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Careful What You Ask For

Page 18

by Candace Blevins

  He grew a long, razor-sharp claw on the end of a crooked finger, and held his cock with his left hand as he sliced and stabbed the head of his cock. He leaned forward as he said, “Open,” and I did so. This was the oathing ceremony. I’d asked him to do it as part of our sexual energy. He was giving me what I’d asked for.

  He poked my finger while I sucked blood from his cock, and my clit throbbed between my legs as he sucked on my finger.

  I could feel his energy, feel the connection of the blood, and I no longer had any doubt about joining my life with Patrick. I wanted to be in the Pack, wanted to belong.

  He oathed me as his bride when he oathed me into his Pack. I know everyone doesn’t have to give the same commitment promises he instructed me to give, but I also know the Alpha doesn’t usually give so many promises in return. I could only remember Randall promising to protect, to guide, and to lead. Patrick promised his love, promised to care for me, to respect me. My heart swelled with each new promise we gave each other, and as I felt everything slide and then click into place, Patrick finally made love to me. He filled me with his cock, and demanded eye contact during every second as he entered me for the first time, and when he was all the way in, he leaned forward and took me away with his mouth, his skilled hands, his eyes.

  Before, when he’d held me, I knew our hearts and breathing were in synch, but now it was as if our very brainwaves were on the same frequency, the same… I don’t know. Just the same. I was me, and he was him, but we were…. We. Us. Not two halves of a whole, but two wholes who merged to become a different whole.

  We must’ve made love for an hour, and I have no idea how many orgasms he brought me to. As I came down from a particularly strong one, he cupped my cheek in his palm and told me, “We both need me to finish claiming you.”

  I nodded agreement, and gasped as his cock grew impossibly wide inside me.

  I’m pretty sure he’d have broken a human woman’s pelvis, or hips, or both. I’m not human though, and I could take everything he dished out. I held onto him tight, kept my lips sealed so I didn’t cry out, and took the pounding he needed to give me and I needed to feel. This man owned my very soul, and I wanted him to fuck me until I’d never forget it.

  Chapter 27


  It was daylight when I awakened, and Patrick was still in bed with me. The weight of the ankle cuff drew my attention as I snuggled into him, and I felt it with my right big toe. I’d fallen asleep outside, he must have carried me in.

  He opened his eyes and looked down at me, and I asked, “Why am I locked to the bed again?”

  He kissed my forehead. “You aren’t going to have a zillion rules to follow. I love you and I want you to be part of my life. Somehow, we’ll figure out how to make you both partner and pet. We’re an Alpha pair, and I want us to function as one.” He looked at the wall without focusing on it a few seconds. “I need you to be mine at night. Total control. I can give you free rein the rest of the time, but you’ll either be secured to the bed, or in the cage, every night.” He paused and added, “The cuff’s been magicked, so you can’t change while you wear it.”

  I stared at him in silence, unsure of how I felt. The thoughts of it aroused me, and yet… it made it too real. It’s true I couldn’t say no to the men in the MC — but if I didn’t want sex, I just didn’t go to the clubhouse. Patrick was talking about moving me in and making me his in a way I both wanted and didn’t.

  “You’ll be out of town on assignment some.” I’m not sure why that was my first response.

  He nodded. “We’ll figure something out, but you obviously won’t be expected to lock yourself to the bed.” He kissed my forehead again. “This is for both of us, pet. I need to own you, and you need to be owned.” He took a breath, as if fortifying himself. “You’ll also receive a spanking every morning. Sometimes it’ll just be a few swats, but other mornings you may be bawling when I’m done. You’ll never know how it’ll be, but every morning will begin with your bare ass over my lap.” He brushed my cheek with the back of his fingers. “We’re an official Alpha pair, but you’ll get lots of reminders that I’m the one in charge. Everyone else will see us as a unit, as us supporting each other, and this will work because the two of us will be secure in the energy of our own relationship.”

