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The Captain of the Guard: Alpha Werewolf Erotica (Smut-Shorties Book 6)

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by Carter, Mina

  He pulled back, loosened his hold to look down at her. “Careful, princess. I’m not the sort of guy you want to play games with. You might not like the games I want to play.”

  “Oh?” She arched her eyebrow. “Perhaps I want to play.”

  She ducked and twisted, wriggling free of his hold to dance out of reach. An alpha wolf herself, she was fast and sure on her feet. She’d never been this brave before, but she didn’t care. The unaccustomed alcohol surging through her veins, fortified for lycans, had loosened her inhibitions. She knew that and still didn’t care. She’d watched Jace from afar for so long, that to find out he wasn’t indifferent as she’d always thought, was like a red rag to a bull.

  “But it all depends on if you can catch me,” she whispered, then grabbing her skirts, she set off down the corridor like a shot.

  He didn’t call after her, the silence making her worry for a second she’d misread this. Perhaps he’d just been getting her out of the ballroom before she made a fool of herself? Then a low growl filled the air.

  She cast a glance over her shoulder to find him a few steps behind her. A delighted squeak escaped her and she doubled her speed until she was in a flat out sprint. But he was bigger, faster. Even before she felt his breath on the back of her neck, she knew there was no getting away from him, but that wasn’t the point. She didn’t want to get away. She wanted him to capture her. Wanted the fantasy of a man who would claim her, regardless of her status in the pack, or as Jacob McCauley’s sister. She wanted a man who wanted her for herself.

  Hard hands closed on her arms, hauling her from her feet and against a solid male body as they tumbled backward, through a door to sprawl over the floor. She’d closed her eyes, waiting for the impact with the floor. It wouldn’t hurt for long, she healed fast. But the jarring shock of hitting the floor didn’t come. Instead, somehow, Jace twisted in the air so she landed on top of him, sprawled across his broad chest.

  “Huh?” she looked up to see a small smile playing over his lips. He moved to kick the door shut behind them, and the smile broadened. “Welcome to my lair, princess. Now I’ve caught you, the rules of the chase say you’re mine to do with as I wish.”

  Chapter Three

  Vanessa swallowed hard, need and heat fought for dominance in her veins at the feral expression in Jace’s eyes. The hard length of his cock, bigger than any she’d had before, pressed against her soft belly, signaling his intentions.

  “Oh? And what do you intend to do with me?”

  Her question was bold, a challenge thrown down to cover the traitorous tremble of her limbs, and the rush of liquid heat that dampened her panties. His nostrils flared, his eyes darkening, and she knew he’d registered her arousal.

  “Well, first off… I think I want a taste of you.” The deep rumble of his voice was a temptation all in itself and she leaned down, her lips already parting to kiss him. He let her, but didn’t deepen the kiss like she expected. Instead, he smiled when she pulled away. “Nice, but that wasn’t what I meant.”

  Before she could reply, he surged to his feet with her in his arms. She couldn’t help her surprised squeak. She clung to his shoulders, but she knew he wouldn’t drop her. Long strides took them through a darkened sitting room and into the bedroom. His bedroom. A massive four-poster loomed ahead of them, and he dropped her on the surface without preamble. She bounced a little on the soft surface, but before she could say anything, he had hold of her wrist.

  “Jace, what are…” She started as he wrapped something around her wrist and pulled it tight, but her words trailed off as he tied the other end of the cord to the post. He was tying her up. A shiver worked its way up from the depths of her soul to lodge between her legs. He strode around the other side of the bed and she let him take her other wrist, pulling it out and above her head so she was spread out over the bed. Restrained. For him.

  “I’ve dreamed of getting you here, like this,” he admitted, standing at the bottom of the bed. His face was in shadow, but it didn’t matter. He looked dark and dangerous, and utterly gorgeous. “Of having you at my mercy. Doing whatever I wanted to you, whenever I wanted.”

