Set Free: Kylie's Story (Rayshod)

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Set Free: Kylie's Story (Rayshod) Page 3

by Laylah Roberts

  Damn him. With a sigh, she relaxed as much as she could. When he finished washing her back, he moved onto her arms.

  “Lean back, baby.”

  God this was so embarrassing. Unclenching her arms, she sat back stiffly as he ran the cloth down her chest. When he touched her nipples, they came to instant attention. With a gasp, she reached down to cover herself.

  “Put your arm back,” he said sternly.

  She shook her head.

  “Kylie, I’m going to start giving you some rules. The first one is that you are not to cover yourself unless I give you permission. Do you understand?”

  She was silent for a long moment, thinking. She didn’t want to do this. Everything would just be easier if she simply faded away. Then she looked up into Reagan’s eyes. Saw the concern, the fear.

  “You don’t have to try and help me just because Risa and Ben asked you to,” she said, relinquishing one fear. Despite what he’d said to her earlier, she couldn’t be sure he meant it.

  Leaning forward, his gaze grew determined as he cupped her cheeks. “Listen to me well, precious. I am not helping you because Ben and Risa asked me to. Both of them are worried about you, we all are, but they never asked me to do this. I’m doing this because you need help, because I know that the real Kylie is in there, somewhere. I’m doing this because I feel a connection to you.”

  Determination filled his face. “I am not going to let you just give up. I know you don’t have any fight left in you, but I have enough for both of us.”

  Had she ever really fought? Guilt filled her. She hadn’t, not really. But maybe now she could finally help herself by helping Reagan.

  “Okay,” she said.

  “Okay, what?”

  “I-I’ll try. Whatever you want me to do; I’ll try and do it.”

  “Good girl.” His praise warmed her. “You understand that this won’t be easy.”

  “I understand.”

  “I want you to put your arm back for me.”

  Kylie took a deep breath before moving her arm, baring her breasts. Her cheeks filled with heat at being so exposed. Reagan ran the cloth over her breasts and her nipples puckered, begging for more like shameless hussies. Warmth pooled low in her stomach and she pushed her chest forward, unconsciously seeking more.

  Reagan flicked his thumb over her nipple and she let out a quiet moan.

  “You like that, baby?” he queried quietly as he softly pinched both nipples with his fingers.

  “Ohh, yes.”

  “I think I’ve found a way to reward you when you’re a good girl. I’m very happy with how you’re willing to trust me. I promise I won’t let you down.”

  She opened her eyes, desire racing through her body as he continued to play with her breasts. He stared at her seriously.

  Kylie smiled. “Thank you.”

  “For what?”

  “For not giving up, most people would. But especially for showing me that I can feel again and not all feelings are bad.”

  In fact, what she was feeling right now was oh so very nice.

  Unfortunately, he soon left her breasts and moved down her stomach, running the cloth over her skin.

  “Put your legs up on the sides of the tubs,” he told her, his voice velvety soft, but with a steel core.

  I can do this. Reagan won’t make fun of me.

  Still, spreading her legs, exposing herself like that, it was one of the hardest things she’s ever done. She might have been in similar positions many times at the institution. But in the institution she’d never had a choice. Now, she had to trust in Reagan.

  Reagan chuckled as her head fell back in bliss as he kneaded and rubbed her feet.

  He ran the cloth up one leg almost to her pussy. Then he moved onto her other leg. Kylie arched her hips up as he ran the cloth over the folds of her pussy, brushing against her clit, which throbbed.

  She bit her lip to hold back her cries.

  Then he lowered the cloth toward her ass. Kylie stiffened and sat up, drawing her legs up against her chest. “No.”

  Reagan sat back a bit, looking at her in surprise. “Excuse me?”

  She winced at the coldness in his voice. “I can wash myself there.”

  He raised an eyebrow. “Kylie, lie back down and let me finish washing you.”

  She hated to disobey him but… “No. I won’t let you touch me there.”