  I started to argue and he put his finger over my lips. “Are you glad I kept you from killing the fox?”

  “But that’s different! We can talk shit out when we’re humans, and you could’ve told me she was a mom if we hadn’t been in our wolf form!”

  “I’m in charge, Briana. You’ll be punished when you don’t show respect, and we’ll begin every morning with a reminder of our positions within our little two-person team.”

  I sighed. “Making me pee and shit in a chamber pot’s a deal breaker.”

  “You can live with the rest?”

  “I’m willing to give it a try. No promises.”

  “Okay, we’ll figure something out so you can get to the toilet. If something else doesn’t work, talk to me. Not everything’s negotiable, but please talk to me about what works and doesn’t.”

  “Right now, I’d really like to go to the bathroom.”

  He reached into his nightstand for the key, and I went to the bathroom as soon as the leather fell away from my ankle. I’d been assuming I could either shift or just cut the leather… but knowing it would keep me from shifting told me it was also probably impossible to cut, tear, or bite through by normal means. Also, if he made the chain long enough to reach the bathroom, I’d be able to reach the table on his side of the bed, and thus the key.

  When I returned to the bedroom he was sitting up, leaned against the headboard, with his legs out straight.

  “In the future, you’ll thank me and wait to be kissed after I unlock your cuff. You’ll use the toilet, brush your teeth, and then return to the bed for your morning spanking.”

  I nodded as my pulse went into overdrive with the realization I was going to have to lay over his lap for my spanking.

  The act of taking up the position was humbling. I’d changed to wolf and back, so I wasn’t at all sore from last night’s activities. Not physically, anyway. Mentally and emotionally, though — wow. I was still reeling.

  He gave me three not-terribly-hard swats on each ass cheek, and then went back and forth on each cheek hard. I didn’t count, but I’m guessing maybe five on each cheek? It wasn’t terrible, but it hurt, and it was loud, and when he finished I was suddenly so horny I thought I might go crazy.

  I loved the way he held me, but… I wanted more.

  “Tell me what you want,” he muttered as he kissed the top of my head.

  “I want you inside me, Sir. I want to come. I want you to come. I want…” I sighed. “I want you, Sir.”

  “You have me, and I love the way you call me Sir. I love that I never told you to, never ordered it, and you did what felt right.”

  He rearranged us in missionary position and he made love to me — and I never for a second thought it normal, or boring, or vanilla. Patrick had turned into my everything, my love. Our hearts joined as his cock sank into me, spreading and opening and taking me. And he held me when I came, kept me from coming apart… until the next time he made me come and I once again worried I’d go mad from the pleasure. He was in my head, but he let me in his a little, too. I realized he was still figuring out the connection, and he wouldn’t let me have any control until he was sure he understood it.

  After a particularly strong release, he stood beside the bed and had me hang my head over the edge. “There are times I’m going to want to make you gag, and today’s one of them. You haven’t had breakfast yet, and I’m going to get rough. Don’t feel as if you’re failing me by gagging. Sometimes, a pulsing throat can feel fucking amazing on my cock.”

  He slammed into my mouth, past the back of my tongue, into my throat… and it was a good thing he wanted to feel me gag, because he went fast and hard and it was all I could do
to bring in enough oxygen to stay conscious during the second or so he was out. I found a rhythm of breathing in during four times he was out, and then breathing out three. Eventually, I managed to find enough coordination to work my tongue on his cock as he fucked my throat. Every once in a while he’d go in and hold, and then I’d really gag, but he didn’t back out. His cock grew and swelled while it was buried in my throat, and he’d often stay until I saw spots in my vision, but he always seemed to know when I was at the edge of my endurance, and he pulled out and gave me a few seconds to re-oxygenate before he pounded my throat again.

  And through all of this, I rubbed the area around my clit, and fingered myself, but I didn’t get myself off. I’d learned from the bikers — once I orgasm, I can’t enjoy being throat fucked. As long as I was on edge, I wanted him to use me and enjoy me.

