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Broken Wings (Contemporary Romance)

Page 7

by D. G. Torrens

  Angelina slipped the contents of the Tiffany locket onto the palm of her hand. She looked in awe at the beautiful necklace and her eyes filled. “Joshua it's beautiful,” she cried.

  “My thought behind this was, we could take some pictures and maybe you could put one in your locket.”

  After she had composed herself, Angelina nodded her head in agreement. “Yes, that was a perfect idea. We better take some pictures then before we leave.”

  Angelina lifted up her hair and as Joshua fastened her locket, he kissed the nape of her slim neck slowly, moving around to her lips. He picked her up and carried her upstairs and lay her down onto the large wooden framed bed. He slowly unzipped her dress and let it fall to the floor. Angelina unbuttoned his jeans and slipped them off him, allowing them to fall to the floor haphazardly. She slid on top of him, her hair falling forward and resting on his chest, then she bent down, kissing him, their tongues meeting with a passion reserved for those with limited time and a desperate need to make the most of every last moment they had together. She raised her hips and then lowered herself down onto him. Joshua placed his hands around her lower back and encouraged her movement, they moved in sync with one another. Angelina's head flung back and a tear of pleasure fell from her eye as she came to orgasm, swiftly followed by Joshua. They fell side by side onto the bed. Joshua turned to her, sweeping a strand of hair from her face and tucking it behind her ear. “I love you, Angelina.” And then he kissed her once more.

  Angelina could not stem the flow of tears, betraying her feelings as they cascaded down her cheeks. “I love you, too.” They lay side by side for over an hour before once again making love well into the early hours of the morning.

  The following morning, Angelina snuck out of bed and slipped down the stairs quietly to surprise Joshua with breakfast for a change. She managed to rustle up a full English breakfast fit for a king before Joshua's eyes opened and he realized she was not beside him! As he stretched his arms wide and sat up, he smiled and followed the smell of bacon all the way down to the kitchen where Angelina was plating up breakfast wearing nothing but the white shirt he had been wearing the night before.

  “My shirt looks great on you.” He smiled and ran up to her, scooping her up in his arms before planting a kiss on her lips.

  “I hope you're ready for this, because I am famished.”

  They sat down to a sumptuous breakfast of sausage, eggs, bacon, beans, and fried bread. “I meant what I said last night, you do know that, don't you?”

  “It's going to be so hard while you're away, Joshua, you have turned my whole life around in the last week. You have made me so happy in a way I never thought possible. I'm going to miss you so much.”

  “If you want to feel close to me, just hold the locket. I have given you my heart and that locket symbolizes that. Keep it close. I will be back before you know it. I will write to you often, I promise. That reminds me I have two smaller gifts for you.” Joshua walked over to the small Christmas tree, picked up the two small gifts and handed them over to Angelina.

  “What's all this then? The one gift was more than enough, Joshua.” Angelina slowly unwrapped the first gift to reveal a bottle of her favourite perfume, Sensuous by Estee Lauder.

  “I noticed you were running out when I came over to your cottage the other day so I thought a new bottle was in order.” Joshua smiled.

  Angelina then opened the second gift, which revealed a beautiful writing pad and pen. “I thought you would be needing lots of paper while I'm away so I thought I would start you off,” said Joshua mischievously.

  “Joshua you are full of surprises, thank you so much, I love them.” Angelina flung her arms around his neck and planted a kiss firmly on his lips. “So what's the plan for today?”

  “I have organized a cruise around Lake Windermere and hired the whole cruise boat out for just the two of us; the trip includes lunch and will take us slowly all around Lake Windermere so it will last half a day approximately. How does that sound?”

  “Oh, that's fantastic. I always see those large cruise boats cruising around the lake, packed to the rafters with tourists, in the summer time especially, and often thought I must book myself on one. But to have the boat all to ourselves is just perfect. I had no idea you could hire them out for private bookings.”

  “Right then, go and get ready and put some warm clothes on as it's very cold out there on the lake this time of year.”