  “All right, tell me why you don’t want me touching your bottom? You must know that I’m not going to harm you.”

  She nodded.

  “Then talk to me.”

  “No,” she whispered.

  He stared at her for a long moment. “Kylie, I’m a very patient man, but it only goes so far. Either you allow me to finish washing you or you tell me what is wrong.”

  “And if I do neither?”

  “Then I will punish you.”

  A shiver ran up her spine. What would he do? Whip her? Tie her up and leave her for hours on her own? No matter what he did, she could endure it.

  She shook her head. She couldn’t tell him. Ever.

  Reagan waited for a long moment then sighed. She risked a glance up at him, expecting to see anger or irritation. Instead, he looked disappointed.

  That was a whole lot worse. Yet, she couldn’t bear for him to know her shame.

  He handed her the cloth and she hastily washed herself as he turned away to get a towel. Silently, he held out his hand to help her stand then lifted her out of the tub and enveloped her in the large towel.

  Kylie hated his silence, the fact that she’d disappointed him so soon. Maybe it was for the best, she was always going to let him down. That it had happened now just meant it was over and done with.

  Reagan dried her off, but as he went to pull the towel away, she grabbed hold. He frowned at her.

  She glanced at the floor, her shoulders slumping.

  “Kylie, look at me.” He waited until she’d raised her face, her eyes meeting his. “What is going on inside your head?”

  “You’re disappointed in me.”

  “A little. But I knew I would run into barriers. Now what is going on?”

  “It’s probably for the best. I was bound to disappoint you. No doubt you’ll soon get sick of me…” she trailed off, unable to believe she had revealed so much. She dropped her gaze, only to have him grab her chin, his touch firm, but not painful, as he raised her face.

  “Listen to me well, kitten. I am going nowhere. Yes, I’m disappointed by your disobedience and the fact that you can’t open up to me about this. But I’m not giving up at the first hurdle. Now drop that towel.”

  Reagan kept his voice firm as he stood and waited for Kylie to decide what to do. She chewed at her lower lip, looking delightfully sweet, wrapped up in the too large towel. It would be so easy to give in to her, but he needed to stick to the plan. Nothing worth having was ever easy and Reagan was determined that he would have Kylie.

  Just when he thought he was going to have to take the towel from her, she dropped it. Even too thin and anxious, she was the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen. He had to bite back a groan of desire, his cock swelling in his pants as he ran his gaze over her.

  He took a deep breath.

  “Good, but a bit quicker would have been better.” He wasn’t really used to taking such an authoritative role. Being the youngest, he’d been raised to obey his older brothers. He tended to be more easy going that Ben and Ian, however with Kylie he was finding himself taking the lead role.

  He couldn’t allow himself to falter or to show any indecisiveness. She needed to know that she could lean on him. That he was always there for her. He did wish he could give her longer to trust him, but they only had a few more weeks before his friends returned.

  It was time to push her.

  Reagan held out his hand, gratified when she took it straight away. He led her over to the corner of the room, positioning so she was facing the wall. She turned to look at him in question, but he firmly turned
her around once more.

  “Nose against the wall, you’ve got ten minutes of corner time for not obeying me.”

  “What? I’m not a child.”

  “No, you’re not. I would never put a child naked into corner time.” He was taking a risk. He only hoped she wouldn’t associate him with what had happened to her in the institution.

  Spankings were a common punishment on Rayshod. But Kylie had been harshly treated by the Toad and at this fragile stage; he didn’t think she was ready for him to physically chastise her. This punishment was the best he could think of. It didn’t involve any pain, just a bit of embarrassment.


  “Are you ready to tell me why you wouldn’t allow me to wash your bottom?”

  She shook her head.

  “Then into the corner you go.”

  Turning, she placed her nose against the corner. Her shoulders were stiff with annoyance. Reagan let a smile slip. He knew he shouldn’t be amused. But her anger was coming through loud and clear. A week ago, she probably would have shown little reaction. The shell she’d erected between herself and the outside world was definitely cracking.

