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Page 19

by Avery Ford

  Henry bit his lip, hoping his mother wasn’t watching from the window. As much as she loved puppies, he was certain she wouldn’t appreciate that part of pet ownership.

  “At least he’s not going to soil the rug,” Caleb said as he shrugged. “Or, god forbid, your parents’ hardwood floors.”

  “Or the back of my car.” Henry chuckled. “He’s a good boy. I wish I knew how to tell him that. We’ll need to look into that. Do you think dogs can learn sign language?”

  “Definitely.” Caleb nodded. “We’ll look into some training techniques once we’re settled. This next week is going to be crazy, between finding a new place and packing up.”


  They arrived at the front door and Henry rang the bell. Moments later, his mother, Gloria, opened the door. She smiled stiffly, but the expression turned genuine the second she noticed the puppy at Henry’s feet.

  “Oh my god, Henry!” she cooed. Instantly, she dropped to her knees and opened her arms, and the puppy clumsily ran up to her and planted his paws on her thighs. She cooed again and smoothed her hands down the puppy’s back. “A puppy! He’s adorable! Is this yours?” she looked up from where she knelt.

  “He’s ours,” Henry said. He smiled at her, and she smiled back. The uneasiness between them was gone. “You know that Caleb and I are dating now, mother… and when I move to Ashford, he’s moving with me. I’d really appreciate it if you could support our relationship. He’s a good man.”

  Gloria kept stroking the puppy’s fur, but her expression did not waver. She looked between Henry and Caleb, and her smile brightened. “I see.”

  “He makes me happy,” Henry continued, not believing her joy. Was a puppy all it took to change her mind about them? “I’d really like you to accept him.”

  “I’ve only ever wanted what’s best for you.” Gloria scratched behind the puppy’s ear, and the puppy sat and thudded his foot uncontrollably. Gloria laughed.

  “Mother?” Henry asked uncertainly. He was sure it had to be a trick. Caleb reached out and took his hand, squeezing it. The reaction he’d received wasn’t the one he anticipated, and he couldn’t help but feel like it was a trick.

  “Yes?” she blinked at him. There was something so different about her when she was around a dog. Henry knew it was a good choice to have brought the puppy.

  “Are you being sincere right now? This isn’t some trick, is it?”

  Gloria shook her head. “No, sweetheart. I know that I’ve been difficult to get along with, and I apologize, but your ordeal wasn’t only hard on you. After you came back from college, broken like you were, I was afraid you might never be yourself again.”

  Henry’s jaw went slack. Caleb leaned against his arm to silently offer support.

  “I was hurt, and I was strict, and I missed my little boy. Maybe I was too strict, and too quick to judge, but that man almost killed you. He stole your future from you, broke your body, and warped your mind. But over the last month, you’ve changed.” She smiled. “You started to become who you used to be — the ambitious young man I knew before — and I’m willing to bet that’s because of Caleb’s influence.” She looked over and smiled at Caleb. “Let’s start again. Life is too short.”

  Caleb squeezed his hand, and Henry started to tear up. Everything in his world was falling into place.

  “And father?” Henry asked. He didn’t want to push his luck, but he had to know.

  Gloria chuckled and stood up. The puppy paced at her feet, whining softly for attention.

  “Your father is going to take a little more convincing. He’s still sore over losing you for Weston Lumber. I wouldn’t let him get to you. He’ll come around eventually, once he sees how happy and well-adjusted you are.”

  It was the best news he could hope to hear. Caleb leaned over and kissed his cheek, and Henry’s heart swelled with joy.

  “So, Mrs. Weston, what are we having for dinner?” Caleb asked casually. It was as though he’d always been a part of the family.

  Henry was starting to hope that sometime in the future, he and Caleb would be able to make that official.


  Caleb – Two Years Later

  “Did you put out the snacks, baby?” Henry called from upstairs. Caleb heard him moving around the bedroom, footsteps frantic. He grinned.

  “Yes, babe.”

  “Did you light the jack-o-lanterns?”