  Angelina took the stairs two by two and jumped into the shower. Thirty minutes later, they were leaving the lodge and climbing into the car as the cruise steamer was anchored on the other side of the lake at the end of the pier. As they made their way down the pier, a rather rotund man was waiting for them. “I was beginning to think you weren't coming, you're ten minutes late,” he snarled.

  “So sorry, we were unexpectedly delayed,” lied Joshua, smiling towards Angelina devilishly.

  “No harm done. Jump on board and then we can get going.”

  They stepped onto the large steamer, made their way to the very back and sat in the crisp open air on one of the long wooden seats as it slowly started its engines and moved away from the bank. Throughout the morning, they drank coffee while sailing around the beautiful vistas of Windermere. They huddled together in the corner, looking out onto the beautiful vastness of the lake. There was hardly anyone to be seen, just a few dog walkers, joggers and hikers. The tourist season was over and the lake was once again blessed with the peace and tranquillity it deserved.

  The area surrounding the lake was adorned in beautiful autumn colours; the leaves on the trees had turned a deep burnt orange and fire red. The ground beneath was carpeted with fallen leaves, which added to the beautiful surroundings. Angelina took a deep breath and clung on to Joshua's arm, smiling as the large steamer glided with ease along the lake. The views were breath-taking and she couldn't imagine a more beautiful place to be. She couldn't remember one single moment in the last three years where she had felt so unbelievably happy. She dared to imagine a future with Joshua and what it would be like to grow old with him.

  She was brought back to reality with a jolt as a rotund man holding a tray stood in front of them. “Champagne as requested, sir” said the waiter.

  “Thank you,” replied Joshua as he turned to Angelina, sporting a mischievous grin. “Before you go, would you mind taking a couple of pictures for us?” he asked, looking straight at the disgruntled waiter. The waiter nodded and took the camera from Joshua, took two photos and then handed the camera back and walked off.

  “Champagne, ma lady?” Angelina smiled and nodded, taking the glass from Joshua.

  “You really are full of surprises. Well, you have certainly achieved your aim, I am going to miss you like crazy!”

  Joshua poured them both a small glass of champagne and they clinked glasses. “To us,” toasted Joshua.

  “To us,” said Angelina.

  “As this is our last day together for quite some time, I thought we could spend the whole afternoon and evening together at the lodge. What do you think?”

  “I think that would be lovely, especially if you're cooking tonight!”

  Joshua threw her a teasing look. “Maybe, or we could just grab a pizza and another bottle of wine?”

  “Now that's an offer I can't refuse,” said Angelina, laughing.

  “So tell me, how long have you known Lucy?”

  “I have known Lucy for about five years now. She is amazing; if ever there was a test for friendship then she surpassed it three years ago when I lost Daniel. She really was there for me and helped me to get through the most traumatic time of my life. If it wasn't for Lucy, I don't think I would have gotten out of bed during those first few months. I remember one particular day she came round to the cottage and I was still in bed mid-morning. She was hammering on the door and I simply turned over in bed, hoping she would go away and leave me alone. Only Lucy had other ideas. The next I heard was a window smashing downstairs; believe it or not I sti
ll didn't move, but she had certainly got my attention. She climbed through the window and ran up the stairs. She came running over to me and started shouting at me with tears pouring down her face. That day was a turning point for me. Lucy made me realize that I was truly alive and that it wasn't me that died in the accident. After weeks of trying to get through to me, it finally took direct action to wake me up from my own misery.”

  Angelina had a sad look on her face as she remembered those tragic few months following the loss of Daniel.

  “Thank God, you had Lucy, Angelina. I know how difficult it must have been for you, I really do. I also believe the tragedies we are forced to endure in our lives do make us stronger. How did the two of you meet?” asked Joshua.

  “We met by chance at a party Daniel and I were invited to; she was also a guest at the party. We hit it off straight away and have remained friends ever since. She is very special to me.”

