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Barbaric Tendencies (Ciara Steele Novella Series #2)

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by Banks, Catherine

  I whimpered. Jared stopped moving. If his chest hadn’t been against mine I would have wondered if he were breathing. He untangled his hands from my hair and stood up, turning away from me.

  I wanted to move, but I wasn’t sure if he was in control yet. I waited two full minutes and then whispered, “Jared.”

  He took a deep breath and turned around. His eyes were glowing light blue, almost white. He took another deep breath and his eyes returned to normal. “I’m sorry.”

  I stood up slowly and brushed my hands through my hair. “It’s alright. I should have realized how close he is.”

  Jared shook his head and tears brimmed in his eyes. “It’s not just that. I…It’s hard to be around a female you consider under your protection when she’s fertile. The mating instinct goes wild and it’s hard to control yourself. I should have more control than this, but it hurts that you won’t confide in me and I can’t help the pain that is in you.”

  Alphas don’t usually share their feelings so he was trying to get me to open up to him. I shook my head. “I don’t want to talk about it. Can we go to my lesson?”

  Jared nodded his head and we walked in silence to the training room. Willow was sitting in the center of the room petting a rabbit. Her thick hair was braided down her back and she wore a simple flower patterned dress. Jared stopped when he saw the rabbit and Willow tensed. She closed her eyes and blue sparks covered the rabbit until I couldn’t see him and then the rabbit became a wolf. Jared sat down against the wall and closed his eyes. Willow motioned me forward and I walked slowly toward her. The wolf watched me with intent eyes and I felt my fear building as I neared him. Willow sighed then spoke in her British accent I loved so much, “He won’t harm you.”

  I finished walking to her and sat down in front of her. The wolf lay down and put his head on her thigh. “What am I learning today?” I asked.

  She smiled. “Shields.” She spent forty five minutes explaining how to use my aura as a shield and then two hours until I finally made one.

  I jumped up and down in excitement as the blue shield formed around me and held. “That’s awesome.”

  Willow was frowning and looked at Jared. “What do you know about this?”

  Jared shook his head. “She refuses to speak.”

  I looked from Willow to Jared. “What? What are you two talking about?”

  Willow pointed to my shield. “It’s blue.”

  I waited for her to continue, but when she didn’t I asked, “Is that a problem?”

  She asked, “What is hurting you Ciara? You must tell me.”

  Louis walked in and shook his head. “She doesn’t have to tell you anything.” My shield changed from blue to orange and Louis laughed. “Honestly Ciara. You know I won’t hurt you.”

  I looked at Willow. “Orange means fear?”

  She nodded her head. “Yes. In fact orange-red, as yours is, usually means the person you are facing is one who has hurt you and that’s who you are frightened of.”

  Jared stood up and walked slowly toward me. Louis rolled his eyes. “I have never laid a finger on her in anger and she has never received pain from my hands.”

  Jared and Willow’s eyes locked for a moment of silence before Louis broke it and said, “Ciara, the Council would like to speak to you.”

  I nodded my head. “Okay.” Louis held out his hand and I hurried to take it. I started to reach out when I realized my shield was still up. I pulled my aura back in until I was no longer glowing then bowed to Willow. “Thank you Teacher. I shall see you tomorrow.” In a short amount of time I had learned so much and I was proud of myself. I would have never imagined my life would be what it is and even though I wasn’t completely happy with it, it was better than walking around in fear while Seeing people’s true faces. I turned to Jared. “Thank you for your protection. I shall summon you if I am to join you for dinner.”

  I placed my hand on top of the back of Louis’s and let him lead me away. I could feel Jared’s anger and knew Louis probably could to. If he didn’t watch his emotions he would get in trouble with the vampires. Louis forced me to converse with him and discuss my training and if I had any problems with others and then he asked about my nightmares.

  I stopped walking and stared at him. “How do you know about those?”