  He’d edged himself so many times, getting close to coming and backing off, I wasn’t prepared for it when he finally pulled out and came all over my breasts. He rubbed it in, tweaked my nipples, and laughed as I moaned in frustration.

  “If you’ll wear a plug until noon, I’ll get you off then. Otherwise, who knows when I’ll let you orgasm again?”

  The plug wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be. The head was huge, but the shaft wasn’t too big, so once it was in, it was uncomfortable without being painful. At first, anyway. Eventually, it was painful, but I kept my mouth shut because the damned thing made me so fucking horny.

  When we finished breakfast, he once again had me play with Flopsy while he cleaned. He’d been making sure she got plenty of time out of her cage, playing with me, and I appreciated it. He didn’t get on the floor and play with us when he joined us, though.

  “No female has ever been in this house without being restrained. If she could move around the house, her arms were bound so she couldn’t use them, or her hands. She was always in my sight, and when I slept, she was almost always locked in the cage, though I occasionally locked women to the bed.”

  He’d sat in a chair and stretched his legs out in front of him as he talked. I looked at him a few seconds before returning my attention to Flopsy.

  “Why am I different?”

  “Two reasons. The first is that I didn’t love them. They were submissives who expected to be in constant bondage of one sort of another. They came here as pets, submissives, and slaves.”

  “You told me there would be rules.”

  “I did, and there are. The rules just aren’t the same. They weren’t allowed on furniture, weren’t allowed clothing at any time, even if I had guests over. I’ll want you naked a great deal of time, but you’ll be clothed when we have company.”

  “What’s the second reason?”

  “I trust you with access to my weapons. I’ve seen you handle them, I trust your judgement, and I can tell you’ve had safety protocols hammered into your psyche until they’re habit.”

  I giggled as my adorable little Flopsy picked her ball up and shook it to make it rattle, but then I looked back to Patrick. “When do you want to work on your gunroom?”

  He shook his head. “We’ll get to that. Right now, I’d like to walk you around the house and show you every hidden weapon. I want to watch you handle them, make sure you know how each breaks down, how to unload and load them. Later, you can spend time with each in the range.”

  I nodded and sat up with Flopsy, put her back in her cage with a few extra bits of kale, and stood. Patrick was in jeans but no shirt, and I was still naked. “Can I put clothes on, if I’m going to be handling guns?”

  He lifted his brows. “Why? You won’t be shooting, just unloading and loading.”

  I shook my head. “I don’t know. It just… feels weird.”

  He stood and pulled me to him. “We’ll get you a few casual dresses to put in the closet near the front door, so you can easily slip something on if we have company. The rules are going to be a work in progress, but let’s keep you available today.”

  I nodded. “I’d like to call Duke and set up a time to talk to him. What I need to tell him shouldn’t be said on the phone.”

  I followed him into the kitchen, he unplugged my phone and handed it to me. I sent Duke a quick text asking him to call me when he had a moment to talk, and he called me within a few moments.

  However, Patrick took my phone from me and answered, “Duke, this is Patrick. Thanks for getting back to Briana so quickly. She’d like to meet with you, Brain, and anyone else with a connection to her. I’ll buy lunch for anyone in the MC you’d like to bring, just give me a time.”

  Duke was quiet a moment before saying, “Brain and I can do lunch tomorrow, at the RTMC bar. It’s nice of you to offer, but we can cover lunch. Is she up to risking a meal in a public place?”

  “Not alone, but she’ll be fine with me.”

  Patrick held my gaze as he spoke with Duke, and I wasn’t sure how to act. On the one hand, it was terribly high-handed of him to speak for me. On the other, he set it up for me pretty much exactly as I would’ve. Also, considering the fact Patrick knows I’ve had sex with so many wolves in the MC, it was understandable he’d want to set it up from the beginning so they know I belong to him now.