  “I have not really had the chance to get to know Lucy properly, we have only met on a couple of occasions as I am not home too often and she has only been with Richard for just over a year now, I think. Although I feel like I know her as Richard has told me so much about her. They are a lovely couple and very good for each other. Oh, it looks like we are heading back towards the pier now; so are we agreed on the pizza because I really don't mind cooking for us tonight if you'd prefer?”

  “Yes, we are agreed and make it a large one. I am starving!”

  As the steamer slowed down as it approached the pier, Angelina and Joshua made their way to the front. “Thank you for organizing this trip today, it really was wonderful.” Angelina reached up and kissed Joshua tentatively on the lips and then entwined her fingers in his as they made their way off the steamer and onto the old wooden pier. They walked the short distance to Joshua's car and headed back to the lodge.

  The day was cold and crisp, the silence of their surroundings welcomed and it was a moment Angelina wanted to cherish forever. It was something she had learned to do over the years. Perfect moments were few and far between and when they arrived, she always made a mental note of them as she stood still for a while to take it in and appreciate the moment. This very soon would become part of her memory bank full of moments that she treasured and could draw on any time she wished or needed too.

  Joshua disappeared upstairs to change while Angelina sat on the swing on the creaky porch with her arms wrapped tightly around herself, admiring the view.

  Thoughts of his deployment were playing on Joshua’s mind now as time was closing in on them. He had but a few hours left with Angelina and then over three months apart. He understood now that look in his men's eyes as they returned from leave, in a way he had never understood before. He was feeling the pull, dreading his departure, already thinking of his return. His next deployment was peace keeping in Sierra Leone for twelve weeks. He was used to these deployments over the years; his last one had been in Kenya on a training exercise for six weeks. He had spent a lot of time in various parts of the world over the years but the one he remembered the most, for all the wrong reasons, was Afghanistan. A long deployment filled with tragedy and loss.

  Joshua looked out of the window and watched Angelina as she rocked herself gently on the swing. He was undeniably in love with her and could not imagine living the rest of his life without her. He knew she was the one and nothing or no one could change that fact. He made his way onto the porch and joined her. They sat huddled on the old worn swing in silence, no words were spoken, just quiet contemplation and a knowing look passed to one another every once in a while.

  “Why don't you run yourself a bath, and I will nip out and get that pizza we talked about this morning. Do you have any topping preference or should I just surprise you?” asked Joshua.

  “Anything accept Jalapeños, I really don't like them. I would rather have fresh chillies on my pizza...”

  “Hot and spicy it is then, I will see you in around thirty minutes.” Angelina watched as Joshua climbed into his car and pulled away. She smiled happily to herself as she ran upstairs and ran herself a hot bath. Sipping the last of the wine she had taken from the fridge and half submerged in the steaming hot water, her thoughts drifted to her last night ahead with Joshua. Angelina knew that their last night needed to be the most special of all, so she was going to make sure it was!

  Just over thirty minutes later, Joshua came hurrying through the door with an extra-large pizza, two bottles of wine and a large box of Thornton's chocolates. “Oh wow, that smells good!” Angelina rustled up a couple of wine glasses from the kitchen while Joshua put some music on and opened up the pizza.

  “Okay, we have spicy chicken, with extra chillies and stuffed crust, how does that sound?”

  “Yummy, I have the appetite of a horse right now!” She laughed.

  “So who is this singing, I recognize the voice but I can't put a name to it?”

  “Now this album is an all-time favourite of mine, the wonderful voice of David Gray, a singer songwriter from Manchester. He was pretty big in the 90s. Have you ever heard of his album White Ladder? Well it's amazing, he is a man with a guitar, what I call a real singer! No fluff, or backing singers, just a great voice and great guitar skills. I hadn't heard of him until I was out with my uncle one day and I heard it playing in his truck, I have loved his music ever since.

  “Ah, David Gray, of course it is! He's a bit before your time, isn't he,” teased Angelina.

  “Very funny, although I was only seven years old when he brought his first album out in 1993!”

  As they demolished every last morsel of pizza and were well into their second bottle of wine and both feeling a tad tipsy, Angelina slipped into the kitchen without saying a word and then returned naked, sporting nothing but a beautiful smile...