  “Yes, babe. I went down the list you made, remember? I checked off every item from the list. The snacks are out, the drinks are chilling, the Jello’s ready, I’ve got the outside lights on and the decorations up. I’ve even swept the floor one last time and picked up all of Beethoven’s toys. He’s pissed.”

  Henry’s laughter echoed down the stairs. “Poor puppy! Do you think you could maybe leave him his favorite bone? The big one he likes to chew on while we’re trying to watch movies?”

  Caleb looked at the bin of dog toys he’d just filled. He’d set it atop the fridge to keep Beethoven from getting to it, and Beethoven wasn’t amused. He sat in front of the fridge, gaze glued to the bin, long tail thumping against the kitchen tile.

  “You want him to gnaw while we’ve got guests over?”

  “I just don’t want him to feel anxious. You know how he’s going to get when there are more people around.”

  Caleb did know. He reached up into the bin and pulled out Beethoven’s bone. Beethoven remained seated, but his gaze shifted to Caleb. He was an impossibly good dog, and Caleb found him a pleasure to train. Beethoven’s hearing loss had deteriorated over the first year of his life, but they’d trained him with hand gestures.

  Caleb gave him the gesture for him to stay. Beethoven’s tongue lolled out of his mouth, and his tail thumped faster. Caleb extended the bone toward him, kept it in place until Beethoven was relaxed, and then gave him the release gesture. Beethoven opened his mouth and gingerly took the bone, then stood and trotted into the living room. Caleb heard him plop down and start to gnaw.

  Caleb shook his head. He double-checked that there was enough ice in the freezer, then headed into the living room to check on the snacks Henry had been so concerned about. The chips and dip were out. The vegetable tray was set up. All of the cupcakes Henry had slaved over earlier that day were frosted to perfection, decorated with plastic spiders, and lined perfectly on the cupcake tree.

  It was going to be a great Halloween.

  “Who’s coming again?” Caleb called up the stairs as he headed from the living room. Henry was still occupied upstairs, getting himself ready for the evening. After almost two years in Ashford, they were finally settled. Henry had met friends through work, and Caleb had met friends through school, and they’d established themselves in the community through charitable work at the animal shelter. Moving to Ashford had been the best decision they could have ever made.

  “Jason and Liam from the office. They’re bringing their wives, Kirya and Rose. I invited Paul, do you remember him? And Victoria and Erin from the shelter. Some of your friends are coming, too, right?”

  “Yup.” Kota was making the drive, and so was Crew. In addition, some of Caleb’s new friends from school were supposed to attend. Liara and Eric were coming as a couple, and Stephanie was bringing her girlfriend, Jessica. It was going to be a full house. “It’s just about seven, babe. You should get your butt down here pronto. Guests are going to show up, and they’ll want to see you.”

  “I’m working on it,” Henry grumbled. “Just finishing up with the costume. It’s a little bit intense, you know?”

  Caleb had no idea what Henry was dressing up as, because Henry refused to tell him. Caleb’s costume had been set for him. What went better with an eye patch than a pirate costume? The choice had been easy. It had been three months since his corneal graft surgery, but recovery was slow. Caleb had been to the doctor’s earlier that day for a follow-up appointment, but he hadn’t told Henry the news yet, promising him they’d discuss it after the party. As soon as he got ho
me from work, Henry had disappeared into their room to start getting dressed. Caleb hadn’t seen him since.

  Beethoven wandered over and nosed Caleb’s thigh. Caleb looked down at him and scratched his head.

  Life had turned out far better than Caleb ever could have hoped.

  Not only had he made peace with his past and embraced a new future, but the little roadblocks along the way had been overcome. After a long conversation with Kota about Henry and his intentions, they’d become best friends again. To have Kota’s support was incredibly important, and Caleb loved that they’d been able to talk through their issues. Kota had been worried for him, and with good reason. The bumbling mess of a fling Caleb had once had with Henry was trouble. Now that they were sincere about their feelings, everything was easier.

  Henry’s parents had come around, too. Despite their initial hesitations, they’d embraced Caleb as a good and noble man. Caleb figured he had an easy in after what Pritchard had done to their son, but he’d take it. Gloria and Victor had even gone so far as to gift them with the down payment for their first house.