  She bit her lip, twining her wrists to hold the ropes. They were the curtain ties from the bed, no match for her strength if she wanted to be free, but that didn’t matter. She didn’t want to be free. What mattered was that he’d touched on one of her deepest, darkest fantasies.

  His eyes glittered when he moved forward in the half-light. Dark. Dangerous. Sexy. Most men looked at her as though she was delicate, something fragile, not like they wanted to eat her alive. But then, most men just saw her bloodline, her lineage, and what that meant for them. Jace didn’t. He looked at her like a man who wanted to fuck her.

  Gods, she wanted that.

  “Now I’ve got you.”

  His words didn’t seem to require her answer so she kept quiet, biting her lip and watching as he stripped his shirt off. Her breath caught when his chest was revealed, her ability to think scattered to the four winds. His shoulders were broad, but the wide expanse of his chest was rock-solid with muscle. Perfection carved in flesh and bone, covered in silky-satin skin that slid down into abs that made her mouth water.

  She must have made a sound because he looked up, his eyes meeting hers and the darkness there made her heart race. Heat washed over her skin, followed by chills. When Jace looked at her, he wasn’t thinking of bloodlines, not at all. He was… oh my, she had no idea what he was thinking. But she wanted to find out. Now.

  Hands on his belt, he stalked toward the bed. A shiver hit her as he crawled onto it, expecting him to crawl over her. She ached to feel his big, hard body against hers again. Pressing into her, pressing her into the bed, the evidence of his thick cock pressing against her.

  He didn’t. Instead, he slid his hands under her skirts, sliding his palms up her legs so the fabric bunched over his wrists. “Yeah,” he said, his voice a deep rumble and his eyes pure amber. “I’m gonna taste you. You’re hot, princess, hot for me, and the scent’s been driving me crazy.”

  The tremble that hit her robbed her of all her strength, rendering her pliant under him. Then her skirts were up around her waist, and she pressed her legs together, knowing he could see the tiny panties that masqueraded as her underwear.

  “Pretty,” he growled, his fingers tangling in the delicate fabric. “But in the way.”

  He yanked, tearing them from her. She gasped at the quick bite of the material before it tore. With a quick jerk of his wrist, he discarded them behind him on the floor and looked down at her. His expression drew taut, cheekbones jutting as he fought for control with his wolf. She watched in fascination, trying not to squirm. When had she been able to elicit such a primal reaction in a man? Any man, never mind one as powerful as Jace?

  “You’re not shy,” he told her, using a big hand around one of her ankles to part her legs. Heat flared over her cheeks as he opened her to him, his gaze riveted on the area between her legs. Her pussy clenched, clit aching as though he’d touched her. He needed to touch her. Now. Sooner. A whimper escaped her and she arched her back, showing her body off to best advantage. For him.

  “Beautiful. Fucking beautiful.” His words were rough, but the look in his eyes was something near reverent. His finger, when he reached out and slid it through her wet folds, was anything but reverent. The soft moan that escaped her was way too breathy to be her own, but she couldn’t stop it. Not when he found her clit and rubbed it. Not gently, but like he meant business.

  “Fuck, you’re wet.” He dropped down over her, his hand still between her legs, and claimed her lips in a hard kiss. It wasn’t an exploration, more a claim as he mashed their mouths together, a clash of lips and hard strokes of his tongue as he shoved into her mouth that was almost painful. His finger stroked her in quick circles, flicking her clit before he moved down and without warning, slid a finger deep into her pussy.

  Her moan was lost in his mouth, under the hard kiss and a tangle of t
ongues. It didn’t matter, all that mattered was that he carried on doing what he was doing; sliding his finger out of her, then thrusting back in. Fucking her with his fingers. Then he added a second finger, his movements slower. He broke away from the kiss to press his lips against her cheek, her jaw, then the side of her throat.

  “You’re so tight,” he gasped, then pulled his hand free, crawling down her body in a movement so abrupt that she blinked. He shoved her thighs wider, then wider still to settle between them until she was stretched so wide it was almost uncomfortable.