  Reagan fixed them a simple breakfast; he didn’t have much experience with cooking.

  He gathered up some fruit, cheese and bread, placing them on the table along with some plates and cutlery. When everything was set, he turned to Kylie.

  “Come here, baby,” he told her, opening his arms, hoping she’d take the invitation. The tight knot in his stomach unraveled as she moved toward him, falling into his arms. She didn’t exactly hug him back, but it was enough that she let him touch her. He kissed the top of her head. She was so tiny that her head didn’t even reach his shoulders. She was very underweight, he’d known that before he’d even seen her naked. But that didn’t detract from her loveliness. He tried not to stare, not wanting to make her feel like he was leering over her. But it was near impossible not to glance at her pert breasts, her smooth, creamy skin and her rounded bottom.

  The silken curls covering her pussy tempted him, even as he longed to see her completely bare. Maybe later. Right now, he needed to separate them before she felt the growing erection pressing against her belly.

  Having her naked was a lot harder than he had thought. He needed a bit of time to get his desire under control.

  “Go sit down, baby and I’ll get us a drink.”

  “Can’t I have something to wear?” she asked.

  “Not yet. Sit.” He wanted to show her that she was beautiful, that her body was nothing to be ashamed of.

  As he poured their drinks, Kylie quickly sat. She folded her arms over her breasts. Reagan put the drinks on the table and sat. He placed some food on her plate before filling his own. He started eating and eventually she relaxed slightly, picking up a piece of bread to nibble on. After a few minutes, she placed the bread back on her plate and pushed her plate away.

  “You’re not eating.”

  “I don’t feel very hungry,” she replied, staring at the wall. She was withdrawing into herself once more and he wasn’t about to let that happen. Reagan pushed his near-empty plate back then pulled hers over.

  Shoving his chair back slightly, he reached over and picked her up, plonking her sideways on his lap. Other than growing a bit tense, she didn’t react.

  Not good.

  He shifted her until she faced him, her legs straddling his lap. Her eyes widened and that dreamy, lost look disappeared from her face.


  “Ahh, there you are. I thought you had disappeared on me.”

  A line appeared between her eyebrows as she frowned. “What do you mean? Why am I sitting on your lap?”

  “You started to drift away, so I thought I would put you where I can keep hold of you. Now, you’re going to eat a few more bites of your breakfast and we’re going to talk.”

  Chapter Four

  Feeling exposed and shy, Kylie awkwardly sat on Reagan’s lap. Bad enough she was naked while he was fully dressed, but each time she moved, her pussy lips brushed against his pants, sending shivers of need through her body.

  Reagan held a piece of cheese up to her mouth. She took it without a murmur, wanting some sort of distraction.

  “Tell me about your childhood,” Reagan said.

  She chewed slowly, delaying. “What do you want to know?”

  “Well, what were your parents like? Did you have any siblings? What was your happiest memory?”

  She fidgeted, but the surge of pleasure that brought soon had her freezing.

  “My parents died when I was five, I was their only child. I suppose the best memory I have is the summer my aunt and I spent at the beach. I made a friend there.”

  She took the bit of orange he fed her.

  “I’m sorry about your parents. It must have been so hard for you, growing up without them. So this aunt raised you?”

  “Yes, she was actually my mom’s aunt. Both my parents were only children.”

  “So she was quite old? Did she have children of her own?”

  “She was about sixty when I came to live with her and no, she didn’t have any children of her own.”

  She took a bite out of the piece of bread he held up. She had to admit, it felt kind of nice having him feed her. She thought it would be embarrassing, like when he’d made her stand in the corner. But actually, she felt cared for.

  “That must have been hard on you. What about friends? Did you have many?”

  Kylie glanced away. “No. I was the weird kid, the one who would rather read than play sport. No one wanted to hang out with the fat kid.”

  He tensed beneath her, Christ, why had she revealed all of that? He was just asking out of politeness, he didn’t really want to know.