  “Wow, do you have any idea how truly beautiful you are?” said Joshua with a surprised look on his face.

  Angelina said nothing. She walked slowly over to Joshua who was still sitting on the floor. She stood over him and knelt down in front of him, reaching for the button on his faded jeans. She slipped them off and then lifted his arms up and slipped off his sweater. She slipped her legs either side of his and wrapped them tightly around his back as she leant forward to kiss him. The next few hours were lost to them both as they were lost in each other's bodies, exploring one another wantonly, completely. Time had no meaning, the world outside had ceased to exist; it was just Angelina and Joshua for what remained of their limited time together.

  Chapter Nine

  The day of Joshua's departure had arrived, Angelina's heart was heavy and she was holding back her tears as Joshua made his way down the stairs with his bag. They were both silent as they closed up the lodge and climbed into Joshua's car. It was a beautiful autumn day, one that was cold but fresh and with the sun peeking through at a distance just enough to tease but not enough to warm. Angelina was going to miss him so much; three months seemed like a life time to her. She would count down the days until his return. Joshua pulled up outside Angelina's cottage and climbed out of the car. “I have to check in at the barracks by five today so I don't have long. Come on, I will walk you inside and say goodbye properly.”

  Angelina opened the door and they walked inside; she dropped her bag and wrapped her arms around his neck. “I am going to miss you so much, thank you for the best two days of my life,” she cried.

  “I am missing you already. You have helped me to re-discover my heart, the last two days have been incredible, Angelina. I love you.” Joshua leant forward and kissed her soft lips. “I promise I will write to you and you better write back! I will be back before you know it; it's just a peace-keeping deployment so you have nothing to worry about, okay? Just know this, I will be thinking of you every single minute of every single day.”

  Angelina held on to the heart necklace around her neck. “I love you, Joshua, just look after yourself out there okay, peace-keeping or not?”

  Angelina waved goodbye to Joshua and watched him pull out o
f her driveway and did not take her eyes off his car until he was out of sight. She walked into her living room with a heavy heart and fell down onto the sofa, crying. She wondered if she was strong enough for this. How do the partners of soldiers go through this time and time again, never knowing if they would return safely? Her heart went out to the soldiers’ wives, especially those with children, who were left behind while their husbands were posted to God knows where in the world whether it be on a peace-keeping deployment, training exercise or to protect the civilians in war-torn zones around the world. Her thoughts flashed back to all the news reports she had watched in the past, all those young soldiers who never made it back alive from Afghanistan. This had been such a regular news report over the last few years. She wondered how the families coped with their tragic losses.

  Of all the men in the world, she had to fall in love with a soldier, a man whose life was constantly in danger whenever he was deployed. Angelina had lost one partner, she could not lose another. She knew she would never recover from a second loss. She wiped the tears from her eyes and called Lucy. She knew Lucy could lift her spirit and by God, it needed lifting right now. She needed bringing back down to earth and she could always rely on Lucy to help her see things clearly.

  Lucy agreed to meet Angelina at the cottage after she finished work. Angelina kept herself busy, cooking a home-made curry and one of her favourites too, Aloo Paneer. Angelina never bought the jar sauce she often saw displayed in the supermarkets, she always made her own from scratch. She cut up three large onions and added a small amount of oil to the oversized frying pan; she waited until the onions had turned brown before adding some chopped tomatoes followed by a spoonful of Garam masala and Haldi. After adding a teaspoon of salt, she added some freshly chopped chilli and fresh coriander. She fried off cubes of Paneer in a separate pan before adding them to the sauce and finally dropped in a few chopped potatoes. She popped the lid on and left it to simmer for thirty five minutes. To accompany the Aloo Paneer, Angelina decided she would make some fresh chapattis when Lucy arrived as these only took a few minutes and were best served fresh and hot. Spending time preparing dinner for Lucy had helped take her mind off Joshua and already she was feeling a little less emotional and more like herself.


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