  They’d moved in last February, after their lease at their Ashford apartment expired.

  The doorbell rang. Henry cursed, and Caleb laughed. Hearing Henry swear would never lose its novelty. “Hurry up, babe.”

  “I know!” Henry called back. “I’m on it! I swear!”

  Caleb opened the door to find that Kota and Crew had arrived at the same time. Kota was dressed as a mad scientist, his hair swept back from his face like he’d been caught in an explosion, and Crew was dressed as a medieval knight.

  “Hey guys,” Caleb said warmly. “Come in. We’ve got snacks and drinks if you’re hungry or thirsty, and whenever Henry’s done getting dressed, he’s going to set us up with some music. Or something.”

  “Spooky atmospheric background noise,” Henry called from upstairs. Kota snorted with laughter, and Crew grinned. “Hi, by the way. I’ll be down soon!”

  “Hey, Henry,” Crew called.

  “Take your time,” Kota insisted. “It’s just us two boys right now. Nothing too special.”

  As they spoke, Beethoven headed over to inspect each of the guests. He’d met Kota several times before, but he’d never met Crew. Caleb watched as he pressed his nose into Crew’s hand. Crew petted his head.

  “Cute dog,” Crew said. “What’s his name?”

  “Beethoven,” Caleb replied.

  Crew hitched an eyebrow. “He doesn’t look much like a St. Bernard.”

  “Nah. I told Henry the same thing, but he insisted. He said the movie’s got nothing to do with his name, it’s the fact that he’s deaf.”

  “That’ll do it.” Crew nodded, then laughed. “So, how have you guys been holding up? It’s been a long time.”

  “Well. Really well.” The three friends traveled into the living room. Kota helped himself to some chips and salsa right away, and Crew poured himself a drink. It was good to see his old friends making themselves at home. “We love the city, we love this house, Henry’s still in love with his job and looking to land a promotion by the end of the year, and I’m almost done with my investigative classes, and I’m well on my way to my CFI. I’ve already had some offers from the local insurance companies to bring me onto their team.”

  “Not the fire station?” Kota asked.

  “Most of the time, police and fire stations don’t have the resources to conduct long-term investigations into the cause of a fire. Insurance companies have vested interest in the properties, so they hire more frequently and pay better.”

  “So it sounds like Henry doesn’t need that promotion after all,” Kota said with a grin. “Good job, Caleb. I knew you had it in you.”

  Caleb smiled. Working on his self-esteem had been hard, but as the years wore on, his scars grew less visible. The skin had largely recovered, and although it would never be smooth and flawless again, he was content with how far he’d come. When he looked in the mirror, he no longer flinched. In fact, over the last six months, Caleb had started dressing himself well again and taking pride in his appearance.

  It didn’t hurt that Henry couldn’t keep his hands to himself any time Caleb styled his hair and wore a button-down shirt.

  “Nah, Henry still needs that promotion,” Henry said as he entered the room. Caleb looked over his shoulder to greet him, only for his cock to throb. Henry was dressed in a classic black tuxedo, a sensible black bow tie secured on his collar. Henry’s hands, neck, and face were painted in the style of a sugar skull. The beautiful black curved lines amplified his features and exaggerated his eyes. He was stunning.

  “I take it you’re Henry,” Crew said. He stepped forward and extended his hand, which Henry shook. “I’m Crew Turner. It’s nice to meet you.”

  “Henry Weston, and likewise.”

  How the hell am I supposed to get through the rest of the party when Henry looks like that?

  Caleb tried to calm himself down, but he knew that he was getting hard. He shifted his stance discreetly, hoping none of the other guys would notice his issue.

  “You’re looking really good, Henry,” Kota said softly. Kota was loyal to a fault, and Caleb loved how they both got on so well together.

  “Thank you.” Henry beamed. “You’re looking a little mad tonight. You need to blow off some steam?”

  “Haha.” Kota rolled his eyes playfully. “So, where’s this music Caleb was telling us about?”