  “Is your aunt still alive?” was all he asked.

  “No, she died a few years ago. Guess I was the perfect person to kidnap; there was no one to miss me. I mean, I had a job and I was making friends, but I wasn’t really close to anyone.” God, her life sounded pathetic.

  “So there was no one special in your life?” he asked.

  She glanced up at him. “Like a boyfriend? No, I had one but we didn’t last long.”

  He smiled briefly. “Good. Here, have a few bites more.”

  Kylie ate some more bread and cheese before turning her face away. “I’m full.”

  “Well, that’s the most you’ve eaten for weeks and I think you’ve earned a reward for your honesty,” he told her, leaning her back towards the table.

  “Reagan?” she questioned.

  “Lean back against the table, rest your weight on your arms.” He cupped her breasts and she arched back as heat engulfed her. She placed her bent elbows on the table behind her, which thrust her chest out further. Reagan brushed his thumbs over her nipples, softly at first then harder as she whimpered.

  Leaning in, he took one nipple into his mouth. Kylie cried out as unbelievable pleasure spread from her breasts through her body to pool between her legs. She’d never felt anything like this before. As he lapped at one nipple, he gently pinched the other.

  “Oh, oh, oh.”

  He squeezed her breasts together so he could lick both nipples at once. Kylie writhed, wanting more, needing it.

  Just as she thought she might come from the nipple play alone, he pulled back. Kylie held a hand over her chest, trying to calm her racing heart.

  Reagan helped her sit up then held up a glass of water to her lips and she gulped it down gratefully.

  “What’s your favorite color?” he asked, surprising her. She thought he was done with the questions.

  “Umm, pink.”

  “Favorite food?”

  “Well, it was cheese burgers, but you don’t have them here.” He ran his hand through her hair.

  “Why didn’t you want me touching your bottom?”

  She stiffened and tried to move away from him. He clasped her tight against him.

  “Don’t ask me this. I can’t answer
you,” she begged.

  “You can and you will. There can be no secrets between us, baby. Why is it so hard to tell me?”

  “Because it’s embarrassing and once you know then you won’t want anything to do with me.”

  He hugged her close. “That’s not true. No matter what you tell me, I will always be here for you.”

  She shook her head.

  “Whatever he did, it wasn’t your fault. It’s on him.”

  “But this isn’t about him, it’s about me,” she cried. “I’m horrible and wrong.” He would be disgusted if he knew the truth. He’d never want to touch her again and she wasn’t ready to give that up.

  He pulled back slightly. “You are not horrible or wrong. I do not want to hear you talk about yourself like that. I’m not going to give up on this, kitten, so you might as well tell me.”

  Maybe she could tell him some of it. Surely he never needed to know the worst of it.

  “He enjoyed playing with me there. Sometimes it was so painful, like when he would use a really big plug and leave it in for ages. Or when he’d make me take an enema and hold it while he used the belt on me.”

  “Did he use anything on you other than plugs or his fingers?”

  “Do I have to tell you everything?” she wailed, her hands coming up to cover her face. She thought she couldn’t be more humiliated. She was wrong.

  “Please, baby girl. If I’m going to help you, I need to know.”


  “Because I’m going to take every one of your nightmares and fears and I’m going to squash them. I promise.” His voice was so sure, his face so intent that she actually wanted to believe him. She couldn’t, because how could he want to be around her after all of this.

  “He would drag me into this room by his bedroom all the time and-and tie me to this bench so I was spread out. He could see everything. Then he would begin playing with me. He’d hurt me, hit me with his hands or a paddle or, oh God, the belt. He’d use his tongue on me back there; it was so disgusting and slimy. Oh, and ginger. I hated the ginger.”

  Reagan winced. “Ouch.”


  “I could kill him for what he put you through,” Reagan said furiously, his jaw clenched tight. Somehow his reaction calmed her slightly and she managed to take a deep breath. “When he held you down and hurt you how did that make you feel?”


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