  Such a heavy word.

  Belonging to the MC had meant they had access to me whenever I was around, but it also meant I’d called them when I’d found myself in trouble, and they’d ridden to my rescue.

  Belonging to Patrick meant I had to follow his rules, but he’d been right about the rules satisfying my needs, too — not just his. He’d let me handle a few Pack questions the other night, and so far he’d acted as if he wanted the two of us to be a true Alpha pair, running the Ringgold Pack together.

  The bottom line though, was that it felt like Patrick belonged to me as much as I belonged to him. The word meant different things, but it still fit. He was mine. My Alpha. My lover. My… boyfriend? Hell, I didn’t know what to call him.

  When he finished his conversation and disconnected, I told him, “Maybe I should be upset. Part of me feels as if I should be, but I’m not. I get it. We’re good.”

  “Good to know. You’re mine now. I understand why you want to meet with him and let him know your decision. I’m even good with you saying goodbye to the others, complete with hugs if you want.” He shook his head. “I’m not going to be okay with you being alone with them, though.”

  “I clean houses for several of them. You’re going to have to be.”

  He crossed his arms, dropped them to his side. Put his hands on his hips, then crossed them again. “Are they still going to trust you in their houses, now that you’re Pack?”

  My heart fell into my stomach as I realized they might not. “I don’t know.”

  “We need to move you out of your apartment and bring your things here. If you don’t want to work, you don’t have to, but if you want to then I’ll do what I can to help you reach whatever goals you have in mind.”

  “I like cleaning, but I hope to eventually be more of an organizer than a cleaner.”

  “Then we’ll figure out what you need to do to make it happen. I make more than enough to support us, but if you want a career I won’t hold you back.”

  Chapter 28


  She hadn’t showered today, and we’d had sex several times, plus I’d rubbed my seed into her chest earlier this morning. My wolf wasn’t happy with her coming to see men she’d had sex with, but was somewhat mollified with the fact she smelled like us.

  I opened the heavy door into the bar, and my eyes had to quickly adjust from bright sun to the dark interior. Briana knew the way, and I followed her across the room, up some steps, and to a large table with ten bikers sitting around it.

  My wolf bristled when Dozer stood and hugged her, but mostly because he remembered the smell of them having sex in the farmhouse. I pushed him down and shook Duke’s hand as Briana hugged several of the bikers before she came to sit with me.

  Duke intercepted her an
d pulled her into a hug. “I can feel your energy. Congratulations. We’re sad to see you go, but it’s good to see you happy.”

  “Thanks, Duke.” She looked around the table. “Thanks to all of you. I treasure the time I belonged. I always will. My life just went another way.”

  “Gonna miss you, Britches. Glad you had the balls to come say goodbye.” I thought the gentleman’s name was Horse. He’s a grizzly bear, and I remembered her telling me they aren’t monogamous, so she’d been with him even though he’s in a serious relationship.

  I looked around the table before turning to Duke. “Would it be too much to ask you to drop the Britches nickname? Her name’s Briana.”

  “We understand,” said Brain. “We might fuck up here and there, but we’ll make an effort to call her Briana.”

  “Patrick said I might not be able to clean your houses anymore? Now that I’m Pack?”

  Duke looked to Brain, then to Gonzo and Dawg, and finally back to Briana. “We’ll need to discuss it and vote. We all trust you, but we also know if Randall were to tell you to snoop through a house and give him intel, you wouldn’t have a choice. He can override your will, and that makes you a security risk.”

  “She can clean my house,” said Gonzo. “Nothing there she shouldn’t see.”

  A few said she could still clean theirs, a few didn’t respond, which probably meant they’d be finding someone else. Duke again said the club would need to put it to a vote, and I could smell Briana’s pain.

  “It isn’t because of you,” I told her. “It’s because Randall and I can override your will now.”

  She nodded. “I know it isn’t personal. I get it. I’m just being a girl.”


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