  He smiled. “Come. We are almost there.” He led me down one more hallway then pushed open two large wooden doors which opened in to the largest room of the compound. The ceiling was thirty feet high and there were no windows in the entire room to protect our UV impaired friends. Benches filled the room making it feel like a church yet the carpet was red to hide stains which took away from the church feel. At the very front was a raised slab of concrete with a table and three chairs where the Council members sat. Beside the Council’s seating on either side stood two racks for holding up accused. On one of them was Kevin sporting three long red slices across his chest and stomach.

  I started to move toward him, but Louis took my hand and led me to the Council. He bowed once then left the room. The three members of the Council looked down at me with no emotions on their faces. I curtsied to them and spoke quietly, “Greetings most honored Council. To what do I owe this pleasure?”

  Jean-Luc, a vampire, Martin, a werewolf and alpha of all wereanimals, and Dagda, a sidhe male, made up the Council and were leaders of their respective clans. Jean-Luc smiled at me and I was glad my third eye was closed. “Ciara, it has been too long since you have visited us.”

  “I am sorry Monsieur I was advised never to request your presence, but only to come when summoned.”

  Martin barked a short laugh. “Only those who are fearful of us say those things. You have nothing to fear from us.”

  Dagda who usually just stared accusingly at me smiled. “We have a question Ciara. Will you answer it?”

  I nodded my head. “Of course.” I was too frightened of these men to willfully deny them much. In the amount of time it took me to inhale any of them could kill me.

  Jean-Luc’s smile dissolved and he asked, “What are your nightmares of?”

  I swallowed nervously and looked at Kevin. “May I ask a question first, Sirs?” They looked annoyed, but all nodded their heads. “Why is my bodyguard bleeding on the rack? Has he done something I should know of?”

  Martin smiled. “That is why you are here. We are trying to discern his credibility.”

  I grimaced. They’d hurt him because they thought he had hurt me. Dammit. “My nightmares are the ones I have had every week since coming here. A foolish girl’s only way to visit the one I was separated from. Kevin has done nothing to me.” It angered me that they would hurt him before talking to me, but that was the way of the preternaturals.

  Martin snapped his fingers and two guards walked in to the room through a side door and unchained Kevin. He knelt on the ground for a moment before standing up and walking toward me. Kevin stood behind me facing the Council in his bodyguard pose. An obedient soldier to the end. Martin smiled at me. “Please tell us your dreams.”

  I frowned. “Why?” The Council members’ faces tightened in shock. I quickly spoke again, “Forgive me. I only meant to ask what relevance a nightmare could have.”

  Dagda frowned. “You are a Seer. You are known to have prophecies and we wish to be certain these are not prophecies.”

  I sighed and looked back at Kevin who was studiously ignoring me. “I assure you that these are not prophecies.”

  Jean-Luc shook his head. “Tell us Ciara.”

  I rubbed my temples and told them the most recent dream quickly. I kept my eyes down to avoid their faces. Martin said, “I told you Jean-Luc.” I looked up in shock.

  Jean-Luc waved his hand dismissively at Martin and then spoke to me, “Have you spoken in person to Eric since you left?”

  I shook my head. “I have had no contact with him as you required.”

  Dagda asked, “Have you chosen a mate yet?”

  I tensed and shook my head. “I do not wan
t a mate.”

  Martin growled softly and said, “He is not your mate.”

  I looked up slowly, confused by his sudden aggression towards me. “Who Sir?”

  He stared in to my eyes. “Eric.”

  “I am aware of that, Sir. I never thought he was.”

  Dagda shook his head. “If you do not feel he is your mate than you would have chosen another already.”

  My hands balled in to fists and I clenched my teeth. “With all due respect I don’t believe I should have to find a mate.”

  Dagda asked, “How can you be sane without the touch of a man?”

  “I have the touch of man. Kevin and Jared. They occasionally share my bed with me.”

  Dagda shook his head. “Sleeping in the same bed and experiencing a man’s touch is very different. I know many who would offer themselves to you if you would ask.”