  “Atmospheric background noise!” Henry insisted. He scurried across the living room and bent over at the waist to fiddle with the controls of their stereo system. Caleb took advantage and stared at his ass. There was no way they were getting through the whole party without stealing away to the bathroom like horny teenagers. Even after all this time, Henry still made Caleb’s blood run hot. “It’s coming, I promise!”

  “I’d make a joke, but…” Kota whispered into Caleb’s ear. Caleb elbowed him in the ribs, and Kota laughed.

  The night was turning out to be perfect.

  Other guests began to arrive, and soon the house was filled with adults eager to talk and laugh and have a good time. Henry flitted around the room with confidence, beaming at everyone he met, and Caleb watched him with pride. A few years ago, Henry had been the kind of person who’d be quiet in a group of people, and who’d drop his gaze to hide his eyes. Now, he talked and chatted with friends of Caleb’s he’d never met before like it was nothing. They laughed. They joked. It looked like Henry was having a good time.

  The night wore on. There was a movie, and everyone hunkered down in the living room to watch. Caleb sat on the floor in front of the couch arm, and Henry cuddled up against his side and pressed silent, fleeting kisses against his shoulder and neck. The atmosphere was perfect. Good friends, good food, and good fun made it a party Caleb was sure he’d never forget.

  “We did it,” Henry whispered as they movie played. “Somehow, we pulled through all the bullshit and came out on top.”

  “All thanks to your patience,” Caleb whispered back. He slipped a hand over Henry’s thigh and caressed him through his pants. His hand edged a little higher than it should have. Caleb knew that Henry’s cock wasn’t all that much further up. “Thank you for taking a chance on me and for not giving up when I was an ass to you.”

  “Thank you for not disowning me when I told you I’d adopted a puppy out of the blue,” Henry whispered back. Caleb heard the suppressed laugh in his voice. “And thank you for taking your head out of your ass and realizing that you’re a worthwhile, talented, absolutely stunning human being.”

  “I wouldn’t argue it that far,” Caleb murmured. Kota, who sat on the couch nearest him, kicked him in the shoulder.

  “Shut up. The super oblivious barely-legal teen is about to be done in by the slasher.”

  Caleb rolled his eyes and Henry giggled. He buried his head against Caleb’s shoulder to muffle the noise, and Caleb pulled him closer still. They held each other for a while, entirely wrapped up in the
ir own world. Henry gave him the strength to push forward, and Caleb hoped he gave Henry the courage to face his fears and put himself out there in the world.

  They were perfect for each other.

  Gingerly, Caleb traced the scar on the back of Henry’s head, and Henry shuddered and drew himself closer. Caleb wanted to kiss him more than anything in the world, but he was concerned about smudging Henry’s face paint. He’d spent so long perfecting it that Caleb didn’t want any part in its destruction.

  “Love you,” Henry whispered.

  “Love you, too. So much.” Caleb whispered in reply. It felt like he was a teenager again, the way his heart raced and his arousal piqued. Henry leaned forward slowly and cautiously, like he was afraid Caleb might reject him. Caleb closed his eyes. When Henry’s lips met his, sparks flew. He was more in love with Henry than ever before, and once he graduated with his CFI and landed a job at the insurance agency, Caleb was going to prove it to him.

  The second he had enough money to afford a ring, he was going to propose.

  He wanted Henry forever and ever, and he liked to think Henry wanted the same of him.

  The kiss deepened. Henry moaned softly and wormed closer as their tongues met, and Kota sighed and kicked at Caleb’s shoulder again.


  “Bite me,” Caleb muttered. The kiss broke, and Henry laughed.

  The rest of the movie played without incident, but every now and again, Caleb’s hand moved higher up Henry’s thigh than it should have, and he felt Henry squirm against him.

  When the movie was over, several of the guests had to go. Caleb and Henry saw each of them out. Gradually, the guests remaining dwindled in numbers until they were seeing Kota and Crew, the last two guys in attendance, out the door.

  “It was totally worth the drive,” Kota said. “I’m staying in town overnight and heading back to Blue Mountain tomorrow if any of you are interested in doing breakfast. I have no idea what’s good around here, so some guidance would be great.”

  “I’m sticking around, too,” Crew said simply. “If Caleb and Henry are available, we should get together before we leave.”


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