  All that washed away at the first brush of his tongue, rough and wet, over her sensitive lower lips. With expert precision, he parted them with the wet blade, sliding the nubile organ up from her pussy to her clit. She whimpered, burying her face against the pillow as he explored her clit in quick fire movements of his tongue. Soft, then hard, then soft again, working around it in maddening circles. Her body tightened, pussy clenching in a silent plea for him to get on with it and fuck her, but he took his time.

  The rumbles emanating from his throat were almost feral, passed down through his lips and tongue to her clit until her eyes rolled back in her head with pleasure. She trembled beneath him, rocking her hips to get more sensation. He broke away to growl, a large hand over her stomach holding her still.

  “You come when I decide, princess, not before. Understand?”

  She stilled, nodding. She didn’t want him to stop. No way, no how. Not now.

  “Good. You’re still too dressed.” He reached up, his eyes on hers as he hooked his fingers in the neckline of her gown. He held her gaze for a moment and when she didn’t raise an objection, tore the front of her gown down to the waist. She shuddered as her breasts fell free, any soft sound she made overwhelmed by his deep groan. He paused for a moment, his expression torn as though he couldn’t decide which way to go, but then he reached out, cupping one breast in a large hand. She arched up, head back as he teased her nipple with callused fingers.

  “Later,” he promised and withdrew. Within a heartbeat, his mouth was hot on her pussy again, tongue rasping over her clit before he drew it into his mouth and sucked.

  Chapter Four

  Pleasure rolled through Vanessa’s body, holding her in thrall to this powerful man who covered her on the bed. His mouth was hot over her, and the tension in her body tightened until she thought one more lick, one more thrust of his fingers would shatter her apart.

  It didn’t. Instead, she rode the pleasure higher and higher, relished the tension that held her prisoner and made it a part of her. Biting her lip, she fought back her release. She didn’t want it to end, but he was relentless. Turning his hand, he stroked across her g-spot and she cried out, the intense pleasure bringing her hips off the bed.

  “Jace… please,” she begged, not caring that all her life, she’d been told she was a McCauley and McCauley’s didn’t beg. She didn’t care, she’d do anything for him not to stop what he was doing.

  He pulled from her, giving her clit a last, long lick and crawled up her body. He took in the expression on her face and smiled, dropping his head to place a soft kiss on her lips. “Soon, I promise.”

  She murmured, tasting herself on his lips. It wasn’t unpleasant, a soft, almost musky taste that was unmistakable. She bit her lower lip, watching him as he settled over her. A rough-haired knee pushed hers further apart. When had he lost the pants, she wondered, but the question was lost the instant the thick, wide head of his cock brushed against her.

  She sucked a breath in. He was huge. Larger than any man she’d had before. Although, to be fair, the few dalliances she’d had in her teens had been short and sweet. They’d all ended right after they found out who her father was. No teenaged lad, even a macho, bull-headed lycan teen, wanted to tangle with a pack alpha.

  “Shh, I’ll be gentle,” he murmured in her ear, his lips brushing the sensitive spot just beneath it. Goosebumps rolled over her skin, a fine trembling setting up in her limbs. Restlessness urged her to move, but she stayed still, waiting.

  “I won’t break,” she whispered back, turning her head to kiss him. A hard kiss, with her dominant this time. His lips parted in surprise and she used that, sliding her tongue in to find his. Tempting him to come play with her. He groaned, deep in his throat and rocked his hips against hers, pushing against her entrance. Not sliding in, just pushing against her until she was half mad with the need for him to take her. Breaking the kiss, she nipped his lower lip.

  “Just do it.”

  He pulled back, his expression tight with the control she could feel he was exerting. His body was coiled tight as a spring, ready to snap at any moment. He held her gaze for a second. Then he moved. His hips surged forward, driving his cock into her. A gasp tore from her as he breached her, the broad head stretching her delicate sheath around the steel of his erection.

  “That’s it princess,” his words whispered over the skin of her neck. “Slow and easy, you can take it all.”

