look at him.”

  Sighing again, I slowly shook my head. “Oh God. It’s not that easy, Greer. I wish it was.”

  She squeezed my hand, and I looked at her. “I’m always here if you want to talk.”

  “I know.”

  Greer looked away for a moment before her gaze captured mine again. “Arabella, I’ve respected your privacy for all these years…but I need to say something, and forgive me if I overstep.”

  I braced myself for what she was about to say. Or ask. “Go on.”

  “I don’t know why you pushed Hunter away. I suspect I might know, though I would never push you to talk about it. But neither one of you can move on from the other. Don’t you think it’s time you told him why you broke up with him?”

  A tear slipped free, and I quickly wiped it away. “Do you really think I’m the reason he hasn’t settled down with anyone?”

  Greer laughed, then looked contrite. “Sorry. Sorry, I didn’t mean to laugh. But yes, I honestly do. I think he’s tried. I think he wants to move on but can’t.”

  I felt my eyes go wide.

  “Wait, let me finish. I think he wants you, Arabella. But I also think you need to decide what you’re going to do, for both of your sakes.”

  “What I’m going to do?”

  Greer drew in a deep breath and slowly exhaled. “I’m saying this as your best friend, okay? Not to hurt you.”

  I nodded. “Okay.”

  “You need to tell Hunter the reason why you called things off…and let him move on with his life if you don’t want to be with him.”

  My mouth fell open, but she held up her hand.

  “Or, you need to admit to him and yourself that you’re still in love with him and put both of you out of the misery you’re currently living in. Either way, you have to tell him.”

  I jerked my eyes away from her and looked out the window. My heartbeat thudded loudly in my ears, and I felt like I couldn’t think straight.

  “Talk to him, Arabella. Tomorrow at lunch. Talk to him.”

  The only thing I could do was give her a small nod.

  Greer buckled up and pulled back onto the road as I stared out the passenger window, her words running through my thoughts. I knew she was right, and I knew I needed to tell Hunter the truth. The question was…could I actually do it?


  The bell above the door to The Coffee Pot dinged as I walked in. I smiled, taking in the folks seated at the bar and in the booths. I quickly saw that only two booths were still available. One was in the middle of the restaurant, which would put me and Bella front and center.

  Or there was table four.

  It was the booth in the corner—and the one where Kyle had done the nasty with Tess Goodman’s daughter, Maggie. Tess owned The Coffee Pot, and she’d banned Kyle for the longest time after she’d walked in and caught them having sex in the restaurant. It had only been a few years since she’d finally started letting Kyle back in.

  “Fuck,” I mumbled and made my way to the corner booth, also known as the dreaded table four.

  “Hey, Hunter, want your normal?” Tess asked, walking up behind me.

  I stood in front of the booth and tried to determine if the privacy Bella and I needed was actually worth sitting at this table.

  Tess stared at me with her head slightly tilted. “What’s the matter?”

  I shook off my concern, smiled, and slid into the booth so that I was facing the front door. “Nothing. I’ll just have a water for right now. I’m waiting on Arabella to join me.”

  Tess’s eyes went wide. “Arabella is joining you for lunch?”

  “She is.”

  “That explains the corner booth—you two can have a little privacy.” She winked and I felt my cheeks blush “I’ll go get your water and then come back when Arabella gets here.”

  “Thanks, Tess. She won’t be here until eleven thirty.”

  “Sounds good,” Tess said before heading back over to the counter.

  I pulled my phone out of my pocket, half expecting to see a message from Bella saying she wouldn’t be able to make it today.

  When there wasn’t a message, I smiled.

  The bell above the door dinged, and I glanced up to see Brighton walk in. She quickly scanned the place, and then did a double take when she saw me. She flashed me a smile and made her way over.

  “Hey, fancy meeting you here! Mind if I join you?”

  I looked at the entrance, then back at Brighton. “Actually, Brighton, I’m meeting Bella for lunch.”

  A wide grin appeared across her face. “About damn time. Have you two worked things out?”

  “No, not exactly. She agreed to have lunch with me today, so I’m taking that as a good sign.”

  Brighton nodded. “Listen, I’ve been meaning to ask if you and Kyle might be able to help me move a few things from Boston the next time you both have a day off—if you ever have one off at the same time.”

  I nodded. “We both have next Tuesday off. We could help then.”

  “Great! I don’t have much; I’m pretty sure everything would fit in your trucks.”

  “So, what’s the real reason you’re moving back to Boggy Creek? I’m not buying the whole you- miss-small-town-life story.”

  She frowned and sighed. I quickly looked at the door. I wasn’t sure how Bella would feel, walking in and seeing Brighton standing here. Based on her reaction to us last fall, I knew that it bothered her we’d been together. At the time she’d said it, I’d been confused. Then angry. She had no right to be jealous when she’d been the one to end things.

  “I do miss Boggy Creek, for your information,” Brighton said.

  I lifted one brow and gave her a look that said she was full of shit.

  “Fine, I have another reason, but not one I wish to talk about.”

  “Does it involve a man?”

  She huffed. “When a woman is miserable, unhappy, angry, and ready to eat a tub of ice cream every day, it’s almost always because of a damn man.”

  Laughing, I replied, “What’s his name?”

  Lifting her index finger, she moved it back and forth. “Oh no, Mr. Turner. No information for you. Knowing you, you’ll do a background check on him, and then all hell will break loose when you find out who it is.”


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