  Kevin growled softly behind me and I pretended to ignore him. “I appreciate your offer Dagda of the sidhe, but I prefer no man.”

  Jean-Luc’s eyes widened. “You’re saving yourself.” My anger vanished and my throat dried up. Jean-Luc laughed. “Why didn’t I see it sooner? We have been clouded over with the fact that she is not quite a preternatural.”

  “What do you mean not quite a preternatural?”

  Jean-Luc looked at me and smiled. “You’re untouched.”

  The room stilled and I suddenly felt the eyes of three powerful men on me. Martin licked his lips. “Untouched? Well that is certainly interesting.”

  Kevin took a step forward so that he was beside me. Dagda smiled. “You think you could protect her from us if we wanted her boy?”

  Kevin shook his head. “No, but I would die trying. She will not be forced.”

  I suddenly realized what was happening. It was night and I wasn’t just fertile, I was a fertile virgin. I started to back up when Martin growled, “Stop.” I did. “Ciara, please still yourself.”

  I inhaled and held myself as still as I could while the most powerful men in the country fought to control their other sides. Dagda spoke first, “She shall be moved to a cell every two weeks of the month.”

  “You’re going to lock me up?” I asked in shock.

  Martin nodded his head. “You’re in much more danger than we thought you would be. Every male will be after you.”

  I swallowed as I pictured all of the inhumanly fast and inhumanly strong men trying to take me. “Who shall guard me if men will be the ones after me? The women despise me and will most likely let in their leaders or try to hurt me.”

  Jean-Luc nodded his head. “Yes, but we do have a few men who can guard you.” He snapped his fingers and the two guards who had let Kevin down walked to the Council. Jean-Luc whispered instructions to them then sat back in his chair. “In two weeks we will put you through intense training. Be prepared.”

  Two men walked in behind me and Kevin spun around me to growl at them. Martin snapped, “Kevin! You are relieved of your duties for these two weeks. Go eat something.”

  Kevin frowned. “You’re reassigning me from her guard duty? But I’ve been able to deal with it for the past two months. I wouldn’t…” Martin opened his mouth and Kevin bowed, stopping his objection. “Of course, Alpha.” Kevin looked at my two new guards and said, “If any harm comes to her I will kill you both.”

  The guards bowed and walked toward me. Kevin kissed my right cheek and then rubbed his cheek against my left. The two guards stopped and stared in shock. I hate wereanimal dominance! Kevin left with one last glance at me. The two new guards led me away from the Council and down the halls to the cells. The guard at the gate sniffed the air as I walked by, but stayed at his position. Prisons for wereanimals are always much nicer than for humans. Sure you only get to live in a ten by ten room, but the walls are solid so you have privacy, the toilets are actually in stalls and the beds are very comfortable. More like a little apartment room then prison. I sat down on the bed and stared at my two new guards. “What are your names?”

  The first guard spoke in a somewhat high pitched voice. “We are both referred to as U.”

  I frowned. “Why?”

  The second guard shook his head. “No, U.” I started to make a retort and he smiled, “We are eunuchs.”

  I stared at them in shock then the dots connected. “So you’re the only ones that could guard me because you won’t have any desires for me? I see.” I tapped my chin. “Alright you, are U1 and you are U2.”

  The guards smiled and U2 walked outside to guard the cell door. U1 leaned against the now closed door. “So who was the one they took you from?”

  “How’d you…”

  He smiled. “Haven’t you Looked? I have great hearing.”

  I shook my head and opened my third eye. Over his human face was a transparent image of an elf complete with pointed ears. I gasped. “Wow. I’ve never met an elf before.”

  He shrugged. “My kind like to remain unseen. And as far as they’re concerned we aren’t theirs anymore.”

  I frowned. “That’s awful.”

  He shrugged. “I’m over it. So are you going to answer my question?”

  I sighed. “He was the man I was in love with.”