  As he spoke, he slid into her, the movement so slow that she felt every thick inch, every ridge, every vein. She even felt the fast, strong pulse of his heart, right through his cock as he buried it deep inside her.

  “Gods, you’re tight. Slick and hot and wet, and tight.” He groaned when he bottomed out, his hips against hers. She couldn’t breath, except in short, hard pants. She was full. Stretched to the limit, so far that she was sure she’d split in two.

  And it felt glorious.

  “Just a moment,” she begged, pulling her bonds tight as she waited for her body to adjust. She could take him, she would take him.

  “Shhh, it’s okay. You feel fucking fantastic, you know? Your pussy is like a silk glove, wrapped tight around my cock.” His words, muttered into the shadows, were a dark temptation and she felt herself relax. The burn in her cunt became an ache. A burning ache that urged her to move. A dictate she couldn’t disobey. She rocked her hips and he swore.

  “Fuck, yeah. Do that again.”

  She did, and the movement shifted him inside her. Just a half inch, but the slick slide of his cock in her pussy ignited nerve endings she’d never felt before. Pleasure rolled through her, sparking between them in a conflagration so intense she was surprised that they didn’t burn the bed down around them.

  “Ugh… yeah. Do that.” He pushed himself up, a hand sliding under her hips to lift her so he could kneel. Her breasts jiggled, their nipples tight, dark buds standing out stark against her pale skin in the semi-dark of the room. He pulled out, and she felt a pang of loss, her pussy clenching around his retreating cock, as though to keep him inside her but before she could complain, he surged back in again. Then again and again, until the bed rocked under the force of their coupling.

  “That’s it, princess.” His voice came in harsh pants. “You take it all, every inch of my cock. And you like it, don’t you? You like being fucked by an alpha wolf.”

  She didn’t have time to answer because he reached between them and pressed his thumb down over her clit. Her back arched, a cry escaping her lips as the tightness in her body ratcheted up another couple of notches. She was so close to the edge she should have gone over it by now. Would have if she’d been on her own, in her bedroom with her vibrator between her legs. She always picked them big, liked the thickest she could find… the ones that felt like they were tearing her in two the first time she used them, but then, slick with her juices, were never enough.

  Jace was enough. He rubbed her clit in hard, fast strokes, his cock slamming into her with such power it took her breath away.

  “Admit it, princess,” he demanded, reaching up to pinch her nipple. “You like being fucked, and fucked hard.”

  She nodded, but the words wouldn’t come. She could barely think, let alone form a sentence. What did he want from her?

  He was panting hard, now, his thrusts becoming un-coordinated, like a thread that had begun to unravel. He was close. Just as close as she was.

  “Admit it, sweetheart, and
I’ll fuck you all night long. I’ll take you in ways you’ve only ever dreamt of… give you pleasure like you’ve never known. I’ll make you take my cock every way you have. Hard, fast, and dirty… would you like that? Huh?”

  “Oh god, yeah. Please,” she whimpered as he flicked over her clit again. With a cry, she tumbled over the edge, and into the maelstrom of pleasure below. It didn’t just wash over her, it washed through her until all she knew was the tumultuous chaos of ecstasy.

  Above her, Jace roared his release, slamming into her a last time before stiffening. His cock pulsed deep within, coating her inner walls with his hot seed. She moaned, loving the feel of it. She was hot, and slick and wet, filled with cum… the opposite of the good-girl pack princess everybody had always seen her as.

  Jace dropped down, rolling to the side and releasing her wrists to gather her into his arms. His lips brushed her temple.

  “You, princess, will kill a man with sex like that.”

  She opened her eyes to look up at him, and smiled. “Oh, I don’t know. I heard you were a man that wasn’t afraid of death.”

  His grin was a white flash of teeth in the darkness. “Princess, I’ve never been afraid of death… so do your worst.”

  Reaching up, she pulled him down for another long, hard kiss before she broke away. “My worst, huh? Sounds like a challenge.”

  And she was always a woman up for a challenge, something she intended to prove before the sun rose.

  The End

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