  He frowned. “They threatened to kill him?” I nodded my head. He shook his head sadly. “That’s typical. Wait, if you were in love with him and you’re untouched then you didn’t even get to…”

  I shook my head. “We were actually about to when the vampires came.” I blushed and looked down. “I was hard on him too because when they were there is when I found out that he was a werewolf and hadn’t told me even though he knew I was a Seer.”

  U1 frowned. “Why didn’t you Look?”

  “I tried, but every time I wanted to open my eye when he was near me it wouldn’t open.”

  He shook his head. “Love is strange.”

  “You can say that again.”

  U2 started arguing with someone and I recognized the voice. “Let me see him just for a moment,” I said.

  U1 nodded then called, “Let him in.”

  U2 mumbled something then opened the door. Jared rushed in and toward me, but U1 stopped him. Jared’s lips raised in a snarl, but then he sighed. “My apologies U.”

  U1 nodded his head. “You must not come any closer to her.”

  Jared nodded his head and took a step back. “I understand.” Jared looked at me. “Are you alright?”

  “I’m fine. It’s not like they beat me or anything. They’re just trying to keep me safe.” I tilted my head to the side. “Although I never imagined going to prison to not be raped.”

  Jared frowned. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  I blushed. “I…I didn’t want you to think differently about me.”

  Jared shook his head and took a step forward. “Ciara, I would never think...”

  U1 pointed at Jared. “Step back.”

  Jared complied. “You should have told me about Eric.”

  I groaned. “Does anything ever stay secret with preternaturals?!”

  Jared stared at me and I could tell he was waiting for an explanation. “I’m supposed to forget him. If I told anyone it would be out there and I was trying. I was, but every week I see him in my dreams.”

  Jared’s eyes widened, “He’s your nightmares?”

  “You didn’t know that?”

  He shook his head. “Did he hurt you?”

  I shook my head back at him. “No, I hurt him. He…he loved me and I pushed him away and came here. I told him to move on to find a mate, but he said he wouldn’t find a mate because I was his mate.”

  Jared snarled. “You should have told me that you have a mate.”

  I growled at him in frustration. “I don’t have a mate! I left him so they wouldn’t kill him! Don’t you understand? I didn’t tell you because I’m supposed to forget him. Because they said they’ll kill him!”

  Jared frowned. “By wereanimal laws…”

  I shook my head. “I never slept with him. Isn’t that
why you’re here? Because you found out that I’m untouched?”

  Jared groaned. “No wonder I lost control! No I didn’t know. Kevin told me about Eric, but nothing else.”

  Oops. “Oh. Well yeah so I don’t have a mate because we never, uh, confirmed it.”

  Jared sighed and rubbed his temples. “This is too much. That’s why they locked you down here then.”

  “Duh. To keep men out.”

  Jared sighed. “I’m leaving too. I’ll see you when you’re out.”

  He started to leave and I said, “Jared. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you.”

  Jared nodded his head. “It’s alright.”

  U2 let him out and shut the door and I flopped down on the bed and screamed in to the blanket. Sometimes tantrums feel good. I rolled on to my back and stared at the ceiling. “Do you know how to play thirteen?” I asked.

  U2 laughed. “Of course. Would you like me to see if we can get a deck of cards?”

  I nodded my head and sat up. “It’ll probably help the time go by so I’m not going crazy just staring at you. No offense.”

  U2 shook his head. “None taken. I’ll get some cards.”


  Two weeks in a jail cell wasn’t as bad as I had originally thought. U1 and U2, who I later named Eugene and Ugo since I always confused which number they were, worked hard to entertain me and always did. We played card games and charades and they even taught me a few magic tricks I didn’t know I could do. When Jared and Kevin finally came to get me I almost didn’t want to leave. Jared and Kevin stood at the door to the cell waiting while I packed my backpack. I hugged my two eunuch guards and kissed their cheeks. “I’ll see you both in a few weeks.”


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